MO MO - Kara Kopetsky, 17, Belton, 4 May 2007 - #2

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Oh, WAY over a hundred a year. And every year beats the year before. It's a combination of things - an inordinately high percentage of stupid, trashy people (sorry, it's just the truth), gangs, families in their 3rd generation of living entirely on welfare, the most unimaginably corrupt and ineffective public school system anywhere... it goes on and on and unfortunately I see little hope that it'll ever change. You could not pay me enough to live in KCMO.
So you put this on the bottom of your list because of where it happened and what you feel about the community? I have news for you. People should NOT go missing from anywhere that we should let them go.
News for me? The question was asked, what's going on in Kansas City. I just answered the question based on what I've seen for 43 years of living not far from there. I'm certainly not saying it's OK for anyone to go missing; anyone who knows me will tell you how I feel about crimes against children.
I have my own thoughts about I expect everyone to share those? Never! Do I think we can find her? Yes, I do.
I see. Well, I've lived here for quite a long time now. There are more and more areas where the police will not even go at night. The courts spent 20+ years trying to figure out a way to fix the school system (because the district couldn't do it by itself), and they finally gave up. These aren't my opinions, they're fact that anyone who has lived here more than 5 years wouldn't dispute. I won't argue this point any longer, KCMO is in a terrible position and the problem keeps feeding on itself and growing, mainly because of the people who live there. I cannot help it if the truth offends you.
I have my own thoughts about I expect everyone to share those? Never! Do I think we can find her? Yes, I do.

Do you think I'm talking about Kara or her family? I assure you I'm not; I was merely answering a question that was asked.
I see. Well, I've lived here for quite a long time now. There are more and more areas where the police will not even go at night. The courts spent 20+ years trying to figure out a way to fix the school system (because the district couldn't do it by itself), and they finally gave up. These aren't my opinions, they're fact that anyone who has lived here more than 5 years wouldn't dispute. I won't argue this point any longer, KCMO is in a terrible position and the problem keeps feeding on itself and growing, mainly because of the people who live there. I cannot help it if the truth offends you.
Truth never offends me.
This is the way I feel about Kara. She IS going to be found. It won't be what most of us want. I do want LE to look at her Stepfather.
I don't apologize for that. He has a LOT of questions I want him to answer for me.
I see. Well, I've lived here for quite a long time now. There are more and more areas where the police will not even go at night. The courts spent 20+ years trying to figure out a way to fix the school system (because the district couldn't do it by itself), and they finally gave up. These aren't my opinions, they're fact that anyone who has lived here more than 5 years wouldn't dispute. I won't argue this point any longer, KCMO is in a terrible position and the problem keeps feeding on itself and growing, mainly because of the people who live there. I cannot help it if the truth offends you.
This would not be the first time I heard this.
I spent some time reviewing the case again to see if there had been any new developments since I last checked on the case.

AMW site has this:

" . . .For a few weeks the case was cold. But on May 17th, the investigation received a jumpstart when someone recognized Kara in Louisburg, Kansas. She was there in the afternoon and she wasn't alone.
Witnesses spotted her with a man. They'd eventually develop a composite sketch of the man. It is important to note that cops are not convinced that the girl spotted in Louisburg is actually Kara, but would like to know for sure. . ."

So far as I know this sighting has never been ruled in or out as being kara.

At this point I am not expecting a body yet. She may well be alive somewhere.

Still running some websearches.
Good Morning Everyone!

Again, thanks for the warm welcome yesterday! Have we heard on the identity of the female that was found yesterday? Also, would someone please direct me to the first thread on Kara. As SS said, I should read what you wonderful sleuths have come up with so far.

I will admit I am not the best at "sleuthing", however if I can offer any other services that will be needed, let me know! (I can type extra fast if newsletters are needed, I have access to fax and copier machines, etc.)

I have a busy day ahead of me today, but will check in every now and then for updates.
Good Morning!


Been awhile since we chated but I was wondering something. Has anyone on WS done a "check" into the stepfather? I remember reading alot about the ex boyfriend and restaining orders and such. I do not remember reading much at all about the stepfather. I am with you in feeling something fishy is up with him. I am going to see what I can come up with.

Just curious what kind of work he does that he would be home at 3 in the afternoon to know Kara didn't come home from school. Things like that.....

Good Morning Everyone!

Again, thanks for the warm welcome yesterday! Have we heard on the identity of the female that was found yesterday? Also, would someone please direct me to the first thread on Kara. As SS said, I should read what you wonderful sleuths have come up with so far.

I will admit I am not the best at "sleuthing", however if I can offer any other services that will be needed, let me know! (I can type extra fast if newsletters are needed, I have access to fax and copier machines, etc.)

I have a busy day ahead of me today, but will check in every now and then for updates.

read here:

hope it helps.
I spent some time reviewing the case again to see if there had been any new developments since I last checked on the case.

AMW site has this:

" . . .For a few weeks the case was cold. But on May 17th, the investigation received a jumpstart when someone recognized Kara in Louisburg, Kansas. She was there in the afternoon and she wasn't alone.
Witnesses spotted her with a man. They'd eventually develop a composite sketch of the man. It is important to note that cops are not convinced that the girl spotted in Louisburg is actually Kara, but would like to know for sure. . ."

So far as I know this sighting has never been ruled in or out as being kara.

At this point I am not expecting a body yet. She may well be alive somewhere.

Still running some websearches.

Hi guys this is Maureen wife of missing USMC (Ret.) MSGT Jon R. Van Dyke. I've been following Kara's story because I grew up in southern Johnson County, KS and Jon and I raised our children there too. I know the area and the kids well so I thought I'd weigh in.

I would not rule out that Louisburg, KS supposable sighting of Kara. The Belton, MO; Southern Leawood, KS, and southern Overland Park, KS (known as the Stanley area); and the Louisburg kids all ran around in the same areas. Also, Louisburg, southern Johnson County, KS and western Belton are highly Catholic areas so the kids all had a chance to get to know each other through youth groups, camps, retreats, etc. I don't know what Kara's religion is but my point is it's not out of the ordinary for teens in Belton to be in Louisburg. Louisburg also has another big draw .... Gravity Hill. There are only a few gravity hills in the world and Louisburg has one. Kids skip school to go out there, they go out there on dates, after football games, etc. My point is there are few teens in those areas that I've mentioned that haven't been to gravity hill and many numerous times. If Kara was sighted in Louisburg was she headed or lured out to Gravity Hill? It's a possibility.

Other things to think about. Between Louisburg and southern Johnson County to western Belton it is rural area but only a little farming mainly large country estates. Loch Lloyd Estates (where Tammy Faye Bakker was living before she died), horse ranches, etc., upscale rural is what it is till you hit Belton and then there is a dramatic change in cross the train tracks is the only way I can think to say it nicely.

But now that I've mentioned train tracks I also have to wonder could that have played a part in Kara's and the other missing from the area's disappearances? Back in, and I'm not sure of the year, but I think it was 2002 there was a murder at an upscale apartment complex just south of 135th Street (135th in State Line Rd) in Leawood, KS. I'm not sure it was ever solved but at that time I would have laid my money on that someone jumped off the train, killed this person, and then jumped back on the train....trains often sit still on those tracks, waiting for what I don't know but they do. This murder was not the young lifeguard that was murdered, that case was solved, but it was near to where that happened. This was a strange case of a man, kind of a drifter type guy who was starting to get back on his feet, being brought out to this complex from a bar in downtown KCMO, brutally murdered and found the next morning under some bushes at the complex. It was highly covered but then it just kind of fell out of the news so I don't know if it was ever solved. If there are many missing people in this area could those tracks have played a part in it all? Belton is disected by train tracks and highways.

Because of the rural, rolling hills, rivers, caves, train tracks, etc., it would take quite a search effort to discover a body out between Belton and southern Johnson County. We still have 3 Overland Park young women whose bodies have never been found (approximately 1989-1990 timeframe). A guy was charged and convicted of their murders and to my knowledge the bodies were never found and it's speculated they are somewhere out in that same area.

Hope some of this helps as the search goes on for Kara. I hope and pray that Kara is still alive.

Oh, WAY over a hundred a year. And every year beats the year before. It's a combination of things - an inordinately high percentage of stupid, trashy people (sorry, it's just the truth), gangs, families in their 3rd generation of living entirely on welfare, the most unimaginably corrupt and ineffective public school system anywhere, confiscatory local taxes (which never end up being spent on the things they were earmarked for)... it goes on and on and unfortunately I see little hope that it'll ever change. You could not pay me enough to live in KCMO.

Ditto. You summed exactly they way I would.

KCMO is a total mess and you couldn't give me a home there and like you, pay me to live there. It wouldn't happen.
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