OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#47

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But if Hannah and Jake knew the child was not his bio? That would have been a huge threat to hold over Jake's head. Especially in view of the new "daddy" coming on the scene with pics of SW and that new "daddy" being posted on SM. Jake and crew would have viewed those SM pics of SW with the new "daddy" as a major threat.


IMO The courts have DNA proving JW is SW father or they would not have filed the rape charges. That is the prosecutor's only evidence I don't believe the DA would file rape charges just to have it thrown out.
In keeping with the entire Custody discussion, stress, conflict between Rhodens and Wagners and escalating

It was rumored that Wagner Family took HR on vacations to Florida. Business or pleasure, idk.
It was rumored CRsr made trips to Florida. Business or pleasure idk.
It was rumored Dana and Chris had a plan to leave Pike County and move the entire family to Florida after CR jr got out of High School
Did CRsr and Wagners have common friends or associates in Florida
If Dana was successful in her desire to move the family to Florida - HR would have taken S to Florida.
How did this plan of Dana’s fit into the Wagners Custody plans, and Wagner desire to move to Alaska.

Does anyone think Dana’s references to “ The Evil Ones” were references to the Wagners.
No, I think a DNA test was done. I think it was done back in 2015 when Jake and Hannah split. I think it was done when Hannah tried for child support. I think it came back that Jake was not the father. I think that is when the entire W family got the shock of their life and started scheming to get custody of SW whom there is no doubt they love very much. I think that is when the entire W family came to the conclusion that the only way to get that child they all loved so much was to kill Hannah and her entire family.

We have all wondered why the entire W family got involved in a custody case between Jake and Hannah. The threat of none of them ever being able to see SW again would have been a very good reason.

After Hannah and her entire family was dead, even with a DNA test on record that he was not the father, a biased judge, or any judge really, would have deemed it better for the child to give custody to a man who she had known as her father her entire life, a man who's last name she carried, a man who was willing and able to take care of her, rather than throw her into the foster care system.


It's possible, tho I wonder if the W's feelings would change about SW if she weren't a 'genuine' Wagner.

I get the sense that the obsession about custody in this case wasn't based on love, but rather on ownership. It's a totally selfish emotion that becomes enraged when someone threatens our cherished possessions: my home, my woman, my children.
IMOO.. My understanding from reading earlier articles (no I am sorry I don't have a link) is DR,HMR,CRjr all lived in the trailer with FR & HHG with the three kids. That is a lot in one home. I think the Wagoner's threatened to report HMR to CPS for living conditions if she did not sign over custody of SW, this resulted in CRsr buying DR the new home and the fight between CRsr and BW. It was the final straw they knew they would loose and the HMR would file for statutory rape. I honestly think there were a lot of blow-ups between the family and it just kept escalating. We may be surprised to learn in the court hearings what all was actually done and how the HMR and her family really felt about JW and the terror he put her through.

Agree - that would be a lot of people living in one small trailer. On this forum a while back it was discussed that JW and the W's were trying to bully HR into signing over custody of S because of the living situation. There was apparently a big blow up between CR Sr. and BW over this.

JMO, it seems to me that HR and her family were taking JW's threats about custody of S quite seriously. CR Sr. bought the new home, and HR was very generous in the visitation she allowed JW with S. This makes me believe that the R's knew that JW was S's bio father and they were fearful he might be able to assert a legal claim for S in court.

It appears JW was being nice to HR in the final weeks she was alive. That was all just a ruse, designed to disarm HR and her family. He was apparently allowed into DR's new home at least twice. Once when he set up the baby crib, and also on the night of the murders when he took S a day early. That gave him an opportunity to memorize the layout, the sleeping arrangements, and perhaps unlock a window or two, etc.

It's just pure evil - x 4. There is no other way to describe it, IMO.
In keeping with the entire Custody discussion, stress, conflict between Rhodens and Wagners and escalating

It was rumored that Wagner Family took HR on vacations to Florida. Business or pleasure, idk.
It was rumored CRsr made trips to Florida. Business or pleasure idk.
It was rumored Dana and Chris had a plan to leave Pike County and move the entire family to Florida after CR jr got out of High School
Did CRsr and Wagners have common friends or associates in Florida
If Dana was successful in her desire to move the family to Florida - HR would have taken S to Florida.
How did this plan of Dana’s fit into the Wagners Custody plans, and Wagner desire to move to Alaska.

Does anyone think Dana’s references to “ The Evil Ones” were references to the Wagners.

That's a lot of rumor and many of the rumors that have floated around about these murders have been shown to be false. JMO, I don't see that as a very likely scenario. CR1 wouldn't have bought a new home for DR and the kids if they were planning to pull up stakes and move to FL. He just didn't have that kind of money.
Search results for rhoden, dana
6 Matches Displayed

1 Concerning: Rhoden, Dana L
Arr. Agency: SHF Case #: CRB0000480
Docket Entry: Click
Case Type: Criminal
2 Concerning: Rhoden, Dana L
Arr. Agency: SHF Case #: CRB0000489
Docket Entry: Click
Case Type: Criminal
3 Concerning: Rhoden, Dana L
Arr. Agency: OSP Case #: TRD0502104
Docket Entry: Click
Charge: A. C. D.
Case Type: Traffic
4 Concerning: Rhoden, Dana L
Arr. Agency: SHF Case #: CRB0600774
Docket Entry: Click
Case Type: Criminal
5 Concerning: Rhoden, Dana L
Arr. Agency: OSP Case #: TRD9702146
Docket Entry: Click
Charge: A. C. D.
Case Type: Traffic
6 Concerning: Rhoden, Dana L.
Arr. Agency: N/A Case #: CVF1000577
Docket Entry: Click
Case Type: Civil

Pike County Court

Docket entry on criminal case number CRB 0000489

Click for case information
Case Number:
CRB 0000489
Defendant(s): Rhoden, Dana L

  • 05/31/2000
    • CASE SET FOR A ARRAIGNMENT ON 06/05/2000 AT 9:00 AM

  • 06/05/2000
    • CASE SET FOR A SENTENCING ON 06/15/2000 AT 8:30 AM

  • 06/15/2000
    • FINE AMOUNT $100.00
    • CRIMINAL MM COSTS $48.00
    • SHERIFF FEES $15.30
    • COSTS 63.30, SUSP .00
    • JAIL 90, SUSP 85

  • 07/05/2000

  • 08/07/2000

  • 09/05/2000

  • 10/06/2000

  • 01/23/2001
    • CASE SET FOR A PROBATION VIOL. ON 02/05/2001 AT 3:00 PM

  • 01/25/2001
    Conviction Date: 06/15/2000
    Dft's Plea: Nc
    Dft. Found: G Fine Amt.: 100.00
    Susp.: .00
    Costs Amt.: 63.30
    Susp.: .00
    Jail Time: 90
    Susp.: 85
    O.L. Susp. From:
    O.L. Susp. To:
    REPORT TO JAIL FOR 5 DAYS ON 6/15/2000 AT 12:00NOON.
RECAP: She plead no contest to a criminal charge, was adjudicated GUILTY and was SENTENCED TO FIVE DAYS IN JAIL AND FIVE YEARS PROBATION.

I guess I missed out on some of this discussion, but why are we trying to make DR look bad? She did nothing to deserve having herself and her family murdered in cold blood.

You really don't think the courts did a DNA test on JW? I can't believe that is possible. It such an easy test to do and in child custody cases isn't it mandated, in this day and age, for just the reason your theory is based on?

It is not mandated, it must be requested by one party or the other. IF the father agrees to sign the birth certificate there is no reason for mandated testing, either party can request the test be done if they has reasonable doubt but are responsible for the cost of the test. If one party takes the other party to court for support, visitation, custody and/or because the father refuses to sign the birth certificate then a court ordered paternity test can be requested. And depending on the finances the court may pay, if financially able the judge may order the requesting party to pay. IE: if JW had denied paternity and Hanna wanted child support and JW refused, the judge orders the paternity and JW would pay the bill per the court.
No, I think a DNA test was done. I think it was done back in 2015 when Jake and Hannah split. I think it was done when Hannah tried for child support. I think it came back that Jake was not the father. I think that is when the entire W family got the shock of their life and started scheming to get custody of SW whom there is no doubt they love very much. I think that is when the entire W family came to the conclusion that the only way to get that child they all loved so much was to kill Hannah and her entire family.

We have all wondered why the entire W family got involved in a custody case between Jake and Hannah. The threat of none of them ever being able to see SW again would have been a very good reason.

After Hannah and her entire family was dead, even with a DNA test on record that he was not the father, a biased judge, or any judge really, would have deemed it better for the child to give custody to a man who she had known as her father her entire life, a man who's last name she carried, a man who was willing and able to take care of her, rather than throw her into the foster care system.

(text highlighted in red by me)...I respectfully disagree. Hanna was only 15 years old when Sophia was conceived. I find it very hard to believe that she had more than one sexual partner at that age. I realize there was a question of paternity when Kylie was conceived, but Hanna was approximately two and a half years older at that time and she was on again/off again with Jake. IMHO, Jake was her first love and she was exclusively involved with Jake until after Sophia was born.
In keeping with the entire Custody discussion, stress, conflict between Rhodens and Wagners and escalating

It was rumored that Wagner Family took HR on vacations to Florida. Business or pleasure, idk.
It was rumored CRsr made trips to Florida. Business or pleasure idk.
It was rumored Dana and Chris had a plan to leave Pike County and move the entire family to Florida after CR jr got out of High School
Did CRsr and Wagners have common friends or associates in Florida
If Dana was successful in her desire to move the family to Florida - HR would have taken S to Florida.
How did this plan of Dana’s fit into the Wagners Custody plans, and Wagner desire to move to Alaska.

Does anyone think Dana’s references to “ The Evil Ones” were references to the Wagners.
(BBM) Absolutely agree that is who Dana was referring to.
I guess I missed out on some of this discussion, but why are we trying to make DR look bad? She did nothing to deserve having herself and her family murdered in cold blood.

No one said that she did deserve her outcome. What was originally said was that no murdered Rhodens had criminal records. I stated that yes, two did. Dana and Gary. Someone else said no, that if you looked up her name it only showed traffic and civil cases. I corrected their misstatement by showing what really does show up on her record. She does have a criminal record. If that makes her look bad, so be it. The facts are what they are. To many here it does not matter. It is what it is.
No one said that she did deserve her outcome. What was originally said was that no murdered Rhodens had criminal records. I stated that yes, two did. Dana and Gary. Someone else said no, that if you looked up her name it only showed traffic and civil cases. I corrected their misstatement by showing what really does show up on her record. She does have a criminal record. If that makes her look bad, so be it. The facts are what they are. To many here it does not matter. It is what it is.

Agree, it doesn't matter. It's not relevant to the senseless murders committed by the Wagners - crazy, entitled psychopaths inspired by a poorly made, violent movie.
It would and may very well be part of the evidence against the W4's.

At this point we don't know. But we do know that DeWine said custody and control of the children was the motive and that this is the most bizarre case he has ever seen.

We have all been here for months racking our brains for a reason why he wouldn't just take Hannah to court and try for custody or at least joint custody. Even if they planned a move to Alaska, if Jake had joint custody he could have tried for six months in AK with him and six months in OH with Hannah. There is a reason why he didn't do that.

Hannah wasn't growing MJ, her dad was. Her dad wasn't the one asking for custody.

Jake wasn't stealing boots or waving guns at people, his dad was. His dad wasn't the one asking for custody.

So this custody thing had to be something between Jake and Hannah.

These days joint custody is almost automatic. So there has to be a very good reason Jake thought he would not even get joint custody, so resorted to murder. Don't forget, the entire W family thought murder was the only solution. Not just the murder of Hannah. The murder of her entire family. Every single person who might be able to come back and get custody of SW if Hannah was dead even right down to a 16 year old boy who was the child's uncle.

Someone on here pointed out people disappear in those mountains all the time. We have all seen evidence of that with all the dead bodies turning up.

So why not just make Hannah disappear? Why would getting rid of just Hannah not solve the custody problem? Why did Jake drag baby pics and other evidence to a custody hearing to prove he was SW's father? I have never heard of any bio father dragging baby pics to court to prove he was the child's father. Why would he think he had to prove he was SW's father? After all her last name was Wagner and we assume his name was on her birth certificate as her father. So why would he have to prove he was with baby pics ect?

Unless a DNA test was done after they split in 2015 and it came back that Jake was not SW's bio father. At that point Jake could not have even gotten legal visitation rights let alone custody. At that point the only solution would have been if Hannah and every single one of her close relatives was dead. Even Hazel if she had married Frankie would have had a better chance to get full custody of SW than Jake who was not even related to the child.

It's just a theory, but it fits.


You make some very interesting points about this and it's something I never considered before. The more I ponder this, I think it is entirely possible.

JW and his family were determined enough to get custody of SW that they committed mass murder and this is what is so perplexing. Why murder HR's family members? If JW was SW's biological father, the only person who stood in his way of getting custody of SW was HR, JMO.

I've assumed the statutory rape charge was tied into SW, but it's also possible that during the investigation, LE came across something like old emails that showed JW had sex with HR when she was underage.

What I struggle with is why would HR allow JW to have visitation with SW if he wasn't SW's biological father? He would have been nothing more than an old boyfriend who was harassing HR and he would have had no rights to SW whatsoever.

Also, I'm not sure it's ever been confirmed that the reason CR Sr. bought the new home was to negate JW's attempts to get custody, but the timing of everything seems suspicious this may have been the case. If JW wasn't SW's biological father, wouldn't they have just told him to go pound sand? It seems to me the R's were concerned about the possibility he might win custody.

I'm totally open on theories. Dewine seemed to almost promise us that we will be blown away when the details come out in court.
In keeping with the entire Custody discussion, stress, conflict between Rhodens and Wagners and escalating

It was rumored that Wagner Family took HR on vacations to Florida. Business or pleasure, idk.
It was rumored CRsr made trips to Florida. Business or pleasure idk.
It was rumored Dana and Chris had a plan to leave Pike County and move the entire family to Florida after CR jr got out of High School
Did CRsr and Wagners have common friends or associates in Florida
If Dana was successful in her desire to move the family to Florida - HR would have taken S to Florida.
How did this plan of Dana’s fit into the Wagners Custody plans, and Wagner desire to move to Alaska.

Does anyone think Dana’s references to “ The Evil Ones” were references to the Wagners.

I actually saw this posted, on FB, re; when they went, before the FBs were shuttered. They went there to hunt (wild boar iirc). It was before S was born.

I'd heard the two of them had plans to get back together and move (no definite place, nor if any, or all, of the kids were going w/them). CR2 would have been of age by that time and HMR and CH seemed to have plans of their own.

I think this was her and her friend's name for certain people that they disliked, or was causing them grief, not necessarily the Ws, but it might include them at times, according to what was going on in each of their lives.
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JW and his family were determined enough to get custody of SW that they committed mass murder and this is what is so perplexing. Why murder HR's family members?

Personally, I don't think the answer to that question can ever be found by applying logic and rationality. If the W's were rational, they wouldn't have done it. I think the answer lies in more primitive emotions and fantasies.

"Some of the primal and instinctual emotions associated with violence are pride, jealousy, lust and resentment. However, and consistent with the GST of crime, contemporary research reveals that the human emotion most likely to lead to violence is anger."
Fear-Based Anger Is the Primary Motive for Violence
I guess I missed out on some of this discussion, but why are we trying to make DR look bad? She did nothing to deserve having herself and her family murdered in cold blood.

Thankx @Betty P for saying what most of us are thinking. Unfortunately, negative things occasionally get blown out of proportion concerning the victims and their families. Sorry to be redundant but I believe it's worth saying one more time:

Out of Dana's 6 charges, that were posted earlier today --- 2 are Traffic Citations not criminal, 2 were dismissed, one was a money judgement which is a Civil Court matter, and only one was a Misdemeanor charge dating back to the year 2000, for Resisting Arrest.

Dana's very unremarkable "criminal record" certainly was not enough to deny her gainful employment in a nursing home, of which, her co-workers commended her as being a very thoughtful generous care giver...:)...spending her own money bringing in treats for the people she took care of.
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(text highlighted in red by me)...I respectfully disagree. Hanna was only 15 years old when Sophia was conceived. I find it very hard to believe that she had more than one sexual partner at that age. I realize there was a question of paternity when Kylie was conceived, but Hanna was approximately two and a half years older at that time and she was on again/off again with Jake. IMHO, Jake was her first love and she was exclusively involved with Jake until after Sophia was born.

But we really don't know do we? Teenagers grow up fast these days. We have no idea about any prior boyfriends of hers.

Some girls date as young as 13 these days. Others become sexually active at an even younger age. They mature fast with TV shows and video games and women singers for role models in this day and age. I have seen girls as young as 10 years old wearing a thick layer of makeup and piercings everywhere they can find to poke a hole for one. There is just no telling now days.

You make some very interesting points about this and it's something I never considered before. The more I ponder this, I think it is entirely possible.

JW and his family were determined enough to get custody of SW that they committed mass murder and this is what is so perplexing. Why murder HR's family members? If JW was SW's biological father, the only person who stood in his way of getting custody of SW was HR, JMO.

I've assumed the statutory rape charge was tied into SW, but it's also possible that during the investigation, LE came across something like old emails that showed JW had sex with HR when she was underage.

What I struggle with is why would HR allow JW to have visitation with SW if he wasn't SW's biological father? He would have been nothing more than an old boyfriend who was harassing HR and he would have had no rights to SW whatsoever.

Also, I'm not sure it's ever been confirmed that the reason CR Sr. bought the new home was to negate JW's attempts to get custody, but the timing of everything seems suspicious this may have been the case. If JW wasn't SW's biological father, wouldn't they have just told him to go pound sand? It seems to me the R's were concerned about the possibility he might win custody.

I'm totally open on theories. Dewine seemed to almost promise us that we will be blown away when the details come out in court.


I've assumed the statutory rape charge was tied into SW,

It may not have even been related to Hannah at all. It could have been some other underage girl. We know Jake liked them young and naive. I can't remember if the indictment specifically named Hannah or just said an underage girl. Or Jake himself on one of his delusional ego trips could have told them him and Hannah were having sexual relations when she was underage just to prove to LE how much he loved her.

What I struggle with is why would HR allow JW to have visitation with SW if he wasn't SW's biological father?

Because the child believed Jake was her father. He was the only father she knew. It would have hurt the child more than anyone else to take that relationship from her.

Some people love their children more than they hate their ex's. So they allow the ex's to have liberal visitation with the kids because they know the only ones going to get hurt if they refuse to allow them to see their father is the children.

Kind of like what my mama used to say to people she counseled. "Your kids did not choose their father/mother, you did."

So maybe Hannah was a mother who loved her daughter more than she hated her ex.

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