Pastor of mega church says wife has gone away for 1 year...

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If you listen to the radio interview that Ron called the radio station and ask to do, the topic of the President speaking at the church is brought up. The radio host points out that there have been other politicians that have spoke at the church over the years.

I think it's because there is a huge audience to address there, it's a large building to do it in and that is attractive to a politician. It would also draw in more potential members.

The RWOC church was a good spot for Obama to appear for many reason, it was large, it was already set up to get great footage to broadcast, send over the internet and to send out to all of of Ron's the pastor friends in his Prosperity Posse and send all over. Heck Ron probably had them there. He wouldn't miss an opportunity like that to promote himself and his prosperity buddies.

A huge factor is the congregation is blacks and white and other minorities all worshiping together. It's not a black church, it's not a white church. The church is seen as racially progressive and of course Obama wants to appear to be racially progressive too. So that was a positive aspect of the church to showcase and of course, ron and obama are both showmen, always ready to sell their dog and pony show.

Obama's own personal pastor (who had married Michelle and Obama) was a embarrassment. Videos of Reverend Wright's sermons surfaced where Wright was saying some very harsh remarks against whites , against America, etc. Obama said he had never noticed or experienced that but there were many many videos of quite a few offensive remarks. Obama had to distance himself from Wright and I think he ended up severing ties with him.
Here is what I wonder. Ron said things were perfect until they got the day of the dedication of the building. She just changed he said. So what had happened? Did she possibly catch him doing something but never confronted him and just held that secret inside and turned cold to him?

Was it something to do with the new building? Ron was already deep in this prosperity thing in which the pastors are as thick as thieves. Did the good ole boy network of these guys somehow change Ron's views on Hope, women or his responsibilities to her? Or did his big fat ego just take off once it was able to fully expand in that huge building?

Was it medical on Hope's part? Women do end up having hormone problems at some point. If she endomitriosis or other issues, she might have ended up with something like that which can change you a lot. i had an emergency complete hysterectomy and was never able to take hormone replacements, so yes, i am different than before. So it could be that.

Something happened when that building was dedicated and opened. Oh i betcha Ron knows what it is but it is his way to play all innocent like he just doesn't know. If he claimed to know, then he would have to take responsibility for something and that aint gonna happen.

Not that i think Hope is all perfect. Nope, i expect she is a human with human flaws, mistakes she has made and regrets. i would hope that when she speaks out that she will just tell the truth, whatever it is. Cuz we sure as heck ain't gonna get it from Ron.

The only thing we will get from Ron is a dramatic performance, with mood enhancing music in the background, skillfully applied lighting to compliments the blonde highlights in his hair and his super white smile. Oh, if we are lucky, maybe he will even use the smoke machine too. The DO have one, lol.
One thing that is so slanderous is Ron getting and saying that Hope was cheating on her longterm lover because she already had another lined up just as she was breaking up with the first one. He told too many details about adultery, minimizes that as a tiny part of her problems, but won't say what the rest exactly were. He was kind of careful to hint that her personality changed a year before the first affair. Of course, it had to happen on a specific date, easter sunday. Perhaps suggesting that satan got hold of her because the church was growing and a new building dedicated. The devil made her do it.
From his FB page.

The love and support you have shown over the past few weeks have not gone unnoticed!! THANK YOU!! Thank you for all your prayers and encouraging words for my family. Also, thank you to everyone who has been praying and asking about Hope. A lot of you have asked about sending her letters of encouragement and I know she would appreciate them! You can send your letters of encouragement to Hope Carpenter/RWOC 635 Haywood Rd, Greenville, SC 29607. Once again, thank you for your prayers, love, and support!

Does he think we are stupid?? He said she was out of state.
Hi - Everyone with great insight on this situation. Just wanted to mention, and must say, it is only my opinion, (because I don't know how to link), but just read an article where Barrack Obama visited the church and was on stage with Ron Carpenter in 2007. So, it seems to me, he does have some influential friends. The article also had several comments, even back then, about how they are "false prophets" and basically money grubbers. So, seems it is not new that people are thinking that, and this when he had 4000 members, so membership has increased quite a bit since that time. If you Google just Hope's name, the article, I believe will come up. Will continue to be reading, but just wanted to add this little bit of information.

One more reason I dont like the guy.:blushing:
From his FB page.

The love and support you have shown over the past few weeks have not gone unnoticed!! THANK YOU!! Thank you for all your prayers and encouraging words for my family. Also, thank you to everyone who has been praying and asking about Hope. A lot of you have asked about sending her letters of encouragement and I know she would appreciate them! You can send your letters of encouragement to Hope Carpenter/RWOC 635 Haywood Rd, Greenville, SC 29607. Once again, thank you for your prayers, love, and support!

Does he think we are stupid?? He said she was out of state.

Yep when someone lies, they stumble somewhere......
From his FB page.

The love and support you have shown over the past few weeks have not gone unnoticed!! THANK YOU!! Thank you for all your prayers and encouraging words for my family. Also, thank you to everyone who has been praying and asking about Hope. A lot of you have asked about sending her letters of encouragement and I know she would appreciate them! You can send your letters of encouragement to Hope Carpenter/RWOC 635 Haywood Rd, Greenville, SC 29607. Once again, thank you for your prayers, love, and support!

Does he think we are stupid?? He said she was out of state.

Yea but if you send them elsewhere he can't read them first.!
One thing that is so slanderous is Ron getting and saying that Hope was cheating on her longterm lover because she already had another lined up just as she was breaking up with the first one. He told too many details about adultery, minimizes that as a tiny part of her problems, but won't say what the rest exactly were. He was kind of careful to hint that her personality changed a year before the first affair. Of course, it had to happen on a specific date, easter sunday. Perhaps suggesting that satan got hold of her because the church was growing and a new building dedicated. The devil made her do it.

I think he was somewhat vague, yet got the scintillating tidbits (multiple affairs!, dress code, dual life, worst case ever, such bad shape you can't have access to her ) in there.

Yet what he said did really not answer any questions as much as it prompted even more of them. (worst case or what? Is she even really alive? isolation for a year?)

The man knows how to market a scandal. But now we are waiting to find out more, like waiting for the next episode of "The Hopeless Apostle". And he is loving every minute of that. he likes a captive audience. He enjoys the way he is now in the spotlight , although he mistakenly thinks he is fooling people, and that we believe that he is a modern day saint.

He fancies himself as a righteous man, who has been wronged by a fallen woman who has the worst. case. ever. of ____ ( Of what? PMS? Multiple personality? Demonic possession? Hemorrhoids? Well Ron is the biggest, inflamed, pain in the @zz I've ever seen so that's a distinct possibility...... Hmmm, Is there such a thing as a spiritual proctologist? )

One thing I do know. Whatever he eventually reveals will be a carefully scripted lie spun in his favor. He is an apostle after all, chosen by God, dontcha know! He has no doubts he will come out of this as a victorious warrior of faith!

But the longer he plays this stupid game, broadcasting lies across the universe, the more we look into him, and look at the really questionable things he has done, the multi layered little church of cards. We see the koolaid smiles plastered on the faces of those who adore him as they bleat their praises of their apostle, sent to shepherd them into the kingdom of prosperity.

I hope that Hope is not a willing accomplice to any stunt of Ron's. I want to say to her "He said he would divorce you, so hold him to that and run, rejoice, be free!".

All I can say is it better not be a copy cat of this: Benny Hinn Offers Intimate Details of His Life After Affair, Divorce and Remarriage
Here is what I wonder....

Not that i think Hope is all perfect. Nope, i expect she is a human with human flaws, mistakes she has made and regrets. i would hope that when she speaks out that she will just tell the truth, whatever it is. Cuz we sure as heck ain't gonna get it from Ron.

The only thing we will get from Ron is a dramatic performance, with mood enhancing music in the background, skillfully applied lighting to compliments the blonde highlights in his hair and his super white smile. Oh, if we are lucky, maybe he will even use the smoke machine too. The DO have one, lol.

TY, SwampMama ; you worded that entire post perfectly ! Loved it !
From his FB page.

The love and support you have shown over the past few weeks have not gone unnoticed!! THANK YOU!! Thank you for all your prayers and encouraging words for my family. Also, thank you to everyone who has been praying and asking about Hope. A lot of you have asked about sending her letters of encouragement and I know she would appreciate them! You can send your letters of encouragement to Hope Carpenter/RWOC 635 Haywood Rd, Greenville, SC 29607. Once again, thank you for your prayers, love, and support!

Does he think we are stupid?? He said she was out of state.
I'm pretty sure this is the address of the church.
I'm pretty sure this is the address of the church.

And it is. When I searched "RWOC church address" in Google, here's what came up ( with a map)
Redemption World Outreach Center
635 Haywood Rd, Greenville, SC
Call Directions Website
Monday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Reviews by Google users
I don't believe his trashing of her and I don't believe she is in on anything, i think he got tired of her and has her locked up somewhere

Ok, wots the status here, why can't anyone provide proof of life? Where r her siblings her parents bffs etc. :tantrum::tantrum: and is this a cult?
Oddly enough it looks like a prison address.....anyone?
Ok, wots the status here, why can't anyone provide proof of life? Where r her siblings her parents bffs etc. :tantrum::tantrum: and is this a cult?

No kidding ! WHERE are Hope's relatives in all of this ? If she was my sister, daughter, whatever, I'd be raising some serious heck ! And don't tell me that her own family thinks she has "sinned" and needed to be sent away for her own good ; and that they are fine with it.

My immediate family likes and respects my husband just fine, but if he tried to "send me away" for treatment for "sinning" against him or WHATEVER ; they would demand a 'say' in what happened to me. Before anyone took me away or what have you.

Their silence is problematic . At least I've not heard anywhere of them saying ...anything at all.

I didn't know Benny Hinn and his mega preacher brother had also been accused of affairs with a female preacher and church member. I doubt Benny did it, but all they have to do is get another pastor to "cover" their rears and vouch that they are going through a "restoration process" then they are back at it unless they find another group willing to cover and speed up the process quicker. What a sham, even with their own terminology to get each other out of a jam. Who needs Jesus in their church. He's barely mentioned anyway.
So her vehicle and keys are gone too, and she supposedly has them? Very odd. You'd think her family would take her vehicle or just wait until she gets day passes during the treatment. I wonder about her jewelry and clothes, or if comfy clothes one might wear in rehab are still in the home.

He did say she supposedly could check out of this facility at any time.


No kidding ! WHERE are Hope's relatives in all of this ? If she was my sister, daughter, whatever, I'd be raising some serious heck ! And don't tell me that her own family thinks she has "sinned" and needed to be sent away for her own good ; and that they are fine with it.

My immediate family likes and respects my husband just fine, but if he tried to "send me away" for treatment for "sinning" against him or WHATEVER ; they would demand a 'say' in what happened to me. Before anyone took me away or what have you.

Their silence is problematic . At least I've not heard anywhere of them saying ...anything at all.

In 2008 Hope said "My parents were great parents who were bigger then their surroundings. I was from a very small town in Calhoun Falls,a small mind set and content, but my parents wanted a stroke of excellence for me.They tried to deposit everything in me that they thought would help me to excel. they took me to dance lessons, voice lessons and modeling school. They pushed me for A’s and they were very hard on me but I thank my parents for everything.When I became a woman and my husband got me I was a broken mass from the bad choices of my life. God and my husband has gotten me where I am today."

"Your future depends on how you view and respond to the issues of your past. I had a terrible past but I got a great life now.I got a great future ahead of me because I was not satisfied with living in that terrible past. “Yes my past was bad, I done some bad things, I been a bad girl; it makes me feel horrible and I look at myself in the mirror and I do not like what I see, so how can GOD love me, so I can’t do anything for GOD.I would not let myself be a good pas-tors wife and how in the world can I raise Godly kids when I was in that state of mind."
"Being raped at the age of fifteen led Hope down a road of low self-esteem, drugs and alcohol. As a result, she brought with her loads of baggage when she sold out to God at the age of eighteen. It was through many years of prayer, studying the Word of God, and actively pursuing freedom before she became free of her past."

Her brother is a teacher and coach and his wife did/does work at Rwoc. Her parents are involved in the church as well. I just get the feeling that they are possibly backing him.

MOO but i am thinking that she may have started experiencing distress over something and has slid back into some old habits or ways of coping from her difficult teens. I just don't know. I think her behavior lately has probably not been exemplary recently but we have no idea what she has been dealing with.
I mean dang, if i was married to Ron for the past 25 years I 'd be begging to be dragged away and put in isolation, anything just to get him the he** away from me.
I hope she receives objective help that can help her heal, and find happiness in her life. i think she probably has a great spirit (some of the other pastors reported that she had such a lively personality and was the life of the party).
Just my opinion but I think she would be better off away from him. He is obviously clueless if he can't spot the "worst case ever" in the woman he has been married to for 25 years. She has given 25 years of her life to him. He needs to let her go and find real happiness with someone who is better suited to being a attentive and caring spouse to her.
Women of Hope Ministries

Women of Hope Ministries was birthed into the heart of Apostle Hope in 1996, where she saw God use her to bring hope back to women as she ministered the 'Women Thou Art Loosed' Bible study at the church where she is Co-Pastor and Founder, Redemption World Outreach Center(RWOC) in Greenville, SC. ( )

so it says right here that "women of Hope" is HER creation. Hopefully, if she enjoys it, she can continue with it, her own way. Completely separate from Ron or his expectations. Free to soar on her own, hopefully healed from whatever has been happening recently.
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