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OK, here's my theory. Some of you probably know this already, but for those of you who don't...

Our SK lives in Manorville, close to the dump site (within 3-4 miles). He's a duck hunter and a long-time, active member of a certain Waterfowlers Association. Through this association, he's familiar with Cedar Beach given their annual duckboat festival held every year at Cedar Beach, and at Gilgo Beach in 2000. This Association also practices shooting shotgun at a shooting range next to the Manorville dump site.

He is a meticulous and professional hunter, almost to the point of obsession, and he takes great pride in his duck hunting abilities. These abilities include concealment using burlap camo and luring ducks to his killing fields using duck calls and his expertly painted decoys.

He stands out as a leader among these hunters. He doesn't really have a 9-5 job, and he makes money doing odds and ends, like landscaping, which is why he's intimately familiar with the Manorville dump site near the sump. He's illegally dumped branches from yard clearings before. He even chose to throw JT's body on a pile of sticks dumped by a landscaper - this pile of sticks was possibly even dumped by himself. Illegal dumping is kind of his thing. If he wasn't intimately familiar with this very specific area of Manorville, it would have been impossible for him to be able to find it a second time in 2003, especially if it was dark.

He has a typical serial killer family history. He was emotionally torn apart from a broken childhood. He was an only child, his parents are divorced and his father was absent for most of his childhood, staying away from the home as much as possible due to the violent and abusive tendencies of his mother. His mother was abusive and domineering at home and had a set of bizarre rules and punishments that she learned from her mother.

His mother herself was abused by her mother, who was also abused as a child. The history of family abuse ran the gamut - mental, physical and sexual. He idolized a non-father male relative (also a duck hunter, I'm guessing). This person died suddenly and prematurely, and he came to blame a woman for his untimely death. He became the hunter, both literally and figuratively, and he subconsiusly seeks to avenge his male role model by hurting a certain type of woman - someone who uses sex as a way to make money. This vengeance somehow fills the emotional void that he still experiences today.

He has a history of non-traditional sexual behavior, primarily experimenting with homosexuality, crossdressing, sex with transvetites, prostitutes and maybe even bestiality or S&M. His sexual tendencies lead him to NYC on occasion where he can shop for exotic *advertiser censored* and hang out in video booths where he can meet his sexual needs away from his family and without being noticed or out of the ordinary.

He occasionally picks up prostitutes from the street, but given his lack of financial resources he usually just fantasizes about picking them up and killing them so he doesn't have to pay for sex. He mostly just wants to show these "*advertiser censored*" what a man he's become, but really inside he's still a 13 year old kid who's emotional maturity was stunted by his completely screwed up family.

He started with Jane Doe 2000. He met her in NYC, killed her in his car by strangulation and drove her back to where he was comfortable - in Marorville, back by the power lines where noone would see him as he dismembered her like a duck.

The initial act of murder was not premeditated, rather he just acted on an impulse and lived out his fantasy. He dismembered her on-the-fly because he was worried about her identification. He knew he had somehow left a trail, and he didn't want anyone to know that some girl from NYC ended up dead in his hometown / hunting spot. Perhaps his wife knew he was in NYC that day. Perhaps he was worried about using EZ-Pass through the Midtown tunnel, and was worried about security cameras. I think it's likely that in order to "cover" for where he was that night, he told his wife that he went to scout some bird hunting areas down by the beach for his upcoming hunt in November. He had actually in fact been down to Cedar Beach that night, but it wasn't to scout - it was to discard JD2000's head and hands in the bushes. He knew these bushes were impenetrable because he'd spent time in the Cedar Beach parking lot at the annual duckboat show.

He reflected on the whole experience and sexually fantasized about it for years. He returned to Cedar Beach in 2001 and 2002 and, as he stared into the bushes, he realized he'd committed a crime that was extremely difficult to solve, if anyone even cared to solve it at all.

It wasn't until 2003 when he committed his first premeditated murder. He planned much more carefully. He had the dismemberment site planned out. He had the dump sites in Manorville and Cedar Beach all planned out. He had the pickup spot planned out - the same general area in NYC where he found JD2000. He had the kill site in NYC planned out.

After Jessica Taylor, he stopped killing for awhile. He felt the heat this time. It was on the news, it was the talk of the town, they quickly discovered her identity. He slowed way down, paid more attention to his family, and he especially paid more attention to his hobby/sport.

Sometime between 2003 and 2005 or so, he runs across the UID woman and Baby Doe. Same M.O. for pickup spot, kill site and dismemberment site - different dump site because she's African American, and he's racist although not so much when it comes to sex and murder. Next up: the Asian male, picked up somewhere in NYC. The thought of dismembering someone of the same sex disgusts him, so he just dumps the entire body. He doesn't want to, but he uses the same dump site because it just works. It's a revelation, because here's when he comes to realize that he doesn't need to dismember at all.

I'll note that it is possible that he went on a murder spree in Atlantic City during a month-long scouting/hunting trip in October/November 2006 in one of the finest waterfowl hunting areas in the world, Absecon Bay. Seeing that he annually attends a NJ duck show, its quite possible that he planned this trip for some time, and he brought with him his nasty little sickness.

If it wasn't him in 2006 in Atlantic City, then it wasn't until 2007 that his fantasies started in earnest again. He needed to alleviate his emotional emptiness. He'd finally become somewhat adept at using the Internet, possibly from having to set up his computer for a teen child, or from having to reinstall everything due to viruses from surfing *advertiser censored*. His extent of computer literacy is really limited to just checking his duck hunting sites, his e-mail and Craigslist.

Because he lacks financial resources, he constantly uses Craigslist to buy and sell stuff, mostly hunting gear. He also uses it as a way to find work, mostly odd jobs like painting, yard work and handy-man type home repair. He frequently tries to get odd jobs in NYC. He can't stay away from sex ads - they're better than *advertiser censored* - his fantasies continue as he begins to plan his next murder. He's graduated from "street" prostitutes and is looking for someone more attractive and not into drugs - more his "type".

He uses a public computer at a car wash, a local hotel or a NYC internet cafe to quickly browse some NYC provider ads. He jots down a number or two that pique his interest. Then he waits. He waits for weeks, maybe even a month or more. Then he calls, when the time is right. He uses a disposable phone that he bought months previously in NYC, probably on the same day that he checked the Craigslist listings. He used cash while wearing a disguise (hat, hoodie and glasses).

The first online victim he chooses is from NYC. He's still using his old basic M.O. He makes the trip to meet up with Maureen in NYC, who he meets and kills in the same spot as JD2000, JT, the Asian male and the UID female. He wraps her in camo burlap that he's had the foresight to bring from his garage - he's planned a full body disposal for the first time. He needs to keep the body hidden from aerial scavengers like crows. He doesn't want them making a scene, and he knows that ducks can't see burlap from the sky. He doesn't really need the camo because hunting season doesn't begin until November. At the kill site in NYC, he puts her in the back of his truck and drives directly from NYC to Cedar Beach, using the 59th St. bridge instead of the tunnel to avoid the cameras and tolls. He doesn't need to dismember her this time because nobody will ever find her. Dismembering is messy and time consuming, and it was always just a forensic countermeasure. It doesn't make any sense to dismember her if he believes she'll never be found anyway.

Hunting season comes in late 2007, and he picks up a lot of burlap this year. It's not out of the ordinary. He's at the apex of his hunting career now. Perhaps he's a professional duck hunting guide, and he needs lots of burlap in case his "city slicker" clients don't have their own when he takes them into the field. He's probably using Advantage 4H-D Camo, or he's buying it virgin by the roll and painting it himself. After all, he's a real hunter, and he's constantly painting decoys for himself and for his hunting pals. Which is part of the reason why they respect him so much - he's such an expert. Only he himself knows that he has another reason for buying so much burlap. He's committed the perfect crime, and he knows he can do it again and again.

He does, once in 2009 and twice in 2010. By 2010, he's decided to avoid going to the city. Too much hassle, too much risk - takes too long. He's choosing women from towns far enough away from Manorville but closer to the dump site to decrease his overall risk. He never seen anything in the news when the girls go missing, so he's not even slightly afraid of choosing Long Island girls. He's even found a kill spot closer to the dump site, perhaps in the Cedar Beach parking lot itself. It only takes a few short minutes to kill anyway. He's returned to the Cedar Beach parking lot dozens of times, both during the day and at night. He knows how to get around the gate. He knows that cops never go there past dark. And he knows that there's noone around to hear a scream. He can take his time, savor the moment. Watch their pain. He loves inflicting physical and emotional pain.

He inflicts physical and emotional pain on women just as the women in his youth inflicted physical and emotional pain upon him. That's why he called Amanda Barthelemy when he found out that Melissa had a cell phone on her as he went through his undressing ritual at the kill site. This was the first time he discovered a cell phone on a victim. The other victims didn't use cell phones because they were street workers. Maureen didn't have one because she was using a pay phone and probably lost her phone when she was robbed. He kept Melissa's phone and decided to torment Amanda as he walked about the city one day search of *advertiser censored* and sex. After Melissa, he was on a mental high - he fel invincible. At the time of the calls to Amanda, he was probably hanging around at his old kill site in NYC to relive those old murders just before he "ducked" into one of those "hole in the wall" video booths after unsuccessfully trolling for street prostitutes. Risky sex is one of the few things that keeps his emotions at bay, and it gives him the high he needs to feel alive - just like hunting, just like murder.

In May 2010, he doesn't realize that Shannan Gilbert has mysteriously disappeared just a few miles from his perfect dump site, so he dumps Megan and Amber there in June and September. Unbeknownst to him, the SCPD was down there - Officer Malia and his dog, Blue. Whether it was a training exercise or they were actually looking for Shannan, who knows. But the bodies were fresh enough that the Blue picked up the scent easily. His perfect dump site was found.

Shannan died of accidental causes, but her death sparked a million different theories. Investigators became sidetracked, and the killer had time and luck on his side. He'd been cautious, and it paid off.

But he's been completely stressed out and depressed since December 2010, possibly having nightmares and wishing he'd been able to stop himself. He's probably considered suicide as an option if the police get near. But he's got a wife and at least one kid. Amongst his hunting pals, he's trying desparately to look like there's nothing amiss. After all, his buddies must think its strange that at least 2 bodies were placed at the exact two locations that they go to every a year - Cedar Beach and Halsey Rd. in Manorville. "What a coincidence!", they must say. But this person fits in so well, he's so respected as a duck hunter and a pal that it doesn't even cross their mind that he's the killer. He's been able to hide his deep dark secret his whole life. He's been able to hide his identity from the police. He's been able to hide his perverse sexuality. In actuality, he's been hiding his past from everyone for his entire life.

Very Interesting Inspectr, I just wanted your off the cuff thought about this. If you were to walk up close to this guy in say, a store, and he turned around and looked you in the face, how would you describe him to us?

His demeanor, look in his eyes, how dressed, tall or not, stocky, clean shaven - just what you think this guy would be like in person. Ta
Very Interesting Inspectr, I just wanted your off the cuff thought about this. If you were to walk up close to this guy in say, a store, and he turned around and looked you in the face, how would you describe him to us?

His demeanor, look in his eyes, how dressed, tall or not, stocky, clean shaven - just what you think this guy would be like in person. Ta

I sent you some picture examples. Short, completely blank look at first, but quickly smiles brightly when talking to you. Dressed in camo pants and a t-shirt, or similar looking hunting regalia (or jeans and a dirty t-shirt from outdoor work), but clean shaven. Rather an unremarkable guy, but definitely the consummate outdoorsman that other men would look up to.
I sent you some picture examples. Short, completely blank look at first, but quickly smiles brightly when talking to you. Dressed in camo pants and a t-shirt, or similar looking hunting regalia (or jeans and a dirty t-shirt from outdoor work), but clean shaven. Rather an unremarkable guy, but definitely the consummate outdoorsman that other men would look up to.

inspctrgadget, I somehow missed seeing your theory the first time you posted it. I only read it now when scandi quoted it. This is incredible work and very compelling. I'm glad that you've forwarded it to LE. Thanks for sharing it with us.

One question for you and anyone else who wants to jump in: My understanding is that it is almost unheard of for a serial killer to commit suicide. (They're sociopaths, they love themselves too much, etc.) The one exception that I know of is Andrew Cunanan, who was more of a spree killer. Is there a reason you think that the LISK might be an exception?
Did he kill himself? I have been very curious about a recent high profile "suicide" by hanging in a park. Little has been said about it or the person who was found hanging from a tree.

Just K,

No, he didn't kill himself. He was killed on the job. I really can't get into it too much because I don't think we are supposed to sleuth random people. But let me say this: He owned a company, sold it recently and then was doing work for another company that was in the same business as the company that he sold. It is a hazardous job but most people in this profession know exactly what they are doing and are very careful. I think it speaks volumes that he was killed doing something he was very experienced at doing. Just goes to show you how reckless he was.
Just wanted to say that the "Ghost Adventures" crew did a program on a supposed serial killer in Long Island, that dated back a long time ago. The killer put the bodies underwater near a lighthouse in the Long Island Sound. I think that they said that some of the people were chained, so that in the rising tide, they would be drowned.

So, I think that is the origin (history) of the tunnel paintings that were referenced earlier.
For some reason I couldn't get out of my mind that the first 4 victims found:

Maureen....missing 2007

The fact that 3 of the victims name start with M......

Police Identify Four Bodies Found in Long Island Video –

Now was the first real news conference asking for help etc.

It Stated that these victims were taken from another location & placed there......Freud says nothing is an accident....
3 names beginning with m & than Amber, was this some form of alphabetation?
Placing Amber .... with the 3 M names so a correlation is made???

Just a thought, was wondering if this was mentioned at all...also wanting to point out LE was asking for help they seemed desperate to get any info at all & we have not seen anything like that after this period, which leeds me to think they do not need any help or leeds.

Maureen was missing since 2007..Just way to long from the recents for her to be grouped together like this.....does he use an alphabitizing system???? Is this part of a system he developed to keep track of victims?

Just food for thought....& also this move which would show to be a sadistic side of SK like the fact he called victims family....Kinda simuliar act.
For some reason I couldn't get out of my mind that the first 4 victims found:

Maureen....missing 2007

The fact that 3 of the victims name start with M......

complicated it's not. mary his mother's name is, 22 her age was.


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For some reason I couldn't get out of my mind that the first 4 victims found:

Maureen....missing 2007

The fact that 3 of the victims name start with M......

Police Identify Four Bodies Found in Long Island Video –

Now was the first real news conference asking for help etc.

It Stated that these victims were taken from another location & placed there......Freud says nothing is an accident....
3 names beginning with m & than Amber, was this some form of alphabetation?
Placing Amber .... with the 3 M names so a correlation is made???

Just a thought, was wondering if this was mentioned at all...also wanting to point out LE was asking for help they seemed desperate to get any info at all & we have not seen anything like that after this period, which leeds me to think they do not need any help or leeds.

Maureen was missing since 2007..Just way to long from the recents for her to be grouped together like this.....does he use an alphabitizing system???? Is this part of a system he developed to keep track of victims?

Just food for thought....& also this move which would show to be a sadistic side of SK like the fact he called victims family....Kinda simuliar act.

Oh, I thought you meant the bodies were moved from one dump ground to another.

Spota said was that they were killed in another location and transported there.
My contribution to this THEORY thread is:

If GC acted in SG best interest instead of him decieving investigators SG would be amongst us today.What I think went WRONG.

1. The evidence via security that COULD have SUBSTANCIATED GC Story....Not there.....Very lucky I bet for GC
2. Why leave your Wife in harms way over people who clearly looked dangerous?????
3. Why isn't EC coming forward to tell her side of the story?
4. What happened to GC dire needed cane in the last special....he was walking just fine, didn't even need to look at the ground to insure his safety....because thats what people do when they use canes & than go without.
5. Could that cane have been a sign .... Maybe GC did try restraining SG and got hurt which led to cane useage. VERY POSSIBLE
Isent GC a former LEO? Suffolk County Police Dept? NYPD?

I recall reading somewhere that he is a retired cop and was assigned to the crime scene unit.
My contribution to this THEORY thread is:

If GC acted in SG best interest instead of him decieving investigators SG would be amongst us today.What I think went WRONG.

1. The evidence via security that COULD have SUBSTANCIATED GC Story....Not there.....Very lucky I bet for GC
2. Why leave your Wife in harms way over people who clearly looked dangerous?????
3. Why isn't EC coming forward to tell her side of the story?
4. What happened to GC dire needed cane in the last special....he was walking just fine, didn't even need to look at the ground to insure his safety....because thats what people do when they use canes & than go without.
5. Could that cane have been a sign .... Maybe GC did try restraining SG and got hurt which led to cane useage. VERY POSSIBLE
6.If The hanging Jesus in GC home had a camera in the eyes we would clearly not be asking these questions....that is between them (GC & WIFE) what took place in front of such a sacred representation of Holy, Honorable & Jesus who sacrificed for us all, if you believe in the Catholic Religion. That would be pretty bad to use jesus as a misleading representation saying I am a Saint GC.
7. Way to many red Flags for me.....I want answers & he clearly has them

P.S. I hear there may be an Audition looking for a GOOD FELLA persona....Sounds like GC To Me. RunGC you may get it.Requirements: Lying through your teeth, protect guilty people, act like you did everything right & you have EMPATHY......The Ending is showing that the GOOD FELLA persona is just that & the face of a cunning pathelogical liar is unmasked as well as Mr GoodFella beginning charged with wrongful Death, misleading investigators, Aiding & Abetting....... Jail....No Cannoles or Zepploes for a while, maybe a ding dong every now & Again.

He had knee surgery less than a week before the 48 Hour Special.
This is the Theory Section , right?

Oh okay than I am in the Right place.

Fact is GC is in EVERY SPECIAL talking it up.....he is not at the peek of his game anymore. His words are not worthy SG is Deceased he could have helped, I have seen more thamn my share of FACK CROCODILE TEARS & He is a CON MAN IMO.....BullCh**ter...big time.



AS MUCH AS YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE GC OFF LIMITS .....He put himself in the public eye constantly & I DO NOT BELIEVE HIM.

SO THAT IS improbable, that would be biased.....he is on every show from here to the links from whatever country Foriegn & other far away reporters. Does GC make money for doing them?????


Well I feel a thread is DUE SOON

I'm not trying to make GC off limits. You asked a question about the cane. I thought you actually wanted an answer to the question.
As posted in NY Times and I agree:

The killer’s attraction to a single out-of-the-way area suggests to several experts that he has an intimate knowledge of Jones Beach Island in general and Ocean Parkway in particular.

“He did not stumble upon that location,” said the former profiler, Jim Clemente, who retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2009 as a senior supervisory special agent in the agency’s behavioral analysis unit in Quantico, Va. “He has some familiarity with it.”

The summertime disappearances suggest several characteristics. “There may be a seasonal nature to his connection to the area, or to his fantasy and ritual,” Mr. Clemente said. “It may be the time his wife or kids or parents are away for the summer. There are many possibilities.”

The burlap sacks provide another clue. He could be using them either because they are part of his killing ritual or because they are the easiest cover he can find. Burlap, however, is no longer common, and it might be easier to trace than a plastic bag. “To me, it takes away from his forensic sophistication and criminal sophistication and adds to the possibility that he is more interested in this ritual aspect,” Mr. Clemente said.
I'm still thinking this is prostitution/drug gang related. I think the "ring leader" gets rid of the girls that can longer bring in the money; too drugged out to bring in money; too old to bring in the money; causing too many problems; or try to cut loose from the gang and go it alone. There would be a clean up guy or a few to take care of the dirty business of getting rid of the no longer useful girls.

Watching the show that someone linked on another thread, where the living girls talked about the 2 lifeless girls in the bed and the one guy saying he did some bad things and he had to leave, just strengthened that theory to me.

All jmo as usual.
As posted in NY Times and I agree:

The killer’s attraction to a single out-of-the-way area suggests to several experts that he has an intimate knowledge of Jones Beach Island in general and Ocean Parkway in particular.

“He did not stumble upon that location,” said the former profiler, Jim Clemente, who retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2009 as a senior supervisory special agent in the agency’s behavioral analysis unit in Quantico, Va. “He has some familiarity with it.”

The summertime disappearances suggest several characteristics. “There may be a seasonal nature to his connection to the area, or to his fantasy and ritual,” Mr. Clemente said. “It may be the time his wife or kids or parents are away for the summer. There are many possibilities.”

The burlap sacks provide another clue. He could be using them either because they are part of his killing ritual or because they are the easiest cover he can find. Burlap, however, is no longer common, and it might be easier to trace than a plastic bag. “To me, it takes away from his forensic sophistication and criminal sophistication and adds to the possibility that he is more interested in this ritual aspect,” Mr. Clemente said.

I agree with the analysis, but that doesn't mean, he lives at Oak Beach or that his primary hunting ground is there. It merely means, he knows the area (either from childhood memories or rather, since I suspect him to work in construction, from the time of some construction work he did there).
I'm still thinking this is prostitution/drug gang related. I think the "ring leader" gets rid of the girls that can longer bring in the money; too drugged out to bring in money; too old to bring in the money; causing too many problems; or try to cut loose from the gang and go it alone. There would be a clean up guy or a few to take care of the dirty business of getting rid of the no longer useful girls.

Watching the show that someone linked on another thread, where the living girls talked about the 2 lifeless girls in the bed and the one guy saying he did some bad things and he had to leave, just strengthened that theory to me.

All jmo as usual.

Wasn't that two lifeless girls story in the AC case? And the TV show was Dark Minds including the alleged SK named "Thirteen"?
Wasn't that two lifeless girls story in the AC case? And the TV show was Dark Minds including the alleged SK named "Thirteen"?


Not sure how that is related to this case since there never has been any proof of a link.

Not sure how that is related to this case since there never has been any proof of a link.

Nope, that discussion was on the "connections" thread, like 2 or 3 dozen times. AC still has a much higher kill frequency than LISK and a different signature, but the connection thing comes still up now and then.
This is going to be long. I recommend you take your coffee.

There is so much botch and the case spans such a broad period of time, any theory is destined to be shaky. For the below theory of mine which is built on mind manure, I had to chalk off SG. Weird accident! Even writing that gives me a gut wrenching feeling.

I don’t know much about the legal retention time for 911 calls (90 days or so?) and how much this period can be extended, under what circumstances, but based on the current official version of the events, I understand the death is ruled to be an accident. Did Mr. John Ray file any action for a subpoena? Or an injunction for ensuring the audio is preserved? This voice in me says "No." If he had done it, he would rub it on our faces when he got the air time. I don’t mean to offend anybody, but this is the impression I got from him. His website was a particular disappointment for me.

The big question; (asked by several others in the forum) how come the renewed S&R efforts (Aug 2010, Dec 2010, Apr 2011) were concentrated on the opposite direction of where SG is last seen?

I wonder what was the condition of AC when her body was recovered. She's dumped in September (As my theory goes below, maybe to the end of the month) and found after autumn. A closed burlap bag could severely hinder the blowfly/maggot action. I don’t think the burlap bags were tied up, but I still wonder her condition when she was found.

I prefer to think based on the possible MOs, instead of the drive behind the behavior. People use the term "think like a killer" and I used to find some insight in that, until I read about Edmund Kemper. Fellows, a normal person can’t think like a killer. Until the killer is caught and the motives, triggers are clearly set forth, I say trying to explain the MO is the best.

I'm surmising a theory below, but it stands on glass heels. Any blow will shatter it down. Because without the 911 call audio, everything is speculation. So, let's speculate.


"I don`t think it`s a coincidence that four bodies ended up in this area."
Police Commissioner Richard Dormer

I'm going with Peter Brendt on the race. The perp is black, somebody connected (i.e. laid eyes) to the very first victim MBB through a third person by jail time, geographical proximity, kinship, gang membership etc. It is a possibility that the perp is the person who mugged her. Simply, he mugged Maureen, pondered awhile and concluded that he's going to be caught and lose face to the person through whom he found out about MBB, he went back, found Maureen and killed her. He knows Maureen, but she doesn’t know him.

This person somehow comes across MW and MB through same/similar connections.

The fact that the girls are all from a compact vicinity, pushes me to link up with the Scott Kimball case. Perp sees the girls, wants them for himself.

Not a charming person, has a timid look. Height medium/tall, well built. Age bracket, as of MBB's disappearance in 2007 is 25-30 (Perhaps closer to 30, for giving enough window to JT). Not a kill addict. Simply can duck for months. Sexually driven and killing is just destroying the witness.

Although MB's family lawyer refers to acts of violence, I think these are acts that don’t cause serious bleeding. Burlap is not watertight and I presume a truck is involved in transportation. So, I say no stabbing, no mutilation. Girls may have been kept awhile but the bodies (perhaps rinsed) are quickly dumped. After the dumping operation, the truck is ready to do anything (go to work, park outdoors, pass through police blockades etc.) without requiring a thorough wash.

I respect Gus Goletti. He's a decent, smart man. Dave Schaller is free from suspicion in my mind. Rest of the personage that cross our eyes in this in this case is a joke.

Erin Moriarity's questions. Oh, boy!

MP testifies "I slept in the SUV", while the fact is he talked six times with Shannan throughout the night and he gets a "Flying Colors Certificate" for this. And we are trying to theorize something that makes sense.

I don’t see Dormer as an evil, corrupt official. I see him as a sweet old man.

SCPD holds back a lot of information but I don’t feel they are sure of what to hide and what to publicize.

Dormer says; all the victims are asphyxiated. Dude, you looked at the bones you deducted asphyxiation. That's cool!

A killer does not ASPHYXIATE, a killer smothers, chokes, drowns, strangles.

Spota says; The similarities in the disposal of their bodies and other VERY CRITICAL FORENSIC EVIDENCE...

I infer: The bodies (GB4) were left intact, they have ligatures on, ligature may not be a rope, it may be a wire. But I don’t understand why this info is kept from the public.

I feel Spota is lavish with the word "critical". In my standards "critical" ranges from ligatures made of a traceable material, to a tie with the initials of the perp on it. Or Spota refers to any other kind of evidence found on AC? The question again; what was the condition of the body? I am assuming AC's bones were intact, perhaps certain tissues of her body or more. Fresh bones would show clear impacts of stabbing.

It's not much probable to have a stabbing with no bone involvement. If her body/bones are "intact", it means in terms of violence he still is in the early stages, didn’t feel the need to go the extra miles of deviance. But looking at the short period of time between Megan and Amber, it can be said that the sex addict is evolving into a kill addict. Possible impotence issues can be considered, related with age, heavy smoking, workplace chemicals etc., like I said we can only work on mind manure instead of solid facts.

The perp is connected to construction business, not with serious qualifications but with skill on a certain task. (Perhaps waterproofing) He's not a resident, but somehow used the Ocean Parkway for business extensively and he directly observed the functional value of the dumping site. Perhaps enjoyed a night with a hooker in the place.

Worked in a kind of long project in the area. There are a lot of homes, recreational sites, jetties around. I believe he worked in an outdoor construction project (a swimming pool, a jetty etc.) over a noteworthy period of time, like a month or so.

Google 40°35'39.93", 73°30'36.76"
Nothing related, just an eye catching example. What is this?

One example of such kind of long term construction jobs is the "Robert Moses Causeway Rehabilitation Project", spread over a long a period of time with intermittent stages, which might hint for the dates of the abductions.

Interesting thing, I come across with the descriptions "in burlap bags" and "wrapped in burlap". These are two different things. Below is a use of burlap for waterproofing concrete. This is burlap cloth not burlap bag.

I understand the bodies are put in burlap bags, not wrapped in burlap

Somebody asked about the logistics of that in the forum. The answer is yes, there are large size burlap bags, or we have bodies tied up to fit into standard bags. My special thanks goes to SCPD here. We can’t be sure of any single thing.

I believe the Craiglist Killer moniker is a shallow attribution. Media is missing the fact that "online escorting" is the new industry standard. I guess this is the fifth CLK they named. Media people are rushing too quick to pin a moniker.

Yes, the girls are on Craiglist and other sites (I found the actual ad of MBB, not giving here to avoid enormous hits, perhaps the police is monitoring. Let's not create extra difficulty for their work)

As far as I know there is no certain indication that he picked "all" girls through Craigslist. That explains why LE - hoping they did their job correctly - failed to find an IP lead. AC may be the one and only actual Craiglist victim. A step in MO.

The perp probably did some time in jail for a petty crime, in the bracket from July 9, 2007 (MBB) and July 12, 2009 (MW), after the jail time he evolved into a professional mugger/robber.

After the MB taunting experience, which is claimed to be halted by the perp after a local news coverage – may corroborate his proximity – he must have been intrigued into the significance of cell phones and gathered some information on how even cell phones with no GPS gimmicks can be used for geolocation. That may be the key to his preference of "make'em leave the phones". This also explains a gap between MB and MW. He simply observed if anybody is coming after him. (May be away from his residence during this period)

Also another issue here is; he must be imagining these girls mean nothing to their families, probably this the result of a personal experience. That refers to either JT or he saw a white prostitute gone missing and nobody in her family cared about it. This may explain a lot of his behavioral features in the crimes (like avoiding a decent effort to bury the bodies), but the truth is different, these girls are from fairly upright homes with financial distress. I find Megan's mom and Maureen's sister particularly smart.

Another interesting thing; is the method in the last two cases (MW and AC). He approaches the victims, talks to them on the phone for long periods. Perhaps a tactic to drain out the batteries? When the cell goes dead or girl hints about her cell will be dead in minutes, he makes his MO move "Let's talk face to face, I'm in the neighborhood/parking lot."

My alternative MO theory is, he listens to the phone carefully, whenever he picks up rattle and clicks suggesting the cell is connected to the battery charger he makes his move. Girl leaves the phone behind, without a specific request for that. I don’t think they would go out for a job without phone, no matter what the situation is.

I think both Megan and Amber were in an "almost done" deal. They didn’t go for the job, they went to take a closer look at the client.

Here we should talk about the logistics of subduing a 5'.5'' heavily built woman with no alarming appearance/sound within the parking lot of a hotel.

Looking at the case in general "nobody would care" is good enough, yet I still believe there is a certain method involved in taking them over silently. Involvement of extreme muscle power should be considered.

I believe there is snuff and the tapes/pictures are still kept, he will keep them as long as he feels safe from LE. Destroying them would be a big decision for him.

The biggest blow to the theory is the little sister Amanda. The family lawyer says he is led by Amanda and the MB's stepfather "He's white." Although this seems fairly strict, I sense something in that tickles my mind. "He's white" remark is done so abruptly, that it may be actually be a taunting attack to lure him back to communication.

Extending the scope wider than the GB4;
Bludgeoned Asian Male, can be linked up. There's the possibility that the Asian male, petite and slim was actually "beautiful" and the killer couldn’t even notice she was a he. Rage factor can be involved here.

Without the 911 call (transcript or better the audio) all will be speculation. My theory above is as equally powerful as the "Shannan went crazy, took off her clothes and shoes, ran into the bushes, got tangled, drowned" explanation.

Wish a nice day for everybody.
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