Mexico Mexico - Robert Cantrell, 62, American, retired psychologist, wanted to see a property in Cancun, 20 Jun 2023

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Reportan avances en la búsqueda del estadounidense de Ajijic desaparecido en Cancún |


"The Cancun Prosecutor's Office has reopened the search for Robert Cantrell II, a 62-year-old American resident of Ajijic, who disappeared from the Cancun airport on June 20; A reward of 20,000 pesos was offered to whoever takes him to the Red Cross, no questions asked."
Mexico is fine to visit right now. We go every few months. Of course, there are areas to avoid, just like the US.

Mexico's homicide rate is about 4-5X higher than the US. I lived there. And it's hard for a newcomer to know which areas to avoid. I think that's significant, so we all have different views. Feelings of safety are quite personal.

It all depends on one's level of chosen accommodation and where one decides to stay, IMO. But in general, there's more violent assault (including homicide) in Mexico than at any historical time in the US (except maybe the 1920's).

15th highest homicide rate out of 204 nations where there are data:

The look in his eyes reminded of my mother who passed suffering from Alzheimer's. I suppose it's possible he's having some type of mental heath issue, a head injury or maybe someone slipped him a dangerous drug?
I feel terrible for his daughter and family. They must be so worried.

Reminds me of ayahuasca and related hallucinogen symptoms. Does not remind me of most inpatients in intake at mental hospitals - although some Bipolar I people have a pretty wild-eyed look. Or of people who are on a major stimulant.

Indeed, he does have a bit of the look of someone whigged out on meth - but I find it hard to believe that he would get himself in such a situation in Mexico. So maybe it is a mental health issue.

In the ER, they'd run blood tests immediately to try and separate out potential stimulant abuse from mania. At least, here where I live, they do that - no idea about standard of care in Quintana Roo.

Reportan avances en la búsqueda del estadounidense de Ajijic desaparecido en Cancún |


"The Cancun Prosecutor's Office has reopened the search for Robert Cantrell II, a 62-year-old American resident of Ajijic, who disappeared from the Cancun airport on June 20; A reward of 20,000 pesos was offered to whoever takes him to the Red Cross, no questions asked."
I'm just seeing this article now. Thank you PatLaurel! It's very informative. This is google's translation:

Reminds me of ayahuasca and related hallucinogen symptoms. Does not remind me of most inpatients in intake at mental hospitals - although some Bipolar I people have a pretty wild-eyed look. Or of people who are on a major stimulant.

Indeed, he does have a bit of the look of someone whigged out on meth - but I find it hard to believe that he would get himself in such a situation in Mexico. So maybe it is a mental health issue.

In the ER, they'd run blood tests immediately to try and separate out potential stimulant abuse from mania. At least, here where I live, they do that - no idea about standard of care in Quintana Roo.


I just saw this and it sparked my memory. A relative had a stroke and immediately afterwards he memory was severe impacted. He also was unable to speak other than a couple words and they never made sense. Maybe someone with more medical experience can clarify. Strokes usually cause some form of paralysis on one side. That confused, frustrated look was familiar though.
I feel so bad for Robert. He knew himself he was in trouble IMO - he said he didn't feel well in the reporter's video and he was trying so hard to communicate and seemed frustrated that he couldn't say what he needed to say or couldn't remember. It angers me that he did not receive the help he so obviously needed.

“There’s no way Rob is leaving his family like this. He wants them to find him… I have been told that other members of his family did not cooperate with Texas EquuSearch, a Texas-based non-profit organization that voluntarily searches for missing persons, and they also told the Prosecutor’s Office to stop looking. I don’t get it,” Christy told the Lakeside News

The last time she saw Robert Cantrell II was a month ago. Christy and Jones have a photo of the paramedics who treated him and him giving a thumbs up sign, as a sign of being okay, but according to Christy it wasn’t his condition. Since then, despite members of Christy’s network systematically checking homeless shelters, drug rehab clinics and police stations, he has not been seen.
I just saw this and it sparked my memory. A relative had a stroke and immediately afterwards he memory was severe impacted. He also was unable to speak other than a couple words and they never made sense. Maybe someone with more medical experience can clarify. Strokes usually cause some form of paralysis on one side. That confused, frustrated look was familiar though.

Strokes can create a massive number of different symptoms. And there are so many different kinds of strokes (many types within the two main types: Ischemic and Hemorrhagic)

Vascular strokes can hit deep deep within the brain with no visible signs while happening. This happened to my husband. Overnight he had lost a significant amount of memory, couldn't recognize close friends and contacts but he showed no physical symptoms. He never recovered. The brain is an amazing mystery.

As soon as I saw the original interview with the news fellow... I really felt sad, and thought of my husband's behavior right away.
The last time she saw Robert Cantrell II was a month ago. Christy and Jones have a photo of the paramedics who treated him and him giving a thumbs up sign, as a sign of being okay, but according to Christy it wasn’t his condition...
SBM: Wonder what this ^ BBM means. and why wouldn't his family cooperate with searchers? what the what?
SBM: Wonder what this ^ BBM means. and why wouldn't his family cooperate with searchers? what the what?

Here is the quote from Christy, from that article: "I have been told that other members of his family did not cooperate with Texas EquuSearch, a Texas-based non-profit organization that voluntarily searches for missing persons, and they also told the Prosecutor’s Office to stop looking."

I wonder if there was some kind of miscommunication, mistranslation, or misunderstanding between Christy and the rest of the family. This statement from Christy about family not cooperating with searchers seems to be the total opposite of what we've seen from Robert's daughter and friends across numerous MSM sources.
Robert Cantrell jpg

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Lauren said she’s filed a missing person’s report with LAPD. She also turned to a private investigator and Texas Equusearch, a search and recovery nonprofit, for help.
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Here is the quote from Christy, from that article: "I have been told that other members of his family did not cooperate with Texas EquuSearch, a Texas-based non-profit organization that voluntarily searches for missing persons, and they also told the Prosecutor’s Office to stop looking."

I wonder if there was some kind of miscommunication, mistranslation, or misunderstanding between Christy and the rest of the family. This statement from Christy about family not cooperating with searchers seems to be the total opposite of what we've seen from Robert's daughter and friends across numerous MSM sources.
His daughter has been vocal, but my understanding is he has other close relatives.

I don't believe it would have made any difference, IMO Texas E search went there way too late. The time to go look for him was as soon as he stopped contacting friends, as soon as he stopped posting on facebook, as soon as he told someone he'd been robbed of his luggage, as soon as he missed his appointment with the real estate agent.

There are many risks in travelling alone, and not just to a foreign country. If you want to be completely safe, if you want to keep someone else safe, there has to be some type of deliberate connection for that exact purpose.

Someone needs to know what hotel you're going to be staying at, when your flight is, what you're planning to do (with names, places, dates), and then be in regular contact to confirm you've checked-in, come back from an outing, etc.

And the contact person has to be capable of taking action if something goes wrong, including flying out to rescue you, if you have a serious medical or other emergency.

Unfortunately, he'd lost his primary connection, and I guess everyone assumed someone else would take care of it.

It's wonderful when strangers help, but it's not their job, and they assume you have family to take care of you. Depending entirely on the kindness of strangers is not a strategy to guarantee safety.


ETA On the other hand, you can accept the risks and therefore accept the consequences that sometimes people run into danger.
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No news. I know his daughter Lauren started a go fund me page to help pay for his search. This is so upsetting. When I watched the video I can tell you that was out of character for Rob. He never meets a stranger and I am afraid he befriended someone and it back fired. I do know he is a recovering drug addict but has been clean a long time and seemed happy on facebook.

@Pugs4eyes : From you postings, it appears that you know Rob and his family personally.

May I suggest that you become a Verified Insider? I'm linking a post by @Sillybilly, which gives more information on the Verified Insider process.


Praying Rob is found soon.

IN - IN - Opal Beatrice Fulks, 22, Monticello, 4 March 1931

If I am understanding the article correctly, he contacted his ex-wife as soon as he landed on his flight from the states? His luggage did arrive but he was confused and did not collect it?

Does this mean a potential medical emergency happened inflight? I think I misunderstood the timeline.
Interesting, I came across this article from January 2023 this morning, mentioning Union taxi driver attacks on tourists in Cancun. I was wondering whether that is what could have happened to him. Did he try to use Uber potentially?

Cancun Travel Warning Issued After Taxi Drivers Attack Uber Drivers and Passengers
That is a distinct possibility. Another possibility is that he tried to use a marked taxi, but whose driver belonged to another union.

Once when I visited Mexico, a series of escalating disputes between two groups (unions) of taxi drivers over seniority, who can pick up rides where and take who where, mixed with "localism" had just led to a series of burned out taxis and destroyed taxi stands in Campeche.

Thankfully, the locals told me that nobody had been killed and that things had calmed down over the preceding week. But, the burned taxis and stands were still on the streets.

Many years ago, my family saw the same thing in Madrid. Licensed Taxi drivers were enraged that unlicensed owners of larger mopeds were giving low cost but illegal rides. The fact that moped owners were mostly gypsies probably did not help matters.

Anyways, we were in a Taxi when another Taxi suddenly swerved when leaving a jammed traffic circle to hit two parked mopeds.

Seconds later, mopeds converged from every where and the moped drivers started kicking the doors of marked taxis and trying to break rear view mirrors, turn signals etc. Taxi driver fought back by rolling down windows and trying to hit moped drivers with their fists.

Fortunately, we were already leaving the circle and our Taxi was not attacked. A hotel employee later told us that it had been going on for weeks and that she was afraid to either take a taxi or a moped for fear of retaliation. The subways were just not a good option either.
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