Satellite could plummet to Earth

Coming out of lurkdom for this...

I wonder if John Travolta's heart is going out to himself on this one?
Where is Chicken Little when you ned him???"?:crazy:
$400.. LoL but that was back in the 70's and interest surely has to mount on such a fine... there is no telling how much we owe yall, now, Dingo. :D
you proberly owe us millions by now...we could be building our own space junk with that:D
I think we should get Vegas involved and bet on where the satellite will land, I'll put $50 on a abandoned warehouse site ;).

Leave it to you little brother to come up with something like that! lol

So by the way I would lay $100 that it ends up in the Indian Ocean.

Oh yeah, now that you are back, stay here!

So much Love and Respect for you,
Is there a reward for any pieces of it and if not, can I keep it if it falls in my yard?
Is there a reward for any pieces of it and if not, can I keep it if it falls in my yard?

well the Hydrazine that it runs off of is toxic to us...but it's ok to let it fall into the ocean where we are surely never to venture..(I still haven't gotten over the condition of Pensacola Bay last time we were there yuck!)
BUT (quote from article)...
John Pike, director of the defence research group, said an uncontrolled re-entry could risk exposure of US secrets. I guess it's collect those momentos at your own risk..have fun!!! Maybe you could sell them on e-bay!!!:) lol sorry I haven't slept in 2 days, my head is a lil foggy...
MsPooh, thanks for the Ebay idea! Though I am disappointed about the reward. Maybe as it gets closer to falling they'll announce one or a finder's fee. Fingers crossed:) :)
Oh... the US govt will not give a finders fee or reward or anything of that matter. More than likely, whatever parts survive the re-entry, if a person gets their hands on it and doesn't turn it over to the US gov and is found out, they will face criminal charges. This is what happened when the shuttle Columbia fell apart during re-entry. The US gov. was the owner of the shuttle, and demanded that all pieces found be turned over for the federal investigation. An amnesty period was set up and people could turn over what they found, with no questions. Well, after that period, some didn't turn the stuff over that they found and ended up getting charged with theft and messing with a federal investigation. I can imagine, the US gov't will put a far larger charge on people retrieving and keeping a piece of a spy satellite... and if someone is caught selling what they find, they may be considered treading in treason waters.

So take this to heart: if you find a piece of it, even if it is some teeny tiny bolt: TURN IT IN...
No fair. He is ALREADY your ex. I am still trying to get rid of I SHOULD have first dibs on it!

This comment made me picture the house that dropped on the wicked witch of the west in the Wizard of Oz,... and her legs were just left sticking out with striped red and white stockings and the ruby slippers? Is your almost ex a cross dresser by any chance?:p :D :crazy:
Glinda to Elphaba (The Wicked Witch of the West) in an attempt to explain why a house fell on Elphaba's sister: "It was a strange... twister of fate". :D (as quoted from Wicked)
Oh... the US govt will not give a finders fee or reward or anything of that matter. More than likely, whatever parts survive the re-entry, if a person gets their hands on it and doesn't turn it over to the US gov and is found out, they will face criminal charges. This is what happened when the shuttle Columbia fell apart during re-entry. The US gov. was the owner of the shuttle, and demanded that all pieces found be turned over for the federal investigation. An amnesty period was set up and people could turn over what they found, with no questions. Well, after that period, some didn't turn the stuff over that they found and ended up getting charged with theft and messing with a federal investigation. I can imagine, the US gov't will put a far larger charge on people retrieving and keeping a piece of a spy satellite... and if someone is caught selling what they find, they may be considered treading in treason waters.

So take this to heart: if you find a piece of it, even if it is some teeny tiny bolt: TURN IT IN...

Not only that, but the parts might be hazardous to your health. :eek:
:rolleyes: Like I don't have enough crap going on in my life....
Now I have to worry about a satellite falling?:doh:
I hope the thing falls in the ocean and hurts no one UN LESS it could fall on all child sexual predators.
:rolleyes: Like I don't have enough crap going on in my life....
Now I have to worry about a satellite falling?:doh:
I hope the thing falls in the ocean and hurts no one UN LESS it could fall on all child sexual predators.

well there ya go.....git-r-done! Good lord I'm channeling Larry the cable guy now, earlier it was Ron White. I am sorry to hear about the crap though, I was feeling all lonely in that world until now..we'll just have a little poor me party together..!
Glinda to Elphaba (The Wicked Witch of the West) in an attempt to explain why a house fell on Elphaba's sister: "It was a strange... twister of fate". :D (as quoted from Wicked)

Wicked! I enjoyed reading that book :) Nice to have a different side to the Wizard of Oz :)
well there ya go.....git-r-done! Good lord I'm channeling Larry the cable guy now, earlier it was Ron White. I am sorry to hear about the crap though, I was feeling all lonely in that world until now..we'll just have a little poor me party together..!
That's what we will do. ;)

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