NY - Officers pry 1-year-old from Brooklyn mom's arms during arrest, 7 Dec 2018

FWIW, I like this about WS, also. :)

I am glad she is no longer in jail, but I believe the mother is at fault for putting her child through that traumatic experience. Regardless of who (mom, security, LE) did or didn't do anything (sit, stand, yell, demand, wrestle), IMO, the mom should have ended the insanity before her child had to experience that ridiculous wresting match. The child's well being was sacrificed (by the mom) like a pawn in a chess game.

FWIW, I like this about WS, also. :)

I am glad she is no longer in jail, but I believe the mother is at fault for putting her child through that traumatic experience. Regardless of who (mom, security, LE) did or didn't do anything (sit, stand, yell, demand, wrestle), IMO, the mom should have ended the insanity before her child had to experience that ridiculous wresting match. The child's well being was sacrificed (by the mom) like a pawn in a chess game.
Yes, we will have to agree to disagree.
Picture this..... I go to get groceries. The store is crowded, the lines are long. I am tired and hungry. Does anyone think it would be okay for me and mine to plop down on the floor and have a picnic? I refuse to get up, refuse to leave the building. After all I’m tired and hungry.
I’m pretty sure I would get hauled out of there pretty quickly.
I would hope you wouldn't have to wait two to four hours in line at a grocery store,but if you did I wouldn't have a problem with you sitting on the floor or having a snack.
The women in this case waited several hours and after waiting that long was told to leave.
I can understand why she might have questioned that directive.
Losing the help she needed because someone decided to throw their weight around on a power trip. IMO
Jazmine Headley appeared in court in New Jersey Wednesday to face an outstanding warrant on charges of credit card theft and trafficking in personal identifying information. Headley pleaded not guilty and was accepted into pretrial intervention, a program for first-time offenders. She must do 20 hours of community service and has to pay part of the restitution and $125 in court fees. She was released without bail and will have a clean record if she does what the court has required.

Meantime, two HRA peace officers have been placed on modified duty and an investigation is underway after video showed an excruciating tug of war between a group of officers and Headley.

Mom whose baby ripped away gets pretrial intervention in NJ
That LE person needs help. Power, control issues.

LE are known as peace officers.

Not what I have seen. The caliber of younger, newer officers worries me. Not putting down LEO, but really wondering about the training that is occurring.

What I have seen, over a 30 year career, is an abrupt shift in how officers approach a situation, it used to be more low key, common sense, "Andy Griffin" type. Now, it is more like the officer in "Terminator 3". Okay, maybe not that bad...but definitely a more SWAT type atmosphere. Obey orders, NOW!

I can't say much, after all, I am not a police officer. Maybe situations merit this response now.

That being said, I think that this woman really has some issues, and needs help, not a SWAT team. I guess, I am glad I am out of that field now.
There is a great article in thecut.com that is pretty good but I don't know if we allow the link its on the front page and it gives a good view of the problems of late (the new reality as I call it )
Is there a video of the ENTIRE exchange? Usually all i see in these cases are AFTER the escalation.

Those that are saying LE or Security should have approached with the 'Ma'am, i see there are no seats, can we find you somewhere better to sit' politely spoken question...... What if she then responds "$%CK You, i'll sit wherever the #$(* i want, you can't tell me what to do'. How should it proceed? Because so far, thats the response i see coming out of MANY of the confrontations that end this way. And i HEAR it daily. Thus why everyone whips out their phone. Its all entertainment these days. And why is it that in almost ALL of these 'episodes', the 'victim' either has warrants, or charges, or criminal history?
Is there a video of the ENTIRE exchange? Usually all i see in these cases are AFTER the escalation.

Those that are saying LE or Security should have approached with the 'Ma'am, i see there are no seats, can we find you somewhere better to sit' politely spoken question...... What if she then responds "$%CK You, i'll sit wherever the #$(* i want, you can't tell me what to do'. How should it proceed? Because so far, thats the response i see coming out of MANY of the confrontations that end this way. And i HEAR it daily. Thus why everyone whips out their phone. Its all entertainment these days. And why is it that in almost ALL of these 'episodes', the 'victim' either has warrants, or charges, or criminal history?
Pure speculation on your part.
Is there a video of the ENTIRE exchange? Usually all i see in these cases are AFTER the escalation.

Those that are saying LE or Security should have approached with the 'Ma'am, i see there are no seats, can we find you somewhere better to sit' politely spoken question...... What if she then responds "$%CK You, i'll sit wherever the #$(* i want, you can't tell me what to do'. How should it proceed? Because so far, thats the response i see coming out of MANY of the confrontations that end this way. And i HEAR it daily. Thus why everyone whips out their phone. Its all entertainment these days. And why is it that in almost ALL of these 'episodes', the 'victim' either has warrants, or charges, or criminal history?

See I think the natural assumption should be that she didn't escalate it especially, since NY people are falling all over themselves to condemn LE 's actions and she might have unpaid fines etc , I don't think because she was in an assistance office we ( not me ) should assume shes a or something , I think that's kind of an issue.
So what if she replies nastily. As a teacher, we were trained how to deal with kids with issues and anger. Deescalation.


We have these same people in the classrrom.

So true. Worked with kids like that for years in Special Education. No take down squad. Although, schools are now calling in police officers more often.
She went up to the officer and bit her? LOL
According to your link it happened during the scuffle.
Also from your link:
The commissioner of the department of social services completed his review Friday evening and said there were several opportunities for the incident to have been handled differently.

He apologized to Headley and her son and said the DSS will conduct training sessions for all HRA Peace Officers within the next 90 days with an emphasis on techniques for deescalating disputes.
7 On Your Side: Victims protest, demand reforms at HRA

After a trio of 7 On Your Side Investigates reports detailing how some of New York City's so-called "peace officers" are accused of aggressive and sometimes violent arrests, alleged victims and their supporters are calling on the city to investigate.

They protested Thursday against what they say is a pattern of abuse and violence by police officers of the Human Resources Administration, perpetrated, they say, against the most vulnerable citizens seeking the city's help.

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