Live MSM coverage on Baby Lisa 19 October 2011

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Well, interesting...

The Today show shows a clip of the atty saying DB wasn't marking the time down but then there's her saying she put Lisa to bed at 6:40 pm and she specifically says she looked at the clock.

JMO and only slightly O/T...

I don't think DB and JT are on the same page just yet. According to KCTV DB's stated she doesn't want the boy's re-interviewed while JT says nothing's off the table yet.

I don't think DB wants to talk about that night at all while I think JT wants to give the appearance that she is compliant and cooperative.

Sidenote...if she looked at the clock where in the world did 7.30 ever come in?
Well, interesting...

The Today show shows a clip of the atty saying DB wasn't marking the time down but then there's her saying she put Lisa to bed at 6:40 pm and she specifically says she looked at the clock.

It's such a shame when clients and lawyers don't get their stories straight before going on their media tours. :)
JMO and only slightly O/T...

I don't think DB and JT are on the same page just yet. According to KCTV DB's stated she doesn't want the boy's re-interviewed while JT says nothing's off the table yet.

I don't think DB wants to talk about that night at all while I think JT wants to give the appearance that she is compliant and cooperative.

Sidenote...if she looked at the clock where in the world did 7.30 ever come in?

It's a mystery... maybe someone refreshed her recollection that her clock was 50 minutes fast? :waitasec:

She was so drunk she couldn't read the time correctly but she remembers the exact position of the hands and is now able to interpret it better?

it's all a lie. The more hinkier the bed time becomes the less convinced I am that she ever put Lisa to bed.
If people have tips, they can phone it in to LE.

I'm trying to justify these people running to the media, but I can't. They knew DB when she was a teenager. If anything they say is relevant, then it's for LE's ears only. I love sleuthing - but I'm not LE, and should not be privy to everything LE knows. If these people respected the fact that this is about a missing baby, they'd not do anything that could compromise the investigation. LE can't stop them from talking to the media - what if these people actually do know something relevant they told LE and LE is holding that from the media for a reason? People get caught up at being on TV and can let important things slip.

Personally, I wouldn't talk to the media because it would make me feel sleazy.

But, it takes all kinds, to each their own and all that.


Sometimes it takes media interviews with people who knew someone to prompt others that they may have some pertinent information. And board sleuthers get info from some of these interviews and call in tips too.

If DB has been making enemies along the way, perhaps ones that she's not even aware of, then that is another angle to be looked at. Once the mud starts flinging, people start to remember stuff. I'm still on the fence as to whether she was trying to cover up a drinking problem that perhaps her husband and family were not aware of or whether her inconsistencies are directly related to what happened to Lisa.

Good news - today will be posting an interview done with two people who knew Debbie at Ft Bragg. Sara and Shirley. It is going to be huge. (I tipped the journalist to interview them by the way. Sara had been posting comments on another site. I sent about 10 media outlets a link and he jumped on it within minutes.) It will be a two day presentation.

HOw long ago did she live there?
What if they "find nothing" again today?
is there any live coverage of the home yet?

can anyone tell me what time this interview would air GMT time? i get so confused by time difference etc
I started a thread for discussion about Debra's friends speaking out.

[ame=""]2011.10.19 Former Friends Of DB Speak Out - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Mods if you feel the thread is not necessary, please delete. Thanks.
Well that was a HUGE LETDOWN.
she drank and she was an attention hound.
there is nothing in this report but media sensationalism FLUFF.


i think alot of people thought these things anyway not a big revelation.curious to know now if the other friend just says pretty much the same
Shirley Pfaff Shirley Pfaff

Sara Evarts Sara Evarts

Two women who say they are former friends of Deborah Bradley say they knew her around 2003, and that were part of a group of military wives that used to spend a lot of time together as neighbors in the same military community.

Shirley Pfaff said she used to be one of Bradley's closest confidants, and her kids would play together nearly every day. The two would hang out together in various social settings.

I'm confused. Shirley's kids would play together nearly every day? Fine...Does it mean they used to play with Deborah's child?

I thought her child was six.
Sometimes it takes media interviews with people who knew someone to prompt others that they may have some pertinent information. And board sleuthers get info from some of these interviews and call in tips too.

If DB has been making enemies along the way, perhaps ones that she's not even aware of, then that is another angle to be looked at. Once the mud starts flinging, people start to remember stuff. I'm still on the fence as to whether she was trying to cover up a drinking problem that perhaps her husband and family were not aware of or whether her inconsistencies are directly related to what happened to Lisa.

Not really, IMO. Unless one of them took Lisa. But I'm sure LE is looking into that. Media hounds add nothing.

From another POV though, she could have 917391273 enemies; so what? That doesn't mean she's responsible for Lisa's disappearance. It only indicates that a lot of people hate DB. That's it, unless she specifically told them she harmed her baby, their public "insights" are just gossip. I'm sure a lot of people hate me, but that's not an indicator that I'm a terrible person or would harm my son.

I'll just stfu about this now, because I don't want to clog the thread.

Suffice it to say I respect your position on this, I just disagree.

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