Soccer Game ... No really, "the" Soccer Game

JerseyGirl said:
I would think that all times are approximate ... I don't know how much of a guarantee an ME would give on TOD. Because you're right - Raven calling 911 three minutes after Janet's death doesn't seem to make sense whether he was involved or not. If he was involved, then he would have had to dispose of a weapon in a short period of time. If he wasn't involved, it not only seems unlikely that he wouldn't have passed the killer on his way into the house but it also seems unlikely that he would have had enough time to run around looking for phones and attempt to give her a priest's blessing. The times, as we see them, don't seem to allow for either situation - guilt or innocence. And since those are the only two possibilities, something somewhere doesn't seem quite right.
This has always bothered me about this case. NONE of the scenerios seem to add up. If TOD is correct and 911 call is correct, the only scenerio is raven stabbed Janet, decided it was a bad idea, and then called 911 to get help. If help arrived within 5 or 10 minutes, he would have been able to hide the knife during that time. Wasn't raven waiting outside for the ambulance to arrive? Not with his wife, not with his baby, just outside.....was this because he had just ditched the murder weapon?
ewwwinteresting said:
This has always bothered me about this case. NONE of the scenerios seem to add up. If TOD is correct and 911 call is correct, the only scenerio is raven stabbed Janet, decided it was a bad idea, and then called 911 to get help. If help arrived within 5 or 10 minutes, he would have been able to hide the knife during that time. Wasn't raven waiting outside for the ambulance to arrive? Not with his wife, not with his baby, just outside.....was this because he had just ditched the murder weapon?
Very interesting point eww. If TOD is correct, 911 is spot on, then Raven really did have only 5-10 minutes to dispose of a murder weapon. Possible senarios--did he hid it and ditch it later? I would be curious to know how long Raven stayed with the church members immediately following the murder and where he went and who he stayed with in the days before the funeral. Did he ever have time alone to dispose of or hide the weapon while still in Durham?

Could Raven have run to one of the local bodies of water in a few minutes to ditch the weapon? It would be easy then to mask exertion as adrenaline/anxeity. Did LE examine Raven enough? Were there scratch marks from branches or other growth because of him hiding it in the surrounding trees?

The murder weapon has got to be the keystone to this case. Maybe we should start brainstorming this (again).
Jenifred said:
Could Raven have run to one of the local bodies of water in a few minutes to ditch the weapon? It would be easy then to mask exertion as adrenaline/anxeity. Did LE examine Raven enough? Were there scratch marks from branches or other growth because of him hiding it in the surrounding trees?

The murder weapon has got to be the keystone to this case. Maybe we should start brainstorming this (again).
I'm wondering if LE searched the surrounding areas enough. :waitasec: I think they searched 1 day. I remember the property was released back to its owner in no time. If raven only had a few minutes to hid a knife, it couldn't be far.....hmmm, I bet the new tenants/owners may find it someday while digging through their yard and may not know what it really is....a double murder weapon!
good question------------how thorough of a search , both inside and out, does LE make that very night ? and does LE continue to search everything removed from the home later ?
after all, raven lived there, and could have had an excellent "hiding spot" chosen in advance...( or, as some a&e true crime scenarios have shown: people have hidden drugs/weapons in the baby's bedding, even in soiled diapers etc.......some very "imaginative" hiding spots..)DID LE check every single area in the house ?

the murder weapon IS the key, where is it ?
Could he have had a hiding spot picked out in advanced, then changed locations when he knew it was safe to go back?

Where exactly was the VX? Has anyone said for sure where this was located? He could have taken the laptop with him to the game, thrown the laptop in the VX on the way there, since it never did get searched...makes me wonder.
ewwwinteresting said:
Wasn't raven waiting outside for the ambulance to arrive? Not with his wife, not with his baby, just outside.....was this because he had just ditched the murder weapon?
Good question. It would also help if someone had seen a man running around in the dark, he could have said - Oh, that was me running to and from the street to see if the ambulance was coming, (or to and from the car looking for phones, etc).
Jenifred said:
Very interesting point eww. If TOD is correct, 911 is spot on, then Raven really did have only 5-10 minutes to dispose of a murder weapon. Possible senarios--did he hid it and ditch it later? I would be curious to know how long Raven stayed with the church members immediately following the murder and where he went and who he stayed with in the days before the funeral. Did he ever have time alone to dispose of or hide the weapon while still in Durham?
This is exactly what I was getting at when I asked a couple of weeks back if there were any periods of time for which Raven was unaccounted. I wonder if perhaps he ran it to wherever the VX was parked and then drove it out to Smith Mountain Lake at the next opportunity. (Was Raven driving the VX when he got to Virginia?)
JerseyGirl said:
(Was Raven driving the VX when he got to Virginia?)
I believe he was. Someone on here said they saw it at the funeral.
Jenifred said:
I believe he was. Someone on here said they saw it at the funeral.
So since the VX wasn't at the house on Ferrand Drive that night, it seems likely that it would not have been searched, (and indeed none of the documents we've seen make it seem that the VX was ever searched (or even mentioned)). So if it was parked nearby (perhaps with a for sale sign on it), it is possible that Raven could have disposed of things by dropping them off at the VX and then permanently disposing of them at a later time. Perhaps as much later as the first/second week of May and as far away as Virginia.

Where WAS the VX that night???? Has LE ever accounted for its whereabouts and how it could have played into this crime? If it was parked miles away, then this possibility might be very far-fetched. But if it was parked around the corner, it might have been the perfect temporary solution for hiding the weapon.
JerseyGirl said:
This is exactly what I was getting at when I asked a couple of weeks back if there were any periods of time for which Raven was unaccounted. I wonder if perhaps he ran it to wherever the VX was parked and then drove it out to Smith Mountain Lake at the next opportunity. (Was Raven driving the VX when he got to Virginia?)
Raven was driving the VX when he arrived at the memorial.
Damn, how I wish they would have searched that VX! I wonder if anything could be found by searching it now, so long after the fact.
JerseyGirl said:
Damn, how I wish they would have searched that VX! I wonder if anything could be found by searching it now, so long after the fact.
JG, oh boy, if the Fire Department gets called at 3:00 am in the morning because of a VX burning, then we'll know the answer to that question now won't we!
terminatrixator said:
JG, oh boy, if the Fire Department gets called at 3:00 am in the morning because of a VX burning, then we'll know the answer to that question now won't we!
Could this be why he wanted to sell the VX a while back?
JerseyGirl said:
Could this be why he wanted to sell the VX a while back?
Sell it, burn it...get money out of it & get rid of any possible evidence.
I agree any possible evidence in the VX is long gone! Someone should have searched it during the funeral while raven was "pretending" to be grieving.
Here I go again ... how far is Smith Mountain Lake from the areas where the funeral and the memorial service were? The funeral was on Saturday and the service on Monday? If so, what did Raven do that day in between? Was anyone with him or were they too busy catching up on work with their laptops?
JerseyGirl said:
Here I go again ... how far is Smith Mountain Lake from the areas where the funeral and the memorial service were? The funeral was on Saturday and the service on Monday? If so, what did Raven do that day in between? Was anyone with him or were they too busy catching up on work with their laptops?
Janet was murdered Tuesday night
raven stayed with his church teachers after being questioned by we know how long?
Funeral was Saturday
Memorial was Monday
Where did raven stay after that, before he packed his bags and hightailed it to Mommy's house?
ewwwinteresting said:
Janet was murdered Tuesday night
raven stayed with his church teachers after being questioned by we know how long?
Funeral was Saturday
Memorial was Monday
Where did raven stay after that, before he packed his bags and hightailed it to Mommy's house?
I'm more interested in what he did that Sunday and if it's possible that he took a trip alone out to Smith Mountain Lake with his VX that was never searched.
JerseyGirl said:
I'm more interested in what he did that Sunday and if it's possible that he took a trip alone out to Smith Mountain Lake with his VX that was never searched.
I'm thinking he would have been surrounded by family and friends during those days, but would have had time afterwards to go "exploring."
ewwwinteresting said:
I'm thinking he would have been surrounded by family and friends during those days, but would have had time afterwards to go "exploring."
That's why I'm so interested in knowing if that e-mail about reduced price software was sent by THE Karyn Bolton or not. I guess I can understand staying on top of work with a laptop - bills unfortunately still need to be paid, even in times of great tragedy. But the date on that e-mail was definitely the same date as Janet's funeral and the time was 7:20 P.M. So were there times during that weekend when Raven might have been left on his own while people were attending to other things? Might he have taken a drive to "clear his head" or "reminisce" at a place that perhaps him and Janet had liked to go?

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