The Texts Messages: Warning! Graphic SEXUALLY EXPLICIT

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It is even remotely possible that TH thoght well 'hey they won't be interested in text messages' as that has nothing to do with Kyron........who knows what went thru her is interesting that she kept on with this knowing it could be read or maybe she didn't think they would read it or care. IMO

More than once I've wondered if she wanted LE to read these things so they could "see what they were missing". I really don't think she cares who knows about it - didn't then and probably doesn't now. "Shame" isn't an emotion we've seen from her yet.
That's an excellent question.

The texts are not in chronological order. July 3, 2010, is when she starts using her 'clean phone.' Some of the more raunchy stuff texted is after that, I think. I'll have to go and wade through that yuck one more time to see for sure.

The night of June 30 and early morning July 1 are pictures and some icky stuff. Everything after that is on the bat phone, but she still has her other phone too it seems because she states that on July 3, 2010, LE is 'flashing' it while she is getting stuff from the basement.
I don't know if Terri is the one who harmed Kyron. All I know from these e-mails is that she has some serious issues and probably is at the very least, deranged and detached from reality.

Perhaps this behavior will one day help convict her, but I don't think it will lead to Kyron. If she is guilty, her personality seems to be such that she will never confess to anything and sadly, unless Kyron is found "by accident", he probably will not be found at all.

So if convicting her is the goal, the released of these e-mails may help, if they are allowed in a trial. But I don't believe they will forward the case of what happened on June 4th at all.

In and of themselves, I agree. This would be a "mediating"??? factor. Is that the word? Can't think of the word right now. LOL

I just hope it is enough to keep baby K safe, which is what the release of this material was intended at this time.
In and of themselves, I agree. This would be a "mediating"??? factor. Is that the word? Can't think of the word right now. LOL

I just hope it is enough to keep baby K safe, which is what the release of this material was intended at this time.

In and of themselves, I agree. This would be a "mediating"??? factor. Is that the word? Can't think of the word right now. LOL

I just hope it is enough to keep baby K safe, which is what the release of this material was intended at this time.

Mitigating is the word you are looking for I think.

I got up through some of it but once it got all sexty I had to quit.

Did you hear the THUD? That may have been me falling off the fencerail.
This really puts things into perspective. Most of us here couldn't even think of pulling together the energy to text someone, let alone send sexually explicit texts. I couldn't think of anything else if someone in my family were missing. I couldn't think about things like that if my dog were missing--And she had been accused of murder for hire, lost custody of her daughter, and accused of disappearing Kyron. Beyond belief.
Mitigating is the word you are looking for I think.

I got up through some of it but once it got all sexty I had to quit.

Did you hear the THUD? That may have been me falling off the fencerail.
LOL.... I haven't been on the fence at all and I thudded so hard I think I landed in my basement!

eta: what Terri has been "up to" is disgusting and one more sandbag holding me on the ground...
I don't know if Terri is the one who harmed Kyron. All I know from these e-mails is that she has some serious issues and probably is at the very least, deranged and detached from reality.

Perhaps this behavior will one day help convict her, but I don't think it will lead to Kyron. If she is guilty, her personality seems to be such that she will never confess to anything and sadly, unless Kyron is found "by accident", he probably will not be found at all.

So if convicting her is the goal, the released of these e-mails may help, if they are allowed in a trial. But I don't believe they will forward the case of what happened on June 4th at all.

The other lawyers may disagree but I seriously doubt a judge would ever allow these texts to be introduced in a criminal trial. At best they show that a month after his disappearance, and during the portions of these exchanges that we are shown, Terri was not so concerned about Kyron that it prevented her from acting inappropriately. That's pretty weak in terms of probative value (proving her guilt in Kyron's disappearance). Weighed against the prejudicial effect (incredibly strong as evidenced by the posts in this thread) and the fact that she was under the influence of alcohol, it would probably be reversible error to allow the jury to see these.

Of course, Kaine got them out in the media for potential witnesses and jurors to see anyway.
I've known many a functioning alcoholic in my days. Usually, these people don't quit drinking or start going to AA until their life becomes unmanageable (i.e., they lose their jobs, have problems with the law, and relationship failures). It sounds to me that Terri had finally hit rock bottom. I truly believe that Kaine was in denial as to just how problematic TH's drinking problem had become.

I believe that Kaine most probably was co-dependent and only became aware of the danger this posed for his precious children. He probably felt he could monitor and protect them from harm.

This case is just so dang sad.
I just think it's very weird to talk about bench pressing the guy's body weight and arm wrestling him. Is that really sexy to men? I can't imagine it is. And I don't think it was sexy to MC for the most part, based on his responses.

Terri: "You need to ^&*&$ me"
MC: "I do?"

Not very sexy...
The other lawyers may disagree but I seriously doubt a judge would ever allow these texts to be introduced in a criminal trial. At best they show that a month after his disappearance, and during the portions of these exchanges that we are shown, Terri was not so concerned about Kyron that it prevented her from acting inappropriately. That's pretty weak in terms of probative value (proving her guilt in Kyron's disappearance). Weighed against the prejudicial effect (incredibly strong as evidenced by the posts in this thread) and the fact that she was under the influence of alcohol, it would probably be reversible error to allow the jury to see these.

Of course, Kaine got them out in the media for potential witnesses and jurors to see anyway.

Why do you suggests that Kaine got them out in the media? The media is fully capabale of requesting court documents on their own. That's their out scoop the other news outlets. It's completely unfair to blame Kaine for releasing these texts without proof that he is responsible. IMO. All he did was file responses through his attorney to protect his daughter.

I do want to thank you for all your legal expertise. It is very informative and helpful. Thanks!
According to other reports weren't there many more texts? The fact that LE characterized the texts sent to M. Cook as "similar" to those sent to the LS I've got to wonder what is in the texts sent to him.
She visited MC on July 6, 2010. After reading this, there is NO WAY I believe they never had intimate relations. NO WAY.
She visited MC on July 6, 2010. After reading this, there is NO WAY I believe they never had intimate relations. NO WAY.

I agree, Surfie. I think whatever transpired/was said at the July 6th meeting was what ended MC's relationship with TH and what caused him to turn his phone over to LE. JMHO. I'm still not convinced he wasn't a plant. I'm 50/50 on that prospect.
I think it is possible that they did not have intimate relations. IF MC was a plant or bait, I can certainly see him preventing that from happening. These folks are adults with self control and decisionmaking abilities. TH could have excersised self control when she textd him....I am stunned she did not smell a rat so to speak.
Forgot about the visit that she asked him to lie about. Using worry about baby K as her excuse for "a drive", she instead went to MC's house and...??? I wonder. After all those sexts, that sounds like Terri went over there to close the deal, so to speak.
OMG! This woman is over a decade my senior and I am APPALLED! As a mother I can't imagine sending texts like that at all, let alone if a child I had raised was missing. This is just sick and shows that there is something terribly wrong in TMH's head.
I'm still laughing over the vision of DeDe prancing around in nothing but a thong!
and what Terry was doing...........
Were they at TH parents home at the time????
Something is wrong with their brains, IMO
I think it is possible that they did not have intimate relations. IF MC was a plant or bait, I can certainly see him preventing that from happening. These folks are adults with self control and decisionmaking abilities. TH could have excersised self control when she textd him....I am stunned she did not smell a rat so to speak.

Interesting speculation! He may have even been playing "armchair detective" to find answers to Kyron's disappearance all on his own.
I'm still laughing over the vision of DeDe prancing around in nothing but a thong!
and what Terry was doing...........
Were they at TH parents home at the time????
Something is wrong with their brains, IMO

I think the "something wrong" could have been enhanced with large consumptions of alcohol.
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