MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #3

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Anyone that takes a Baby,

Cell phone,
Turns on Lights
Then leaves lights on,
leaves window open,
and walks out the front door facing the street,

has an agenda, Not sure what but they have one......
mine goes on my bedside, but that is because I use the alarm feature on it to wake in the morning.

Husband's stays downstairs in the living room on the charger.

I have a landline, but use my cell as my alarm clock too.
For those of you with no landline in your you leave your cell in another room at night or do you take it into the bedroom with you?

Mine stays by my bed (it is always with me). My husband leaves his in the living room or even in the car at times when it doesn't need charged. One of my best friend's does exactly like my husband but they are the only 2 people I know that don't take theirs to the bedroom with them.
I think LE should have the parents go thru the house with a fine tooth comb seeing if anything else is missing. Deborah said she didn't know if anything else was missing. You would think LE would want to know. IMO
Anyone that takes a Baby,

Cell phone,
Turns on Lights
Then leaves lights on,
leaves window open,
and walks out the front door facing the street,

has an agenda, Not sure what but they have one.....

above BBM - keep running that one around in my head too!
i'm not any of those things, just cautious. :)

I am all of those things and cautious, haha.

I let things get to me too much sometimes, but then something like this happens and I don't feel the need to stop being that way.
It's not that far fetched for me to think of an intruder taking the cell phones in an effort to delay any sort of LE involvement.

this is personal

myself i take my cell phone wherever i am i sleep with mine in my hand and lay it on counter when taking a bath within reach but guess everyone is different
My cell phone stays on the kitchen counter charging.

We DO have a land line with 3 cordless phones, however, it'd be a crap shoot as to whether one of the phones was actually on the base in our bedroom. How does that happen??? ;)
So is that block window seen on the backside in the kitchen? Seems more likely for a bathroom.

I wonder which was Lisa's room?

Have police confirmed they were referring to the front door as being the one unlocked and not the back deck door?

I clarified in my post that the bathroom could be in the back. It is also possible that that house has a master bath from the bedroom that the deck leads to. It could be blocked, but plumbing logic would say it would make sense that both baths would be on the back wall if it has a master. VERY few houses here were built with a master bath, but they do exist.
I think this would depend on what questions the police were asking. I think they may well have asked if the parents noticed anyone taking a particular interest in the baby or asking a lot of questions about the family and this might lead them to come up with a list of 9 that includes the babysitter, that woman at the park, the guy who came to the garage sale and asked a lot of questions about the family, etc.

And this is a very beautiful baby. I can imagine her getting lots of attention, some of which may have made the parents nervous. People who consistently make a big deal about any one of my kids in particular always make me suspicious. I bet if I were in their shoes, I would be able to make a short list right off the top of my head.
Re-posting timeline

Lisa Irwin Timeline

Abducted by intruder through bedroom window. Far right window of house.

UPDATE—according to police spokesman window may not be correct.

3620 block of North Lister 64117


Lisa in bed at 7:30 p.m. Debbie in bed at 10:30 after checking on Lisa. 5 year old son slept with Debbie in parents room. Point of entry by abductor was unlocked front door, window mentioned earlier was NOT tampered with.

UPDATE 10-6-11 3 cell phones also taken. One does not even work. Also, dad came home to find front door unlocked, most of the lights on and front window open.
Jeremy Irwin, Lisa’s father, told local media that whoever took his daughter also took all three of their cell phones so they couldn’t call anybody, including 911.

:tyou: Thanks for this Timeline ... it was very helpful !

Respectfully snipped and RBBM:

So ... when the dad came home, he found most of the lights on -- was the mother still asleep when the father came home ?

moo ...
FOX: parents had a new name suggested to them and needed to talk to police today. police says he can't confirm, but it's likely.


ETA: this WAS NOT the animated exchange. sounded like it happened earlier today.

I wonder who made the name suggestion to them. :praying: this is the lead that brings Lisa home.
the dad says that yes, Debbie was asleep in their bedroom with the five year old

Debbie says she put the baby to bed at 7 and checked on her at 1030 when she herself went to bed
I think LE should have the parents go thru the house with a fine tooth comb seeing if anything else is missing. Deborah said she didn't know if anything else was missing. You would think LE would want to know. IMO

I agree, that house needs looked over well for other missing items. If this is personal and I just can't get around the fact that it is, other missing items could be very telling. I'd be looking for missing pictures of the couple, engagement ring, birth or engagment announcements, baby book... things that discovering they are lost would add greatly to the hurt. If the parents are perceptive and honest with LE that I imagine that list of 9 is very interesting and quite likely contains the name of the perp.
just got home. saw on fox news they have a lead? What is it? anyone know?
If the perp who took the baby also took the cell phones, I would think they were not too smart. Cell phones are so easily tracked now. Wonder if LE has tried tracking the cell phone.

I just started reading here on this thread so if this has been discussed I am sorry for asking again. I haven't read all the way through this thread yet.
I had vowed not to ever follow another missing child case after the outcome of the Caylee case, but looks like I am getting pulled in here.
I hope this baby is okay.
just got home. saw on fox news they have a lead? What is it? anyone know?

Most interesting thing that was said in the update from from Fox (I am paraphrasing)

Reporter: Family member of parent says something hopeful happened today, the parents said something about having a name suggested to them that refreshed their memory and they wanted to communicate that to the police immediately.

officer: can't confirm, don't know anything about that. But I can tell you that is probably true. As time goes by they are jogging their brains for any information they haven't told us about. We will check out any lead we get.

This sounds like a a positive thing.

I think this is the new lead.
:tyou: Thanks for this Timeline ... it was very helpful !

Respectfully snipped and RBBM:

So ... when the dad came home, he found most of the lights on -- was the mother still asleep when the father came home ?

moo ...

I've been searching for that answer and I can't find it. I'm pretty sure it hasn't been clarified.

And thank you!!
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