jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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HLN has a body language expert on who says Jodi's standing up to the prosecutor can be read in mixed ways by the jury. Also that not everyone even understands the body language display of Jodi. Frankly I think even a five year old could read her attitude so don't agree.

Something I have wondered about since I first started reading here in January. What is with the weird mirroring thing? The lowering of her chair to make her appear smaller, I get that, even though they went so far overboard that it was obvious to everyone what they'd done. But what's with the clothing? First she matches one of her attorneys. Someone suggested that now she's mirroring JM, and it sure looks like she is. Each one of her outfits when she first got on the stand seemed to be sending some kind of message, but not just the simple "sweet, young, girlish, innocent Jodi." I mean she's talking about all this, uh, unusual (don't know what to call it) sex, and she thinks white is going to have some kind of subliminal effect? And what does dressing like your attorney mean?
i've never understood this. he was mutilated. that's not heinous? he had defensive wounds. that's not cruel? HOW can that even be questioned?

even if she shot him first, he wasn't dead and obviously suffered because he tried to fend off that knife as she stabbed him. honestly, how can they argue that?????

her own story is that she shot him and then he got really pizzed and lunged at her. She should have left that part of the story out...and just said from there she blacked out. But thankfully she didn't.
did anybody notice that one of the magazine pages looked like it was in a different handwriting? makes me wonder if the last line was a "response"

The magazines never got that far; the deputies confiscated them (recognized her super duper spy tricks) immediately.
Doing everything they can to avoid the DP is what a defense attorney does... he knows he's f'd up her defense so he's throwing everything he can to "muddy waters". This will continue during and after the trial.

But, unless some "big bombshell" happens, I don't see the courts changing previous rulings.

I think the defense did a great job on her defense. She is the one f'ing it up with her total change of face starting with "I don't remember" and continuing into belligerent insolence.

Ain't nobody got time for that!
...I hope Juan intends to challenge the expert witness with her own words. She doesnt fit the mold of battered woman because by her own testimony she new she could leave at ANY TIME.

That means at the time of Travis's death too - she is saying she knew she could have walked away then too - but doing so would have prevented her from carrying out her premeditated murder.

^ ^ T H I S ^ ^
Yes. Exactly.

And thanks, Stolat. :)
LOL!! But it's tragic really. She has 10 of them and Travis hurt her left ring finger and probably on purpose. Who will marry her now?

Seriously though, all the state needs to do is show the autopsy photos of all the defensive wounds on Travis hands on that big screen behind her, then play the tape where she's showing LE the boo boo on hers, followed by the receipt from the manicure she got less than 24 hours after she broke a nail to save her life. Game, set, match. :jail: Bye bye psycho.

I love that idea. Love it. A picture of Travis after she was done with him and the tape of her and Det. Flores and all you can hear is him saying "Where? Here? I think see a vein....." while almost pressing his EYEBALL on her finger.

She is full of *****.
FWIW I think JA was in his office snooping on his computer like she did to her other boyfriends. She knew computer forensics would show someone was on the computer so she said it was Travis. The bouncing CD was ridiculous.


Not as ridiculous as her not just emailing him the digital photos and saving herself the 1000 mile drive or putting them on a USB key. And she calls herself a photographer.....geesh.
Yesterday, JA stated that TA gave or paid (not sure) an extra $200 for cleaning(?). Do we know what he was giving/paying her for besides cleaning? It struck me as odd. TIA
I agree with you. I don't like the fact that he started it off with "my sister stupid comment" I found this to be low blow and unecessary...

I was hoping he would come right out of the gate with very strong LOUD cross exam. Show her who's boss and throw those death pics at her. Still want to see her face when that happens, but I think it would have knocked the snot out of her right off the bat.
I don't want him to be nice to her, but I do want him to save the yelling, confrontational demeanor for times when it really counts - there will be plenty of opportunities, I'm sure.
What's really scary is that there may be hundreds if not thousands of Arias clones running loose in the world and not getting the help they desperately need.

When I followed the CA trial (I've been hooked on trials since OJ and SP) that thought used to give me nightmares. How many families like the Anthonys lived in nice, normal neighbourhoods? How many parents have cringed as their sons or daughters brought home a Scott or a Casey or a Jodie? :what:
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Criminal Defense lawyers are also real people.

They are not bad, horrible people. They have a job to do.

At the end of the day, they are just doing their job.

I've seen them do their job without needless tricks and mind games however. Their job is to tell the defendent's, their client's, version of events and to make sure that all of their rights are protected in the process. Not to go above and beyond to "win" the case for their own self promotion. There are way too many underhanded games being played in some of the trials I've watched recently IMO. It's no longer about allowing the truth to come out but about how many "wins" they can add to their resume, all all costs.

Yesterday, JA stated that TA gave or paid (not sure) an extra $200 for cleaning(?). Do we know what he was giving/paying her for besides cleaning? It struck me as odd. TIA

he was loaning an unemployed waitress $200 here and there to pay her bills and buy her gas for her car. She was not cleaning a darn thing.
Unless the roommates corroborate that they all pitched in to pay Jodi to clean the whole house...

Did we ever hear that?

If she ever cleaned anything, she did it to SNOOP
Originally Posted by megmono
Someone mentioned her maybe being a phone sex operator. I could be totally off but in her journal she quoted "4 offers" could it be that she was a call girl. We have all questioned her lifestyle of waiting tables (which I do) and how she could afford it. Just a thought as to why these guys didn't mind giving her money. I'm 28 and not naive. Just my opinion


Originally Posted by Liebchenmutti
I've always wondered if she stripped on the side since she lists far too many restaurants to translate into her having more than a few weeks of work at each place.

Quitting and starting a new waitressing job every few months is a huge sign of how unstable she is--you must train at each restaurant (on thier software for ordering & paying for customers, etc.) It makes NO sense and she would also be out the cost of a new uniform--each restaurant has its own requirements.

Either she's a prostitute or stripper or she worked a bunch of sugar daddies we haven't heard about. She's a grifter drifter psycho.


I am absolutely certain she some type of sex worker in her past. Here's why:

1. Travis's blog made a crack about looking for Mrs. Right -- but added something like, "If your work involves using a video camera, no need to apply." This made me suspect that TA knew Jodi had done some sex work via video. I think he was taking a veiled swipe at Jodi. Could be online Skype type of work using a fake name; could be an actual video-movie for rental. Maybe she wasn't a big success but it smells like she tried something and Travis knew about it.

2. She was a runaway at 17 who could afford to buy Bobby this, that, and the other? First off, prostitution is how most runaways make money. Otherwise, what 17-year-old can afford to take care of their unemployed boyfriend? Makes me wonder if her Dracula Man from the Fair might have really been a lightweight PIMP.

3. That sex audiotape SCREAMED phone sex worker, through and through. That over-the-top little-girl voice? That was a CHARACTER VOICE, one straight out of a million *advertiser censored*-rated *advertiser censored* movies. And that absolutely asinine, EXTRA LOUD fake orgasm screaming? Oh. My. Gawd. I had to suddenly move my speakers far away and turn down the volume. She sounded completely out of her mind crazy.

Add #4: the fake *advertiser censored* and K-Y Jelly ... #5: her trying waaay too hard to prove she's smart but just acquired her GED, and ... It seems like we're looking at a "Vivienne" wanna-be from "Pretty Woman."

P.S. I'm not clear what the story is behind Jodi's series of bank deposits, but I've wondered if she did a few quick sex jobs to make this money.

I agree--she's tech savvy, so she could have worked as a "web-cam girl" or used Craig's List to set up quick hookups with Johns.

The fact that she has no sexual boundaries, is more than comfortable with anal and "tossing salad" and that fake babytalk voice that is geared to get the guy off as quickly as possible--also the fact that she likes to fake orgasm at the time of Travis' orgasm (she said on the sex tape that the first time they "grinded" they "came together") is straight out of every *advertiser censored*.

I'd be interested to see her tax returns--that's the only way to really know what this chick was up to.

I also think that she was thrilled to meet this group of Mormons who initially welcomed her becasue she saw them as easy marks. What made her enraged was the fact that Travis apparently wanted more than 3 holes for a wife!
Hi, Anita, I'm glad you are back!! I have a question:

A lot of us here have gotten a really negative view of JA's mom and aunt. They often seem to be laughing and sneering, as if this trial was a joke.

But you and katiecoolady, who have seen them in person, have a totally different take on them. Are we just getting a misimpression from the snippets we see of them? What did you see?
Just posted on the court observers thread that maybe we can begin referring to Jodi as FJA,
Or MMMJA...."Mark My Words Jodi Arias....the jury has convicted you!"
Does anyone know what car Jodi owned? What year?
Not as ridiculous as her not just emailing him the digital photos and saving herself the 1000 mile drive or putting them on a USB key. And she calls herself a photographer.....geesh.

Why walk downstairs when you can REALLY make the grand gesture and drive ONE THOUSAND MILES OUT OF THE WAY BECAUSE YOU'RE TOTES NOT OBSESSIVE AND CONTROLLING?!
did travis have a journal that was stolen? if so i just wonder who did it (sarcasm)
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