The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #16 *ADULT CONTENT*

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I was of the impression that DB was hesitant to say anything that he believed may cast Jodi in a bad light. JMO but he seemed to still hold very deep emotions for her.
Since we are waiting for court to start, here is a little from last night. ;)



Oh darn, now the song is stuck in my head again. :p

thanks for the link to trutv tiger!!! much appreciated! Chores and dinner is never gonna get done today :D

:great: At least we are all in a group together. lol
Tax writeoffs. So when ya start making the mega bucks you'll have offsets so the tax man can't clean ya out entirely.

She was obviously planning on writing it off as a "business" trip. There would be no other reason to keep those receipts other than an alibi. She made contacts along the way with those she felt would back her up. Why would they back her up? My guess is she has some pretty damning evidence against them for some god awful reason that if it were made public would ruin them. I think she did the same to TA and that is why he could not get rid of her. It certainly isn't a new trick that controlling people use to get what they want. jmo
so do we have any idea who is going to testify today?

Did you notice JA's female defense attorney react? She looked shocked, then wrote a quick note, tried to show it to JA and got ignored.

Nah, they knew about the gas cans. IMO

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does anyone know if there is video from the evidentiary part of the trial yesterday?

She was 28, getting older, still not married, having to go back and forth to wherever from Yreka, and ultimately living with grandma & grandpa, while waitressing in low budget restaurants.

And so this is a perfect example of her narcissism, right? Parasitic lifestyle, feeling entitled to live above her means and that someone else will provide that for her.
Originally Posted by nursebeeme View Post
I am just watching the BF and he seemed to be holding a lot of things back imhoo.

I disagree Juan was not pulling teeth at all, he knew all the answers in advance and Darryl had no problem volunteering the shower bit, it was like he was prepared or wanted to get that out. He could have danced around that but he made sure to get that out with little or no prompting from Juan.
Seems like DB and JA had a different sort of relationship. I'd lay money he actually was in a relationship with as her supervisor and she pegged him as having something of substance to give her, shelter, power, money, something. Then when they bought the house, it was easy and pleasant enough, so she stayed, but they had a bedroom together and seperate bedrooms. I realize all relationships get to define their own boundaries, but this is noteworthy to me, knowing what comes later.

DA was well spoken, and I don't get the feeling he was totally lying, but he definately came across as protective of her. I get the feeling that he has fallen for the defense story hook line and sinker, that the Jodi he knew may have had some issues (which he won't cop to in any striagh foward way) but she would've never killed someone in cold blood.

A young girl.. with an older man.. who gives her love, attention, and security... only lasts for so long. Especially when young, energetic Mormon boys start coming around. She had a sexual appetite that became unquenched by ol man Brewer. He probably couldn't keep up or even get to where he could perform and that frustrated Jodi. That was her attraction to Travis. He fed her appetite and a sexual appetite such as hers was worth driving hundreds of miles for. It may sound sick to us... but not in the mind of a sex addict. SHE drove to Travis for sex. She wanted the whole package.. what she had with Brewer and the sex she had with Travis. She reached a point to where she knew she wasn't going to have either one. It wouldnt surprise me to learn (later on) that Mr Brewer called her names and berated her as well. Her over kill shows that she had a LOT of anger and rage built up and probably not just from Travis. IMO
I was of the impression that DB was hesitant to say anything that he believed may cast Jodi in a bad light. JMO but he seemed to still hold very deep emotions for her.

I agree, and wonder if they have kept in contact since she has been in jail.

Did you notice JA's female defense attorney react? She looked shocked, then wrote a quick note, tried to show it to JA and got ignored.

You know that quick note said "What @#$%^&* gas cans?".
thats not gus....that is Abe.....

I know, Linda had asked about Abe.

I was joking that he didn't look like a phone on Dr. Drew. lol
Darryl Brewer had a very distinctive, dramatic change in voice tone/quality when answering questions about the gas can. Since we couldn't see him, I am not sure if it was due to emotion or if he had just taken a sip of water or due to some other reason. It changed from a normal speaking tone to almost a whisper. It was a very, very dramatic change. Did it come from reluctance to admit the truth?

Here is the video/audio, bookmarked to the relevant portion:
Nah, they knew about the gas cans. IMO

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She may not have told them about taking a nude photo of him in the shower or having anal sex with him.

I think she has lied to them just like she lies to everyone else.

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