Soccer Game ... No really, "the" Soccer Game

lauriej said:
...unfortunately JG..those "old" posts do link to the "ravenstree" pics, which raven has removed....
A WS'er found and posted the picture in question on the general discussion thread. Here's a link to that post:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - General Discussion #7

The only computer components visible in the pic are the monitor, the keyboard, and something else (that we discussed at great length in the past -lol). That something else is cleary not a tower. So as far as that picture is concerned, there is nothing to show that Raven was using a desktop computer the day before the murder. And if what BirdHunter has said on another thread is true, that Janet was able to e-mail with her friends when Raven allowed her to use his laptop, it sounds as if there was at least no other computer in the house with Internet access.
I also heard from several people that there was indeed only the laptop and that was indeed a dataport, and though they had a monitor, it was just that a monitor with a dataport to plug the laptop into.

I would really love to hear from people that were at the soccer game, in Morrissville that evening and hear from them when was the first time they noticed Raven show up, when did he leave.

I had heard several conflicting reports on this time of arrival and time of departure and his attitude, and things he said afterwards.

Can anyone bring anything new to this discussion?
Has it ever been proven that he was not at the game?
No, to the contrary, it seems fairly well confirmed that he did play soccer that night. It was even mentioned in LE's press release last week. It was rumored that he showed up late but how late, we don't know. It was also rumored that he left early because he had a strange feeling but again, we don't know what time.
JerseyGirl said:
No, to the contrary, it seems fairly well confirmed that he did play soccer that night. It was even mentioned in LE's press release last week. It was rumored that he showed up late but how late, we don't know. It was also rumored that he left early because he had a strange feeling but again, we don't know what time.

As an outsider looking in this case seems weak against him to be honest.

He had opportunity and motive if we are to believe that they were breaking up, had major money problems, and she was pregnant. I'll give you that.

Is opportunity and motive without other evidence enough?

In the Peterson case, almost all circumstantial, you have him at the one place, over 90 miles away from home, where the bodys turned up. To me that is one of the main things that made it a slam dunk.

Unless there is blood spray on Raven clothes or something along those lines I don't see how he can be convicted.
Tricia said:
As an outsider looking in this case seems weak against him to be honest.

He had opportunity and motive if we are to believe that they were breaking up, had major money problems, and she was pregnant. I'll give you that.

Is opportunity and motive without other evidence enough?

In the Peterson case, almost all circumstantial, you have him at the one place, over 90 miles away from home, where the bodys turned up. To me that is one of the main things that made it a slam dunk.

Unless there is blood spray on Raven clothes or something along those lines I don't see how he can be convicted.

Well, we do know for a fact (from the warrant released by LE) that LE took Raven's clothing that night. Was there blood? Who knows. Raven obviously told SOMEONE that he moved Janet that night, as that statement is included in the ME report narrative ("He rolled her over and saw that she was not breathing.") So one could GUESS that he might have had blood on his clothing from moving Janet. And, we know there was blood on the interior of the side door and doorframe, downstairs, and, perhaps on the exterior of the Durango. If Rooster is to be believed, Raven himself deposited the blood on those locations when looking for a phone. But, regardless, that blood made it from the upstairs office/bedroom, downstairs, and outside, somehow....

I guess it opens a question for me too though - in a case that's largely circumstantial, what does it take for a DA to feel confident enough in the CE evidence to give LE the go ahead for an arrest, etc.? Is it the AMOUNT of CE?
SouthEastSleuth said:
Well, we do know for a fact (from the warrant released by LE) that LE took Raven's clothing that night. Was there blood? Who knows. Raven obviously told SOMEONE that he moved Janet that night, as that statement is included in the ME report narrative ("He rolled her over and saw that she was not breathing.") So one could GUESS that he might have had blood on his clothing from moving Janet...
Didn't we also hear claims that he had tried to resuscitate Janet as well as that he held her after realizing that she was gone?
JerseyGirl said:
Didn't we also hear claims that he had tried to resuscitate Janet as well as that he held her after realizing that she was gone?

To me the blood evidence is easily explained away. The blood evidence we know of anyway.

Unless we can find out differently I see no reason NOT to believe what Raven said he did. Went downstairs, outside, and to the car to look for the phone. Easy to accept. Logical too.

I feel like we have this huge 5000 piece puzzle and all we have are the solid blue border pieces. From this, we are trying to guess the picture. It could be anything.
SouthEastSleuth said:
Well, we do know for a fact (from the warrant released by LE) that LE took Raven's clothing that night. Was there blood? Who knows. Raven obviously told SOMEONE that he moved Janet that night, as that statement is included in the ME report narrative ("He rolled her over and saw that she was not breathing.") So one could GUESS that he might have had blood on his clothing from moving Janet. And, we know there was blood on the interior of the side door and doorframe, downstairs, and, perhaps on the exterior of the Durango. If Rooster is to be believed, Raven himself deposited the blood on those locations when looking for a phone. But, regardless, that blood made it from the upstairs office/bedroom, downstairs, and outside, somehow....

I guess it opens a question for me too though - in a case that's largely circumstantial, what does it take for a DA to feel confident enough in the CE evidence to give LE the go ahead for an arrest, etc.? Is it the AMOUNT of CE?
Wasn't there also blood on the wall leading out to the back door? He also is said to have found Janet on her knees, so this information on he turned her over, is strange to me.

He also led Police to believe she was "hurt" and that she may still be alive. We heard that he told people she was warm still and we heard that he told others she was cold.

These conflicting stories are of interest to me, because it seems the stories change with whomever he speaks to.

JG you are correct he told someone he had to leave early because he had a "strange feeling."
I'm just curious about the 3 different stories that we've heard regarding Raven's interaction with the body and the blood that evening:

1) That he turned her over.
2) That he tried to resuscitate her.
3) That he held her.

It's possible that he did any one or even all of these things. What I find most interesting, however, is that as far as I remember, these three scenarios were allegedly told to different people at different times. It's clearly circumstantial at best but it made me wonder if there were so many different versions because he wasn't exactly sure what investigators could determine by looking at his clothes, and he wanted to have an answer for whatever blood patterns they might find.
Term, I don't recall blood on the wall leading to the back door. Might you be thinking of the blood on the wall of the office (extra bedroom) where Janet was found?
Let me relook at the Police report again and I'll try to provide a link, I could be mistaken but I thought it said back door.
terminatrixator said:
Let me relook at the Police report again and I'll try to provide a link, I could be mistaken but I thought it said back door.
Per the warrant, there were swabbings taken from the INTERIOR side storm door, and the INTERIOR side door frame. (items #17, #18)

And in the narrative, on the warrant, from Investigator Early, it is noted that "there was stains on the walls of the bedroom, and there was blood stains near the side door of the residence, located on the South side."
SouthEastSleuth said:
And in the narrative, on the warrant, from Investigator Early, it is noted that "there was stains on the walls of the bedroom, and there was blood stains near the side door of the residence, located on the South side."
Okay, bad grammar aside, what does THAT mean??? How exactly does one define "near"?
JerseyGirl said:
Okay, bad grammar aside, what does THAT mean??? How exactly does one define "near"?

Perhaps I shouldn't assume, but I guess I always assumed that it refers back then to those swabbings that were taken from the interior of the storm door and door frame? Perhaps in Early's first observation, he just referenced blood "near" the side door....and then when techs did their work, the specifics of the only swabbings taken around that door, that we know of anyway, mention the interior, etc.?
SouthEastSleuth said:
Per the warrant, there were swabbings taken from the INTERIOR side storm door, and the INTERIOR side door frame. (items #17, #18)

And in the narrative, on the warrant, from Investigator Early, it is noted that "there was stains on the walls of the bedroom, and there was blood stains near the side door of the residence, located on the South side."
Thanks SES, for finding that for me, I had to get some work done, don't want to get canned.

I appreciate you finding this for me. I knew I screwed up when I said back door when I meant side but had to run. Thanks again!
JerseyGirl said:
I'm just curious about the 3 different stories that we've heard regarding Raven's interaction with the body and the blood that evening:

1) That he turned her over.
2) That he tried to resuscitate her.
3) That he held her.

It's possible that he did any one or even all of these things.

AND all of this within minutes?? The timeline doesn't make sense to me. His arriving home, TOD and the 911 call. Something isn't right. The time of the 911 call is probably right on...TOD is most likely within 10 minutes or so??....I guess his arriving home time could be wrong. Someone at the soccer game could confirm what time he left and add the driving time so I would think LE could have that fact be pretty accurate. I'm not getting how all of this was accomplished literally in minutes?
ewwwinteresting said:
... I'm not getting how all of this was accomplished literally in minutes?
But remember, we don't know how many of the accounts we've heard are true and how many aren't. And we still have no "official" source for the time he arrived home, do we?
JerseyGirl said:
But remember, we don't know how many of the accounts we've heard are true and how many aren't. And we still have no "official" source for the time he arrived home, do we?
I am hoping LE has been able to pinpoint his arrival time though and would know if any of his stories could hold up to the TOD and 911 phone call times.

Here's a there anyway the TOD is wrong? A typo maybe? An inexperienced ME? I don't know something that would make more sense then she died and 3 minutes later raven calls 911:waitasec:
ewwwinteresting said:
Here's a there anyway the TOD is wrong? A typo maybe? An inexperienced ME? I don't know something that would make more sense then she died and 3 minutes later raven calls 911:waitasec:
I would think that all times are approximate ... I don't know how much of a guarantee an ME would give on TOD. Because you're right - Raven calling 911 three minutes after Janet's death doesn't seem to make sense whether he was involved or not. If he was involved, then he would have had to dispose of a weapon in a short period of time. If he wasn't involved, it not only seems unlikely that he wouldn't have passed the killer on his way into the house but it also seems unlikely that he would have had enough time to run around looking for phones and attempt to give her a priest's blessing. The times, as we see them, don't seem to allow for either situation - guilt or innocence. And since those are the only two possibilities, something somewhere doesn't seem quite right.

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