GUILTY NY - Carlina White, 3 wks, Harlem, 4 Aug 1987

what? why? my God I dont get it. If you are a positive person you bond. I just recently found my dad and thats that. I wanna get to know my dad period. You dont hit them up from money. Especially when you were stolen from your birth parents. Not unless Carlina was raised to be a self serving grifter. It sounds like that's how she was raised. But I read that her fake mom use to abuse her and they moved from place to place. I dont understand at all.
what? why? my God I dont get it. If you are a positive person you bond. I just recently found my dad and thats that. I wanna get to know my dad period. You dont hit them up from money. Especially when you were stolen from your birth parents. Not unless Carlina was raised to be a self serving grifter. It sounds like that's how she was raised. But I read that her fake mom use to abuse her and they moved from place to place. I dont understand at all.

Let's think this out though. Her bio parents allegedly put $424,000 in the bank over a decade ago after taking out $123,000 EACH for themselves. This was to be a trust for if/when they found their daughter and when she turned 21. That is a pretty penny in interest being collected but now the bio mom says that it is ALL gone because her 21st birthday passed. So in TWO years all of that money is just gone? She has more children and yet they just spent all of that settlement? What about looking out for the futures of the children that she was blessed to be able to raise? I didn't read anywhere about these parents putting any money in a trust fund for their kids. AND calls to her home are being sent to a Hollywood production company?? I would not be so quick to call the daughter a "grifter". Sad that the bio mom did not get to raise her baby but all the more reason for her to cherish and support the ones she does have. There is always more than one side to a story.
ok but money? thats my point. I understand her asking for the money, but getting mad about it and cutting off a relationship with her bio family I cant comprehend. My family means more to me than money. If my mom told me she had been saving and then i ask her for the money and she said she spent it. yeah i would be mad, but enough to stop talking to my mom altogether over money? Please!

Let me tell you my opinion of what happened. IMO Carlina was reunited with her family and read about the money and thought she was gonna come up. Instead of being happy she found her bio family she focused on getting the money she felt she deserved. When in reality, the whole point in finding your family should be to reconnect and recover a relationship and not collect on a paycheck. I'm not trying to be rude but I question what she is doing with her life. Does she need the money for school? what is her living arrangements? What was she gonna do with the money? Party and spend? or get her life together?

Then she is gonna defend the lady that kidnapped her or as they claim some crackhead gave her carlina, yet she didnt report it? Please. God knows how she was raised and what she saw. I read the kidnapper was a drug abuser too.

The trust fund money should have been an after thought!
Attorneys working on Pettway plea deal

A New York federal judge on Thursday set an April trial date for Ann Pettway, 11 months after the Bridgeport native was charged with kidnapping an infant 23 years earlier.

But Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrea Surratt informed U.S. District Judge P. Kevin Castel that she is in discussion with Pettway's court-appointed defender about reaching a deal that would avert the trial.
Sad case all the way around. I wonder how much weight the trust fund really played in this short reunification.
It is sad money has been a cause of stress which may have contributed to Carlina being estranged from her parents once again. (I refuse to call them birth parents because she was not adopted and I will not 'give that' to her kidnapper.)

Anyhoo - I think it is reasonable for Carlina to have questions about the money. 750,000 is a substantial amount and if half was to be in a trust for her until two years ago I think the questions are reasonable. Yes, things were rough for her mothers. I fully understand that. We've seen how parents of missing children struggle, however Carlina is a victim here too. She had a every bit of life as she was supposed to have it stolen from her and has every right imo, to be struggling with questions. We don't know if the trust was mishandled, we don't know if the money is gone due to the economy. We just don't know and I do think it is unfair for her mom to be lashing out at her for struggling with some possible questions she may be having. Wouldn't it be expected for the reality of all of this to sink in and be tough for Carlina too?

I will keep this family in my prayers that they are able to overcome these obstacles and are able to find some peace with what has already happened that they can't change and are able to facilitate a good happy relationship among them.

I do hope Carlina has resources available to her for whatever she may be dealing with as a result of knowing she was an abducted child.


I think this article really answers questions about what happened and what they all went through since the first reunion. These kinds of case are tough. Children who reunite with their birth parents often have failed reunions. I have heard such stories repeatedly. Everything is great at the beginning and then after months or even years, things can go sour.

I know this is different because Netty/Carlina was abducted, not adopted, but essentially, it;s the same thing - the family she thought was hers, isn't and her birth family, are strangers. Worse, the fact that it is a different situation from adoption creates expectations that are hard to live up to, the expectation that Netty would immediately reject the person who kidnapped her. That's difficult though, because it is the person she thought of as her mom.

I hope that time helps. Apparently, reunions work better if taken very slowly. This is a very young gal going through an identity crisis. Can you imagine? She thought that was her mom and her mother turns out to be a criminal who took her identity from her via theft of her person. That is intense for anyone to handle.

My heart hurts for her poor parents. I hope this all works out for them and for Netty. I think Netty has been very honest and forthcoming about what this has been like for her and pretty self-aware for what she's gone through.

God bless them all.
Sad story.

I hope they just need some more time and can get back together in a more peaceful athmosphere. It must be hard coming to terms with finding out you're not who you thought you were.
Woman gets 12 years for snatching NY baby in 1987

NEW YORK (AP) — A woman who snatched a newborn from a hospital more than two decades ago and raised the child as her own was sentenced Monday to 12 years in prison by a judge who called it a "crime of selfishness" that enhanced parents' fears and forced hospitals to boost security.

Ann Pettway, of Raleigh, N.C., nodded her head repeatedly as U.S. District Judge Kevin P. Castel announced his sentence in a Manhattan courtroom packed with relatives and friends of Pettway as well as the true parents of Carlina White, who was stolen from Harlem Hospital when she was only 19 days old.........

Pettway apologized, saying she was "deeply sorry for what I have done" and sought to "right my wrong and to ask for forgiveness.".........

Outside court, Tyson said the sentence "should have been longer," but White said she was satisfied.

"If they gave her 200 years, it's still not going to make up for the time my daughter was gone," she said.......

The lawyers said Carlina White declined to speak at the sentencing because she didn't want to go back to court and felt she had done enough work finding her biological parents.

They also noted that she is represented by counsel and has a movie project in the works.

More at link....
So many babies are stolen into this. I wonder if she was involved in Bonita Sanders vanishing? And I bet she knows where Kamiyah Mobley is. She was abducted from a hospital after she was born, a woman impersonating a nurse took her in Jacksonville, FL July 10, 1998. She is an african american baby, has a hernia. I think she is eerily similar to Carlina, so is the scenario. The sketch of the suspect looks like Ann Pettway, so creepy. I hope they look into the possibility of her taking other children to give/sell. So happy they finally got Carlina back, I like news like this!
Sad story.

I hope they just need some more time and can get back together in a more peaceful athmosphere. It must be hard coming to terms with finding out you're not who you thought you were.

I understand where Carlina is coming from. About her mixed feelings. I was forcibly taken from my biological mother at 3 days, by her family and given to my adoptive parents. While my childhood was not ideal, I was verbally and emotionally abused by my adoptive mother, it was better than it would have been had my biological mother been allowed to keep me.

She had problems and I have seen the results of my biological family raising my siblings. There was physical and sexual abuse and it has been generational along with drug and alcohol abuse and lots of emotional scars. My mother loved us, but her family did this to them.

It has taken me years to come to terms with this, and to accept that I was better off where I was raised. My adoptive family loved me, and I loved them, even though what they did was wrong it was done from desperation to have a child.

I had the big reunion with my birth family, and I love them too. but there is a lot of baggage there and it will never be "normal" . Took me a long time to realize that and make peace with it too.

Said all that to say this- because I understand all the turmoil Carlina is going through, I can't judge her for how she has acted. I just hope she can make peace with the past and have a relationship with her birth parents. Because she, and them are the real victims in this.

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