MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #3

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Someone may have already said this and if so I am sorry for repeating and please don't take offense, I just have a 1,000 different scenarios whirling through my head.

I find it a little odd that he said he checked on the boys as soon as he felt something was wrong and then checked on Lisa. Here is why: I know some damn good step dads (my DH is the best) but I think generally you would be drawn to check on your own child first. Especially as a father of a girl. And Lisa being the youngest , I think I would assume my spouse was up for a drink, potty, diaper change or because the baby woke up. The youngest room is where I would be drawn first, because usually it's the young ones that need something in the middle of the night.

I am sure it's probally nothing but just stating what bothered me.

Perhaps their bedroom door(s) were closest to entry and therefore most logical start point when deciding to check on kids

Perhaps given that they are older than Lisa and able to get out of bed and move about freely (Lisa is 10 months and in a crib) he assumed the lights were on because one or both of the boys had awoken and gotten up and needed some help with something (drink/bathroom visit/soiled wet bed depending on siblings ages)

I don't find him checking the boys' room(s) first unusual at all.
I would like to know why there were three phones? Were there more than two adults in the home? I can see each parent having a phone then maybe the fathers work phone but if he was at work why would his phone(s) be at home? Even if he just had a personal phone I would think he would have it on him in the middle of the night working w his family at home. Hinky!! Maybe I havent been following as close at I thought.

Either mom or dad stated that one wasn't working and mom was transferring numbers from one phone to another, so it seems that there was one non-working phone and two working phones (one possibly a recent replacement for the non working phone).
Don't want to scare you either but we had a young woman shot through her living room window last month while she sat at her computer...altho he apparently knew her, it was still scary that he did that. You never know who is lurking. ETA: Very small neighborhood also.

What a nutter! I hope she survived :(
Anyone who has or has had a child this age : if they sleep in a dark room ( or one with a soft nightlight ), would it wake them up to be taken into a brightly lit room ? TIA...

If he's in a deep enough sleep cycle, he'll sleep through anything
Anyone who has or has had a child this age : if they sleep in a dark room ( or one with a soft nightlight ), would it wake them up to be taken into a brightly lit room ? TIA...

Yes. Turning on the lights will wake up my 12-mo-old baby quicker than any noise.
OTOH, if a baby does not awaken when picked up, then she is in a pretty deep sleep.
I hope this shows



I noticed a "binky" in the bottom picture. I wonder if she still uses one. Could be how the person/persons kept her quiet (if she did wake up).
If she does, maybe they could create a picture of what she looks like with one in her mouth if the parents don't already have one. I know it sounds far fetched.
Anyone who has or has had a child this age : if they sleep in a dark room ( or one with a soft nightlight ), would it wake them up to be taken into a brightly lit room ? TIA...

I would say not usually. Most kids that are this age and in a deep sleep can sleep through anything.
Anyone who has or has had a child this age : if they sleep in a dark room ( or one with a soft nightlight ), would it wake them up to be taken into a brightly lit room ? TIA...

Both of my kids and my DGS can be taken out of their car seats after a ride, carried into the house, diaper changed and put into the bed without ever opening their eyes. So yes.

Most kids sleep very deeply. And at that age they sleep when it is convenient for them. As a result they tend to get carried around a lot when they are sleeping.
Good point, that was pretty stupid of me :doh:

I guess because I live in a very rural, very sleepy part of England, you kind of feel safer. There appears to be no-one around here but the retired.

That you see or know about! Trust me when I say this, there is always someone around that you have no idea about! There are woods behind my house and it's rural. One day my neighbor ( who lives down the road)found a campsite set up right behind my house. Never found anyone but I didn't have a clue.They had full view of the kitchen and back of the house. I am divorced and live alone. Luckily I always close the shades and keep lights on. If anyone were to try to get in at 4am I am usually up and can be armed in a second.

and...just to make things a bit lighter even Bigfoot. I don't want to see him looking in my window either.:innocent:

If this scares you and makes you think that's good.Like I said before we don't want to be sleuthing your case here!!! :blowkiss:
Lisa is 10 months old.. PRIME teething time, chances are the could she had was brought on by teething, I'd bet she was given some tylenol, so she'd be pretty sound asleep. Babies sleep through a little cough much better than they do a stuffy nose..

My kids were used to sleeping with a nightlight, but it would be anyones guess if they would stay asleep in a brightly lit room, but with tylenol on board, I think they probably would have, unless it was about to wear off or something...

I do it out of fear that someone will break in while I'm in the shower. My ex-boyfriend thought I was nuts-- "If someone breaks in while I'm here, they're not hurting a hair on your head." I tried to explain to him that someone could shoot him and then I'd be a girl trying to defend herself. He just looked at me like I had lost my marbles. I have read too many scary stories here, haha.

And my son is a police officer:cop:now (not at home anymore:frown:)

He tells me I am crazy not to.

But he has been locking that bathroom door for-ever.

If this was a man who took the baby he could juggle the baby and the phones too. ALso an experiance Mom could too.

The perp may have come prepared (large bag).
It seems like most people here feel confident that the parents didn't have anything to do with this, but I'm just not getting the same vibe about one parent. My hinky meter is, at the very least, on alert.

I'll admit, though, that my hinky meter is still in training whereas some of you have expert hinky meters. Just wanted to throw my thoughts out there anyway.
Anyone who has or has had a child this age : if they sleep in a dark room ( or one with a soft nightlight ), would it wake them up to be taken into a brightly lit room ? TIA...

IMO, this totally depends on the kid and how sound a sleeper the kid is. My kid, yes, absolutely, but he's always been a finicky sleeper/won't sleep in the car/stroller or anywhere other than his bed, etc.

However, I've known kids who would sleep anywhere and stay asleep through almost anything. Also, the baby was sick, so she could have been tired as a result of the cold and not sleeping as well, or from baby tylenol or the like.
I wonder (maybe In da middle will know) if there have been any neighbors with workers in the area lately? Many of my neighbors have work done, and I always feel rather exposed when workers are watching my comings and goings for days on end.

I am sure that there are. These are old houses and most are maintained nicely that takes hiring people for most. Stuff like this is why we have learned to do most maintenence ourselves. There is only 1 that I know of for sure and it is only about 4 doors down from there. It is a foreclosure and a couple has been working on it. I don't know if they are potential buyers or just working for the real estate company. I haven't been able to exit my neighborhood that direction since then to know if they are still there or not though as the road is still blocked off.

I still don't believe this is a random act. If it is, this person had the most astronomical odds working for them possible for it to work. They should have bought a lottery ticket while they were out!
What if the Cell Phones are a red Herring or

What if Baby Lisa was awake and as they were walking out of the house she grabbed for the cell phones, ( baby's love cell phones for some reason)

And the abductor just grabbed them all to please her..:waitasec:. Keep her from Crying
I don't have kids, but I've been told this about myself from my parents. I slept in a dark room. However, at Lisa's age, I slept through an entire wedding reception at a nightclub, bright lights and music included. I think it varies by kid and how deeply they sleep.

TY...2 of my kids would wake up if an overhead light was on...the others didn't. It just really bothers me about the lights in the house being is so counter-intuitive somehow.It draws attention to the house...I can't see an intruder who is using stealth to take a child wanting to call attention to her/himself like that ? I'm wondering if the boys were up and left the lights on...Wish we knew about any prints from the light switches... MOO
I noticed a "binky" in the bottom picture. I wonder if she still uses one. Could be how the person/persons kept her quiet (if she did wake up).
If she does, maybe they could create a picture of what she looks like with one in her mouth if the parents don't already have one. I know it sounds far fetched.

Mom said something in one of the interviews about making sure the binky was in the crib either when putting her down or checking on her, so I think that would be a yes (that she still uses one).
Regarding the phone situation. Back 15 or so years ago when cell phones weren’t really prevalent and my ex and I were going through a divorce, he blew the engine up in his car. He planned and decided to steal mine (it was in both of our names but my car) so he actually came to my home prior to doing it and undid the phone lines from the outside. Then he came over with the premise of talking and grabbed my keys and took off. Of course I couldn’t call 911 because he had unplugged the phone lines from the outside. It did buy him some time to get safely away from the scene. Maybe that was this perps intention as well.

As far as his cell phone being there while he was at work, its very likely in his profession that he may have had a company cell and a personal one. So yes, he left his personal one there…

It also sounds like one of their phones died and they just got a new one because a) one didn’t work and b) they said she was in the middle of reimputting numbers, etc…
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