Stacy Ann Peterson, Bolingbrook IL #6

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Greta opened the program with an interview with the daughter of wife #2. The daughter's name is Lisa and she was shown in shadow only. She was from her mother's prior marriage and was about 8 when her mother married Drew Peterson in 1982. That marriage ended in 1992. Lisa said she was still 17 at the time her mother divorced Drew. Lisa lived with her mother and Drew for 10 years.

Lisa says that Drew was abusive to her, he was the one who disciplined her. When asked if Drew physically abused her mother, Lisa said she heard physical abuse but didn't see any marks on her mother. She said her mother was mentally abused. Her mom decided to end the marriage because Drew had been unfaithful. He had a new girlfriend, Kathleen Savio. After the divorce, it was evident that Drew was tapping their telephone lines as he knew things that they talked to people about on the telephone. The last time Lisa saw Drew was at her grandmother's wake 5 years ago. Her mother talked to Drew about 3 months ago. Lisa said he just calls or pops up with no warning. Her mom is scared of Drew but remains polite just to avoid anger. When Kathleen Savio died, Drew called her to tell her that Kathleen had an accident and that someome might contact her (the mother) about it. At that time, her mother had some doubts about the accident. Greta asked how her mother learned about Stacy's disappearance. Lisa said that she told her mother, and that she learned about it from a friend. Lisa said that she was fearful of Drew when they lived with him, but she's not fearful now. She doesn't want recognition and that's why she opted for being in the shadow while interviewed. She said her mother still fears Drew, and since Stacy's disappearance has told Lisa that Drew once told her that he could kill her and make it look like an accident.
I would say her mother is lucky to be alive. If anyone had any doubts about Drew's "pattern", this should clarify it for them. DP has followed the same pattern play by play for too many years. I think we should now be looking for the current mistress of DP's. He wouldn't have gotten rid of Stacey without lining someone new up as he has done in the past.
Am I getting this right??? Can someone clarify if Stacey's mother would have lost four children: One to a fire; One to SIDS; One to Cancer; and now one possibly to murder???
Yes, you are getting it right. Sadly, it almost sounds like a "family curse", doesn't it?! Not to mention, she is missing and possibly met with foul play.
IF anyone had any doubts about a "pattern", this should clarify it for them. DP has followed the same pattern play by play for too many years. I think we should now be looking for the current mistress of DP's. He wouldn't have gotten rid of Stacey without lining someone new up as he has done in the past.

Really. And his wearing that mask and trying never to be seen by the cameras makes it seem like he doesn't want someone to recognize him. Remember how Scott Peterson thought he could keep Amber from seeing him on TV? If DP has a girlfriend, she must not know his real name, because that is all over the news.
Really. And his wearing that mask and trying never to be seen by the cameras makes it seem like he doesn't want someone to recognize him. Remember how Scott Peterson thought he could keep Amber from seeing him on TV? If DP has a girlfriend, she must not know his real name, because that is all over the news.
I totally agree. This obviously follows a strict guideline on getting rid of your wife to make way for the new one.

still why would Drew chance it (lying about her going to the airport) case someone was watching at that time?

Also how would she get a flight out of there. Where do the flights go? Who would have taken her? That whole excuse means nothing. He should provide WORD FOR WORD what he claims she says rather than "she seemed snotty". I still don't buy that he has NO CLUE where she is yet he was so controlling. He needs to be locked up now and interrogated!

still why would Drew chance it (lying about her going to the airport) case someone was watching at that time?

Also how would she get a flight out of there. Where do the flights go? Who would have taken her? That whole excuse means nothing. He should provide WORD FOR WORD what he claims she says rather than "she seemed snotty". I still don't buy that he has NO CLUE where she is yet he was so controlling. He needs to be locked up now and interrogated!

The whole thing is that she COULDN'T get a flight out of there if she wanted to.

The only way she could have would have been only if she had her own airplane OR she knew someone with their own plane that was going to take her somewhere. Clow doesn't have commercial flights. So DP's story IMHO is bogus!
The whole thing is that she COULDN'T get a flight out of there if she wanted to.

The only way she could have would have been only if she had her own airplane OR she knew someone with their own plane that was going to take her somewhere. Clow doesn't have commercial flights. So DP's story IMHO is bogus!

is he stupid? seriously!
what is he thinking!:liar:
if anyone has a myspace, please post this as your main pic.......trying to show support for cassandra and the family.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>


From SS::

If anyone had any doubts about Drew's "pattern", this should clarify it for them. DP has followed the same pattern play by play for too many years. I think we should now be looking for the current mistress of DP's. He wouldn't have gotten rid of Stacey without lining someone new up as he has done in the past.

This is exactly what I have said, that DP has always had an affair with the next wife he marries while still married to the previous one.

I also beleive there was another "female" in the wings, that is why he was trying to hide himself in the beginning. And what really gets my druthers, is he used RED, WHITE AND BLUE. (yea, really American he is)

Sorry, running and reading through threads and posting as fast as I can before break time is over with).
Late yesterday afternoon, a few here at WS were in chat and were directed to a video at one of the Chicago newspapers or television stations. I failed to make note of the source, but watched the video twice.

The video showed members of the search party yesterday searching in what was described as a forest preserve. They showed one searcher examining a small hole, about 12 - 18 inches in diameter. The camera then went to a spokeswoman who stated that the search team had found "several significant items" that had been turned over to the police. The spokeswoman seemed very pleased when she announced the discovery, as if something had been accomplished and they were making headway.

Those of us in chat speculated as to what might have been found - Stacy's cell phone - purse - jewelry?

Also yesterday, it was announced that the search teams would be searching a new area today based on information given to the police. I'm sure the police are getting a lot of tips called into their tip-line. This is just speculation on my part, but DP was gone for a significant period of time on that Sunday. I suspect someone saw him, and later that person, watching television reports, was able to identify him. It's possible that the authorities may be able to place DP at a specific location at a specific time. DP may know that he was seen and that's why he tried to cover his face with the bandana.
Thanks Leila!

Good job reporting!

Wonder why Greta hasnt covered it yet.

I check gretawire and this board about 20x a day for up to the date clues. Anyone else have good sites?

Cassandra is also posting bulletins under stacy's myspace page.
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