Seaching for Anna - #2

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I'm glad C has her family and friends around. I can't imagine how one might prepare themselves for something like this. Maybe it's better the dna results are taking a bit longer to lessen the shock.

Please let C know we are all thinking of her, sending our support, and you too Robin. You are amazing.

Thank you Cubby, but I am not amazing. Annasmom, Dr. Doogie, Sherlock Jr., and all of the websleuthers have done so much in this case, and it is because of websleuths and MySpace that I was able to spot the similarities between C and Anna. Without all of the work that everyone else did, this comparison would never have happened, and C would still not be discovered as a potential Anna.

I will give C your messages of support and I know that she will appreciate them as she always does.
Thank you Cubby, but I am not amazing. Annasmom, Dr. Doogie, Sherlock Jr., and all of the websleuthers have done so much in this case, and it is because of websleuths and MySpace that I was able to spot the similarities between C and Anna. Without all of the work that everyone else did, this comparison would never have happened, and C would still not be discovered as a potential Anna.

I will give C your messages of support and I know that she will appreciate them as she always does.

Robin, you really do need to include yourself in the list...... You could have not cared, and left it for someone else to worry about. It was by chance you found yourself in the position to assist. I think you are an angel, as are the others you listed.

Thank you for passing along our messages of support to C. I don't know how I would react in her position, and regardless of the outcome - her identity is the person she is, - that won't change.

I'm hope she has the proper support in the event the dna results are positive. I wouldn't even know where to begin with that thought.......
Robin, you deserve kudos too, because you stepped up and said something when you noticed similarities between C and Anna. Unfortunately, many people do not come forward in situations like this. Thank you for introducing Anna's family to C so that they could explore this possibility.
Thank you all very much, but really, I did nothing more than any of you would have done, yet I have been so blessed with so many new friends through all of this. For that I am very thankful, and hopefully, we have ALL TOGETHER found Anna.
The veils on C's memories are slowly, but surely, being removed as we all explore the possibility that she is Anna. Just Friday, I was made aware that C has recalled another memory, so specific and unique, that is an exact bulls-eye on what Anna would recall, that I had chills. I cannot see how C could have this most recent memory and not be Anna - it is that distinct and could not be the process of "wishful thinking".

Of course, we continue to wait on the results, but, ladies and gentlemen, I believe that we have found Anna. I cannot foresee any other conclusion.

Dr. Doogie,

My gut feeling tells me that you are right. Let's hope that we are both right. I have been sitting and looking at the pictures over and over again tonight and waiting...all of us just waiting.
i had goose bumps reading your post doggie wow hoping for some postive news this week. i know i have had memories of before i was 3 years old i can remember things about my old house that only my parents would know and i only lived there untill i was 5. i even remember telling my grandma last year about a party we all went to for my great grandfather at this now closed resturant i was only 41/2 at the time but she was so amazed that i remembered the party
I don't know how I would react in her position, and regardless of the outcome - her identity is the person she is, - that won't change.

I'm hope she has the proper support in the event the dna results are positive. I wouldn't even know where to begin with that thought.......

I agree with Cubby. C is who she is. Some of her history may change, but it takes more than genetics to make up who we are. Her history as she knows it is a part of that, but she also has a personality and a heart and soul- and that makes up most of who we are. Those things won't change. She is still C.

If she finds out that some of her history is different than she thought, then that won't change who she is. But hopefully she will find out that she was loved, more than she ever knew.
As RobinH has mentioned, we have purposely not informed her or C as to how this latest memory is correct. However, Annasmom forwarded a picture of Anna showing exactly what C described and it is so unique and exact that C could not have guessed it.
I agree with Cubby. C is who she is. Some of her history may change, but it takes more than genetics to make up who we are. Her history as she knows it is a part of that, but she also has a personality and a heart and soul- and that makes up most of who we are. Those things won't change. She is still C.

If she finds out that some of her history is different than she thought, then that won't change who she is. But hopefully she will find out that she was loved, more than she ever knew.

I completely agree with the both of you. Lots of strength wished for C, Annasmom, Annasbro, well, everyone involved! I just can't imagine. You all are in my prayers as always.
I know that I'm jumping the gun a bit here... but are plans in the works for Annasmom and "C" to meet once the DNA results are in?

I don't remember if it has been said what part of the country "C" is in, so I have no idea how far apart they are.

I know it has been said that C's relationship with the woman who raised her has been strained. I hope that some of the siblings she was raised with are supporting her. They have to know that this is not C's fault!

Of course, if C is Anna then she will have a couple of brothers to meet and get acquainted with as well.

I am sorry for jumping the gun. I know the official results aren't in yet, but I think the results are conclusive in our hearts.
Jodibug- I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if Annasmom has a plane ticket in hand ready to fly out to meet C! I know I would if I hadnt seen my daughter in 30-some years!

Has Annasmom talked to C on the phone before?

When the DNA results come in and if it is a positive match, it is going to be all over the news. I am sort of waiting to turn on the tv to see on CNN that Anna has been found before I even find out from you guys here on WS!
Just chiming in to say Hi to everyone and join in the anticipation. I've been trying to temper my IMBOD (Internet Message Board Obsession Disorder) a little, so I haven't been here everyday.

"Hi, my name is Beth-Ann and I'm a Message Board Addict"

Anna's story is the only one with which I will happily give in to my obsession. It seems pretty obvious that relentless sleuthing and meticulous attention to detail by a few talented Websleuthers has resulted in the possibility that this mystery may soon be solved. The good wishes, prayers, positive thinking and encouragement proffered by everyone else on this board must certainly play a role as well. I feel so blessed to be even a tiny part of this saga. In this story, the power of prayer, hope and redemption sits alongside and mitigates the despair of extreme personal loss.

It's been difficult waiting out the results, but one thing is true--this question will play itself out, one way or the other. I've been reflecting on a few things while I wait. One of the biggest lessons I've learned from the story of Anna and Annasmom is that the power of love and devotion is immeasurable and can conquer the worst that life throws at us. Annasmom, her family and friends, C and RobinH, have shown me that how we love our families and how we handle our friendships is a great part of who we are. Even more importantly, you've all taught me that personal tragedy need not define us.

I don't look at C as either being Anna or not being Anna. I look at her as the woman who Anna may have become. Even if the DNA matches, there is and always will be a deep void created by the missing years. That fact will never change and dealing with that harsh reality may be difficult. But if that's true, so is the fact that C/Anna is here, is alive and has survived the trauma of her early life and gone on to became a lovely and loving person. If the DNA doesn't match, then Anna, whoever she became, is still be out there. I reluctantly admit it's possible that Anna didn't survive the disappearance, but in my heart, she is out there somewhere. If Anna became someone other than C, I can only believe that she has a home, a family who loves her, friends that care about her and a longing to know and understand her past as much as C seems to have.

Blessings and prayers to all the missing and their families. May they all benefit from the hope of resolution, if not resolution itself.
You two (Jodibug and GraceBlue) are listing a couple of things that C is probably terrified of. To her, Annasmom is a stranger... I would think that it would take her some time to come to terms with things if she turns out to be Anna... plus having your face plastered all over CNN (to keep this example) is probably not what this gardening-loving mother and wife is really looking for.
It would be great to expect a fairy tale ending where they'd run at eachother into eachother's arms, with a big family barbecue to meet all the people that have missed Anna for so long... but I honestly doubt it will go that way. I expect a lot of tears and pain on both sides for probably a long time after it is established that C is Anna (if C is Anna).
I'm not trying to be a downer.... IMO I'm just being realistic... and I want to take this opportunity to tell C and Annasmom that I, for one, am not expecting them to become public figures and 'entertain us' if this turns out to be it. It's hard to say what I really mean, but I hope I got it across somehow without offending anyone.

ETA that is such a well worded, wonderful post, natasha. I especially agree with I don't look at C as either being Anna or not being Anna. I look at her as the woman who Anna may have become.
You two (Jodibug and GraceBlue) are listing a couple of things that C is probably terrified of. To her, Annasmom is a stranger... I would think that it would take her some time to come to terms with things if she turns out to be Anna... plus having your face plastered all over CNN (to keep this example) is probably not what this gardening-loving mother and wife is really looking for.
It would be great to expect a fairy tale ending where they'd run at eachother into eachother's arms, with a big family barbecue to meet all the people that have missed Anna for so long... but I honestly doubt it will go that way. I expect a lot of tears and pain on both sides for probably a long time after it is established that C is Anna (if C is Anna).
I'm not trying to be a downer.... IMO I'm just being realistic... and I want to take this opportunity to tell C and Annasmom that I, for one, am not expecting them to become public figures and 'entertain us' if this turns out to be it. It's hard to say what I really mean, but I hope I got it across somehow without offending anyone.

ETA that is such a well worded, wonderful post, natasha. I especially agree with I don't look at C as either being Anna or not being Anna. I look at her as the woman who Anna may have become.

I agree 100% I am aware that C is terrified, confused, overwhelmed, etc. I know it will take time for Annasmom and C to re-connect. I am sure they will do it gradually. I was just making a statement (not saying that's in fact what Annasmom will do or what I will do if my daughter actually went missing for 30-some years.) I am sure they will find a way to get together when they both are ready to do so.

As for the media. I hope the media will leave them alone and let them re-connect in private.

I can't imagine how Annasmom and C must be feeling right now. Mixed emotions, I am sure but we will never know unless we've been in their shoes. I just get excited and say things that I may not necessarily do or may not seem to acknowledge the fact that this is a scary time for C. I am well aware of it, I am just excited that Anna may have been found.
Just wanted to add that I am checking this thread several times a day. and give my support to Anna's family and Doogie, "C" , Robin H and all of those who are involved!

I just googled Anna's name and saw a MySpace account that had Anna listed as 52 years old? I know Anna is only 39 now, turning 40 in September.. Anyone else see this?
Just wanted to add that I am checking this thread several times a day. and give my support to Anna's family and Doogie, "C" , Robin H and all of those who are involved!

I just googled Anna's name and saw a MySpace account that had Anna listed as 52 years old? I know Anna is only 39 now, turning 40 in September.. Anyone else see this?
That's the age of the MySpace poster, not Anna's age. Thank you for your support, joellegirl.
In this story, the power of prayer, hope and redemption sits alongside and mitigates the despair of extreme personal loss.

One of the biggest lessons I've learned from the story of Anna and Annasmom is that the power of love and devotion is immeasurable and can conquer the worst that life throws at us. Annasmom, her family and friends, C and RobinH, have shown me that how we love our families and how we handle our friendships is a great part of who we are. Even more importantly, you've all taught me that personal tragedy need not define us.

Blessings and prayers to all the missing and their families. May they all benefit from the hope of resolution, if not resolution itself.

Natasha-cupcake, I have been looking for words to make some sense of all this, and you have provided them. Thank you.
Just wanted to add that I am checking this thread several times a day. and give my support to Anna's family and Doogie, "C" , Robin H and all of those who are involved!

I just googled Anna's name and saw a MySpace account that had Anna listed as 52 years old? I know Anna is only 39 now, turning 40 in September.. Anyone else see this?

I just changed that. Annasmom is right it was the poster's age(mine).
I agree 100% I am aware that C is terrified, confused, overwhelmed, etc. I know it will take time for Annasmom and C to re-connect. I am sure they will do it gradually. I was just making a statement (not saying that's in fact what Annasmom will do or what I will do if my daughter actually went missing for 30-some years.) I am sure they will find a way to get together when they both are ready to do so.

As for the media. I hope the media will leave them alone and let them re-connect in private.

I can't imagine how Annasmom and C must be feeling right now. Mixed emotions, I am sure but we will never know unless we've been in their shoes. I just get excited and say things that I may not necessarily do or may not seem to acknowledge the fact that this is a scary time for C. I am well aware of it, I am just excited that Anna may have been found.

I just want to say in turn that I understood and understand what you're saying! I hope you didn't feel like I attacked you, and if so I apologize, because I really didn't mean it that way. I'm excited too... even though I'm scared to be excited, because I'm afraid to jinx it... :eek:
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