Suspect: RYAN ALEXANDER DUKE, in custody

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Monday, Nov. 26th:
*Review Hearing (Day 1) (@ 9:30am ET) - GA - Tara Faye Grinstead (29) (Oct. 22, 2005, Ocilla) - *Ryan Alexander Duke (33/21 @ time of crime) arrested (2/23/17) & indicted (4/2017) of 2 counts of felony murder & 1 count of malice murder, aggravated assault, burglary & concealing death of another. Plead not guilty.
10/13/17 hearing update for Ryan Duke: will go to grand jury re media gag order on Oct. 24th; not expected to rule on this on Tuesday; Court ruled against the gag order 3/5/18; defense filed motions to reinstate. Should have been heard 3/16/18. Trial should be this year. On Monday, (3/5/18) the Georgia Supreme Court judge threw out a gag order, issued last year by an Irwin County judge, that barred anybody connected to the Grinstead case from talking to the media about it. In response, Duke's lawyers filed three documents Wednesday with the Georgia Supreme Court. One asks the Georgia court to reconsider their unanimous ruling against the gag order. If they refuse, a second says, Duke's team plans to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review the Grinstead ruling. They also want the Georgia court to leave the gag order in place until the nation's highest court acts on the case. 3/30/18: Ga. Supreme Court rejects appeal to reinstate Grinstead gag order. The Georgia Supreme Court has decided not to review Duke's appeal.
5/18/18 Defense asks for continuance, granted by Judge; trial will be sometime next summer.
7/11/18 Update: Review hearing set for 9/20 & 9/21, & will set trial date then.
8/10/18 Update: Defense files 24 motions: Motion to dismiss the indictment due to the unconstitutional composition of the Grand Jury.
Motion to restrict the use of the word murder during the trial.
That motion states Duke's public defender wants the court to restrict the district attorney and the state's witnesses from using the word "murder," prior to a jury verdict convicting the defendant of that offense.
Several motions in relation to how Duke is presented to the jury.
Those motions include Motion for an order prohibiting Ryan Alexander Duke from being exhibited in jail clothing, Motion to preclude public shackling, and Motion to prevent prejudicial security measures.
Motion filed is a demand for trial by jury.

Several other motions relate to the jury that will eventually be selected for Duke's trial: Motion to disqualify all potential jurors who knew or were acquainted with the victims or their families, Motion for individual voir dire of jurors and sequestration of jurors during voir dire, Motion to protect jury from exposure to victim's family or friends, Motion to limit conversations between jurors and bailiffs, Motion for an order allowing defendant to examine all jurors prior to exercising peremptory challenges, and Motion to exercise his peremptory strikes outside the presence of the panel members.
The 23rd motion filed is to extend the time for closing arguments in the trial.

8/29/18 Update: nothing… In August 2018, Duke hired Cobb County attorney Ashleigh Merchant & her husband John Merchant to represent him in court. Duke was formerly represented by public defenders.
9/20/18 Update: The hearing/s scheduled for today (9/20) and tomorrow (9/21) have been postponed. The D. A. requested to reschedule due to one of the State's witnesses being unavailable. As of right now, do not know when the hearing/s will be held. 10/25/18 Update: New hearing dates are 11/19 & 11/20. 11/9/18 Update: Defense files motion for change of venue. Review hearing for 33 motions on 11/19 & 11/20 moved to 11/26 & 11/27.
Bo Dukes (32/21 @ time of crime) arrested (3/3/17) charged with concealing a death, hindering the apprehension of a criminal & tampering with evidence. Released on $16,700 bond on 3/3/17 afternoon; waived right to his first hearing.
In June, 2017, a Ben Hill County grand jury indicted Dukes on 3 counts: concealing the death of another, 2 counts of making false statements, tampering with evidence & hindering apprehension of a criminal.
In Sept. 2017, a Wilcox County GJ indicted for 4 charges: 2 counts making false statements (to GBI), 1 count of hindering apprehension of a criminal & 1 count of concealing the death of another. Dukes has not been charged with murder. Dukes is awaiting trial in Ben Hill County.
11/21/18 Update: NOT regarding current charges re Tara. A Federal Judge will decide whether to revoke Duke’s bond & sent him back to prison. Hearing set for 11/29 in Macon. They result from a 2013 case when Dukes pleaded guilty to stealing more than $150,000 from the Army. He served 27 months in prison & was sentenced to three years' probation, but prosecutors say Dukes has violated probation by failing to keep up with restitution payments and community-service work.

Ryan Duke Trial Pretrial Hearing Part 1 11/26/18

"A pretrial hearing in the case against Ryan Alexander Duke, the man charged with murdering teacher Tara Grinstead. Prosecutors in Irwin County, Georgia say the victim was killed by Duke. Bo Dukes (no relation) allegedly helped cover up the crime. Both men are her former high school students."


Ryan Duke Pretrial Hearing Part 2 11/26/18


Ryan Duke Pretrial Hearing Part 3 11/26/18

#RyanDuke #Tara #UpandVanished
Andell Brown & Jesse Weber Talk Ryan Duke Pretrial Hearing 11/26/18

(starts @ 4:13)


#RyanDuke #TaraGrinstead #UpandVanished
Philip Holloway & Bob Bianchi Talk Ryan Duke Pretrial Hearing 11/26/18

Here's what I came up with listening to the videos posted by YESorNO above.

11/26/18 Update: Specific motions discussed: Defense Motion to limit State’s use of the word “murder”. Motion to exclude defendant’s 1st interview with LE. Dismissal of counts 1, 3 & 4. Motion #32: for Judge not to read indictment to jury. Judge won’t denied motion, but will read what he is charged with. Motion #33: Fair closing arguments from State. Motion #28: Change of Venue. Judge not granting motion at this time, to be brought up later. Defense suggests a jury questionnaire survey. State will have 52 witnesses. Trial set for April 1, 2019. Next hearing scheduled for 12/14.

If it's different from what you heard - please correct me! :)

and correct me - no hearing today - right? They finished up yesterday. ??
Hearing concludes: Grinstead murder trial venue undecided


"OCILLA, GA (WALB) - The state’s case against the man accused of murdering Tara Grinstead may not be heard in Ocilla, but we do not know at this time where it will be heard, and the judge isn’t conceding the point that it should be moved.

District Attorney Paul Bowden seemed to agree with the defense motion to move the trial out of Irwin County, citing pretrial publicity.

The judge, prosecutors, and defense also discussed when this will go to trial.

The trial will begin Monday, April 1, 2019. This will be a month-long trial, and also includes jury selection....

Regarding the pending motions, the judge said he expects to publish his rulings for those motions this week....
The defense is presenting 32 separate motions in this hearing, and Judge Bill Reinhardt is presiding.

Here are the motions being argued Monday, November 26:

Motion 8– to restrict use of the word murder. Defense attorneys are arguing that the language is inappropriate to use prior to jury’s decision. Judge Reinhardt will make this ruling within the next 24-48 hours.

Motion 24-special demurrer - Duke is charged with malice murder (count 1), felony murder (count 2), aggravated assault (count 4) based on his involvement in Tara Grindstead case.

The defense says there is no proof he committed these crimes and the charges listed on the Indictment does not show or describe how he assaulted Grinstead. They say he used his hands, however, failed to describe how he used his hands. This ruling is expected in 24-48 hours).

Motion 29-motion for order appointing investigator to assist the defense/ funds to hire private investigator. Defense says they need this in order to have a fair trial. The ruling is expected in 48 hours.

Motion 32-requesting court not read indictment to jury prior to opening statement. The judge immediately denied this motion.

Motion 33-motion for state to make full and fair opening and closing arguments and restrict final argument rebuttal. The ruling is expected in the next couple of days...."

Hearing concludes: Grinstead murder trial venue undecided

Murder trial in Tara Grinstead case set for April (with clip)

Nov 26, 2018

"IRWIN COUNTY, Ga. - Irwin County prosecutors agreed to move the murder trial in the Tara Grinstead case, but still needed the judge's approval Monday morning.

Judge Bill Reinhardt said he wanted to hear more evidence before making a final decision.

The motions hearing began Monday morning in Irwin County. There has not yet been discussion on possible venues for the trial. ...

The majority of the motions won’t be discussed because prosecutors and defense attorneys agree. But a handful were heard Monday, and Reinhardt said he will begin issuing his rulings the day after the hearing ends. ...

The judge set a trial date for April 1. But he also has several other key decisions to make, including whether prosecutors can even use the word "murder" at trial....

Lawyers will meet in the next couple of weeks to come up with questions for potential jurors. After those are sent out to what may be a large portion of residents in this county, the judge could decide on where any trial might be held.

Other decisions in the case could come in the next couple of days."

TARA GRINSTEAD MURDER CASE: Murder trial in Tara Grinstead case set for April
I've always been haunted by the Tara Grinstead disappearance, wondering what in the world happened to her. I knew she wasn't with us anymore, but who killed her? So I just found out about the podcaster and the Oxygen show and I'm just so glad that someone was out there trying to solve the case. And it's always nice to check in here at Websleuths after all these years and find all the up-to-date links and news! Thanks, everyone!:)
Duke claims he didn’t kill Grinstead, but was involved in cover-up

December 12, 2018

"The man accused of killing a South Georgia teacher was on drugs when he confessed to the GBI, his attorneys said this week. Ryan Alexander Duke says he didn’t kill Tara Grinstead, but was involved in covering up her death, attorney Ashleigh Merchant told Channel 2 Action News.

“His statement will be that he was involved somewhat, but not that he was not involved in any of the crimes that he is charged with,” Merchant said.

Duke’s latest explanation for his involvement in Grinstead’s death is drastically different than what he told investigators the day of his February 2017 arrest. According to documents leaked last week that appear to be from the GBI’s case file, Duke confessed to investigators. He offered his motive and an apology for Grinstead’s killing, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported last week. ...

Both Duke and Dukes have entered “not guilty” pleas. ...

A judge has set a trial date of April 1 for Duke. But his defense team is seeking to have the trial moved out of Irwin County. "

Duke claims he didn’t kill Grinstead, but was involved in cover-up
*Jury Questionnaire Review Hearing (@ 9:30am ET) - GA - Tara Faye Grinstead (29) (Oct. 22, 2005, Ocilla) - *Ryan Alexander Duke (33/21 @ time of crime) arrested (2/23/17), indicted (4/2017) & arraigned (5/4/17) with 2 counts of felony murder & 1 count of malice murder, aggravated assault, burglary & concealing death of another. Plead not guilty. Held without bail.
Skipping over other stuff...
11/26/18 Update: Specific motions discussed: Defense Motion to limit State’s use of the word “murder”. Motion to exclude defendant’s 1st interview with LE. Dismissal of counts 1, 3 & 4. Motion #32: for Judge not to read indictment to jury. Judge won’t denied motion, but will read what he is charged with. Motion #33: Fair closing arguments from State. Motion #28: Change of Venue. Judge not granting motion at this time, to be brought up later. Defense suggests a jury questionnaire survey. State will have 52 witnesses. Trial set for April 1, 2019. Next hearing scheduled for 12/14 is to discuss what question to put toward jury questionnaire before trial.
12/7/18 Update: Motions denied by Judge: That the court not read the indictment prior to opening statements; to limit the state’s concluding closing argument to rebuttal. Special demurrer: “He contends that merely alleging Defendant “used his hand” to commit aggravated assault upon and murder the victim is too vague, ambiguous and indefinite, thus depriving him of the constitutional and statutory protections identified in his pleading.” Restrict the use of the word “murder.” Appointment of an investigator or funds to hire one.
12/8/18 Update: From leaked documents: Before Duke appeared in court for the first time last year, GBI agents said he spent nearly four hours confessing. In the documents (11 pages), an agent wrote that Duke told investigators he was looking for drug money when he broke into a random house and tried to steal Grinstead's purse and keys. When she caught him in the act, he punched her, which led to her death, Duke reportedly said. "I was involved with it, man," Duke apparently told investigators. "I was alone that night. I killed her." In the documents, he is quoted as saying, "I was a coward or I would have told this a long time ago. I am ashamed of my behavior and hiding a lie." Duke said he called Grinstead's home from a pay phone hours after the attack to see if she would answer. Agents wrote in the report they had known for years about a phone call from that phone. "The fact that Duke knew about the telephone call was knowledge only known by the GBI and guilty persons," agents wrote. After he called and she didn't answer, Duke said he went back to the house and removed her body. He claimed he came back to the home a few hours later, wrapped Grinstead's body in a blanket and placed it in the back of a truck that belonged to his friend, Bo Dukes. He said he then took the body to a pecan orchard and dumped it. Later, Duke said he and Dukes came back, moved Grinstead's body deeper into the woods and burned it. "The burning of Grinstead's body took several days, and they returned to the burn pile only once to re-burn the body and throw trash into the burn pile," agents said Duke told them. "I know I'm going to prison," Duke also apparently said. At the end of the confession, agents wrote that Duke expressed remorse. "I'm sorry for the pain I've caused. I took her life. She didn't deserve that," Duke apparently said.
*Accomplice Bo Dukes (32/21 @ time of crime) arrested (3/3/17) charged with concealing a death, hindering the apprehension of a criminal & tampering with evidence. Released on $16,700 bond on 3/3/17 afternoon; waived right to his first hearing.

In June, 2017, a Ben Hill County grand jury indicted Dukes on 3 counts: concealing the death of another, 2 counts of making false statements, tampering with evidence & hindering apprehension of a criminal.
In Sept. 2017, a Wilcox County GJ indicted for 4 charges: 2 counts making false statements (to GBI), 1 count of hindering apprehension of a criminal & 1 count of concealing the death of another. Dukes has not been charged with murder. Dukes is awaiting trial in Ben Hill County. No updates for Dukes as of 11/17.
11/21/18 Update: NOT regarding current charges re Tara. A Federal Judge will decide whether to revoke Duke’s bond & sent him back to prison. Hearing set for 11/29 in Macon. They result from a 2013 case when Dukes pleaded guilty to stealing more than $150,000 from the Army. He served 27 months in prison & was sentenced to three years' probation, but prosecutors say Dukes has violated probation by failing to keep up with restitution payments and community-service work.

Duke claims he didn’t kill Grinstead, but was involved in cover-up

The man accused of killing a South Georgia teacher was on drugs when he confessed to the GBI, his attorneys said this week. Ryan Alexander Duke says he didn’t kill Tara Grinstead, but was involved in covering up her death, attorney Ashleigh Merchant told Channel 2 Action News.

“His statement will be that he was involved somewhat, but not that he was not involved in any of the crimes that he is charged with,” Merchant said.

Duke’s latest explanation for his involvement in Grinstead’s death is drastically different than what he told investigators the day of his February 2017 arrest. According to documents leaked last week that appear to be from the GBI’s case file, Duke confessed to investigators. He offered his motive and an apology for Grinstead’s killing, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported last week.
Just received this google alert - but can't read the article.

New motions filed in Ryan Duke's case

all I can see is:

New motions filed in Ryan Duke's case
OCILLA, Ga. (WTXL) - We have more developments on the latest new motions filed by Ryan Duke's attorneys this week. This comes six days after ...

going to assume this is from today's hearing??

If someone can give a 10% synopsis - would be great! TIA!
Judge denies another motion in Ryan Duke case

RWIN CO., GA (WALB) - A judge has denied yet another motion filed by attorneys for Ryan Duke.

Duke’s defense team, Ashleigh and John Merchant, said they filed both a motion asking the judge to reconsider their previous motion to drop charges against Duke, and a certificate of immediate review to appeal the decision to the Georgia Supreme Court.

Superior Court Judge Bill Reinhardt denied those requests.
In a November hearing, the defense argued the charges on the indictment — including felony murder and aggravated assault, are too vague, ambiguous and indefinite.

Reinhardt also denied that motion.

Duke’s defense said he will have to go to trial.

D. A. Denies Motion to Move Duke trial | Valdosta Today

TIFTON, GA (WALB) – Paul Bowden, the District Attorney for the Tift Judicial Circuit, sent a letter to Irwin County Superior Court Judge Bill Reinhardt presiding over the murder trial of the man accused of killing Tara Grinstead over a decade ago, declining agreement to move the trial, which is set to begin April 1, 2019.
Judge Reinhardt denied a motion filed by Duke’s attorneys. They asked the judge to reconsider their previous motion to drop charges against Duke, and a certificate of immediate review to appeal the decision to the Georgia Supreme Court.
SHOCK: School teacher Tara Grinstead’s accused killer demands out of jail bc he’s ‘been afraid’ while accomplice is on the run for rape charge

January 5, 2019

"For the first time since his arrest in 2017 for the murder of Georgia teacher Tara Grinstead, suspect Ryan Alexander Duke is asking for $10,000 bond to get out of jail, and he apparently claims it’s because his alleged accomplice, Bo Dukes, is on the run from police.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Duke’s lawyer, Asleigh Merchant, said the only reason her client confessed to killing Grinstead, a high school teacher from Oncilla, is because he was afraid of his co-defendant, Dukes, retaliating against him. Being behind bars kept him away from Dukes....

The motion also indicated that Duke is also seeking bond because a request for the court to pay for a private investigator and expert witness was denied in November. The motion stated Duke needed to work and make money to pay for “costs that are necessary to insure that he has a fair trial.”...

A trial for the murder case has been set for April 1."

SHOCK: School teacher Tara Grinstead’s accused killer demands out of jail bc he’s ‘been afraid’ while accomplice is on the run for rape charge

Ryan Duke Bond Motion






Bond hearing set for Ryan Duke

By Jordan Barela | January 8, 2019 at 5:28 PM EST - Updated January 8 at 5:28 PM

IRWIN CO., GA (WALB) - A bond hearing has been set for Ryan Duke in connection to the Tara Grinstead case.

The bond hearing is set for Feb. 11 at Irwin County Superior Court, according to the Tift Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office.

The hearing is set for 1:30 p.m.
Legal jockeying continues ahead of Ryan Duke trial in Tara Grinstead case

OCILLA, GA (WALB) - There have been new legal filings as the suspect in the death of Tara Grinstead is set for trial in less than three months.

Both the state and the defense have continued pushing their efforts ahead of jury selection in the Ryan Duke case.

On Friday, WALB received a copy of a motion to quash a subpoena.

Monday, February 11th:
*Bond Hearing (@ 1:30pm ET) - GA - Tara Faye Grinstead (29) (Oct. 22, 2005, Ocilla) - *Ryan Alexander Duke (33/21 @ time of crime) arrested (2/23/17), indicted (4/2017) & arraigned (5/4/17) with 2 counts of felony murder & 1 count of malice murder, aggravated assault, burglary & concealing death of another. Plead not guilty. Held without bail.
10/13/17 hearing update for Ryan Duke: will go to grand jury re media gag order on Oct. 24th; not expected to rule on this on Tuesday; Court ruled against the gag order 3/5/18; defense filed motions to reinstate. Should have been heard 3/16/18. Trial should be this year. On Monday, (3/5/18) the Georgia Supreme Court judge threw out a gag order, issued last year by an Irwin County judge, that barred anybody connected to the Grinstead case from talking to the media about it. In response, Duke's lawyers filed three documents Wednesday with the Georgia Supreme Court. One asks the Georgia court to reconsider their unanimous ruling against the gag order. If they refuse, a second says, Duke's team plans to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review the Grinstead ruling. They also want the Georgia court to leave the gag order in place until the nation's highest court acts on the case. 3/30/18: Ga. Supreme Court rejects appeal to reinstate Grinstead gag order. The Georgia Supreme Court has decided not to review Duke's appeal. 6/18/18: Defense asks for continuance, granted by Judge; trial will be sometime next summer.
7/11/18 Update: Review hearing set for 9/20 & 9/21, & will set trial date then. 9/20/18: The hearings scheduled for today (9/20) and tomorrow (9/21) have been postponed. The D. A. requested to reschedule due to one of the State's witnesses being unavailable.
8/10/18 Update: Defense files 33 motions.
8/29/18: Duke hired Cobb County attorney Ashleigh Merchant & her husband John Merchant to represent him (pro bono) in court. Duke was formerly represented by public defenders.
10/25/18 Update: New hearing dates are 11/19 & 11/20. 11/9/18 Update: Defense files motion for change of venue. Review hearing for 33 motions on 11/19 & 11/20 moved to 11/26 & 11/27.

11/26/18 Update: Specific motions discussed: Defense Motion to limit State’s use of the word “murder”. Motion to exclude defendant’s 1st interview with LE. Dismissal of counts 1, 3 & 4. Motion #32: for Judge not to read indictment to jury. Judge won’t denied motion, but will read what he is charged with. Motion #33: Fair closing arguments from State. Motion #28: Change of Venue. Judge not granting motion at this time, to be brought up later. Defense suggests a jury questionnaire survey. State will have 52 witnesses. Trial set for April 1, 2019. Next hearing scheduled for 12/14 is to discuss what question to put toward jury questionnaire before trial.
12/7/18 Update: Motions denied by Judge: That the court not read the indictment prior to opening statements; to limit the state’s concluding closing argument to rebuttal. Special demurrer: “He contends that merely alleging Defendant “used his hand” to commit aggravated assault upon and murder the victim is too vague, ambiguous and indefinite, thus depriving him of the constitutional and statutory protections identified in his pleading.” Restrict the use of the word “murder.” Appointment of an investigator or funds to hire one.

12/8/18 Update: From leaked documents: Before Duke appeared in court for the first time last year, GBI agents said he spent nearly four hours confessing. In the documents (11 pages), an agent wrote that Duke told investigators he was looking for drug money when he broke into a random house and tried to steal Grinstead's purse and keys. When she caught him in the act, he punched her, which led to her death, Duke reportedly said. "I was involved with it, man," Duke apparently told investigators. "I was alone that night. I killed her." In the documents, he is quoted as saying, "I was a coward or I would have told this a long time ago. I am ashamed of my behavior and hiding a lie." Duke said he called Grinstead's home from a pay phone hours after the attack to see if she would answer. Agents wrote in the report they had known for years about a phone call from that phone. "The fact that Duke knew about the telephone call was knowledge only known by the GBI and guilty persons," agents wrote. After he called and she didn't answer, Duke said he went back to the house and removed her body. He claimed he came back to the home a few hours later, wrapped Grinstead's body in a blanket and placed it in the back of a truck that belonged to his friend, Bo Dukes. He said he then took the body to a pecan orchard and dumped it. Later, Duke said he and Dukes came back, moved Grinstead's body deeper into the woods and burned it. "The burning of Grinstead's body took several days, and they returned to the burn pile only once to re-burn the body and throw trash into the burn pile," agents said Duke told them. "I know I'm going to prison," Duke also apparently said. At the end of the confession, agents wrote that Duke expressed remorse. "I'm sorry for the pain I've caused. I took her life. She didn't deserve that," Duke apparently said.
12/21/18 Update: Judge denies Motion to dismiss charges.
1/4/19 Update: Duke requests $10K bond. Bond hearing set for 2/11/19.

*Accomplice Bo Dukes (32/21 @ time of crime) arrested (3/3/17) charged with concealing a death, hindering the apprehension of a criminal & tampering with evidence. Released on $16,700 bond on 3/3/17 afternoon; waived right to his first hearing.
In June, 2017, a Ben Hill County grand jury indicted Dukes on 3 counts: concealing the death of another, 2 counts of making false statements, tampering with evidence & hindering apprehension of a criminal.
In Sept. 2017, a Wilcox County GJ indicted for 4 charges: 2 counts making false statements (to GBI), 1 count of hindering apprehension of a criminal & 1 count of concealing the death of another. Dukes has not been charged with murder. Dukes is awaiting trial in Ben Hill County.
11/21/18 Update: NOT regarding current charges re Tara. A Federal Judge will decide whether to revoke Duke’s bond & sent him back to prison. Hearing set for 11/29 in Macon. They result from a 2013 case when Dukes pleaded guilty to stealing more than $150,000 from the Army. He served 27 months in prison & was sentenced to three years' probation, but prosecutors say Dukes has violated probation by failing to keep up with restitution payments and community-service work. Had an appearance in court re Tara’s case on 1/3/19.
1/2/19 Update: Dukes has been charged with rape & sodomy following an assault in Warner Robins. Has also been charged with false imprisonment & possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. As of 1/4/19 on the run from LE. 1/4/19: Dukes was caught & arrested around 5:30 p.m. Saturday pulling into a relative’s house in Ocilla after 5 days on the run. There was no resistance from Dukes, according to law enforcement.
1/3/19 Update: A Ben Hill County Superior Court judge has issued a bench warrant on Bo Dukes in connection to the Tara Grinstead case.
The warrant states Dukes was supposed to appear in court Jan. 3 on concealing a death of another, tampering with evidence and hindering apprehension or punishment of a criminal charges in the Grinstead case. The bench warrant orders any Georgia sheriff, coroner or constable to take Dukes into custody and commit him to jail.
1/4/19 update: Dukes was caught & arrested around 5:30 p.m. Saturday pulling into a relative’s house in Ocilla after 5 days on the run. There was no resistance from Dukes, according to law enforcement.
1/6/19 Update: Made appearance before Judge charged with rape, aggravated sodomy, false imprisonment & possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Warner Robins case. Held without bond. No further dates given. Dukes is currently in state custody and will eventually be turned over (1/9/19) to federal custody & will complete six months in federal prison, as part of his revoked supervised release.
So - no one watched this live? I couldn't access the link....

Did he get bond?
Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 7h7 hours ago
#RyanDuke - Follow @VincentHillTV , he's tweeting from the courtroom. #TaraGrinstead

Vincent T. Hill on Twitter
Vincent T. Hill‏ @VincentHillTV 7h7 hours ago
John Merchant, attorney for #RyanDuke opened has argument in the bond hearingwith another request for a change of venue from #IrwinCounty. Merchant says investigators need to be hired to determine if a change of venue is warranted. @LawCrimeNetwork @cathyrusson

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 7h7 hours ago
#RyanDuke's brother, Stephen Duke will be a witness today. #TaraGrinstead


0 replies1 retweet1 like

Vincent T. Hill on Twitter
Vincent T. Hill‏ @VincentHillTV 7h7 hours ago
Judge has DENIED the motion for Change of Venue at this time in the #RyanDuke murder trial. Duke is charged with killing #TaraGrinstead, who went missing in 2005. @LawCrimeNetwork @cathyrusson

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 7h7 hours ago
#TaraGrinstead - Stephen Duke says if his brother gets a bond he would live with him and would work at their aunt's restaurant, cooking. #RyanDuke


0 replies2 retweets1 like

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 7h7 hours ago
#RyanDuke - Under cross exam Stephen Duke said Ryan Duke and Bo Dukes never bragged to him about killing #TaraGrinstead. He had no knowledge of it.


Vincent T. Hill on Twitter
Vincent T. Hill‏ @VincentHillTV 7h7 hours ago
#RyanDuke brother testified that Ryan Duke stated to him, HE DID NOT kill #TaraGrinstead and that Ryan had no knowledge of who did. @LawCrimeNetwork @cathyrusson. Defense pushed back and asked about the alleged confession of Ryan Duke.

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 6h6 hours ago
#RyanDuke - GBI Agent, Jason Shoudel is on the stand. He was the lead investigator. He said Bo Dukes denied in 2016 any knowledge about #TaraGrinstead disappearance.

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 6h6 hours ago
#RyanDuke - In 2017, Agent Shoudel spoke with Brooke Sheridan, Dukes girlfriend who told him Bo Dukes told her he helped burn Grinstead's body and that Ryan Duke had killed her.

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 6h6 hours ago
#RyanDuke - Bo Dukes admitted his involvement to Shouldel. He said Ryan Duke told him he broke into Tara Grinstead's house, she was asleep in her bed and he jumped on the bed and strangled her. Duke came to Dukes and told him to help burn her body.

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 6h6 hours ago
#RyanDuke - Shouldel said Ryan Duke told him he went to #TaraGrinstead house to look for money, saying he was heavily involved in drugs at that time. He said he used a credit card to pick the lock to her door.

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 6h6 hours ago
#RyanDuke - Duke said he went to the store, before returning her house, and called Grinstead's house, but she didn't answer. That he was hoping she would answer, he then returned to her house

Vincent T. Hill on Twitter
Vincent T. Hill‏ @VincentHillTV 6h6 hours ago
#GBI agent just testifed that #RyanDuke said he made a phone call to #TaraGrinstead home on Sunday Oct 23rd 2005 from a local gas station. That phone call was never made public by GBI and investigators knew only someone involved would know about the phone call. @LawCrimeNetwork

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 6h6 hours ago
#RyanDuke told Agt. Shoudel he went back to Tara's house, didn't see anything that needed to be cleaned up. He carried her body out to the truck.

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 6h6 hours ago
#RyanDuke - Shoudel said Ryan Duke told him how he disposed of her body. He got Bo Dukes on Wednesday to help him. They took her body out in the pecan orchard and "cremated her".

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 6h6 hours ago
#RyanDuke - Prosecutor admits Facebook messages between Ryan Duke and Bo Dukes. We aren't shown the messages. Agt. Shoudel said at no time in those messages did Ryan Duke appear to be afraid of Bo Dukes.

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 6h6 hours ago
#RyanDuke - Court is back in session. Agt. Shoudel testifies Ryan Duke's mother told him Duke attempted suicide, Shoudel: 2 or 3 times. This was somewhere in the time period after Grinstead's disappearance and before his arrest.

Cathy Russon on Twitter
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 6h6 hours ago
#RyanDuke - A glove was found outside Tara's house. Tara Grinstead and Ryan Duke's DNA was on the latex glove.

Vincent T. Hill on Twitter
Vincent T. Hill‏ @VincentHillTV 6h6 hours ago
#GBI agent just dropped a BOMBSHELL. The latex glove found outside #TaraGrinstead home not only had Tara’s DNA, but also #RyanDuke DNA and partial palm print belonging to Ryan Duke. Duke told investigators his DNA would be on the glove during his interview. .@LawCrimeNetwork

Vincent T. Hill on Twitter
Vincent T. Hill‏ @VincentHillTV 5h5 hours ago
#GBI agent was just asked about alleged sexual assaults #BoDukes committed against an ex girlfriend and a woman he met on Tinder allegedly in the “pecan patch” where #TaraGrinstead body was believed to be burned. .@LawCrimeNetwork

Vincent T. Hill on Twitter
Vincent T. Hill‏ @VincentHillTV 5h5 hours ago
Defense attorney Ashley Merhcant just asked GBI if there was any physical evidence #TaraGrinstead died as a result of #RyanDuke striking or strangling her. Agent replied he cannot determine that becasue “they” Ryan Duke and Bo Dukes destroyed her body. @LawCrimeNetwork

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