Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 6- Part 2

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Another thought. Reading the posts about Nancy Grace and HLN/CNN pulling out of the trial. We have already been reading that Nancy was behind on tweets. As someone said, a day late and a dollar short.
HLN/CNN is having problems. Just maybe they are getting ready to shut down Nancy Grace and Dr Drew anyway. They can see, as we all do, that this trial will drag on, maybe into 2015 and they aren't willing to foot the bill anymore. I do not believe it is a lack of interest in this case. This was a strategic decision. I believe this is all about money.
Right, and as far as NZ guy possibly having knowlege of Travis being an abuser of women-all I can say is 'where are these women'? As far as I know, the only woman who says he was abusive, is Jodi-and she's trying to save herself, so she could, and would, say anything. There doesn't seem to be anyone out there who can say what she's saying. Abusive guys are always abusive-not just with one woman. No smoke AND no fire on this one.

He says Travis abused Deanna, she's just too stupid to see it. The abuse? He had sex with her then didn't want to marry her.

Could it be they're just bored of covering a trial they can't see or hear or witness at a all? Trial by tweeter is just not compelling anymore. Spending all day everyday talking about the trial makes sense when they can broadcast it. I think locking the media out will have an undesired affect, at least, for Jodi: people will lose interest in her.

We aren't losing interest. I think television just isn't making money because judge locked them out.

PPL Ring Infomercial Guy, who tells Juan his question isn't relevant, then looks like he poops himself when Nurmi suggests he should have counsel because HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY.

Wow-Searcy really is full of "it", isn't he? He doesn't appear to be very credible
No, it's not him. :)

I'm really leaning toward the guy from New Zealand, who can't be forced to testify so has some leverage to insist on conditions.

Will Pitts at Channel 12 also mentioned that an undercover cop would be a possibility, although I can't think why one would be involved in this case.

:seeya: Hi AZL !

Just jumping off your post here about this witness from New Zealand:

While he may have some leverage to insist on conditions, IF he LIVES in New Zealand, WHAT in the world is he afraid of ?

Yes "cyber threats" come to mind ... but as to physical threats, New Zealand is no where near Arizona !

I don't know .. this case is now making me :crazy: ... lol !
So if Juan were to bring in a rebuttal witness for this witness' testimony they would not need to close the courtroom because no names would be mentioned to refute the secret testimony. We may not know what Juan is discussing but the jury would in relation to what was testified to. So in the end, it is possible we could find out what this is all about. Could this be why JM never objected to the closed courtroom? jmo
So if Juan were to bring in a rebuttal witness for this witness' testimony they would not need to close the courtroom because no names would be mentioned to refute the secret testimony. We may not know what Juan is discussing but the jury would in relation to what was testified to. So in the end, it is possible we could find out what this is all about. Could this be why JM never objected to the closed courtroom? jmo

I think the name would have to be brought up and how about closing statements? This seems like a nightmare to me because the judge has been bouncing like a ball in her decisions from one trial to another. Makes my head hurt.
We aren't losing interest. I think television just isn't making money because judge locked them out.

I don't think it'll matter to Jodi the reason if no one is talking about her. Besides, no ratings=loss of interest, to me at least.
Could it be they're just bored of covering a trial they can't see or hear or witness at a all? Trial by tweeter is just not compelling anymore. Spending all day everyday talking about the trial makes sense when they can broadcast it. I think locking the media out will have an undesired affect, at least, for Jodi: people will lose interest in her.

:seeya: LOL ... I had not read your post when I posted mine below !

And I agree : tweeting from the court room just does not cut it !
So if Juan were to bring in a rebuttal witness for this witness' testimony they would not need to close the courtroom because no names would be mentioned to refute the secret testimony. We may not know what Juan is discussing but the jury would in relation to what was testified to. So in the end, it is possible we could find out what this is all about. Could this be why JM never objected to the closed courtroom? jmo

:seeya: Great points !

Juan is brilliant and always has a strategy !
Most of the day I have just sat here stunned. All of this seems surreal. I think to myself..'this is America....this cant be happening' but then the dose of reality sets in and I do know it is happening.

Never have I seen a case conducted like this one. Never and I have seen many death penalty cases and so has Beth Karas and she seems to be as puzzled as we all are.

I was thinking back when all of this began and I truly believe if the times were added up that have been consumed by in-chamber secret meetings, the constant sidebars, the closed court hearings, that it would be more time spent behind closed doors or in secrecy than the time spent in the well of the court trying the case. So imo, it is JSs who has cost the St. of Arizona the most money for all the star chamber hearings that have been held.

Never did I think I would see the day that our courts would revert back to the days of star chambers but we certainly have and JS has pushed the justice system back decades if not more into secrecy and shrouded in darkness.

What happened to openness and transparency so that the public citizens could be assured that our courts were handling cases openly and honestly?

Even mobsters don't get the luxury of choosing to have an entire courtroom closed to the media and public. I have certainly seen witnesses that didn't want their faces shown and it was pixeled out but to completely boot everyone out is not only bizarre it smells. It taints the entire process which is to be open.

I was talking with a DA friend of mine today about this case, and he said in his 30 years of practice he has never seen anything like it. So even the professionals who try cases do not understand the secrecy in which this entire case has been tired. JS had more in-chamber meetings in one week than I have seen in an entire month trial.

I don't know who this witness could be, and I am at the point of not really caring who it is. If it is a professional paid expert then I think it is shameful that they are allowed to rule the courtroom by threatening not to testify if they don't get their way. If they have a valid opinion they shouldn't try to hide that opinion from the media or public.

If it is the Bishop then I can understand somewhat and he may not want what was told to him in confidentiality to be known. I think I do remember that Arias mentioned either Travis talked to the Bishop or she did. I don't see how he could reveal what Travis said to him in confidence unless that ends when a person dies and if so that is a rotten shame especially with how Travis died. I certainly don't think Arias told him about the pedophilia since that lie didn't even come up until later on after she was arrested and charged. She may have told him she and Travis had been sexually active but so what? How is that a mitigating factor? All that shows is they both sinned.

Nurmi has blown the entire Mormon thing way out of proportion imo and always it is only Travis that has sinned.. omitting the fact Arias also was an active Mormon or so she pretended to be. So Travis' sin was no greater than hers.

Just because someone sins and has human frailties doesn't ever mean they deserved the death penalty for it but that is what KN is wanting the jury to believe.

All of this is about convincing the jury that Travis deserved to be stabbed 29 times, and have his throat cut from ear to ear, and then shot in the head.:(

It is the most painful and hurtful case ever for me and I wish I had never started keeping up with it because the torture of Travis' family by Arias permeates every inch of air in that courtroom and it has for six long agonizing years for them. They have been mentally tortured over and over again.

I couldn't get Tanisha and Stephen off of my mind today. They are just a shell of themselves now........and no one is to blame for their torture and agony other than this person who has controlled everyone's life and loves twisting the knife into the hearts of everyone that loves Travis.

If only Travis could come back and speak the truth but she knows he cant and that is why she can tell any lie she thinks up.

The story will change once again. The abuse will become worse, the pedophilia nonsense worse, and the claims her family abused her will also be embellished. She writes this tale and it is a tale of horrors showing just how low she will go to crush Travis and his family into the ground.

This case seems so wrong on so many fronts. It really shows the extreme extent a sociopath will go to in order to completely destroy the person that rejected them.

Ocean....yours was the last post I read last night, and the first one I returned to today, just now. Thanks for such an eloquent statement summarizing what this trial is supposed to be about but isn't.

It IS amazing and terrible to witness the lengths this sociopath will go to to annihilate Travis and his family. As KCL said (I'm paraphrasing), it is also amazing and disturbing just how far the ripples of a sociopath's evil travel. Like FCA, she taints or destroys everything she touches and every person she has contact with.
I have another question.
What is the jury told in regards to a closed off courtroom? does the judge give any explanation at all? it would seem to me that every defense atty. from now on will try this tactic since it makes the witness seem more special or believable that secrecy is needed.
The courtroom being closed off gives the appearance that this witness has great credibility and I think it also hinders the prosecutor being able to attack his credibility by Skype, if that is what is happening. It is wrong for so many reasons. I really do pray the media wins this fight.

We all said Nurmi couldn't sink any lower. He just did.
Ocean....yours was the last post I read last night, and the first one I returned to today, just now. Thanks for such an eloquent statement summarizing what this trial is supposed to be about but isn't.

It IS amazing and terrible to witness the lengths this sociopath will go to to annihilate Travis and his family. As KCL said (I'm paraphrasing), it is also amazing and disturbing just how far the ripples of a sociopath's evil travel. Like FCA, she taints or destroys everything she touches and every person she has contact with.

Hope for more, I agree with you one thousand percent about what Ocean has posted! Great post.
Jodi sure came out of her FOG long enough to make sure that Travis' beloved dog Napoleon was LOCKED downstairs alone with a gate. That poor little dog had to have been traumatized :frown:

I guess with the gate being up, the roommates just assumed that TA had gone to Cancun and wanted him left downstairs. So they kept it locked. They kept that pup downstairs.

This just breaks my heart. If that little dog had a chance to get up those stairs, he would have scratched on that door and whined and barked, and absolutely would have stayed there. I truly think that Travis would have been sooner.

I hope JM brings this up, (my first sentence) because Travis loved that dog so much. I also think it would really resonate well with the jurors in a personal or emotional way. Surely some of those jurors have dogs, and they know that they are just like family members.

I really wish I hadn't let myself get pulled back into this trial. It upsets me on so many levels. I have never hated anyone as much as I do this murderer. I absolutely despise her.
JA knew exactly what she was doing. NO FOG
:seeya: Hi AZL !

Just jumping off your post here about this witness from New Zealand:

While he may have some leverage to insist on conditions, IF he LIVES in New Zealand, WHAT in the world is he afraid of ?

Yes "cyber threats" come to mind ... but as to physical threats, New Zealand is no where near Arizona !

I don't know .. this case is now making me :crazy: ... lol !

Okay, I give up. Who is this person from New Zealand?
I read a post with some links regarding NewZealand guy last night and got busy and did not go back and read I'm having a hard time finding them....anyone have those links?
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