NY - Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein confidante, arrested on Sex Abuse charges, Jul 2020 #5

It is understood that Aidala's appeals process will not be about proving Maxwell's guilt or innocence, but 'whether the judge who decided the case made the correct legal ruling'.


If the lawyer files Maxwell’s appeal on time, a date will then be decided for the hearing, with each side being given 30 minutes to state their case, with the court likely to sit in July or September.

The judge in Maxwell’s case, United States Circuit Judge Alison J. Nathan, had shot down Maxwell’s request for a new trial, and she was convicted on five of six counts, including sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking.
'The juror admitted he called his psychiatrist during deliberations because he was so upset. This is in clear violation of the judge's order not to discuss the case with anyone.

'It doesn't matter that he was calling a medical professional. He clearly broke the rules and violated the jurors' oath which gives strong grounds for appeal.'


Ghislaine Maxwell was handcuffed and slung into solitary confinement for 48 hours after prison authorities accused her of profiting from a media interview, DailyMail.com can reveal. Maxwell, 61, appeared on UK TV last month in a series of taped video and audio calls in which she grumbled about life behind bars and blamed her ex-lover Jeffrey Epstein for her downfall. The footage raised eyebrows at Federal Correctional Institute Tallahassee because inmates are only allowed 'video visits' from a closely-vetted list of friends, family and lawyers.

Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyers claim Jeffrey Epstein's 15-year-old Florida plea deal should undo her sex-trafficking conviction​

Wed, March 1, 2023 at 4:30 PM EST

Ghislaine Maxwell has appealed the conviction and 20-year prison sentence she received for trafficking girls to Jeffrey Epstein for sex, with her lawyers arguing that a 15-year-old agreement between Epstein and Florida prosecutors should have protected her.

In the 113-page appeal filed late Tuesday, Maxwell's lawyers also repeated a defense that came up often in her trial: She argues she was "a proxy" for Epstein, the notorious and well-connected pedophile who died in jail in 2019 while awaiting trial for his own set of sex-trafficking charges.

"In its zeal to pin the blame for its own incompetence and for Epstein's crimes on Maxwell, the Government breached its promise not to prosecute Maxwell, charged her with time-barred offenses [and] resurrected and recast decades-old allegations for conduct previously ascribed to Epstein and other named assistants," the lawyers wrote in the filing.
“For many years, the public has been asking for a reckoning by the FBI and the United States government for its clear dereliction of duty to serve and protect the American people against the Epstein sex trafficking conspiracy,” wrote Freeman, adding, “However, we are aware of no investigation of the FBI and certainly no public disclosure or explanation.”

“Epstein and Maxwell’s victims, and the public at large, are owed a full accounting of the FBI’s many failures and missed opportunities. The American people, the victims, and the survivors deserve the truth.”


Then-top JPMorgan Chase executive Jes Staley allegedly abused “some” of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims — and received a “sexually suggestive” photograph of one young woman from the now-deceased pedophile, a judge indicated in a ruling.

Released on Monday afternoon, Senior U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff’s 54-page opinion and order explains why he advanced claims alleging that JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank knowingly profited from Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking scheme. Rakoff revealed new details about the bank, and its former executives, in explaining his reasoning.

The most prominent among these bankers is Staley, who later moved on to become the CEO of Barclays Bank, before resigning amid scrutiny of his Epstein ties.

JPMorgan has tried to shift the blame to Staley in a separate lawsuit, claiming that their former executive disguised his Epstein ties for personal reasons. Jane Doe, the anonymous woman suing JPMorgan in a proposed class action, claimed in a deposition that Staley sexually abused her.

Rakoff’s ruling suggests that she’s not his only accuser.

Deutsche Bank AG (DBKGn.DE) agreed to pay $75 million to settle a lawsuit by women who say they were abused by the late financier Jeffrey Epstein, and accused the German bank of facilitating his sex trafficking.

The accord resolves a proposed class action in Manhattan federal court, and was confirmed by the accusers' lawyers late on Wednesday.

Deutsche Bank was accused of missing red flags in Epstein's accounts that he was engaged in wrongdoing.

Epstein, who pleaded guilty in 2008 to a Florida prostitution charge and registered as a sex offender, was a Deutsche Bank client from 2013 to 2018.

He died in August 2019 in jail while awaiting trial for sex trafficking, in what New York City's medical examiner called a suicide.

Deutsche Bank's settlement requires approval by U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff, who on Thursday scheduled a June 1 preliminary hearing to consider its fairness.

Two similar lawsuits against JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), where Epstein was a client from 1998 to 2013, remain unresolved.
Ghislaine Maxwell 'living in fear after snitching on violent inmates'

The diminutive sex trafficker is being escorted to and from her prison library job every day by a guard

Ghislaine Maxwell 'living in fear after snitching on violent inmates'

The diminutive sex trafficker is being escorted to and from her prison library job every day by a guard

So, now, she's lost her secret supply of extra fruit, veggies, and tofu? Boy, that was super smart.... Got her supplier in trouble, too.
Ghislaine Maxwell 'living in fear after snitching on violent inmates'

The diminutive sex trafficker is being escorted to and from her prison library job every day by a guard

Why am I not bothered?

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