Pastor of mega church says wife has gone away for 1 year...

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The whole story doesn't add up. She has her car and keys and can leave if she wants. She is in a spa like facility, yet someone diagnosed her "the worst case"'s don't diagnose and treat disorders. Nor do they do 15 minute checks;( on someone who can leave at will). The whole point of 15 minute checks is for safety and to make sure the person is where they are supposed to be. Spas don't do any of this. Nor do they require a year long stay.
The whole story doesn't add up. She has her car and keys and can leave if she wants. She is in a spa like facility, yet someone diagnosed her "the worst case"'s don't diagnose and treat disorders. Nor do they do 15 minute checks;( on someone who can leave at will). The whole point of 15 minute checks is for safety and to make sure the person is where they are supposed to be. Spas don't do any of this. Nor do they require a year long stay.

Exactly. It is totally contradictory. Bed checks every fifteen minutes are indicative of suicide watch and if that is necessary, one would think the patient is not free to check out at will.

Since he says she has her car and keys, I wonder if they really are missing?! That would absolutely raise alarm bells through the roof for me!!!
The whole story doesn't add up. She has her car and keys and can leave if she wants. She is in a spa like facility, yet someone diagnosed her "the worst case"'s don't diagnose and treat disorders. Nor do they do 15 minute checks;( on someone who can leave at will). The whole point of 15 minute checks is for safety and to make sure the person is where they are supposed to be. Spas don't do any of this. Nor do they require a year long stay.

Like someone said in an earlier post, so she has her car and keys with her, so what did she do, drive herself out of state in her worst case scenario.
Since he says she has her car and keys, I wonder if they really are missing?! That would absolutely raise alarm bells through the roof for me!!!

If she is supposed to be in this facility for one year, why would she need her car and keys? So it can just be parked somewhere for that term, unused? And again, if she is free to leave she definitely isn't "the worst case ever seen".


Yes, leaving in a terrible state and put into isolation with frequent checks would be in psychosis, suicidal, or detox. With all that money though, she could have a private nurse in the room without frequent checks. How did she supposedly get to Texas? It would have to be by plane because he was on the phone all night with doctors.
Yes, leaving in a terrible state and put into isolation with frequent checks would be in psychosis, suicidal, or detox. With all that money though, she could have a private nurse in the room without frequent checks. How did she supposedly get to Texas? It would have to be by plane because he was on the phone all night with doctors.

Even if she was in psychosis, suicidal or detox that should be under control after three weeks. But when he described her at three weeks "it was just horrible". So, I think he's full of BS!!
he lies so much that you just can't tell. he contradicts himself and even misquotes the bible. he pisses a lot of people off.
but people in the church (in chat and gossip i say) said she was there (or in Greenville, talking with people) had asked them to pray for her. You can see that in one of the tweets. a girl tweeted. This was on the 9th, maybe she was gone by then who knows. It all fall silent after that, Hope didnt respond to it


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and that tweeter has been tweeting ron a lot lately, none to Hope.
ok so did ron preach on wednesday the 9th and did he seem ok?
Swampmama, I was reading this thread while eating a slice of healthy fruit---Halloween candy ;) and read your spiritual proctologist comment :floorlaugh:and almost needed the Heimlich performed. omg :loveyou:
OK twitter experts. Hypothetical question. Lets say i sent a tweet to a friend but that friend has deactivated or shut down her acct. Does the tweet come back with a message that the acct is no longer active?

Cuz you see the above tweet was in the morning of Oct 9 ( a wednesday?) . Why was such a seemingly strong prayer being sent at that time? what could be going on? and did Ron preach that night and what was his demeanor?

The 9th is when the murmurs of support started.

Of course he lies for a living. he knows how to put on his biggest smile can cry on cue or go on stage with his biggest smile, no matter what he feels.
Swampmama, I was reading this thread while eating a slice of healthy fruit---Halloween candy ;) and read your spiritual proctologist comment :floorlaugh:and almost needed the Heimlich performed. omg :loveyou:

:floorlaugh: Glad to make you laugh! My husband says I am so "throwed off" when i say stuff like that. yeah, he thinks I'm nuts sometimes but i keep him laughing
:floorlaugh: Glad to make you laugh! My husband says I am so "throwed off" when i say stuff like that. yeah, he thinks I'm nuts sometimes but i keep him laughing

I love the way you write. I wasn't expecting that comment and I laughed till I cried.:floorlaugh:
From his FB page.

The love and support you have shown over the past few weeks have not gone unnoticed!! THANK YOU!! Thank you for all your prayers and encouraging words for my family. Also, thank you to everyone who has been praying and asking about Hope. A lot of you have asked about sending her letters of encouragement and I know she would appreciate them! You can send your letters of encouragement to Hope Carpenter/RWOC 635 Haywood Rd, Greenville, SC 29607. Once again, thank you for your prayers, love, and support!

Does he think we are stupid?? He said she was out of state.

and why would we sent her cards to a church that has pretty much scrubbed the website clean of her name and image, a church OWNED by the man who wants to divorce her.
The more a lying narcissist like Ron flaps his gums, the more lies come out his lying liar hole further exposing his true self. This man has more lies than the Pope has blessings.
is it not scary that literally thousands can be such sheep and blindly follow a human who is a SELF appointed "apostle of God" and never ever ask the questions we are asking here?

whether you believe in conspiracy theories or not...imagine how easily it would be for the government to have such control over people that they blindly follow and never question.

I just find the entire thing of a "leader" and "followers" alarming and disturbing. im glad I saw the light....
is it not scary that literally thousands can be such sheep and blindly follow a human who is a SELF appointed "apostle of God" and never ever ask the questions we are asking here?

whether you believe in conspiracy theories or not...imagine how easily it would be for the government to have such control over people that they blindly follow and never question.

I just find the entire thing of a "leader" and "followers" alarming and disturbing. im glad I saw the light....

To me it's very scary. Why are people so easily persuaded?
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