Found Deceased TN - Evelyn Boswell, 15 months, Sullivan County, 26 DEC 2019 *Arrests* #2

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@El Gato said:
do they take custody of a child that cant even be found?
They can here (Ohio).

In the case of MB [mis]placing her child with somebody that prevented her from recovering and/or producing her child to prove her well being, I would hope the state would intervene until mom can put forth her plan to provide a safe environment for her child. Child protection services can actually be of help to MB here including placing her a safe and healthy environment until MB can get her act together.

Grandpa has no legal right to Evelyn either, but he filed a report, LE followed up and determined Evelyn is in fact missing.

If MB had been able to show them Evelyn is alive and well and she was simply witholding Evelyn from everyone, then the investigation would have ended right then and there.

Don't bite my head off, but this is one of the few cases I don't feel bad passing judgement.

Why would I bite your head off, Sweetbeach ? I love ya like my WS sista from another mista. :)

My point was just that we don't know Ethan's involvement with Evelyn. And he is stationed in LA. Grandpa is in Blountville...he had the ability (geographically) to lay eyes on this child on a regular basis. Not so simple for Ethan. For all I know, MB could have been sending him video that was old and saying, " Here she is. Healthy and healthy ! Nothing to see here. "

I mean...honestly, who knows what she told Ethan ? Or anyone else for that matter.
FEB 24, 2020
Missing Baby Evelyn Boswell's Grandmother Will Be Returned To Tennessee to Face Charges

At Monday's court hearing, McCloud, Angela's boyfriend, told the judge the BMW he and Angela were riding in had been a gift from Maggie, and the couple did not know there was any kind of problem with it.

Authorities said the owner of the car said she didn't receive payment for the vehicle and so reported it as stolen.

"I had no idea anything had went wrong with the car," McCloud said. "Apparently [Maggie] hadn't paid for the car. Neither of us was aware of anything about that."

Maybe LE thinks it's more valuable for her to be on the outside for some reason. I'm sure she's being watched closely.
I guess..ugh.
I was thinking of Elizabeth Johnson and baby Gabriel. She says she handed him off to strangers and only served 5 yrs. convicted of custodial interference and unlawful imprisonment charges. Baby Gabriel is still missing and she is living life.
"Police could never determine what exactly happened to Gabriel. They never found solid evidence to prove any of her stories."
Friday marks 10-year anniversary of Baby Gabriel's disappearance
I guess in my simple mind a baby is missing and Mom is inconsistent with LE why is she not in jail ?
I think the longer she is free, the more she will be comfortable enough to talk and hopefully give up some useful information. I have a feeling that when all is said and done she will be incarcerated for at the very minimum neglect.
Josh DeVine on Twitter
We're aware of plenty of rumors circulating about our current #TNAMBERAlert.
We're committed to sharing accurate updates in this case as we can. Thanks for joining us in continuing to share #EvelynBoswell's picture!
3:27 PM - 24 Feb 2020

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation on Twitter (Video)
WATCH: We're continuing to do everything we can to find Evelyn Boswell.
Here's an update in that effort, along with answers to a few frequently asked questions we've seen on social media.Thank you for helping us to spread the word about this #TNAMBERAlert!
3:24 PM - 24 Feb 2020
Thank you for posting this! Man social media has made the LE’s job 1,000 times harder. Glad they gave an update even if there was no new information they can share.
I have been trying to stay away from FB on this case. The comments scrolling up the right margin during the TBI Live have made my head explode! holy smokes what a mess! Now I'm wondering if the car thing (borrowed/gifted-regifted/loaned/stolen/who-knows-what-else) was trumped up by LE as a great opportunity to put out a BOLO and arrest with plenty of leverage to broker poor heart!
But where, in all of this mess, is the poor innocent child!?!
I don't know why but I can look at her pictures all day and be fine, but show me a video and I bawl like a baby.

Same happened with Faye.. I was fine with all the pics and info released but then shown a video of her that was played at the Memorial and I was blubbering.
I don't understand people organizing searches. I understand the need to do something, but where would they even begin to search? She's been gone for two months; she could literally be anywhere.
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