Mark Sievers Trial General Discussion Thread

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I do. I think they want to try and intimate that AW had something to do with this and create a distance from MS. I further think that this has been CWW's strategy all along. He knew he would go to jail but got no insurance that MS would go down for this with him. I think they had some deal all along. Everything that CWW has said and done is vague--- the ask to kill her vague, the re-ask vague (except the hot dog issue), the lack of conversation details with JRR, the lack of specificity of the texts between him and MS, the bags at the back of the car with clothes they wore to kill TS, where JRR put his killing clothes, the Garmin, and on and on. JRR was definitely not under his control.

(IMO, I have long believed that CWW had hoped to pin the biggest part of this on JRR. If JRR had not gone rogue then, CWW could say that he had decided not to kill her and that they were only supposed to rob the house and got caught in the act---50 k in the house. He could theorize that MS agreed to have them steal money from an insurance scheme or the like. And, JRR would go down for murder but the evidence mounted up to quick against the two of them.)

I wonder if JRR will be called to throw CWW under the bus and distance MS from it all. JRR might be able to testify that CWW never told him about MS plotting (TayS talked about money that he would receive and the lawyer for JRR was there with a smile today) or money or why kill TS except CWW asked him to do a robbery on the Siever's home.

I've always thought it was supposed to look like a robbery gone bad, but the murderers messed that up by not taking any of the huge amount of cash or multiple guns that were laying around in the home office. I can understand CWW and JRR not taking the guns, but it doesn't make sense to NOT take the cash. Any random burglar or professional thief would have taken the cash, easy electronics, weapons.

And MS tips his hand by asking Dr.P if it looked like a robbery... hmm. Why didn't he assume that TS had had an accident? Wasn't it mentioned years ago, that Dr. P had a brief thought that she may have been trying to hang a picture or something and fell? He quickly ruled that out, but it was a first thought. MS just assumed she was murdered. another ...hmm goes here...
I do. I think they want to try and intimate that AW had something to do with this and create a distance from MS. I further think that this has been CWW's strategy all along. He knew he would go to jail but got no insurance that MS would go down for this with him. I think they had some deal all along. Everything that CWW has said and done is vague--- the ask to kill her vague, the re-ask vague (except the hot dog issue), the lack of conversation details with JRR, the lack of specificity of the texts between him and MS, the bags at the back of the car with clothes they wore to kill TS, where JRR put his killing clothes, the Garmin, and on and on. JRR was definitely not under his control.

(IMO, I have long believed that CWW had hoped to pin the biggest part of this on JRR. If JRR had not gone rogue then, CWW could say that he had decided not to kill her and that they were only supposed to rob the house and got caught in the act---50 k in the house. He could theorize that MS agreed to have them steal money from an insurance scheme or the like. And, JRR would go down for murder but the evidence mounted up to quick against the two of them.)

I wonder if JRR will be called to throw CWW under the bus and distance MS from it all. JRR might be able to testify that CWW never told him about MS plotting (TayS talked about money that he would receive and the lawyer for JRR was there with a smile today) or money or why kill TS except CWW asked him to do a robbery on the Siever's home.

I've always thought it was supposed to look like a robbery gone bad, but the murderers messed that up by not taking any of the huge amount of cash or multiple guns that were laying around in the home office. I can understand CWW and JRR not taking the guns, but it doesn't make sense to NOT take the cash. Any random burglar or professional thief would have taken the cash, easy electronics, weapons.

And MS tips his hand by asking Dr.P if it looked like a robbery... hmm. Why didn't he assume that TS had had an accident? Wasn't it mentioned years ago, that Dr. P had a brief thought that she may have been trying to hang a picture or something and fell? He quickly ruled that out, but it was a first thought. MS just assumed she was murdered. another ...hmm goes here...
Much weirdness happening again while trying to post. That sentence is to replace a post that duplicated (triplicated) - jeez I'm annoying. So sorry.

HOW DO I DELETE MY OWN POSTS THESE DAYS? I've been gone for such a long time and things have changed here, lol/ Still trying to find my way all over again.
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The Very Honorable Bruce Kyle

Judge Kyle is the coolest, most even-keeled judge I've ever seen. The man is highly intelligent. He can see through the muck. He was meant to do this. Judge Kyle is kind and considerate of his entire court. Even when he recites instructions to the jurors (which he's probably done a million-plus times), he always sounds fresh and happy to do it. God bless his dear heart. What a WONDERFUL judge!
Yeah, call me inappropriate, but I'll add that he's also pretty cute!
Jurors must be developing a mistrust of Mark after hearing him described by two separate witnesses as a creep neighbor, and also a pervert. That makes me want to throw confetti.

I still want to know he had any kind of insurance (life?) on the girls; my curiosity was prompted by the long ago report of him letting the girls play on the roof of the house.
CuriousMe: You DO have a sharp memory! Man, it's tough in this case because there is so much evidence and information!

Found a mention in article:More documents, photos, evidence released in Sievers murder case
"Included in her luggage was a paper plate her daughters used to write their mother a note. The older daughter wrote: "I am sorry I wasn't behaving. I promise I will do better. I love you. God will guide you. The younger daughter wrote: "I am sorry for the way I was acting. I love (you and) hope you have a good trip.""

I do have a sharp memory! Thank You. I asked about the paper plate and side of the road back in this thread. The paper plate, I thought maybe it was just my vivid imagination.

Mark is an awful human being.
THat^^^ is the stuff the jury should be hearing about. That is so cruel to do to the children to have them praying on the side of the road for their mom's safety. Who does that to a child?

My son was getting on a plane for a work trip recently and my 4 yr old granddaughter got very worried about him being 'flying so high in the sky.' Did her Mom scare her even more and pull over and pray for him desperately? NO, she assured her everything would be fine and they watched planes coming in and out and she saw how everything was okay.

Mark is such a cold callous, heartless monster and I hope the jury can see that.
At CWW's wedding, Mark introduced himself to Lubinski's fiancé, Sundaye Harrison three times. That was a stupid move.
Those poor daughters will be haunted now by their minor misbehaving and the memories of that Mark instilled in them probably for his own benefit. I don't know, was he capable of loving his children?
Ugh, YES. He makes the girls huddle up and pray for Mom's safe return home, KNOWING she is about to die a brutal death. So now the girls will feel guilty, for not praying hard enough, not getting the Lord to listen to them, so they must not be worthy many issues stemming from this cruelty...
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How old are the girls now?

If he gets off, I hope they can decide if they want to see him. I hope that they would not want anything to do with him. But, I assume they may love him and think he had nothing to do with killing their mother.

If he got off, would he get the money?
He'd probably get the money and custody of his girls. :confused:
I hope and pray these jurors understand the implication of that.
Who are going to be the 4 plus 1 witness (the one who can be called at any time)?

We know the medical examiner will have to testify. Number 1.

Who is the witness, that can be called at any time? Mary Ann Groves, Teresa's mom..? Possibly Number 2.

Angela Wright as Number 3..?

Who could be number 4 and 5? Kaen? How about the aunt up in CT (Dr TS side), that Mark tried to get the kids to the night before the murder, although they were scheduled to visit her on one of the next couple of days or so ? From my collection it was late and the aunt was not expecting guests anymore. Mark was pushing for it - knowing he would not be able to see her the next day..Either Anne Lisa talked about it or the aunt. Not sure.

Who else?


Could it be Dr. P’s wife?! @beach any idea?
Maybe the reason we have never seen anything from an interview with her is because she holds the card? I remember for the Casey Anthony case that despite the Sunshine Laws, Florida didn’t have to reveal everything.
Fingers crossed and choosing to remain cautiously yet hopefully optimistic!
The Very Honorable Bruce Kyle

Judge Kyle is the coolest, most even-keeled judge I've ever seen. The man is highly intelligent. He can see through the muck. He was meant to do this. Judge Kyle is kind and considerate of his entire court. Even when he recites instructions to the jurors (which he's probably done a million-plus times), he always sounds fresh and happy to do it. God bless his dear heart. What a WONDERFUL judge!

I totally agree. Judge Kyle is so cute. I love his grins and smiles. He seems to have a sense of humor, too. Amid his intelligence, he is as you say "cool". He has been great!
How can he get off? He organized the murder. Even 2nd degree murder he still has to face Medicare fraud. I believe the jury will see he was the organizer, the employer. These guys would just not murder and not steal a thing. They were not gang members trying to make points in the gang. These were adults, possible previous hit men (even if the jury does not know any of previous issues. They were to get paid....and the employer was Mark. He was to pay them. They did not steal any of the money or valuables....why? Because Mark Promised CW and in turn CW promised JR m-o-n-e-y when the insurance money was to come in.

I think the state could have been stronger....and I wonder why they were not. What were they afraid to say that would open up the defense to cause issues?

Unfortunately, there are holes. I think the jury can see that and close them. I am not impressed with the state at all knowing what all they could have used.

Still think it’s odd Mummert turns his body away from his client and ‘hides’ his written notes.

yes, I think MS will show everyone just like Arias tried too.
Please reassure me that in the jury instructions, there will be more than the one option of the death penalty. This just does not seem like a death penalty case as it has been presented. I will be happy with even 2nd degree as at least his girls will be grown up, no insurance money, and he will be an older unemployable man.

I have been so glad that Teresa Sievers has not been smeared which could have happened had certain subjects been discussed. Is it possible her family requested that was not brought up? Do families have any say in other words?

I am so worried. He does look so different from 4 years ago. His fakiness today when the medical examiner was going over the murder photos was revolting. I just hope the jury understands the glimpses into his guilt via his trial presence and the hit and miss circumstantial evidence.
Mark Sievers Trial - YouTube
Mark Sievers Trial
26 videos


Mark Sievers Trial Day 7 - Linda OtterStatter & Sherri Fentress
Law & Crime Network


Mark Sievers Trial Day 7 - Taylor Shomaker - Jimmy Rodgers' Former Girlfriend
Law & Crime Network


Mark Sievers Trial Day 7 - Bethany Mitchell, Daniele Berardelli & Kimberly Torres - Friends of Vict
Law & Crime Network


Mark Sievers Trial Day 7 - Dr Thomas Coyne - ME, Plus Defense Motion for Acquittal
Law & Crime Network
Please reassure me that in the jury instructions, there will be more than the one option of the death penalty. This just does not seem like a death penalty case as it has been presented. I will be happy with even 2nd degree as at least his girls will be grown up, no insurance money, and he will be an older unemployable man.

I have been so glad that Teresa Sievers has not been smeared which could have happened had certain subjects been discussed. Is it possible her family requested that was not brought up? Do families have any say in other words?

I am so worried. He does look so different from 4 years ago. His fakiness today when the medical examiner was going over the murder photos was revolting. I just hope the jury understands the glimpses into his guilt via his trial presence and the hit and miss circumstantial evidence.

Its not over yet.... However i think if they go that route they will piss off the jury.
Daniele Berardelli, long time best friend of Teresa's, testified that she reminded Mark about that big insurance policy on Teresa that he had told her about before. The girls would be taken care of by the money from that policy. Mark acted like he forgot all about that big insurance policy. Give me a break!

He was trying to say he was worried about the future and money because he didn't have a job. (MOO, he probably did worry about these things if Teresa left him, so he conspired to have her killed.) Mentioned maybe going back to nursing. Boo hoo, the poor grieving husband act. We know he's just a terrible fake at grieving and Daniele saw that. Come on, he certainly knew he had millions in insurance on Teresa... no body forgets that.

Is there anyway to use that and the G*F acct asking for big bucks to reveal his absolute greed to the jurors?

Dr P and Daniele Berardelli , two people who were close to TS
(and probably tolerated Mark all the years they had to)
Spoke for Teresa IMO. Both powerful on the stand..even on cross!

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