The Stine And Ramsey Friendship/relationship

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She's said a lot of things. She was all over the place about the note in her interview: she picked it up, she didn't pick it up, she left it on the floor, she couldn't remember.

In his interview, John said he moved the note over to the door, an odd thing to do since he had to pass areas where he could have perused it standing or sitting and in good light.

Ofc. French in his report of 12/26, 1300 hours said that he was uncertain who had moved the note. John pointed it out to him on the floor over by the door and told him that Patsy had found it on the stairs. But it doesn't sound like John was taking responsibility for picking up the note on the morning of the 26th and neither was Patsy.

fr brown,
Yes you are right, thats the R's attempting to talk around the subject, how arrogant is that? Yet this instance has a parallel with another aspect of the case, the flashlight, i.e. no fingerprints. Yet in both cases you might expect them.

IMO the R's took their non-involvement a touch too far, yet downin the wine-cellar Patsy is happy for her fibers to be all over JonBenet, yet in a PDI Patsy is attempting to stage herself out of the case?

Did you see that picture of the four of them (the Ramseys and the Stines) on the back deck in the Vanity Fair article?
Was Patsy grimacing or smiling? Her mouth looks weird?
I did see it. I'd have to look at it again but it was an incredulous, smirking, wtf grin.
I despise the Ramseys. They are/were disgusting.
The Stines both come off as a me. lol. And I say that as a gay myself. Not trying to be offensive, it's just my first impression. I know a lot of people in the Midwest & South who have "marriages of convenience" with kids & the whole 9, so it's really not that rare. Also: Susan is scary AF. I saw her on some show once & she made me jump in my seat with her startling voice & face. These are not good people IMO. If anyone knows what went down that night, it's these two.

Good thread, OP.
June 1998 John Ramsey Interrogation[/quote said:
18 MIKE KANE: Okay. Now I think yesterday
19 that you mentioned when one of the parades on
20 December the 6th, that you were away then. Do you
21 recall where you were then?
22 JOHN RAMSEY: We had gone to New York
23 that weekend with Susan and Glen Stine.
24 invited us to go. I forget when Glen came back, it
25 was like a Friday and they came back on the Sunday

Video Deposition of John Ramsey October 20 said:
13 Q. Do you have anyone running interference for you
14 with respect to social contacts or attempts? Anyone
15 taking calls or screening calls?
16 A. Not -- we did for a while, only because we lived
17 with some people.

18 Q. Who were those people?
19 A. Susan and Glenn Stine.
20 Q. Should I add them to your list of close friends?
21 A. They were not close friends, believe it or not.
22 They were friends, but we didn't socialize a lot with
23 them.

Is that odd that he tried so hard to distance himself from the Steins? TO US they seemed very close. These neighbors ended up quitting their high paying jobs and moving to another state with the Ramseys, even working for them. In the end, John says he "lived with some people" and that they were not close friends.

They also did not drive to the Fernies (even though Barb was Patsy's best friend), John says because he was worried about the length of time it would take to drive, that Burke and Jonbenet who's supposed to be asleep btw would want to come in...did the Fernies even have children living with them? I can't find info on that.
Maybe they were worried they couldn't keep up the appearances with the people who knew them well? I tend to think the Ramsey's were acting bitter about their friends.
Is that odd that he tried so hard to distance himself from the Steins? TO US they seemed very close. These neighbors ended up quitting their high paying jobs and moving to another state with the Ramseys, even working for them. In the end, John says he "lived with some people" and that they were not close friends.

They also did not drive to the Fernies (even though Barb was Patsy's best friend), John says because he was worried about the length of time it would take to drive, that Burke and Jonbenet who's supposed to be asleep btw would want to come in...did the Fernies even have children living with them? I can't find info on that.
Yes, they had two children.
Actually, it's a screen shot from the crime scene video.
This is .
Who ARE these retarded people in positions of power, pretending to NOT know what happened?
Pretended to NOT see what happened?
To be a blue collar worker (untrained in detective work and in law) is one thing.
It is completely Effing Another to be a professional, PAID to do a job you are SUPPOSED to be adept at, SKILLED at, TRAINED IN- and not be capable of stating the truth!
I am reminding you cowards, that there IS a God; like Drama Queen Patsy stated! He actually DID see it all. He knows what went down.
You HAVE to make people pay in this world for they crimes they committed. So their souls learn. Or they will have to pay for what they did in a darker place.
Well it’s done. They will never bring Jonbenet back to life.
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Is that odd that he tried so hard to distance himself from the Steins? TO US they seemed very close. These neighbors ended up quitting their high paying jobs and moving to another state with the Ramseys, even working for them. In the end, John says he "lived with some people" and that they were not close friends.

They also did not drive to the Fernies (even though Barb was Patsy's best friend), John says because he was worried about the length of time it would take to drive, that Burke and Jonbenet who's supposed to be asleep btw would want to come in...did the Fernies even have children living with them? I can't find info on that.

So who thinks the following is hinky?
22 JOHN RAMSEY: We had gone to New York
23 that weekend with Susan and Glen Stine. They
24 invited us to go.

Whut some salaried academic type is inviting a CEO millionare to a weekend in New York?

What is going on here, do they all like opera or something, what's the attraction?

Glen Stine keeps a low profile so low he is actually Susan Stine's shadow.

My money is on Doug Stine knowing stuff, something that required the Stine's services being purchased, lock, stock and barrel by the Ramsey's.

So who thinks the following is hinky?

Whut some salaried academic type is inviting a CEO millionare to a weekend in New York?

What is going on here, do they all like opera or something, what's the attraction?

Glen Stine keeps a low profile so low he is actually Susan Stine's shadow.

My money is on Doug Stine knowing stuff, something that required the Stine's services being purchased, lock, stock and barrel by the Ramsey's.

Absolutely Hinky!!

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