LA - Lacey Fletcher 36, GRAPHIC, disabled, found dead, on couch for years, Jan'22 *Parents arrested* #2

Lots of people would find it far easier to pretend it was all Lacey's fault and the parents didn't do nuthin' than to realize they have been lied to for over a decade and believed the front the parents were putting on.
Agree. They would rather believe it was all the fault of some difficult and defective girl they never met than the people they extended friendship to because then they would have to confront that their own judgment may have been a bit off in extending that friendship. MOO

HAPPENING TODAY: The sentencing for Clay and Sheila Fletcher, who were both convicted of manslaughter after their daughter Lacey was found "melted" into a couch.

I could not find any information as to if this would be covered by any TV station or if it would be streaming. I doubt both. Reading that article, why did the judge drop the 2nd degree murder charge? Probably in order to get the plea to manslaughter- It should be at least 2nd degree.

The article states that on Monday many people came out to support the parents- how disgusting is that?

More from the article:

The prosecution brought in victim advocate Dana Lovett to support Lacey.

"Nobody should have to have lived like she did all these years," Lovett said. "They had so many resources at their fingertips, especially Mrs. Fletcher. Why she didn't utilize those resources when she was actually almost hand in hand with people that could help is beyond me."

HAPPENING TODAY: The sentencing for Clay and Sheila Fletcher, who were both convicted of manslaughter after their daughter Lacey was found "melted" into a couch.

More from the article:

The prosecution brought in victim advocate Dana Lovett to support Lacey.

"Nobody should have to have lived like she did all these years," Lovett said. "They had so many resources at their fingertips, especially Mrs. Fletcher. Why she didn't utilize those resources when she was actually almost hand in hand with people that could help is beyond me."
I hope the coroner testifies for Lacey

HAPPENING TODAY: The sentencing for Clay and Sheila Fletcher, who were both convicted of manslaughter after their daughter Lacey was found "melted" into a couch.

More from the article:

The prosecution brought in victim advocate Dana Lovett to support Lacey.

"Nobody should have to have lived like she did all these years," Lovett said. "They had so many resources at their fingertips, especially Mrs. Fletcher. Why she didn't utilize those resources when she was actually almost hand in hand with people that could help is beyond me."

any live stream right now so hopefully soon.
No live activity on that link yet but hopefully soon
The New York Post isn't a great source, but back in February they were able to interview a fellow church member of the Fletchers. The article also included an interview with her former French teacher at the private Baptist school. Also interviewed a local who gave more detail about Sheila's work history within the town.

I found it very interesting.

I'm concerned about the Baptist connection. I think they attend First Baptist Zachary. I can't tell if this church is an Independent Baptist Church. These fundamentalists teach a strict interpretation of the bible, including the practice known as breaking the will of the child, with some advocating that it even be applied to infants as young as two weeks old. Bill Zeller was a victim of sexual assault and his suicide note included details of how these IBC churches (and their followers) are very controlling.
The New York Post isn't a great source, but back in February they were able to interview a fellow church member of the Fletchers. The article also included an interview with her former French teacher at the private Baptist school. Also interviewed a local who gave more detail about Sheila's work history within the town.

I found it very interesting.

I'm concerned about the Baptist connection. I think they attend First Baptist Zachary. I can't tell if this church is an Independent Baptist Church. These fundamentalists teach a strict interpretation of the bible, including the practice known as breaking the will of the child, with some advocating that it even be applied to infants as young as two weeks old. Bill Zeller was a victim of sexual assault and his suicide note included details of how these IBC churches (and their followers) are very controlling.
Their website says FBC Zachary is Southern Baptist, not Independent. I live in the region and grew up Southern Baptist. Most all Baptist churches down here, especially those of the "first" variety, are members of the Southern Baptist convention. Not saying they're without reproach, not even close, but their teachings are more mainstream than fundamental. I don't defend them over much nowadays, but the churches I grew up in would never condone this atrocity.
Victim Impact Statements. In LA., From Whom?
And there is no family to give victim impact statements at their sentencing.
Oh, sad, sad, sad, I have not followed case closely & am not aware of family members or relatives other than the defendant "parents."

Skimming thru the LA. statute on victim rights,* I saw a VIS clauses applicable only to "victim," "family" or "family members," and "designated family member" (altho I could have missed it; maybe someone else will catch it?).

Well, if judge allowed the victim advocate below to take the stand to testify, at least there’s that.
“At the courthouse Monday, many people showed up to support the parents. The prosecution brought in victim advocate Dana Lovett to support Lacey.” **
Thanks @arielilane for quote & link.

* "K. Right of victim or designated family member to be present and heard at all critical stages of the proceedings...."
"(b) The victim and victim's family members shall have the right to make a written and oral victim impact statement as follows:..."
Then gives details about permissible content of stmts, etc. I don't see defintions of "family members" or anything else expanding the pool of those who may make such stmts.
"(b) At the sentencing hearing, the court shall afford the counsel for the defendant, the attorney for the state, and the victim or designated family member an opportunity to comment upon matters relating to the appropriate sentence."

** Mar 20
Sentencing for parents charged with manslaughter after daughter 'melted' into couch set for Wednesday morning
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I don't suppose they were sentenced to...a couch.

They're still going to be better cared for in jail then Lacey was, aren't they ?
That's heart wrenching. And makes me sick.

I know it's petty and really really unkind of me and I'm ashamed of myself for it, but try as I might I can't help but hope they face a tiny iota of what they put Lacey through


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