State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-16-2012

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Thanks to all for the great information.

For those who think that JY committed the murder, and that it was planned, what do you think about planning in some areas but total lack of planning in others?

One example is that the murder was committed while he was away on a business trip, shoes that were smaller than his size, no blood in his SUV, but he didn’t bring enough gas so that he would not have to stop?

Well, for me, it never fails that no matter how precise I try to be when planning a trip and packing, I am always looking for the nearest Walmart, CVS, Target or Walgreens as soon as I check into the hotel because I have ALWAYS forgotten some sort of medicine or toiletry item that I have to have.

My point is that no matter how hard you try to plan out every detail even with things that you do on a routine basis (like business trips for me) some times you just can't think of everything. It is a possibility that he just didn't think of the gas while he was thinking of everything else.
MY told MF sometime Thursday afternoon.
Since it was important news, assume MY told him when she got home, if not before.

Go back and listen to his testimony and it proves he lied.

I'm glad you posted this. I thought MF testified that MY told her around 3pm in the afternoon that AF wasn't coming, yet SS testified that AF called MY that night when she was there and that is when MY found out he wasn't coming and then later told JY when he called.

I am wondering if SS was wrong about that since MF had already said she knew mid afternoon or at least that is what I thought she said on the stand.

I think, for me, what points to his guilt above all else (the reasons are endless mind you) but I have to say it's the lack of evidence that has me convinced.

That reminds me of the saying, "Lack of evidence, IS evidence."

Hi Allusonz....:seeya:

Today's witnesses were:
Gen Cargol
Carole Ann Sowerby
Michelle $$ Money
Michael Smith
Andy Parker

We are getting there !!

Hi Cammy... :wave:

Thanks :)

I feel like I am so far behind work has been so busy of late!!

Will try and do some catching up here now

I also think that the State is really stretching with the gas attendant. She seems to be trying too hard to help that I believe it hurts their case. I think that they know it but had to put her on. Without her the gas just doesn’t work.

Yes they are expecting a very large leap of faith with the gas attendant, her memory, and varying stories.

The prosecution tried to rehabilitate her story with "a little bit taller" equating that from her 5 foot frame to her son whom is 5' 11.

What the prosecution forgot to do is rehabilitate her "little bit of hair" and showing him within 12 inches of her even though she was behind a counter that would normally be 24 inches in width.

For me this is a dot the prosecution must connect and so far they have not been able to do this for me.
Or maybe he couldn't travel the exact route he wanted/planned one way or the other. He might just have got REALLY paranoid about running close to empty. Just thinking out loud some basically... not arguing.

Gas isn't the easiest thing to put in a car without getting it somewhere, like spilled out or on you. Evidence would still be at the house that someone used the cans possibly that night that he was supposed to be far away... and his wife was murdered. Gas thieves too?

Yet he had been cutting his grass. If anyone had a reason to have gas cans or to purchase gas to fill them (if it was a gas mower) he did and could easily be explained away.

Why take the chance with a gas station which was attached to a MacDonalds in which we all know that MacDonalds especially has camera's.
That reminds me of the saying, "Lack of evidence, IS evidence."


Special Agent Steve Moore is the one that comes to mind with the phrase "Absence of Evidence is Evidence of Absence"
I did not follow this case until now. So I had a LOT of catching up to do. I've read all the search warrent affadavits, which are a wealth of summarized information.

After reading about the evidence, it just scares the heck out of me to know there was a hung jury in the first trial! What is it with these juries? Are they afraid to convict on circumstantial evidence?

I think there are plenty of murders that take place where there certainly is not a video of the murder taking place. And I think the "CSI effect" carries over to murderers nowadays. There was a call to Jane Valez Mitchell tonight where the caller asked if perhaps Jason wore a Haz-Mat suit during the murder. There was no response to the question, which actually was a pretty good one IMO.

If this guy planned enough to purchase a pair of Size 10 shoes to wear during the commision of the muder, why would he not have been able to also purchase a pair of heavy workmen's coveralls? And a hair net or a hat to cover his hair? And latex gloves.

He was in his own home - not too difficult to strip down to underwear afterwards if need be.
And either put on his own clothing out of his closet or put on clothing he had purchased in advance - perhaps at Goodwill.

Since I did not watch the first trial, I have some questions if someone would be so kind:
1,) What was the "twig in the door" about? He testified that he put a twig in the door? What good reason did he give for doing so?
2.) If he put the rock in the door and the hotel employee then removed it, how did he then get back in? Do we know what time the employee discovered the rock? Could Jason have discovered the rock being gone prior to leaving, so then placed a twig?

Comment: The photo of the medicine dropper laying there is telling. Doubt that Mom would have left it so. Prosecutors need to stress these kind of details. His great idea of the shoes didn't work out too well. I think he wore both pairs of shoes, first pair for murder and second pair to leave in. Then the child woke up and came into the room and his "plan" was screwed.

Last but not least: 28 calls to his MOTHER before arriving at her house the day the body was found. All of which took place before 1:30 - which is when the sister called 911. Pretty damn strange.
I agree, but his family is worth a lot of money, as well.

I don't see this about being about money.

Either real money or Michelle Money.

As strange as it would seem I have never got the impression this was about money either. There have been many cases where I have felt it was about money amoung other things but some reason I am not getting that feeling in this one.

One can always be mistaken in those feelings though :)
As strange as it would seem I have never got the impression this was about money either. There have been many cases where I have felt it was about money amoung other things but some reason I am not getting that feeling in this one.

One can always be mistaken in those feelings though :)
Hi Alluson, I really enjoy your post. The link of video you posted early PM I found very interesting. I guess just seeing Jayson's picture at the Motel by himself made me think he was the only guest up and around that time of night.
What really got my attention was someone in a black suit exiting by way of the stairwell at 23:58 and Jason at the desk at 23:59. I hope I got this correct. So other guest where up and about at the same time Jayson was. Thanks..
I did not follow this case until now. So I had a LOT of catching up to do. I've read all the search warrent affadavits, which are a wealth of summarized information.

After reading about the evidence, it just scares the heck out of me to know there was a hung jury in the first trial! What is it with these juries? Are they afraid to convict on circumstantial evidence?

I think there are plenty of murders that take place where there certainly is not a video of the murder taking place. And I think the "CSI effect" carries over to murderers nowadays. There was a call to Jane Valez Mitchell tonight where the caller asked if perhaps Jason wore a Haz-Mat suit during the murder. There was no response to the question, which actually was a pretty good one IMO.

If this guy planned enough to purchase a pair of Size 10 shoes to wear during the commision of the muder, why would he not have been able to also purchase a pair of heavy workmen's coveralls? And a hair net or a hat to cover his hair? And latex gloves.

He was in his own home - not too difficult to strip down to underwear afterwards if need be.
And either put on his own clothing out of his closet or put on clothing he had purchased in advance - perhaps at Goodwill.

Since I did not watch the first trial, I have some questions if someone would be so kind:
1,) What was the "twig in the door" about? He testified that he put a twig in the door? What good reason did he give for doing so?
2.) If he put the rock in the door and the hotel employee then removed it, how did he then get back in? Do we know what time the employee discovered the rock? Could Jason have discovered the rock being gone prior to leaving, so then placed a twig?

Comment: The photo of the medicine dropper laying there is telling. Doubt that Mom would have left it so. Prosecutors need to stress these kind of details. His great idea of the shoes didn't work out too well. I think he wore both pairs of shoes, first pair for murder and second pair to leave in. Then the child woke up and came into the room and his "plan" was screwed.

Last but not least: 28 calls to his MOTHER before arriving at her house the day the body was found. All of which took place before 1:30 - which is when the sister called 911. Pretty damn strange.

I do have the answers to your questions but to be honest my brain is mush (a little bit of insanity helps to :)).

Hoping someone not so exhauted will answer these for you in more detail.

Briefly it appears the JY spoke with his mother often. It was also testified that there were alot of dropped calls. Cell phone coverage was not as good back then so dropped calls were not uncommon.

IIRC testimony from the first trial was that they would dilute the adult strengeth medicines. Why any parent would do this or keep these medicines in a child's room is beyond me.

JY testified that he stepped out to smoke a cigar and read a newspaper as well as grab an item from his vehicle and broke a twig off a nearby bush to prop the door open.

The night clerk stated that while on his rounds delivering the papers he found a landscaping rock in the doorway. I going to state that he testified it was about 3:00am - 3:30am (I could be wrong on the times at this moment in time) and that he kicked it out and closed the door. Three days later investigators were at the hotel found a rock on the sidewalk and took it for evidence.

It was posted here that this particular rock was a match to JY (some believe 2 alleles to be a match I am gathering) when in fact it was LCN DNA and as testified in this trial there were multiple profiles on that rock and could not be attributed to any particular individual. HTH
Hi Alluson, I really enjoy your post. The link of video you posted early PM I found very interesting. I guess just seeing Jayson's picture at the Motel by himself made me think he was the only guest up and around that time of night.
What really got my attention was someone in a black suit exiting by way of the stairwell at 23:58 and Jason at the desk at 23:59. I hope I got this correct. So other guest where up and about at the same time Jayson was. Thanks..

Enjoy your posts as well :).

Yup the suit to me at midnight just seemed totally out of place. I travel alot but rarely am I in business attire at that time of the night. We cannot see the face of the individual but yet we do see JY dressed differently in the hallway. This would of been virtually impossible for him to of changed etc in the time frame.

You also picked up on another fact that being that there were people up and around which in my travels I do not find too unusual. There were 49 rooms occupied that evening.

There has been alot of discussion regarding a shirt that is missing. Yet it appears to me that he may of been wearing a sweater/pullover of some sort over his shirt.

I wanted some other peoples opinons on what they found out of place in those tapes so thank you :).
What really got my attention was someone in a black suit exiting by way of the stairwell at 23:58 and Jason at the desk at 23:59. I hope I got this correct. So other guest where up and about at the same time Jayson was. Thanks..

I would suggest watching the testimony again, as that should clearly help you understand who was seen on video, and when.
I have been reading the thread.

Some of the "old timers" can tell you that I started on day one at another forum. I have been a lurker here for a long time.

The answers that I have seen don't make sense to me. People think that he was a master criminal in some areas but careless in others.

Hi frank,
Personally I think he is a smart, impulsive sociopath.
Master criminal? No way.
Careless? For sure
Lucky? Absolutely
MY told MF sometime Thursday afternoon.
Since it was important news, assume MY told him when she got home, if not before.

Go back and listen to his testimony and it proves he lied.

Thanks JTF. Just trying to figure out when he decided to put his plan into motion. I wonder if he was going to do this with Alan in the house?!
Soft kill, just knock her out and strangle her and have someone to take care of Cass right away...
This is what I find confusing.

He seems like a really impulsive guy but if he did it there is a high level of planning. The gas consumption seems like an obvious area for planning.

He printed his map with mileage minutes before he left home.
A few quick calculations would tell him how much extra gas he would need for the murder trip. Jay was no dummy, i'm sure he did the quick math in his head or his calculator before he left.

Here is the gas usage I posted earlier...

The $15 only would cover about 7 gallons
He filled up in Raleigh when he left at 7:30PM and assume he got 20-22 MPG ( 21 MPG highway is plausible on highway) which is what the internet says for "real life' MPG Highway.

Full = 22.5 gallons
Drive 168miles from Raleigh gas station-> Hillsville
Consume 8.1 gallons
Tank Volume = 14.4 gallons

Drive 170 miles from Hillsville -> Home
Consume 8.1 gallons
Tank Volume = 6.3 gallons

Drive 120 miles from Home to King
Consume = 5.7 gallons
Tank Volume = 0.6 gallons

Need to get tank volume back to 14.4 gallons when gets back to Hillsville

So, he purchased 7 gallons in King (was in big hurry, so didn't the the $20 he paid for) - Had 5 gallons in tank when he arrived back at hotel [used 2 gal from King to hotel) So, somewhere from Hillsville to Clintwood he had to purchase around 9-10 gallons with cash to make up the "lost fuel" and get the gas to match.
Behind and catching up on reading, so this might be a repeat. #51 - I just see a tall person halfway out of a door? But #59, 60 - is he wearing the hush puppies?

Continuing reading now to see if this has been addressed but didn't want to forget about that.

Looks like it to me! moo :seeya:
Thanks JTF. Just trying to figure out when he decided to put his plan into motion. I wonder if he was going to do this with Alan in the house?!
Soft kill, just knock her out and strangle her and have someone to take care of Cass right away...

Saacks said he put the plan into motion as soon as he heard AF was not coming. Seems it would have made no difference, as his alibi would not change. I am trying to understand when this particular murder plan popped into his head. The out of town trip was set 2 weeks earlier by his employer. Their marriage was at an extreme low point from that point until her death.

When you look at it, actual planning seemed to be on the fly....calling Brian about coming and the story about AF.....printing off the ebay auction minutes before he left the house....then his 9 :10 call to mommy to confirm the 'out of the blue' Brevard trip.

I think his 'plan' may have been hatched the same day he left.
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