Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 6- Part 2

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I read a post with some links regarding NewZealand guy last night and got busy and did not go back and read I'm having a hard time finding them....anyone have those links?

Plz disregard...found it...
I understand why AZL thinks it might be the guy from NZ. I wonder, though. If its the same fellow so much discussed elsewhere, I very much doubt he could withstand 5 minutes of questioning by JM. He's left a very wide paper trail path online, and imo, the guy has zero credibility.

I imagine the DT is interested in these things he's said.... That he knew Travis way back, and even then had confronted Travis about being a pedophile, that he knew TA was an user and abuser of women, and that he believed CMJA threatened to commit suicide that day with a knife and only killed Travis after he rejected her and mocked her.

I don't know why this fellow hates TA so much, but he clearly does. His accusation about pedophilia would be especially damaging , but that's where his online jibber jabber would do him in. From what I've seen he has a very nasty habit of calling everyone who disagrees with him a pedophile, including folks he's never met.

JM would make mincemeat out of him.
Bringing this over from the previous thread:

Great article on yesterday's shenanigans from AZ Central:

A new low: judge locks public out of Jodi Arias trial

This, despite state law and court rules that say she couldn't do what she did.

Arizona: meet the star chamber. In all my years of watching trials, I have never seen a judge lock the public out of the courtroom during a trial. I suppose if it was destined to happen that it would be this judge, the queen overreaction, not to mention secrecy.

Stephens already tried to cut off the use of any electronic devices in her courtroom during the trial -- a move that was trumped by new court rules that went into effect in January. She already has imposed a video blackout of the trial, blocking the broadcast of even brief snippets on the evening news, for reasons that are sealed in court records.

More at Link:
I understand why AZL thinks it might be the guy from NZ. I wonder, though. If its the same fellow so much discussed elsewhere, I very much doubt he could withstand 5 minutes of questioning by JM. He's left a very wide paper trail path online, and imo, the guy has zero credibility.

I imagine the DT is interested in these things he's said.... That he knew Travis way back, and even then had confronted Travis about being a pedophile, that he knew TA was an user and abuser of women, and that he believed CMJA threatened to commit suicide that day with a knife and only killed Travis after he rejected her and mocked her.

I don't know why this fellow hates TA so much, but he clearly does. His accusation about pedophilia would be especially damaging , but that's where his online jibber jabber would do him in. From what I've seen he has a very nasty habit of calling everyone who disagrees with him a pedophile, including folks he's never met.

JM would make mincemeat out of him.

That is why it's so disappointing we can't hear this testimony, especially if it's the nut we've been discussing. He'd be absolutely annihilated. Someone from New Zealand claiming he knew Travis? That stretches credulity just a bit. All Juan has to do is look his name up at the schools and churches Travis went to and see that he did not go there. The defense is crazy to pursue this guy, if it is him. And the only reason I do think there's a possibility it is him is because, who the heck else would the DT need to go all the way to New Zealand for?
Since I don't believe NZ guy is the witness, my bet today is on Karp. JSS would think her testimony vital, her info can't be substituted by another expert, she did NOT want to testify, she she seemed to want to fly below the radar if she had to appear in court, and she may well have been worried about being brutalized in social media.
More from that great article on yesterday's shenanigans from AZ Central:

A new low: judge locks public out of Jodi Arias trial

For those who wonder: Rule 9.3 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure set out when a judge may lock the courtroom doors during a trial.

"All proceedings shall be open to the public, including representatives of the news media, unless the court finds, upon application of the defendant, that an open proceeding presents a clear and present danger to the defendant's right to a fair trial by an impartial jury."

Stephens made no such findings in open court. In fact, she made no findings at all.

More at Link:
Another thought. Reading the posts about Nancy Grace and HLN/CNN pulling out of the trial. We have already been reading that Nancy was behind on tweets. As someone said, a day late and a dollar short.
HLN/CNN is having problems. Just maybe they are getting ready to shut down Nancy Grace and Dr Drew anyway. They can see, as we all do, that this trial will drag on, maybe into 2015 and they aren't willing to foot the bill anymore. I do not believe it is a lack of interest in this case. This was a strategic decision. I believe this is all about money.

TO: CNN/HLN You can not watch Forensic Files every hour of the day without going nuts and turning the channel or What Would you do also...
That is why it's so disappointing we can't hear this testimony, especially if it's the nut we've been discussing. He'd be absolutely annihilated. Someone from New Zealand claiming he knew Travis? That stretches credulity just a bit. All Juan has to do is look his name up at the schools and churches Travis went to and see that he did not go there. The defense is crazy to pursue this guy, if it is him. And the only reason I do think there's a possibility it is him is because, who the heck else would the DT need to go all the way to New Zealand for?

I think NZ guy is the witness she complained about that Nurmi refused to go interview. NZ is just the kind of fellow that she feels akin to nowadays, and in her twisted mind NZ guy could help.

SHE wanted NZ guy when she was pro per. Doesn't mean Nurmi agreed to him when he stepped back in. I can't believe he would self destruct so flamboyantly, and that's what it would be.

I think the secrecy of yesterday of promotes drama, but that the reality of the witness is more prosaic. I vote Karp for that reason too.
I think NZ guy is the witness she complained about that Nurmi refused to go interview. NZ is just the kind of fellow that she feels akin to nowadays, and in her twisted mind NZ guy could help.

SHE wanted NZ guy when she was pro per. Doesn't mean Nurmi agreed to him when he stepped back in. I can't believe he would self destruct so flamboyantly, and that's what it would be.

I think the secrecy of yesterday of promotes drama, but that the reality of the witness is more prosaic. I vote Karp for that reason too.

How do you know he refused to interview someone?
I understand why AZL thinks it might be the guy from NZ. I wonder, though. If its the same fellow so much discussed elsewhere, I very much doubt he could withstand 5 minutes of questioning by JM. He's left a very wide paper trail path online, and imo, the guy has zero credibility.

Snipped by me ~

I remember reading his crap awhile back, but cannot remember his name now! was it another Matt? (not matt m.)
How do you know he refused to interview someone?

I don't know if its true, but it is one of the reasons she gave for wanting Nurmi kicked off. In that epically long and self-pitying tirade she wrote this past summer.
This Dr. K was an expert witness in another murder trial for the defendant. JM attended this trial and this said defendant was a cell mate of CMJA. I am sure CMJA picked up several ideas from this cell mate about PTSD and BPD. Dr. K did not appear under another name in that trial.
Nurmi probably knew it was lies/ made up

Some such thing. IIRC Chris Hughes said the DT looked high and low for a very long time among TA's huge circle of friends and colleagues, hoping to find credible witnesses to trash him. No luck because there are none. Travis was respected and loved.
But there is a New Zealand witness that the defense team was trying to prevent from being interviewed by Juan. That happened and it happened after Jodi pulled out as attorney for herself, shortly before jury selection.

I just don't believe Cheryl Karp would testify under a pseudonym. That just doesn't make any sense. And I believe AZLawyer's reasoning and the process she went through to narrow it down.
I read somewhere on this S webers moved something about this guy from NZ. His initials are MM. Interesting those initial but his name is not Matt. It looks like a conspiracy theory to me involving the Hughes an affair and some dead woman

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But there is a New Zealand witness that the defense team was trying to prevent from being interviewed by Juan. That happened and it happened after Jodi pulled out as attorney for herself, shortly before jury selection.

I just don't believe Cheryl Karp would testify under a pseudonym. That just doesn't make any sense. And I believe AZLawyer's reasoning and the process she went through to narrow it down.

I am sorry...but who is this guy?
I am sorry...but who is this guy?

Go back to page three.

I don't know if I can post his name but Tex Mex did on page 3 if you're so inclined. He's been all over SM spreading lies upon lies about the nature of his relationship with Travis and Jodi. We also discussed him in an earlier retrial thread. They actually discussed him in court on Oct 6, after the first day of jury selection. I think Juan was having trouble getting an interview with him.
But there is a New Zealand witness that the defense team was trying to prevent from being interviewed by Juan. That happened and it happened after Jodi pulled out as attorney for herself, shortly before jury selection.

I just don't believe Cheryl Karp would testify under a pseudonym. That just doesn't make any sense. And I believe AZLawyer's reasoning and the process she went through to narrow it down.

Hmm. I didn't realize NZ guy was still being pursued after pro per. I'm still unconvinced it was him yesterday, at least, that NZ guy is the Anti- TA fellow being discussed.

Closing the court was a pretty radical decision by JSS. JM must have been able to interview the guy before yesterday or he would have been precluded. The guy in question has so little credibility it would be surprising if JSS blew up the 1st amendment for pure garbage. Or....maybe not so surprising, eh?

As for Karp and pseudonym, am I mistaken in thinking she requested to do just that?
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