Found Deceased MI - Adrienne Quintal, 47, called for help, foul play possible, Honor, Benzie Co., 17 Oct 2019 #2

Toxicology reports will clear that up I'm sure. We'll see.
I don't know how those work after so long but maybe the coldness of the water will help preserve that? Hopefully someone with forensic pathology experience can comment. I know high ammonia in blood, endocrine issues, oxygen/lung issues (potentially from vaping), drugs, and other factors may be the cause and can hopefully be determined.
With a mental degrade issue this is very possible. Also you're probably talking about some scared officer(s) arriving in the dark not knowing what sort of ambush they are going into. It would be interesting to see how they initially worked the report. You can't hold them at any fault, this is a tough situation with some "misinformation" due to the likely mental degradation. This probably doesn't really fit into the Lost Person scenarios as it was likely thought to be an abduction to begin with. Eventually, it became a lost person situation and you'd be within a high probability zone where she was found. I've studied and been trained to a degree on this but just regular tracking would lead you to check dams, tree/logjams, slow eddies etc if you think someone is in water. I hate how this worked out for the SAR and LE folks because they're probably asking themselves questions at this point.
Didn't SAR say that it wasn't safe for them at the time to search that area? The family eventually used a canoe.
Didn't SAR say that it wasn't safe for them at the time to search that area? The family eventually used a canoe.

I know it wasn't safe during the snow. I don't remember reading exactly when they did the first search. Initial would have been live scent dogs or trackers, then they would have made a ring of high % probability and worked it and then worked out from there to lower probability rings, then they wouldn't search unless given some reason to search more related to LE suspicions, Tips, etc.

I guess the biggest problem was the initial thought was abduction, next the snowcover that came.
Didn’t they say that area had been flooded but had receded by the time Ada was found? Maybe the flooding contributed to her demise and why they weren’t able to search right there?
Unless she shot herself or poisoned herself I'll never believe its a suicide. Suicide by hypothermia doesn't fly with me.
I don't know, I thought dying from hypothermia was one of the better ways to go. Gunshots hurt, and poisons tend to make you violently ill before you die. By comparison hypothermia is, if you'll pardon the expression, a walk in the park.

Climber Died in a 'State of Bliss'
I think this is OK to share here on the thread since it was posted by the admin. (Adrienne’s sister, Jenny Bryson, who has been quoted in numerous MSM articles, and apparently, was also there when her husband and brother-in-law found the body on Saturday) of the family-run support and information-sharing Facebook Community page.

It was posted on December 9th at 5:41 AM ET, the day after the second day of the big search (“Nearly 11 teams of cadaver dogs, 40 volunteers, and police officers scoured a thousand acres of land ...”):
“I didn’t get home till late. Unable to update last night. We haven’t found her yet. The search dogs were amazing. Not able to cover as much area as we wanted because it’s so marshy/swampy up there. Possibly going up in the next couple weeks to rule out some more areas. Much is dependent on weather. Until then please continue to pray and think positive. I’m emotionally drained as you can imagine. I will keep updating as much as possible.” (BBM)

So there were definitely areas searchers had not been able to get to for safety reasons prior to Saturday, IMO.
The water that she was found in was not very deep from what I understand, although it is possible that there were deeper areas and she just ended up in a shallow area I guess. I simply don't buy the idea of somebody accidentally drowning in three feet of water.

I lived in Key West for some time, and as a 1st Mate aboard various commercial and non-commercial fishing vessels. Tourists on fishing charter would always ask me, "how deep is the water here" - and I'd reply, "it doesn't matter if it's 1' or 10,000' if it's over your head". Many, many, many people would drown there regularly - sometimes diving the wrecks at 125' down or more, sometimes just snorkeling or playing in the shallows by the beach. I would suggest to you that before you go on your next beach holiday, that you develop a healthy respect for water and its strength; here in Illinois there's a case of a husband murdering his wife by drowning her in the toilet bowl. If the water is over your head you have around 1.5-2.5 minutes (a normal person who does not practice breath control, like free divers, etc) before you lose consciousness, and you breathe in water. It's usually all downhill from there... Anyway, having witnessed and trying to save people are drowning, I can tell you that it's not a loud, chaotic type of thing - people who are drowning are often quiet; one minute they're head is above the water, and you look again and they're gone. Very fast, and usually not much of a struggle...
Confirmed to be Ada. RIP.
December 23, 2019

The sheriff’s office has confirmed a body found in the Platte River is Adrienne Quintal.

Adrienne had been missing since October.

The sheriff’s office says family and friends were canoeing on the Platte River over the weekend looking for Adrienne.

They say they found her body on Saturday on property owned by the family, near the intersection of Hooker and Indian Hill roads.

It was in that same area that law enforcement, volunteers and family members had been searching for Adrienne for nearly 10 weeks.

The sheriff’s office said that area was flooded and impossible to search.

While the family was letting water out of the area, they found the body.


The sheriff’s office say they are still waiting for toxicology results, but there have been no signs of foul play.” (BBM)
Benzie County Sheriff's Office: Body of Adrienne Quintal Found - 9 & 10 News
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Just catching up in here. Our daughter was here over the weekend visiting and she lives near Honor so she had friends texting her to let her know that Ada had been found. :(
She knew that I followed this case so she told me right away but we had too many festivities going on that I could not jump on computer to read up.
My condolences to Ada's family and friends.
Our daughter is heading back home to Honor, MI today and promised me she would keep me informed.
I think there must be information that we do not know about. Did google searches indicate a possible suicide or mental issue? Police just never seemed down with the abduction scenario. It seems like everyone involved knew that she would be found in their own backyard.
Monday, December 23rd 2019

Deputies said teams searched the Quintal’s family cabin, her last known location, earlier this month, one area was ‘almost impossible’ to search due to flooding.

Quintal’s family drained area this weekend, deputies said, uncovering a body that had been submerged in three feet of water.

The Sheriff’s office and Medical Examiner’s office formed a recovery team and went to the location and retrieved the body.

‘An autopsy was conducted on (Sunday), the body was confirmed to be a Caucasian female, and we are confident because of identifying marks such as scars and a tattoo on her right ankle that the body is in fact that of Adrienne Quintal,’ the sheriff’s office said in a statement.

Deputies said the Medical Examiner will verify the identity as soon as x-ray’s are compared and confirmed.

The Medical Examiner is waiting for toxicology results before making a final determination of the cause of death, however, there is no sign of foul play, deputies said.” (BBM)
Sheriff: Found body is believed to be Adrienne Quintal
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38 minutes ago:
Ted Schendel, Sheriff ● Kyle Rosa, Undersheriff
505 S. Michigan Ave, Beulah MI 49617
(231) 882-4484 – Fax (231) 882-5814


The Benzie County Sheriff’s Office and the Michigan State Police have been investigating the disappearance of Adrienne Quintal since October 17, 2019.

On December 21, 2019 at approximately 1:30 p.m. the Benzie County Sheriff’s Office was notified that a human body had been discovered in the area of Indian Hill Rd and Hooker Rd in approximately 3’ of water in a flooded area of the north branch of the Platte River.

Initial investigation reveals no sign of foul play and the body is in the process of being identified. An autopsy will be performed by the Medical Examiner’s Office.

As more information becomes known it will be released.

UPDATED AS OF 12/23/2019

After the K-9 teams searched the area on 12/7 and 12/8 there was an area of interest that was flooded and almost impossible to search. It was determined that the family would attempt to let some of the water out of the ‘beaver pond’ flooding so that the K-9 teams could come back and attempt a thorough search of that area. On Saturday 12/21 as Quintal family and friends attempted to drain the water and began searching the flooded area with a canoe.

While conducting this search a body was found, and the searchers backed out and called Benzie County Sheriff’s Office. It is believed that the body was fully submerged until approximately 12”-14” of water was drained, and this added to the success of finding the body. The Sheriff’s office and Medical Examiners office formed a recovery team and went to the location and retrieved the body. Due to the proximity of the body to the cabin where Adrienne Quintal went missing from it was believed that the body found was that of Ms. Quintal.

An autopsy was conducted on 12/22, the body was confirmed to be a Caucasian female, and we are confident because of identifying marks such as scars and a tattoo on her right ankle that the body is in fact that of Adrienne Quintal. The Medical Examiner will verify the identity as soon as x-ray’s are compared and confirmed.

The Medial Examiner is waiting for toxicology results before making a final determination of cause of death, however there is no sign of foul play.” (BBM)
Benzie County Sheriff
Maybe she was running from her perceived threat and fell into the dam and in the process broke a leg and got knocked out? This whole thing has been odd to say the least and I wish the outcome was different.
Body of missing Southfield woman found near cabin in northern Michigan

After searching for more than nine weeks, the body of a Southfield woman was found Saturday near the northern Michigan cabin she went missing from, family said.

Adrienne "Ada" Quintal, 47, was found by a dam about 300-400 yards from her family's cabin in Honor, Michigan, family members told Fox 2 Detroit...

Michigan woman who called friend for help before vanishing found dead

Adrienne Quintal, 47, made a frantic call to a friend before she disappeared Oct. 17. Police said her body was found submerged in more than a foot of water.
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The water that she was found in was not very deep from what I understand, although it is possible that there were deeper areas and she just ended up in a shallow area I guess. I simply don't buy the idea of somebody accidentally drowning in three feet of water.

It Only Takes a Minute to Drown and Other Water Safety Facts You Shouldn’t Ignore

Involuntary gasp syndrome causes many drownings

Gasping is what people instinctively do when they feel like they are getting little air or that they’re struggling to breathe. But if a person takes a deep breath under water, the person will inhale in water and begin to drown, according to the National Center for Cold Water Safety.

7 Drowning Statistics You Didn't Know About - AquaMobile Swim School
If a person suffers involuntary oxygen deprivation like the one caused by drowning in water, they’ll ultimately suffer brain death: the utter, irreversible loss of brain function. It only takes a few minutes for oxygen deprivation to cause the death of brain cells

Michigan man, teen found in Dead Stream Swamp died of hypothermia, autopsies show
In the summer of 2018 a of couple were found dead in a swamp area about 70 miles from where AQ was. Their vehicle had gotten stuck in mud and they wandered away from it. Autopsy showed they died from hyperthermia (in June) and meth in their systems.
Wasn't death in each of the three cases listed almost instantaneous though? Not in Adrienne's. She didn't jump into a dangerous river either. IMO it's much less likely that this was suicide than a psychotic event. I hope it can be established what triggered it.

I agree. IMO, something happened that night which caused Adrienne not to be "herself". We've all heard from family and friends what a lovely, caring person she was. Smart, hard-working, devoted to her son. I mean it's not often that an ex-husband comes forward and offers a huge reward to find his ex-wife, that spoke volumes to me. Adrienne was loved by all who knew her.

What drove her to seemingly hallucinate that men were outside the cabin that night trying to get her? IMO, it's going to be a medical condition related to the summer attack or drug use. I have no idea how the latter suspicion came into play, and if that can be related to the bf. But if you paid attention to what family & loved ones said of her life previous to meeting him ...

Whatever the COD turns out to be, the world lost a shining light in Adrienne. My thoughts are with her loved ones while they wait for answers.

Oh and one more thing. If I ever go missing in Benzie County, please call Tim Miller to come look for me.
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Ada was found in closed proximity to cabin, no evidence that someone was shooting at her, she shot from the inside, dog not harmed, belongings left at cabin/ on roof - leads y9u to think a mental/drug break. She was on drugs, hallucinating, and took off into woods. She was high and out of it, she never realized she was in water and could possible drown. She never knew that. People who are high are not in real time reality. They do not feel the cold water temps, or pain in feet running barefoot through brush etc.

Why do you keep saying she was on drugs? How would you know? Do you have a link to share? Do you have a verified source? You can’t bash the victim OR her family because of your own thoughts. Unless you can supply a verified source or a link to a page - keep your negative immature comments to yourself.
I was one of the posters who really thought this had to be related to the July attack. But now think something set Ada off and it ended in tragedy. Although the hit to her head in July could have caused paranoia, PTSD and anxiety if she was always afraid someone was after her. Honestly if I was attacked like that, I would have anxiety. I am happy for her family she was found and they can give her a proper goodbye. Thoughts and prayers to all who loved Ada!

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