Hi all. Fairly new WS member here, and brand new to this particular forum. I've just read the Seattle Times article and some basic facts, but I have to say I'm fascinated. One, because it's such an unusual mystery. Two, because of a couple loose connections I have. I went to high school very near Longview, Texas. In a small town about 15 miles away, actually. I also represented a LeBaron child when I was in law school. She was a lovely young woman who I did an immigration claim for. She had not been involved in any of the criminal activity, but was very much a victim. I remember when she first told me her story, I thought she was making it all up, until I googled, and read about Ervil and the family. FWIW, my client looked nothing like this woman, but there were so many different mothers, that may not mean anything. She was tall, though.
Anyway, I'm off to read some more.