GUILTY OH Pike Co., 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #62

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Seeing AW had phone calls from the jail 4/22/21 - 4/27/21 (violation of her court agreement), I don't think Judge Deering will allow her phone calls to start up again. AC slipped that little jem of information in just at the perfect moment. Wink.
I was wondering what those two calls could possibly be and with who and how she got phone access. Talking to her lawyers would not be listed would it?
Respectfully, the majority of the Final Autopsies were very severely redacted.
What part of the Final Autopsies leads you to believe there were knives used?

I did not say Final Autopsies. As I recall, those have not been released. Also, I stated JMO. I read the redacted autopsies over and over and came to my own opinion. Anyone else's opinion is as good as mine.

As a clue, the redacted portions are not to be simply dismissed.
Seeing AW had phone calls from the jail 4/22/21 - 4/27/21 (violation of her court agreement), I don't think Judge Deering will allow her phone calls to start up again. AC slipped that little jem of information in just at the perfect moment. Wink.

How was AW even able to make these calls? Doesn't the jail monitor/control those that are able to use the jail phone?

Note the day the first call is on. The "huge surprise" that came that day.

I'm sure this is the reason for the call that day. So significant was that day that I'm not surprised she was on the phone.

It's possible because of the extraordinary circumstances Angela was allowed to make calls those first 6 days - 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, but because Canepa made sure to get those phone calls on record before Judge Deering I wonder if she did sneak the calls.

One way to do it is if another inmate let her use their information. It would be hard to go up and call people using her own information, I'm pretty sure there is a block on her jail phone service as is done in some other jails.

... 2 Cents ...
I don’t know if you all remember when GW4 first got arrested he kept telling his attorneys that he wanted his ex-wife to get a mental evaluation before she took custody of their son and now GW4 is asking the same thing, before Jake Wagner testified against him, is this his way out of trouble for everything GW4 did???? JMO
I did not say Final Autopsies. As I recall, those have not been released. Also, I stated JMO. I read the redacted autopsies over and over and came to my own opinion. Anyone else's opinion is as good as mine.

As a clue, the redacted portions are not to be simply dismissed.
I didn't start to follow this case until after their arrests. So bare with me! IIRC, preliminary Autopsy reports were released, soon after the crime. Then Reporters sued to make the results of the final autopsy public. The Ohio Supreme Court ruled that the Finals should be released, but in a redacted form.

I'm going from memory here, but I believe reporters were finally allowed to view the full contents of the final autopsies, but they couldn't make notes until they had left the room. Then a very redacted copy was released to the public. I think the final redacted version was released soon after. The reacted version of the Final Autopsy Report is linked at the end of this article.

Ohio AG releases redacted Rhoden autopsy reports

What is your opinion about the knife put into evidence???? JMO

It was obviously used in the crimes which is why it was hidden with the guns etc...

We know they tried to burn a VCR and a silencer so I am sure they burned up anything that would burn like clothes and shoes, masks, etc...

So the knife wouldn't burn so they had to dispose of it with the other metal stuff.

Not burnable, I think it's quite possible that all the security cameras were in those containers.

So I think the knife was used to cut down the security cameras. They would have to have a tool or a knife to get that many cameras down.
I didn't start to follow this case until after their arrests. So bare with me! IIRC, preliminary Autopsy reports were released, soon after the crime. Then Reporters sued to make the results of the final autopsy public. The Ohio Supreme Court ruled that the Finals should be released, but in a redacted form.

I'm going from memory here, but I believe reporters were finally allowed to view the full contents of the final autopsies, but they couldn't make notes until they had left the room. Then a very redacted copy was released to the public. I think the final redacted version was released soon after. The reacted version of the Final Autopsy Report is linked at the end of this article.

Ohio AG releases redacted Rhoden autopsy reports

Reporters could only view the preliminary notes of the autopsy reports not the full reports is my understanding.
All my opinion!

AW, wants to call FW, please send me some commissary, money. I did not sell the family out Jake did.

JW, hair is now cut, in the latest mug shot. I am sure he doesn't want to enter prison, with the long hair. I am sure he will have a new understanding, to what physical abuse is all about.

No matter how bad, anyone thanks, they are their is always some one a little tougher.

All three Wagner men will never be housed at the same prison.

I would not be surprised, if JW, is not sent to the reception center. With him, pleading it might be a better way to keep him safe, till he testifies.
Good post! I strongly agree that none of them will be housed together, ever. Three brothers (that I went to school with), were all later sentenced on federal charges and not only were they never housed together, they could not even contact each other (because of course they were co-defendants), and also when it came to their classifcations, which they were all classified the same, there were options closer to home where they could have each served their sentences in 3 separate prisons, but instead they were all sent to separate prisons that were quite a distance from home, which of course made it more difficult for family and friends to visit, but that's the way it was, and nothing nobody could do anything about!
This isn't a direct reply to you CC, but I wanted to highlight a quote from the MSM article you cited above. The article is by Holly Zachariah.

This is in regard to my earlier posts about JW's demeanor when he said he was guilty of HR's murder and whether he was grimacing or smiling:

"Then, holding back tears, Wagner admitted to the eighth murder of Hanna Mea Rhoden, the mother of his young daughter."

Granted, HR's middle name is misspelled in this quote, but I personally feel this reporter has done a good job of following this case, attending the various hearings and reporting what is going on to us.

This is the third MSM source I've provided stating that JW was not smiling in court when he said he was guilty of HR's murder. IMO

Pike County murders: Jake Wagner pleads guilty in Ohio family massacre
But really, isn't it still just an opinion?

My opinion is different, including the, what I consider, insincere apology.

Again, JMO.
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