South Africa - Anni Dewani, 28, shot to death, Gugulethu, 13 Nov 2010 #4

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VL was with SD and his father until 16:30. He returned to the hotel on the Tuesday mornin


VL went back the Cape Grace on the Sunday afternoon after 15:00, with members of the Hawks to make arrangements with Dewani for the release of the body. He also went with SD to the morgue to identify the body of Anni Hindocha.


VL was given the role as family liaison officer for the Dewanis.

So did Shrien Dewani's father arrive on the Sunday?
It is bizarre, even if we're to believe SD is innocent, why didn't he suspect Tongo, who stopped and opened his door for the hijackers?!! Why give him anything or have any contact with him? How can he be so naive?! :gah:

bbm: that's why the rest can not be ''exactly as illustrated'' moo
SD says in his statement, he is well traveled, the places he mentioned were India, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and Egypt, he excluded other countries we know he visited South Africa and France, so there may be more.

My point is SD has lots of experience of traveling, he could not have been this trusting in all those countries and escaped with his life, so why compromise his and Anni's safety by heading off into the dark night with a stranger?

The Dewanis' traveled first class from the U.K to Johannesburg but SD hires an unlicensed driver (Tongo) to save a few dollars? :thinking:
SD says in his statement, he is well traveled, the places he mentioned were India, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and Egypt, he excluded other countries we know he visited South Africa and France, so there may be more.

My point is SD has lots of experience of traveling, he could not have been this trusting in all those countries and escaped with his life, so why comprise his and Anni's safety by heading off into the dark night with a stranger?

The Dewanis' traveled first class from the U.K to Johannesburg but SD hires an unlicensed driver (Tongo) to save a few dollars? :thinking:

you forgot South east Asia ((Thailand??)) ... to boost his T levels

bbm: something's not right ...... with that young man .... penny wise pound foolish
you forgot South east Asia ((Thailand??)) ... to boost his T levels

bbm: something's not right ...... with that young man .... penny wise pound foolish

oh yes, how could I forget Thailand!!
vanessa poonah ‏@vanessapoonah01 #SABCNews 10m10 minutes ago

Botha continues cross exam.. Asks Lutchman if what he testifed to were indeed Mr Dewani's words..'township', referring to Dewani telling him his wife wanted to see the nightlife in the township.

EWN Reporter ‏@ewnreporter 11m11 minutes ago

The word township was not in Dewani's vocabulary at the time - Dewani's lawyer Pieter Botha.
Defence is focusing on the counsellor. They want to know if he was brought in because of Dewani’s emotional state. The witness says no it’s police protocol to do that.

Time: 11:48
Lutchman says Dewani offered to go with the police helicopter to search for the missing vehicle.

And court is in session again after a tea break. VL still on the stand being cross-examined by PB.

PB: Are you insisting that what you've testified in court were Mr. Dewani's exact words or are you paraphrasing? I'm not trying to nitpick...
PB: SD will say that the word township was not in his vocabulary.

VL: SD said his wife wanted to see the night life of a township.

PB: Of a township or one of the townships?

VL: A township or one of the townships, same thing.

PB: SD will say that he never knew the word Guguletu.
PB back on matter of rings: He will say that it's simply not so that he said he hid one of the rings, because his wife hid it.

VL: My Lady, he said he hid it. Now you're telling me he recalls that his wife hid it. He told me HE hid it
SD's recollection of statement being taken was that people were asking me questions all the time. - PB

Traverso, stern as ever, cuts in, asks why VL is laughing. He says he's not laughing. It's probable that he's a it nervous.
The defence says the reason Dewani didn't want trauma counselling is that he was more concerned about finding his wife.

Time: 11:50
Botha asks about the doctor which was seen in an earlier clip. Lutchman says he was the hotel doctor and doesn’t know why he was called.
VL: Correct. PB: At the time the helicopters were going to be sent out, he was invited to go with. VL: That's correct

PB: You said that during the course of that morning, people from facial recognition of the police attended and a trauma counsellor came along.


PB: I presume the counsellor was brought in because of his emotional state...


Protocol to bring counsellor for family of deceased after a murder, says VL.

PB: Dewani said he didn't want the counsellor, partly because he smelled of alcohol.
vanessa poonah ‏@vanessapoonah01 #SABCNews 13m

Lutchman: the Sunday Dewani asked us to look for the ring in the 'kombi' if its still there.

Botha: what did he say about Tongo after the hijacking?

Lutchman: he was thrown out

Botha: about the ring.. Dewani says its unlikely he told you he hid the ring, rather his wife.

Lutchman: its correct that Dewani said he'd go with the police helicopter to search.

Botha: have the statement of police officer who found the body... Constable says was found 7:20am

Lutchman: its possible times were different.

Lutchman: its protocol to offer trauma counselling to victims of crime. We offered him the service.

Lutchman: there was a doctor, services of hotel (not police) for Mr Dewani, not Tongo.

Lutchman: He was part of the people there when news was broken to Mr Dewani.

Botha: Dewani says the reason he didn't want trauma counselling is that he was more concerned about finding his wife.

Lutchman: Can't answer that. (how can Lutchman know what Dewani was thinking?)
I want to hear how /if either SD or Tongo gave descriptions of suspects
and who else??
the concierge?
the chambermaids?
the sommelier (whoa -- wait he doesn't drink) scratch that

Plus a huge tip for the hotel staff! Was it 1500R?

PB asks about VL giving Anni's dad from his medication because they suffer from the same condition.

I gave him a tablet that I also use for my diabetes, says VL.

PB moves to SD leaving the lounge area at the hotel to take a phone call.

VL: He was in private conversation.

PB: Another reason is he could be polite, and left the company. VL agrees.
Time: 11:57
Lutchman says he gave Anni’s father a tablet that he also uses for diabetes. Botha says Dewani Snr, who is a retired pharmacist, cut the tablet up for the correct dose because the witness’s dosage is stronger.

Time: 11:57
Lutchman says he cannot recall that.
Plus a huge tip for the hotel staff! Was it 1500R?

SD a man who likes to flash the cash, but hires a cheap cab driver and helicopter ride, and then, we're led to believe, short changes him.
PB mentions that VL is seen doing the same thing (leaving company to take phone call). "So it's not necessarily something sinister," PB says. Asks if VL can accept this.
VL says yes.
PB now asks VL about SD not wanting to go see Anni's body. "Is it possible that because he saw the body the day before, he was traumatised and didn't want to go through that again?"

VL says it's possible. Says SD didn't give a reason.
PB: Is it true he gave you an envelope. When you opened it, there was a thank you card and R500?

VL says there was a thank you card but not R500.
PB: SD will say that they wanted to say thank you because you used your medication, time and car.

VL says it was State's time and State's vehicle.


VL insists that there was no money in envelope.
PB says SD also gave a thank you card to Patels.
VL says this didn't happen in his presence.
Dewanis look to each other, nodding heads in confirmation. Possibly about the thank you cards.
SD says in his statement, he is well traveled, the places he mentioned were India, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and Egypt, he excluded other countries we know he visited South Africa and France, so there may be more.

My point is SD has lots of experience of traveling, he could not have been this trusting in all those countries and escaped with his life, so why compromise his and Anni's safety by heading off into the dark night with a stranger?

The Dewanis' traveled first class from the U.K to Johannesburg but SD hires an unlicensed driver (Tongo) to save a few dollars? :thinking:

But what he supposedly was prepared to pay Tongo for the helicopter ride was NOT cheap! I looked up the cost of helicopter rides and they cost less. Also he cheated the safari lodge owners by claiming he was a travel agent. How much did he actually pay these guys to murder Anni? Dewani is a cheapskate!
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