Deceased/Not Found MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #3 - *D. Lane guilty*

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BBM and this right here, may be why the sketch of the car jacker was noted by some to resemble no one other than DL.

I dont believe there are any witness to DL ever being at the location of the "car jacking".

I bet he dumped the car and just hightailed it to the mothers home.

I keep checking in, hoping that the warrant has been approved and served. No such luck as of yet.

I hope that once the warrant is served, that Dandre realizes it's better to just cut his losses and fess up. Take them to the body, tell them what he really did that morning, or the night before, and hope for the lesser possible sentence. Fingers crossed, I think at this point, it's the best we can hope for. As bad as it will be if he really did kill her, it's better to know than for her family to have to wonder for the rest of their lives if she is out there, if she's okay, if she's ever going to come home.

I feel so bad for this family left hanging with so many questions and not knowing all of this time :( With the holidays coming up so quickly I can't even begin to imagine thier greif.
GRACE: With us right now is Kelly Jones. This is Bianca`s aunt. Ms. Jones, what have you been told, or the family been told, from police -- not news outlets, from police -- about what happened the day Bianca goes missing?

JONES: Well, from police, the only thing that I`ve really gotten is the fact that he said that he was carjacked and she was in the car, and then she wasn`t in the car. Anything after that kind of just is a blur to me because my whole focus from the very first phone call has been just bring my niece back home to us home safely.

GRACE: Ms. Jones, where -- what is your understanding as to where the alleged carjack went down?

JONES: To my understanding, he was saying he was a couple of blocks away from my sister`s house. I actually attempted to call him immediately after I heard, to find out details, but he did not provide me with anything. So I just have been just going off instincts and just pure prayers and (INAUDIBLE) just try to find her and bring her back.

GRACE: Ms. Jones, did you say you called him, the father?

JONES: Yes, immediately after I heard the news. And this was about 9:30, 9:45.

GRACE: And what did you ask him? And what did he say?

JONES: Well, I asked, you know, What`s going on? What happened? It was just, like, a lot of confusion and yelling and things in the background. The conversation didn`t even last perhaps 10 seconds because I just disconnected and just shot over to the house to try to help out as much as I could.

GRACE: So when you asked him, did he even answer?

JONES: He started stuttering. I didn`t get a full explanation. And it was like, you know, just sitting on the phone listening him stuttering felt like a waste of time. So I just disconnected the call and immediately...

The aunt mentioned upthread is the maternal aunt of Bianca. Her moms sister.

I too am really curious about this timeline. If LE was not notified until 9:55am, how did KJ (KJ is Banika's sister) become aware?

Stuttering, tells it all. :liar:

Yes, Cubby! How WAS she notified about missing Bianka, and why WAS it before calling the police, and who ELSE was notified?
The timeline is very confusing!
I dont believe there are any witness to DL ever being at the location of the "car jacking".

I bet he dumped the car and just hightailed it to the mothers home.


I'd have to dig up the links, but there are two seperate witnesses to him being at the scene of the car dump. One was a person that just happened to see a guy that looked a lot like Dandre get out of the car and walk away, and another was a bus driver that saw him in the immediate area of the car site, even though it doesn't mesh with his story.
I'd have to dig up the links, but there are two seperate witnesses to him being at the scene of the car dump. One was a person that just happened to see a guy that looked a lot like Dandre get out of the car and walk away, and another was a bus driver that saw him in the immediate area of the car site, even though it doesn't mesh with his story.

I know about these two witnesses.

That just enforces the fact I've been making that no one can place him at the spot of the alledged "car jack" only the spot where the car was "dumped".

IMO he just picked a spot to "claim" a car jacking occured.....
I dont believe there are any witness to DL ever being at the location of the "car jacking".

I bet he dumped the car and just hightailed it to the mothers home.


I am referring to the witness who describes DL in the alleyway where the car was located. I am unsure who provided the details which resulted in the sketch of the suspect. If it was that witness it would explain why the sketch was remarked by some here to resemble DL. If the info used in making the sketch was provided by DL himself then perhaps it resembled him by design (DL's) to confuse the issue in case he was witnessed in the alleyway dumping the car.

Again, I began following Bianca's case late in the game so I could be entirely off base and I admit I do not have all the facts as some of you good folks do.
Hmmm ran across this little clip on youtube.

Not the main stream media.......and this is a family member? This was posted the same day she went missing.

Detroit police continue search for girl, 2, in carjacking - YouTube

Thanks, Guinevere!

I had not seen this tape before. The relative certainly doesn't believe D'Andre's "shaky" story!

I remember many of us posting, as this man says: Who pulls over for a mere tail light? And who lets their baby be taken? This man says if they take HIS baby, he would have to be DEAD first! (MIW)

And this is interesting to learn about perceptions of DL's story from D'Andre's family (community?) from DAY ONE!
I think DL truly believed he could baffle them with BS and then just go on with his life, creating more offspring when he can.
The original story seemed to only have three players according to DL. At the beginning early in the morning, it supposedly was DL, Bianca and DL's 15-year-old nephew TL who were in the car. (I don't believe DL said his a seven-year-old daughter was also in the car at that time.)
DL said he dropped TL off at school. Then: blah....blah....blah
He was spotted via video cams at the college so he had to include that in his story along with the excuse that he forgot his briefcase. He then headed out to pick up more clothing for Bianca from her mother's house. Then came the kidnap/carnap story. more blah...blah...blah

I won't go over all the embellishments that came after the original story.

But here's another possibility in part of this story. Suppose TL did not sleep over at the house DL had left early that morning. Suppose DL picked up TL at TL's house to drop him off at his school. Omitting Bianca entirely, as she was never seen in that car that morning by any other non-family witnesses. This could mean that during that morning there were only two known people in that car that can be accounted for. I am afraid that it took two weeks for TL to appear in the media with his supportive story for DL. He could have been pressured to make things sound better for DL.
TL said that Bianca's half-sister, 5 or 7 years-old, strapped Bianca in her carseat. Was this added to give substance to Bianca being alive and in that car that morning. Why didn't DL mention this in the beginning? It makes no sense that a very young child be allowed to strap a very, very sick Bianca into her carseat.

I hope they find sweet little Bianca soon, so she can be given a proper burial.

I am referring to the witness who describes DL in the alleyway where the car was located. I am unsure who provided the details which resulted in the sketch of the suspect. If it was that witness it would explain why the sketch was remarked by some here to resemble DL. If the info used in making the sketch was provided by DL himself then perhaps it resembled him by design (DL's) to confuse the issue in case he was witnessed in the alleyway dumping the car.

Again, I began following Bianca's case late in the game so I could be entirely off base and I admit I do not have all the facts as some of you good folks do.

BBM. It was DL who provided the details which resulted in the sketch of the suspect and it has been reported it took him AN HOUR to come up with the details to provide the sketch.
Missing girl’s aunt speaks out the above clip, aunt kellyJ says that she immediatley called d'andre when she got the news that a.m. , "about 9:30-9:45" but all he did was start stuttering, "it felt like a waste of time", so she disconnected and went over to the house instead to try to help out.

..@ 4:08, he appears to be holding his hand to his forehead, acting distraught ( probably over what allegedly happened to HIM, having a gun in his face..)

..i still would love to hear the 911 call to find out if he mentions the carjacking 1st-----or the fact that bianca has been kidnapped.

I agree. This is all about far as I am concerned DL never expected things to blow up this big.

IMO He never expected all this media attention with the press and NG. He thought this would all play out much lower key.
Sorry to quote myself, too late to edit.

Here is a link with the video with the 15 year old nephew. Can someone with working speakers please clarify if nephew said Bianca smiled at him the morning of the abduction or if it was earlier? Either the night before or earlier in the week?


After T Lane said, "She (Bianca) was on the couch and smiled at me", the reporter asked him to clarify, "That morning?", and T Lane said, "Yes."
Or 8:02 and 9:50 am since we don't know what time he arrived at Banika's house. We only know he contacted LE at 9:50am.

I've spent some time looking at the financial aid info for WCCC and I can't figure out why he would not have applied much sooner than the day he reported the alleged carjacking. WCCC has a place online to check financial aid. So what exactly was it he was allegedly supposed to be checking on that he needed his brief case?

Not that I buy for a second he was actually taking a "very very sick" child with him to go inquire on his financial aid status.

ETA: He never left the car? or he never entered the building?

Not sure that I believe anything about DL starting classes at WCCC next month. The guy's been talking about getting his life back on track for 8 years, so on the day that his daughter disappears, he shows up on the campus to check on financial aid? Horse hash! I think D'Andre thought the whole going to college thing made him seem like a good guy :rolleyes: jmo

ETA: It's very cold in metro-Detroit today with occasional snow showers. Please keep the searchers in your thoughts and prayers as they brave the elements to look for Bianca.
I think DL truly believed he could baffle them with BS and then just go on with his life, creating more offspring when he can.
The original story seemed to only have three players according to DL. At the beginning early in the morning, it included DL, Bianca and DL's 15-year-old nephew TL who all got in the car. I don't believe DL said his a seven-year-old daughter was also in the car at that time.
DL said he dropped TL off at school. Then: blah....blah....blah
He was spotted via video cams at the college so he had to include that in his story along with the excuse that he forgot his briefcase. He then headed out to pick up more clothing for Bianca from her mother's house. Then came the kidnap/carnap story.

I won't go over all the embellishments that came after this.

But here's another possibility in part of this story. Suppose TL did not sleep over at the house DL had left early that morning. Suppose DL picked up TL at TL's house to drop him off at his school. Omitting Bianca entirely, as she was never seen in that car that morning by any other non-family witnesses. This could mean that during that morning there were only two known people in that car that can be accounted for.

TL said that Bianca's half-sister, 5 or 7 years-old, strapped Bianca in her carseat. Was this added to give substance to Bianca being alive and in that car that morning. Why didn't DL mention this in the beginning? It makes no sense that a very young child be allowed to strap a very, very sick Bianca into her carseat.

I hope they find sweet little Bianca soon, so she can be given a proper burial.


BBM. Another good possibility. I do hope that DL's bio family would not be foolish enough to create additional ficticious information as a means to try to provide credibility to DL's story. There could be enormous repercussions for doing so.

D'Andre's bio family should pay close attention to the following:


Whoever, knowing that an offense has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact; one who knowing a felony to have been committed by another, receives, relieves, comforts, or assists the felon in order to hinder the felon's apprehension, trial, or punishment. U.S.C. 18

(originally linked by WS'r Montjoy in a thread for another case.)
Not sure that I believe anything about DL starting classes at WCCC next month. The guy's been talking about getting his life back on track for 8 years, so on the day that his daughter disappears, he shows up on the campus to check on financial aid? Horse hash! I think D'Andre thought the whole going to college thing made him seem like a good guy :rolleyes: jmo

Open registration has already started. I'm sure LE could determine if DL had already applied for financial aid or had registered for any classes. IIRC DL's comment was he was going to check on his financial aid, not apply for, as in initially apply for, financial aid.

At least that is how I interpreted his statement. That financial aid was already applied for and he needed to provide some additional paperwork.

Again, LE has most certainly already figured this out but not made their findings public.

BBM. Another good possibility. I do hope that DL's bio family would not be foolish enough to create additional ficticious information as a means to try to provide credibility to DL's story. There could be enormous repercussions for doing so.

D'Andre's bio family should pay close attention to the following:


Whoever, knowing that an offense has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact; one who knowing a felony to have been committed by another, receives, relieves, comforts, or assists the felon in order to hinder the felon's apprehension, trial, or punishment. U.S.C. 18

(originally linked by WS'r Montjoy in a thread for another case.)

The above is for federal crimes, and is a federal statute.

Here is what I found for the state of Michigan.

Aiding and Abetting means all words or actions by an individual which may support, encourage, or incite the commission of a crime. In Michigan, an aider and abettor is just as liable for as the principal individual engaging in the criminal act. Hence, the getaway driver to a bank robbery can be charged with bank robbery as well, even though the driver did not go inside the bank, announce the crime, and steal money from individuals inside that bank. Even if the principal to a crime is not prosecuted, or is found not guilty at trial, the prosecution can still pursue aider and abettor charges against any participant in the crime.

An Accessory after the Fact is an individual who knowingly assists a perpetrator of a crime after the crime has been completed. Even if the perpetrator is not convicted, an individual can be found guilty of being an accessory after the fact as long as the prosecution can prove that the crime occurred, and the individual offered assistance after the crime. An Example of accessory after the fact is a person who assists a wanted felon from hiding from the law. Accessory after the Fact of a felony is usually a 5 year maximum felony under Michigan Compiled Law section 750.360.

ETA: Not only should D'Andre's bio family strongly consider the above, so should his current girlfriend, imo.

I know about these two witnesses.

That just enforces the fact I've been making that no one can place him at the spot of the alledged "car jack" only the spot where the car was "dumped".

IMO he just picked a spot to "claim" a car jacking occured.....

And wouldn't a carjacking on the side of a well-traveled road make SOMEONE stop and take notice? I would think so! Puts more doubt on the carjacking story (as if it needs anymore doubt)!
And wouldn't a carjacking on the side of a well-traveled road make SOMEONE stop and take notice? I would think so! Puts more doubt on the carjacking story (as if it needs anymore doubt)!

I would think that if a man was standing out alongside the road, waving a gun at another man, who was pleading with him that his baby was in the car, that SOMEONE would have noticed that incident.

Also, I agree that if this really happened, DL would have put up a fight. My DH, who is not typically a street brawler, would have taken a bullet or two, and fought with the jackers if they had tried to take our baby girl from him. No doubt. One time he stepped right in front of a pit bull on the Venice boardwalk, who was lurching towards the baby's stroller.
I think DL truly believed he could baffle them with BS and then just go on with his life, creating more offspring when he can.
The original story seemed to only have three players according to DL. At the beginning early in the morning, it supposedly was DL, Bianca and DL's 15-year-old nephew TL who were in the car. (I don't believe DL said his a seven-year-old daughter was also in the car at that time.)
DL said he dropped TL off at school. Then: blah....blah....blah
He was spotted via video cams at the college so he had to include that in his story along with the excuse that he forgot his briefcase. He then headed out to pick up more clothing for Bianca from her mother's house. Then came the kidnap/carnap story. more blah...blah...blah

I won't go over all the embellishments that came after the original story.

But here's another possibility in part of this story. Suppose TL did not sleep over at the house DL had left early that morning. Suppose DL picked up TL at TL's house to drop him off at his school. Omitting Bianca entirely, as she was never seen in that car that morning by any other non-family witnesses. This could mean that during that morning there were only two known people in that car that can be accounted for. I am afraid that it took two weeks for TL to appear in the media with his supportive story for DL. He could have been pressured to make things sound better for DL.
TL said that Bianca's half-sister, 5 or 7 years-old, strapped Bianca in her carseat. Was this added to give substance to Bianca being alive and in that car that morning. Why didn't DL mention this in the beginning? It makes no sense that a very young child be allowed to strap a very, very sick Bianca into her carseat.

I hope they find sweet little Bianca soon, so she can be given a proper burial.


You have brought up a good point for me. The way I am "hearing" it, T Lane was at the house the night before, and the morning of Bianca's disappearance. I never heard it said that he was there the WHOLE night. Maybe he WASN'T at the house all night, and thus, your scenario?MOO
And wouldn't a carjacking on the side of a well-traveled road make SOMEONE stop and take notice? I would think so! Puts more doubt on the carjacking story (as if it needs anymore doubt)!

I initially read the information as the carjackers yelled that something was wrong with the taillight on the more busy well-traveled road, but that DL pulled off the hwy/busier road and onto a residential side street where the alleged car jacking occured.

Bouncing off your thread, I'm sure LE has survelliance of the car with two fully functional tail lights. And I'm sure LE has survelliance of the well-travelled area where DL claims someone yelled at him the tail lights were disfunctional. Even if DL claims well, the car jackers said the tail lights were malfunctioning, I'll bet LE has survelliance to prove there was never a red boxy vehicle in the area DL claims there was. (at least I hope).

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