KC defense team.What now?

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It's her Lie and she's sticking to it.

Same defense, same story. Prints found, add chapter about nanny forcing her to bind the baby or the nanny would kill.

The idea of laying it off on George or Lee has some merit though.

ITA. I can't wait for them to determine whose fingerprints are all over everything. That will seal the deal. It shouldn't take too long to get fingerprint analysis results back, right?

I don't think she'll implicate her family though and I don't think they took any part in this. I do wonder how she is going to face them now. What could she possibly say? That's the video I want to see. I'd like to see CA ask KC "Did you do this? Why?"
I don't think that's possible! GA picked up the car and had a worker at the two yard open the trunk with him. They both looked. The car had been sitting there for a several days (about 3 weeks I think?) and the test results show a body had only decomposed in the trunk for 2.6 days or so. Caylee was never seen again after 6-16, but mom was - alone. So, it is pretty certain Caylee was killed around that time. She ws hauled around in the trunk for about 2.6 of the days between 6-16 and 7-15. I just don't see how, then, the body was in the trunk the whole time it was in the tow yard.
Other than purposefully submitting the wrong hairbrush to LE and persisting in a very public way with outlandish nonsense meant to divert the public from the truth, I just don't see that GA and CA had anything else to do with the cover-up of this crime. It would not make sense that GA knew the body was there and then helped dispose of it, but then later admitted to LE his deep suspicion that a dead body WAS in that trunk and that he felt it could have been Caylee. Why help cover up a crime only in order to make statements later on that undo any cover-up?

Edit: CA also washed the clothing found in the car.

Yes, GA had the tow yard guy witness his looking in the trunk. They both LOOKED in the trunk. Didn't SEARCH the trunk. An assumption was made that the nasty garbage bag was the source of the smell and tossed out by the tow yard guy. (retrieved hours later by LE). Remember GA said he witnessed the "stain" in the trunk. Basketball sized. In the middle over the spare tire wheel well. Other sleuths have determined that this model of car has a deep spare tire wheel well. Add this to GA being certain he was smelling "death" and then allowing his (master) uh, I mean wife, ORDER him to go to work and let her "deal" with this...oh boy...I could just go on and on...
As far as 2.6 days of decomp. Easy. 2.6 days lying in the trunk "unwrapped", THEN wrapped in plastic bag and kept in the trunk.
There's been many cases of guilty people "aiding" LE and Searchers.
GA is such a pathetic man. Completely emmasculated IMHO.
I think if GA had been involved in getting rid of a body a better job would have been done, he does have some LE experience. That being said, no one can say for sure what they would do in a foreign panic situation. Removing the tape, straightening it without destroying the evidence is time consuming.

The actual identification of the prints is fairly straight forward if they match a known suspect.

In tonights comments to the WFTV press, JB makes this comment:

(referring to DNA analysis)

" Once that determination is made--obviously it takes this case in a different direction"

Rather ambiguous reference to knowing this is Caylee?

In tonights comments to the WFTV press, JB makes this comment:

(referring to DNA analysis)

" Once that determination is made--obviously it takes this case in a different direction"

Rather ambiguous reference to knowing this is Caylee?
They are definitely going to say "oh, zanni killed my baby".

I would only be surprised if they tried anything else.
I think it depends on what kind of forensic evidence LE can extract from Caylee's remains and the disposal site. Overwhelming Fingerprint and/or DNA evidence found will lead the defense into a probable plea deal (it was an accident theory) or an insanity defense. If no more forensic evidence is found (which would be surprising) they will probably claim that the imaginary Zanni or someone else killed Caylee.
I've got a weird theory--KC throws LA and GA under the bus by claiming they both abused her and were starting in on Caylee. She murdered her to "protect" her, thereby winning the Mother of the Year award. (I just realized that you could interpret that two ways--I know which one I''m voting for.0
Mornin' peeps. I've thought about this a lot and I really feel like Cindy and George had nothing to do with the handling or hiding/desposing of Caylee's body.

Do I think they may be covering up for what they really suspect? YES
Do I think that they haven't seen the ball since kickoff? YES
Do I think they could have inadvertantly tampered with evidence? YES

But - when it comes down to it...their emotions are TOO RAW to have handled or hidden her dead body. Casey is the only TRUE monster here. JMO. Thanks for letting me share. Now - back to coffee.
I would seriously hope that KC and her defense would talk about coming clean and telling the truth. They know LE will find more evidence now, and she is going to get the DP if she doesn't fess up. If for nothing else, for the sake of her family. She has emotionally and financially destroyed them, I don't know how on God's planet they will ever recover. Maybe you don't, maybe that's the point.
After LE being in that house for 6 hrs last night and removing TONS of items of evidentiary value, I would be begging for a plea. If JB is smart (and we know the truth here LOL) he would lay the harsh reality out for her and tell her that a plea is her only hope. IMO, an insanity defense will not fly for her. While I don't doubt she has a mental health issue, I do not see her actions leading up to and folowing the murder meeting the criteria for an insanity defense. And sticking to the kidnapping story is just plain stupidity. Though I do think this is what the A's may try to come out and claim. The evidence is just too overwhelming at this point. Isn't it wonderful that our sweet Caylee made herself be found before trial. I knew she would do this. Laci and Connor did the same. God bless her sweet little heart. As for the rest of the A's, the only one I feel true sympathy for is George. Cindy must be going through hell, but it is a hell she created. IMO, of course.
At first I was thinking Alford Plea. But now with Attorney Badden, I don't know what they will do. I don't think DP will be a result, but LWOP if trial and enough evidence with the remains.
Looks like JB couldn't handle it alone. See other thread, Linda Kenney Baden (DP qualified) & Dr. Michael Baden's wife will represent KC.
KC will say "I told you so! I knew this would happen. I've said all along that the only way to protect Caylee was to keep quiet. The minute you called 911, MOM, was the minute they killed her! As soon as all of this leaked! They probably dumped her there on her birthday! I told you that if we had just kept quiet, they would have brought her home alive. This is all YOUR fault and now look what you've done to ME!!!"
KC will say "I told you so! I knew this would happen. I've said all along that the only way to protect Caylee was to keep quiet. The minute you called 911, MOM, was the minute they killed her! As soon as all of this leaked! They probably dumped her there on her birthday! I told you that if we had just kept quiet, they would have brought her home alive. This is all YOUR fault and now look what you've done to ME!!!"

THAT sounds like something KC will do to CA. Total guilt trip, that could send CA over the edge.
Mornin' peeps. I've thought about this a lot and I really feel like Cindy and George had nothing to do with the handling or hiding/desposing of Caylee's body.

Do I think they may be covering up for what they really suspect? YES
Do I think that they haven't seen the ball since kickoff? YES
Do I think they could have inadvertantly tampered with evidence? YES

But - when it comes down to it...their emotions are TOO RAW to have handled or hidden her dead body. Casey is the only TRUE monster here. JMO. Thanks for letting me share. Now - back to coffee.
I agree
Mornin' peeps. I've thought about this a lot and I really feel like Cindy and George had nothing to do with the handling or hiding/desposing of Caylee's body.

Do I think they may be covering up for what they really suspect? YES
Do I think that they haven't seen the ball since kickoff? YES
Do I think they could have inadvertantly tampered with evidence? YES

But - when it comes down to it...their emotions are TOO RAW to have handled or hidden her dead body. Casey is the only TRUE monster here. JMO. Thanks for letting me share. Now - back to coffee.

:seeya: Morning, Moxie ..

I feel the same way .. :)
I think they will do one of two things:

1. Stick with some sort of abduction defense, or:

2. Casey is insane and only time will tell.

It will be interesting to see what statement or position the A's are going to take now that Caylee has been found. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it is her. And if the duct tape around her mouth is true I am even more mortified because for the longest time I have wanted to think that Casey had some sort of horrid accidental death in regards to Caylee. Of course I no longer believe that with all of the forensics out there.

In all actuality I think that Caylee was the start of a much grnader type of scheme where Casey's concerned. JMHO
The defense team will go with the kidnapping story, and they will say LE checked that area before and she wasnt there so how did she get there now (they will ask). The defense will also try to nix all the dna the prosecution has, with their so called dream team. And I might add, without "cause" of death now because of lapsed time, she ie Casey may get "out of" the murder one charge.
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