From quote posted above:
"Those close to the case have said Mr. Clay went to a large Halloween Party to pick up a girl and ran into Chelsea. They made a brief connection before she left. As she was walking down Post Rd. Mr. Clay approached her in his car.
She then got inside. Although it was not determined if she was forced into the car or entered on her own, the prosecutor's office did not issue kidnapping charges. A shoe belonging to Chelsea was recovered at the scene during the initial investigation near the area where Mr. Clay approached her in his car...
Did DC really own a car, or is this article simply suggesting that he was driving a vehicle when he picked up Chelsea? Unless Clay has a rich relative who provided him with a car, paid insurance, bought gas, etc., I don't know how DC could own a car when he was unemployed. It seems to me that he mooched off others, living with whoever would take him in, didn't pay child support for his two youngsters, etc. If Clay didn't own his own car, whose car was he driving the night of the party? Where is that vehicle now? It seems to me that the car (or cars) in which Chelsea was transported, alive, and later, deceased, is of utmost importance to this case. :moo: