Found Deceased TN - Evelyn Boswell, 15 months, Sullivan County, 26 DEC 2019 *MOM ARRESTED* #8

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When lacking facts, to keep the thread going, its always an option to speculate. Pretty vague thoughts for now but to start with, in a fit of anger, MB was the culprit and also hid Evelyn herself. Not sure what AB was told by MB but she was told something. WM just did whatever AB told him to do without needing to know much about anything. DJ is all about keeping his daughter out of trouble. TBsr and jr were in the dark about it. HW is a wild card but doubt he knew what happened to Evelyn. Others on here may have some thoughts?
i think it was all MB either in anger, in reaction to something Evelyn did, or suffocation, perhaps with the pillow the found under the trailer, because her new soul mate didn’t want her child around. I think whatever the COD, MB hid Evelyn in with their belongings. She probably though no one would ever question her. I don’t think MB told AB and WM anything. I think she knew they couldn’t care less about anything but themselves. She was also too quick to throw her mother under the bus which I doubt she would have done if her mother had any actual knowledge of what happened. I’m undecided about HW’s involvement but the BMW bothers me. No one gives away a car, no matter how used, to a veritable stranger. Something happened in that car.

This is all JMO and subject to change with the wind.
For this moment in time, I am standing by my statement that I believe there will be multiple arrests in this case. I'm not even completely convinced on who was involved, but I am leaning heavily toward more than 1 person having a part in Evelyn's case. I suppose only time will tell, and I could be way wrong.
There is another similar case in which the mother reported her child was snatched out of her arms by a stranger as she was getting the mail from her mailbox. She had been in a recent car accident and attributed her injuries to the assault by the man. She gave LE many inconsistent statements and there was never any abduction.

Her story was suspect from the beginning, and sure enough, her daughter was found by LE, deceased in a diaper box in a field not far from her home.

Like this case, the judge sealed all records pertaining to the case and there was little information after that.

There was a thread here but I can't remember the name to look it up to find out whatever happened. I think it was another homicide by child abuse but it was about two years ago. Does anybody remember the name of the mom? I want to say it was Brittany but I'm not sure and I have no idea how to look up specific cases.

I'm sure Pommy would know. I've been wanting to check up on that case to see if she was ever convicted.

Yes! Who WAS that?!

Edit: thank you and bail?! Ugh.
I don't know if this will be useful or not because I can't look at it anymore - it's all running together at this point.

MB Interview Remix - Each statement is followed by the interview it is from in parentheses... (1), (2), (3)

Maggie Remix.docx

Maggie Boswell Interview 1
Maggie Boswell Interview 2.docx
Maggie Boswell Interview 3.docx

Thank you! *pours a vereeeee large drink for @Kadoober *
I can’t believe I’d almost forgotten about MB’s polygraph and pregnancy shenanigans - has it been confirmed she definitely isn’t pregnant, or is there still a possibility that she wasn’t lying (for once)?
This may have already been shared, let me know if so!


“Everybody has became so emotionally attached to (the case), myself included,” Chapman said. “When the news broke Friday night that they had found the remains, we went through every stage of grief in a matter of moments.”


While the masses cleared hand sanitizer from the shelves, Chapman scooped up all the cellophane and began wrapping dozens of Easter baskets destined for foster children around the region.

Her goal is to make about 900 baskets – one for each child in foster care in our region. She’s asking the community to help donate items for the basket, from baby wipes for infants to gift cards for teenagers.

“All our kids are going to be covered with this,” she said, adding, “If there’s a special-needs child, so if they have a gluten allergy, a peanut allergy, we’re going to have baskets set aside for that too.”


Johnson City woman aiming to fill hundreds of baskets for foster children in memory of Evelyn Boswell
This may have already been shared, let me know if so!


“Everybody has became so emotionally attached to (the case), myself included,” Chapman said. “When the news broke Friday night that they had found the remains, we went through every stage of grief in a matter of moments.”


While the masses cleared hand sanitizer from the shelves, Chapman scooped up all the cellophane and began wrapping dozens of Easter baskets destined for foster children around the region.

Her goal is to make about 900 baskets – one for each child in foster care in our region. She’s asking the community to help donate items for the basket, from baby wipes for infants to gift cards for teenagers.

“All our kids are going to be covered with this,” she said, adding, “If there’s a special-needs child, so if they have a gluten allergy, a peanut allergy, we’re going to have baskets set aside for that too.”


Johnson City woman aiming to fill hundreds of baskets for foster children in memory of Evelyn Boswell

What a lovely idea <3 That got me right in the feels.
Thank you! *pours a vereeeee large drink for @Kadoober *
I can’t believe I’d almost forgotten about MB’s polygraph and pregnancy shenanigans - has it been confirmed she definitely isn’t pregnant, or is there still a possibility that she wasn’t lying (for once)?

*joyfully accepts that drink with many thanks*

It hasn't been confirmed officially, just the media reports on pregnany inmates, and the cryptic but telling statement from LE the day after she was arrested.
Similarities between Caylee Anthony and Evelyn Boswell Cases-

1. Child not reported missing right away. Caylee 31 days. Evelyn approx 2 months.
2. Both mothers told a lot of lies to family before the child was reported missing.
3. Both mothers told a lot of easily disproved lies to LE once the child was reported missing.
4. Both mother’s said they were cooperating fully with LE.
5. Both mothers have presented themself as sweet young women to the public.
6. Both mothers had multiple pics of what looked like a happy healthy child on social media.
7. In both cases a family member other than the child’s mother made the initial report about the missing child.
8. In both cases the maternal grandmother of the child seems to want to protect the mother.
9. In both cases the maternal grandfather of the child doesn’t seem to be as supportive of the mother.
10. Both mothers had a new man in their life.
11. In both cases the child’s remains were found near home.

Corrections or anything else to add? There must be a criminal profile that fits both mothers.

This is a most excellent post!
The only thing I can think of can be folded into #3 (&/or 2, in CAs case), and that is both claimed their baby's were with the sitter.

ETA...No wait I lied...

Both appear to be fiscally irresponsible.

Neither Father was active in their daughters life (this is not a knock to Ethan, just an observation!)
I feel like I should state that 'appear to be fiscally irresponsible' only realtes to Maggie.

If memory serves, we had a good 1,100 pages or so of evidence of CA being obnoxiously, horribly irresponsible, devious, conniving and felonious with money that was not hers. Worst daughter/granddaughter EVER. And "mother", natch.
I don't know if this will be useful or not because I can't look at it anymore - it's all running together at this point.

MB Interview Remix - Each statement is followed by the interview it is from in parentheses... (1), (2), (3)

Maggie Remix.docx

Maggie Boswell Interview 1
Maggie Boswell Interview 2.docx
Maggie Boswell Interview 3.docx
Thanks again @Kadoober! It sounds like she pretty much ignored Evelyn except for an occasional bath, a minute or two of play with the shark and feedings of sweet potatoes. It’s hard to reconcile with the pics we’ve seen of a happy and healthy looking Evelyn. I have a young (then 20 yr old) niece who was grossly unprepared to care for a child. My niece taking care of her son consisted of sitting him in front of the tv or with the iPad while she was on her phone on Facebook, texting and chatting with friends all day. She never read him a book or played interactively with him. He never had regular meal times, no schedule at all. By the age of 3, his vocabulary was 10 words at best. It was terrible. He’s 5 now and in PreK but they’re talking about retaining him for a year before having him start Kindergarten because he’s so far behind a normal 4-5 yr old. He’s underweight and needs to have 2 PediaSure protein drinks each day. He actually told me he doesn’t have to eat his lunch as long as he drinks his chocolate milk. That’s his mother talking! Fortunately, his grandmother is now living with them so I have hope the situation will improve.

MB had the nerve to complain about people wasting LE’s time by calling in psychic tips! I’m sure they got more useful leads from strangers than Evelyn’s mother! SMDH
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Thanks again @Kadoober! It sounds like she pretty much ignored Evelyn except for an occasional bath, a minute or two of play with the shark and feedings of sweet potatoes. I have a young (then 20 yr old) niece who was grossly unprepared to care for a child. My niece taking care of her son consisted of sitting him in front of the tv or with the iPad while she was on her phone on Facebook, texting and chatting with friends all day. She never read him a book or played interactively with him. He never had regular meal times, no schedule at all. By the age of 3, his vocabulary was 10 words at best. It was terrible. He’s 5 now and in PreK but they’re talking about retaining him for a year before having him start Kindergarten because he’s so far behind a normal 4-5 yr old. He’s underweight and needs to have 2 PediaSure protein drinks each day. He actually told me he doesn’t have to eat his lunch as long as he drinks his chocolate milk. That’s his mother talking! Fortunately, his grandmother is now living with them so I have hope the situation will improve.

MB had the nerve to complain about people wasting LE’s time by calling in psychic tips! I’m sure the got more useful leads from strangers than Evelyn’s mother! SMDH

That's awful.... I hope grandma rights that ship. Poor little guy. :(

So.... I am usually really bad about keeping my own snarky commentary out of the transcripts. Emily Glass' was a MESS of me raging. I tried so hard to keep it objective with these... But I couldnt not call out that tip and psychic b.s..the freaking nerve of her.

Also, thank you for the "not going into it".... Theres a lot of that.

Re: What's Evelyn like... I think we all got the heebie jeebies from listening to that in the actual interviews.... But ugh... All grouped together like that... I really think it would have felt better if she had just said "she's a baby.... What do you want me to say?"

"Shes never been mean in her life"
Duh, ya think? She's a year old. /\*=€×*/÷
I am re-watching the court appearance from the other day- Fraley looks very ready in the beginning- he turns and looks at the camera....

It looks like he gives this almost imperceptible nod, too.

Then he picked up his pen, and the part of my brain that is basically a Family Guy episode 24/7 wanted him to write a sec, and hold up a sign that said "It's ON"
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