GUILTY MD - Stephen Westfall for attempted murder of 6yo girl, Cumberland, 2010

Just posting the record for ease of viewing. He had one criminal prior. The rest were traffic and civil. I find no priors in other states.

Stephen Matthew Westfall

Filing Date: 01/28/2002
Sentence Date: 05/30/2002

Offense: 2nd Degree Arson
Disposition: Nolle Prossed

Offense: 1st Degree Malicious Burning
Plea: Guilty
Sentence: 10 years suspended

Offense: Reckless Endangerment
Disposition: Nolle Prossed

Offense: Malicious Destruction of Property Over $500
Disposition: Nolle Prossed

Another huge court failure. Lack of prosecution. Lack of appropriate sentencing.
I wonder if the fact that the child said she saw a tattoo on the slimeball's neck, means that he had his shirt off as The Joker is supposed to be on his back. YUCK.

Also, that curious comment (about being at Nana's house) under the very first article linked is still there. I see it as PST. Not sure how it corresponds with ET. It could be a troll as I see no one in the entire US listed as Jason Ryan Fanucchi.

Man, Izzy we so think alike. I automatically thought this poor baby saw the joker tattoo on his back and confused it with the neck. Poor little girl I can't even believe after all that trauma she was able to give information.

Also, I saw that comment and I too looked up that Jason name. Was it a way for the family to let people know he returned the little boy?:waitasec:
OK, I'm going to go for it and hope it doesn't clear the room. Sorry about this guys, but I think we have to keep this date in mind while we look at this crime AND this guy's clearly stated interests:

"Aug 3
Satanic Revels
sexual/oral, anal, vaginal
7-17 (female)"

So if Westfall is worth his salt at researching horror and the "undead", he'd surely know about the calendars available to all people who choose to learn or practice rituals related to Satanism. NOTE: Not Paganism, Wiccan, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Shamanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, nor any other path/following/belief/religion--but Satanism.

This little girl is six but maybe she's as close as he could come to the right age. One thing I've learned from my research is that the dates are important but there's some wiggle room as victims are hard to procure. I wish we knew why his wife died so young. For those interested, the calendar linked to above, has lots of information. There are also many, many similar ones available on the net.

I honestly wish I hadn't come upon this knowledge but I have. I feel it short-sighted and wrong not to consider ALL possibilities and motives.

Please don't shoot the messenger.
Alright Missizzy. You have me totally convinced. In fact I even saved the calendar on my computer even though it scares the bejesus out of me. There are just too many weird coincidences going on in these cases to ignore.
Thank you Belinda and Kaylynn (and yes, I know I have Filly's ear). But I still cleared the room. That makes me sad.

The fact remains that these calendars exist and sick people will use anything to further their evil. All a psychopath or pedophile needs is yet another "excuse" to do evil things. It's like a ticket to ride.

Remember the three types of Satanism--theistic (the Biblical Satan that Christians and Jews believe in), atheistic (meaning that you are your own god a la Anton LaVey--if you want it, take it) and pseudo (just playing or dabbling). I don't CARE what you call it, it just seems that far too many evil inexplicable crimes occur on or around these dates. I think it's been under our radar for far too long. If you read about LaVey's brand of Satanism, there's a joker/trickster element. It's almost as if they really get off on committing their evil under our noses.
Remember the three types of Satanism--theistic (the Biblical Satan that Christians and Jews believe in), atheistic (meaning that you are your own god a la Anton LaVey--if you want it, take it) and pseudo (just playing or dabbling).

Didn't know that either. Adding it to my new file. This is some heavy-duty stuff.

Missizzy, I can always count on you to learn me up!
Thank you to Miss Izzy & Belinda for being brave enough to go where most fear to tread. Knowledge is power against evil. Now i must admit, i'm afraid to open that website and so appreciate those that will :)
Please do. I mean they are public knowledge know? Then again I'm not sure how that works. I'd love to know why I am looking at a mugshot of him.

Meanwhile I found his first wife name Lea died. Early. She was in her 40's.

She died at home. Really strange that her sister listed in the obit died 12 days later, she was also at home.
Last name Gatrell.
I don't necessarily disbelieve your basic premise, but I've seen various Satanic calendars that wind up naming half the days of the year as one ritual or another. The free-lance Satanism advocates seem to be willing to steal any holiday from any religion and twist it -- especially from traditional deities like Kali who are "dark" by Western standards. So I hesitate to ascribe a crime to Satanism based just on the date, unless it's a major "holiday."

But that said, there's something about this particular case -- maybe the guy's bad writing -- that makes me wonder whether you might be right.
She died at home. Really strange that her sister listed in the obit died 12 days later, she was also at home.
Last name Gatrell.

several kowinky dinks. Also, the same year he published his book but ask for donations to pay for funeral costs! The sisters had an 18 year age difference...would the older sister have felt like she had lost her child? Did she blame SW or question anything related to Lea's death?

This guy is so dark and twisted, idk.
Just posting the record for ease of viewing. He had one criminal prior. The rest were traffic and civil. I find no priors in other states.

Stephen Matthew Westfall

Filing Date: 01/28/2002
Sentence Date: 05/30/2002

Offense: 2nd Degree Arson
Disposition: Nolle Prossed

Offense: 1st Degree Malicious Burning
Plea: Guilty
Sentence: 10 years suspended

Offense: Reckless Endangerment
Disposition: Nolle Prossed

Offense: Malicious Destruction of Property Over $500
Disposition: Nolle Prossed

Another huge court failure. Lack of prosecution. Lack of appropriate sentencing.

and violated probation. I'm seeing he pleaded guilty to the arson & mal.burning to have the reckless endangerment charge dropped.
She died at home. Really strange that her sister listed in the obit died 12 days later, she was also at home.
Last name Gatrell.

Chicana, I say what your avatar says "OMG W*F" I mean what are the chances?

fhc, is right. Is it ironic this young woman passes and he publishes that book and then he wants loot to pay for a funeral?

Too bad we don't know where he was living in Kentucky. For real I am sure this isn't the first time he has hurt a child.

As fhc said I give kudos to Miss Izzy and Belinda. There's no clearing me out of the room. In fact I recall in a thread I had started a ways back about Santeria or something similar and the guy with all the animal sacrifices and symbols on the roof here in Philly that there were our very own members who said these things do exist. They know this for personal reasons. So, heck yeah the rotten writer who batters, bruises, chokes, and hits a little girl in the head with a rock could very well be looking to an underworld of sorts.

No way did he sell his soul to the devil to become a famous, well written author. If he did he got ripped off.
Awwww, come on. Where is this creep? Somebody has to know where he went or at least knows where he hangs out or which way he'd be going.
Where is this hiding? Seriously, he's on foot. I wonder if he killed himself.
Where is this hiding? Seriously, he's on foot. I wonder if he killed himself.

Naw, he's got books to write Lovejac.:chicken::rolleyes:

Seen on a tow path. I have no clue what one is, but I'm going to look it up. How far could he get if he didn't off himself? Dare I wonder how the buses run in that part of Maryland?
fhc--I also was afraid to open the sites at first but you need to remember that these calendars are available on SRA survivor sites. They are very welcoming and sensitive. There is nothing at all to be be concerned about. And please note that most will describe whether the holiday is "borrowed" from another faith and used for a different purpose. I'm told that these days are also outlined along with accompanying rituals in the Satanic bible. I haven't read it so I do not know. But somehow this information is being passed around and surely the internet has played a large part in that.

Another place I found helpful was this site: (difficult dates for survivors)

I guess what most convinced me that not all is hysteria is the time I've spent this last year doing extensive research into the supposed Satanic overtones with Randy Leach's disappearance. I've learned along with an author who is writing a book on that disappearance that there is a literal dearth of info out there for the reasonable and non-sensational analysis of possibly Satanic crimes. Even Italy has paired up with a Satanic expert to solve some of their strangest crimes. Yes, I know there will be gnashing of teeth as the Vatican is involved but look at the numbers of crimes:

"Many of the new wave of Satanists in Italy indulge in a potentially lethal blend of black magic, hard drugs, sex and heavy metal..."

more at link

I find it particularly strange that, here in the US, we have expert witnesses on just about every subject, but I could find not a single person offering services to testify on Satanic practices. Is it fear? If we don't speak up, we fail the victims.

I have no growing sense of dread that our country is being taken over by Satanists. Quite the contrary. I think, though, that there is a growing desensitization. Heavy metal bands and confused and questing teens or those in edgier lifestyles are needing to push the envelope a little further each day. If one reads something as basic as the Wiki article on the basic tenets of Satanism, one can see how it might appeal to those who are anchorless or just striving to satisfy their own lust:

"The Church of Satan does not worship or support a belief in the Devil or other supernatural entities."

"Satan is a model or a mode of behavior."

"The Nine Satanic Statements outline what "Satan" represents in the Church of Satan:

Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence.

Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams.

Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit.

Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates.

Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek.

Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires.

Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development", has become the most vicious animal of all.

Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.

Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years."

It took me a long time to really grasp the concept of their belief that you are your own god and what you desire, is yours. That is not the way I approach life. But then, I'm not a criminal. I think that each person must approach this disturbing study as they feel most comfortable. No one who has suffered SRA should investigate this without a support system in place. I never want to set off any triggers for anyone. I just feel very drawn to shine a light on a mechanism that seems to be pulled into play by some of our most evil criminals.
Am I totally missing the boat? Still no Westfall nor any 4 year old boy? There's been no comment about that strange statement under the first article, "I'm at Nana's house". Is the little guy there? If so, can we be told?

As to the obituary above, I noted that the wife had lost two sisters and a baby had died too. Odd, how death follows some of these creeps around.
Am I totally missing the boat? Still no Westfall nor any 4 year old boy? There's been no comment about that strange statement under the first article, "I'm at Nana's house". Is the little guy there? If so, can we be told?

As to the obituary above, I noted that the wife had lost two sisters and a baby had died too. Odd, how death follows some of these creeps around.

Izzy I think our dear fhc read the little guy was safe. I can't be positive so I'll check again. Nana would probably be the fiance to this guy as she has quite a few grands.

There's got to be something to the death of the wife and then the sister and a baby. That or this guy has bad luck which befalls people around him. I'd be worried he lived in kentucky and other places. I mean you so just don't grab a child and drive off and then beat her and strangle her and hit her with a rock. Come on now. This can't be a first.

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