Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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Jeff Gold just said a lot of great stuff on FOX the fact that JA had said in that interview how the jury has BETRAYED her, the very same jury that is still deliberating her fate.

Everything she does is so calculated, I wouldn't be surprised that she's hoping to catch jurors admit later they've seen this, and then use that to appeal if she's given death. And then to also argue that if the juror lied during penalty phase, you have to assume they lied about no media during guilt phase as well, so the conviction should be tossed too.
I believe the death penalty should be reserved for the worst of the worst. And I believe Jodi fits the bill. There are crazy people who are truly out to lunch-truly not responsible because they are profoundly sick. Jodi is not out to lunch. Her moves are contrived, calculated and yes, I would agree she is mentally ill, but not so profoundly sick that she had no grasp at the evil she did and how wrong it was. She knew yet still carried out her plan and then covered it up/lied for years until she finally came up with the self defense story.

If Travis were your brother, son, friend would you still feel the same way? knowing that the murderer had travelled 1000 miles and had plenty of time to change her mind. She didn't. She killed him horrendously and to this day shows no real remorse. If she gets life she will continue to haunt the family doing press and peddling her DV story to whoever will listen. She will re-victimize the Alexander's over and over. She wants the Alexander's to have "peace" yet she continues to drag Travis through the mud. Killing Jodi would not only be justice,it would stop her from continuing to hurt the victims. Unless she gets the DP where she will be locked up 23 hrs a day and the cameras go away for good, she will continue her attack on the victims as long as she lives. They will never hear the end of her. She will do interviews all the livelong day. And life in prison just isnt punishment for what she has done.

If she gets just life in prison she will have freedoms afforded to her. The ability to socialize, to take classes, to do so many things that Travis will never be able to do. No, giving her the DP is the only way she will be prevented from tormenting her victims. The only way she will be truly punished. Jodi thrives on the attention from the media and drama. If she's given DP, all that goes away. If its life then she gets to continue being the star in her sick show. She loves it and why should she be given opportunities for a life and freedom. Travis sure was denied life and freedom. No, Jodi will only be truly punished with a death sentence. It's not about killing her - we all know it will be YEARS before she's executed - it's about shutting her down so she cannot hurt the family and drag her victims name through the mud anymore. It's about giving her a punishment that fits her horrible, premeditated crime. Jmo..

Good post!!!
I went into a fancy mansion once that actually had carpet made out of braided horse hair. That's where JA's hair needs to be...somewhere where people can step on it, not on cancer victim's heads.

My SIL was just diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. She is getting her lumpectomy today followed by chemo/radiation. She watches this trial with me. She told me she would rather be bald and beautiful than wear anything put anything on her head from a convicted felon. She said she would be afraid the evil would permeate through the wig.:facepalm:
Hopeful One: I also enjoy your posts and seeing you everyday. You are a light to me and many others. Please know you are in my thoughts and I am sending good ones your way. We are all family here even if its internet family. Hugs to you!


I sooo don't want to make this about me, so I apologize for that. It just feels good to know people care.

Okay, back to who really matters - Travis Victor Alexander!
My SIL was just diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. She is getting her lumpectomy today followed by chemo/radiation. She watches this trial with me. She told me she would rather be bald and beautiful than wear anything put anything on her head from a convicted felon. She said she would be afraid the evil would permeate through the wig.:facepalm:

Sending prayers her way!
This lying torture-murderess continues to deceive the Court, the Jury, the media and the rest of us, saying that she never wanted to hurt Travis's family.

This filing with the Court indicates EXACTLY the opposite:

Facts are stubborn things.

The idea from her viewpoint is that the state forced her to do this by not accepting her murder-2 plea. So as with everything else it's someone else's fault. Willmott was all over that yesterday too - it was her dad's fault, her mom's fault, and Travis's fault that she was forced to kill him. She can't mention the plea offer or else she would have blamed Martinez too. It's pathetic.
You've got to wonder how many women are holding their wigs at arms' length today, asking, "Is any of this Jodi hair???!!!"

And worrying about what kind of cooties it has!!! (I am a germaphobe, along with the other living things that are small and gross. Not to mention that it could have been hair that participated in a brutal murder.)

Do they sanitize the hair somehow?
I will first say I don't know the situation so am basing it on partial info BUT:
wow, trust him with your life?
I find it hard to see it as a "snap" if he went and bought a gun, sought them out and then killed them (or just her).
I helped a very dear friend go through the most horrific divorce I could imagine with the coldest, vilest, most despicable ex I have ever heard of. While there was certainly the momentary thoughts of getting the rotten witch out of his life, he knew he had to do the right thing and not become what she was.
Wow, just wow.

I was reading the case. The testimony was that Joe owned a gun bought had it only for 8 weeks.
Knowing and seeing is two different things.
I remember Diminished Capacity was invovled.
I'm normally against the dp but I'm praying for it this time. She shows no remorse. She will try to be some superstar behind bars. It's just not right.

OT: I know this is selfish but... I think I'm slipping back into my severe depression. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated. :eek:

You got it, HO!

And the first thing you need to do is tell yourself that just because you think you might be slipping down doesn't mean that you ARE. The best thing for you to do now is keep busy, I think. Move your body, fill your days, keep your mind active. It's been a long road with JA with a lot of strong emotions for all of us and now we have to begin to let it go. Put your mind in a place where you are moving forward, and know that you are not alone!

Yep that's it!!
...even better after wine...:floorlaugh:
Dear Hopeful One,

I know....I really know how you are feeling. Get outside for a bit if you can.....even just sitting on the porch and breathing in the fresh air--something Jodi will never, ever get to do again--can help. You are a HUGE asset to Websleuths and I look forward to seeing you every day.

AND, I'm certainly going to need you during the Andrea Sneiderman trial!!!

Luv ya,

My SIL was just diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. She is getting her lumpectomy today followed by chemo/radiation. She watches this trial with me. She told me she would rather be bald and beautiful than wear anything put anything on her head from a convicted felon. She said she would be afraid the evil would permeate through the wig.:facepalm:

Reminds me of a movie I saw long ago...The Eyes of Laura Mars
Good morning folks. I did not watch any of the killer's interviews except for a portion of GMA. I could not watch much of it because the killer's smugness was making me sick.
Hoping today, the Killer receives the DP.
Jurors go back to deliberate, and make lists.(Using only the information the jurors have)

yes to life--the list

--donations of hair
--book clubs
--will make her abusive parents happy
--may or may not have a personality disorder

give her death-- the list:

--brutally murdered Travis, 3imes, with premeditation
--lied to everyone, including in court
--falsely accused the man she slaughtered of multiple vile things, even crimes, including in her last statement
--never expressed remorse
--vehemently denied through her DT that she had a personality disorder, up until the last day of the trial, then on last day the DT says she does, but she does not mention any such disorder during her statement.
--by contradicting Samantha's tearful claim that Travis was the glue in the family, seems to be trying to cause them more pain or avoid responsibility for their grief, or both.

Deliberate. Toss around the question of what made her go off on a different trajectory, just to be fair and to be sure. Conclude obsession drove the trajectory, then rage. Vote.

DEATH is the only logical punishment, and for myself am 100% sure that this jury will see it that way.
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