TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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Yes she seems heartbroken but what gives with the data dump to the media? I dont understand why this seems like a good idea.

Seems like a good idea to whom? Arlene or the media or me?

I think Arlene thinks it's a good idea because she thinks it would be helpful to finding Gail.

I think the media thinks it's a good idea because they get - bottom line - $$$$ from it.

If you thought I was saying it was a good idea, I didn't. I commented only on Arlene's credibility (reliability of the facts/info she was giving) and intent.
Okay, a time for little speculation. Gail being missing doesn't solve Matt's problems. He still doesn't have an access to her money, and so on. So... what if he wanted her dead and her body being found sooner or later?

What if he tried to set the stage for a suicide explanation with that (suspected) gaslighting? Make Gail scared, make her behave paranoic and then tell the media that she was mentally unstable...

I wonder how she reacted to that incident with the PIN numbers. Was she perhaps "on to" his tactics, or was she honestly confused and doubting herself?

I think he was trying to gaslight but not sure how successful he was. I'm not convinced she was paranoid as much as "aware." To me "paranoid" means afraid with no basis for it, and I think she had plenty of reason.

And she's SMART! He is too, but my impression is that he is arrogant. Just the flaunting of the affair is enough for me to think that. He REALLY thought that was "okay" and he would suffer no consequences for that?

I think that, in general, abusers are arrogant. They think she deserves what she gets. I'm not sure it's been established as fact that he is an abuser, but we sure do have a lot of indications in that direction. If so, he believed himself to be smarter than she is, and we already know he has been more "open" in his tactics than she. The affair in itself tells me that. It's a message of, "So what? What are you going to do about it?"

I think an arrogant person is more likely to believe he's the only one who thought of the monitoring tactics. He would think she wasn't smart enough to figure out much. It seems obvious at this point that Gail had been collecting plenty of information without his knowledge. He may very well have underestimated her, and if that is the case, arrogance may just bring him down. We shall see eventually, I believe.
I listened to the interview, and when I heard that, I interpreted it as a direct slam on local LE, indicating they are incompetent and need her help. I was very surprised she said that.

Is SMM in SC? Ad from her program mention SC. AD made a trip to SC right after her trip to FL IIRC, but we never heard anything more about it. Maybe she gave everything to SMM? ?? Arlene may have trust problem with LE since her first encounter. I wonder if the Sheriff's Dept has contacted her since they became involved? Maybe she's waiting for the TBI or FBI to become involved before she offers to turn over anything? ????
Okay, a time for little speculation. Gail being missing doesn't solve Matt's problems. He still doesn't have an access to her money, and so on. So... what if he wanted her dead and her body being found sooner or later?

What if he tried to set the stage for a suicide explanation with that (suspected) gaslighting? Make Gail scared, make her behave paranoic and then tell the media that she was mentally unstable...

In a way, since Gail is now out of the picture and may not return, it does solve one problem for Matt, doesn't it? He can now be openly seen with his girlfriend and move on with her. Sorry to put it so harshly. Not that he apparently ever really cared who knew he was fooling around on his wife, but the tension at home, which he created by having this affair, is now gone. I'm assuming TH doesn't doesn't make an issue about his drinking, so he can drink as much as he wants and not catch any flak for it.

Gail wasn't bringing in any income, so her being gone doesn't affect his finances one way or another. I'm sure he'd like to get his mitts on those IRA accounts which appear to be hers (?).
I thought that Sequatchie State Forest--where the alleged sitings occurred-- was divided between two counties, Sequatchie County and Hamilton County.

Sequatchie County is on CDT; Hamilton County is on EDT. So if you were in the forest and rambling around, you could meander from one time zone to the next and back again without even knowing it.

Please let me know if I'm wrong; I don't want to muddle this issue further.

You're exactly right. :) It's a state forest so it crosses boundary lines.

But my previous point is just that C. was probably on Central Time when she made the sighting because she is from Marion County.

We're really spending alot of time on this sighting and the timeline involved (which the police are surely aware of), and while the Jeep *might* have been Gail's, I'm starting to think this is a red herring. JMO
In a way, since Gail is now out of the picture and may not return, it does solve one problem for Matt, doesn't it? He can now be openly seen with his girlfriend and move on with her. Sorry to put it so harshly. Not that he apparently ever really cared who knew he was fooling around on his wife, but the tension at home, which he created by having this affair, is now gone. I'm assuming TH doesn't doesn't make an issue about his drinking, so he can drink as much as he wants and not catch any flak for it.

Gail wasn't bringing in any income, so her being gone doesn't affect his finances one way or another. I'm sure he'd like to get his mitts on those IRA accounts which appear to be hers (?).

But now he's got more stress ~ no job, the kids are his sole responsibility, and he's still got to pay his attorneys and talk to LE.

And if he goes on a bender too many times, he might not have the kids anymore either. :(

It's sad and sickening really. I have a sense of deja vu all over again with this case. I could say alot more but I'll wait until we have an official "person of interest."
But now he's got more stress ~ no job, the kids are his sole responsibility, and he's still got to pay his attorneys and talk to LE.

And if he goes on a bender too many times, he might not have the kids anymore either. :(

It's sad and sickening really. I have a sense of deja vu all over again with this case. I could say alot more but I'll wait until we have an official "person of interest."

bolded by me.

Exactly! That's right--I forgot he has no job anymore....(so he really does need to access the money in those accounts, eh?)

I don't want to jump to any conclusions, either, but regardless of whether or not he had anything to do with Gail's disappearance, I wonder if he now regrets that he was thinking with the wrong head, so to speak? And fueled by alcohol. It really is all very sad.
That sounds about right, BeanE!

Plus, within the Forest itself, I don't think a person would be aware of which time zone they are in, because I assume the trails zigzag around and you never know which county you're in.

And of course, depending on which county they drove in from, their watch would show either EDT or CDT.

Thanks, Columbo. I just made a note for now on the mindmap that there is a timezone question, and that the 4-6:30pm may need to shift.

If something comes up where an exact time is needed, I'll be happy to email the reporter and see if we can get a confirmed timezone on it.
Thanks, Columbo. I just made a note for now on the mindmap that there is a timezone question, and that the 4-6:30pm may need to shift.

If something comes up where an exact time is needed, I'll be happy to email the reporter and see if we can get a confirmed timezone on it.

You're welcome, BeanE. That mindmap is cool!
You're exactly right. :) It's a state forest so it crosses boundary lines.

But my previous point is just that C. was probably on Central Time when she made the sighting because she is from Marion County.

We're really spending alot of time on this sighting and the timeline involved (which the police are surely aware of), and while the Jeep *might* have been Gail's, I'm starting to think this is a red herring. JMO

BBM. I'll be spending even more time on the timeline! I find timelines to be very useful in these cases.
You're exactly right. :) It's a state forest so it crosses boundary lines.

But my previous point is just that C. was probably on Central Time when she made the sighting because she is from Marion County.

We're really spending alot of time on this sighting and the timeline involved (which the police are surely aware of), and while the Jeep *might* have been Gail's, I'm starting to think this is a red herring. JMO

bolded by me.

That's true, we're doing a lot of digging and research on something that may not even be a valid sighting. In fact, maybe C is now unsure as to whether it was Gail's jeep she saw, and that's why she wants to be more anonymous. Oh well--we'll find out eventually.
bolded by me.

Exactly! That's right--I forgot he has no job anymore....(so he really does need to access the money in those accounts, eh?)

I don't want to jump to any conclusions, either, but regardless of whether or not he had anything to do with Gail's disappearance, I wonder if he now regrets that he was thinking with the wrong head, so to speak? And fueled by alcohol. It really is all very sad.

Without that job, if he can't get hold of Gail's money, he may not have that girlfriend any more either.

He's a big spender too. $20,000 then 3 weeks later another $20,000 plus $400 from the ATM every couple days - phew!
bolded by me.

That's true, we're doing a lot of digging and research on something that may not even be a valid sighting. In fact, maybe C is now unsure as to whether it was Gail's jeep she saw, and that's why she wants to be more anonymous. Oh well--we'll find out eventually.

I was disappointed with the LE "afternoon" for time last seen, because it fits both Susie's and Carol's sighting. I hope we'll get a time from LE soon, and then we'll know.

Or we'll get a time that doesn't fit either, and we'll be banging our heads on the wall trying to figure out a third sighting. lol.
If the person was from Hamilton County their clock would show EDT, but if they drove into the Forest from Sequatchie County their clock would be on CDT. (Could be from other counties, too!)

Not sure that was what you were driving at in your post, Oriah?

Hmmm, I'm doing a bad job of passing along my train of thought, lol.

Let's say you're in a vehicle or wearing a regular watch. The clock in the vehicle (unless, say the vehicle is wired for satellite) is not going to change time zones for you- usually you have to manually do it. Your cell phone or GPS, however WILL, because they're using satellite.

I'm curious both because of the siting AND Gail and Matt's cell pings.

Does that make anymore sense or am I completely off base?
I remember in the interview, Ms. Milano ending with a comment something like "we need to bring her back next week because we have a lot of other things we need to get into."

Perhaps not exact wording, as I've not listened to the interview again, but I had the clear impression that Ms. Milano is advising Arlene.

I don't have enough information to say that is a bad thing. I'm impressed with Ms. Milano's credentials and believe she is a smart woman. Perhaps she has good reason for the strong comments she made. I don't mean to judge her at all, but I found the whole thing curious.

bolded by me.

I didn't catch that--I am glad you did!!! Interesting.
Hmmm, I'm doing a bad job of passing along my train of thought, lol.

Let's say you're in a vehicle or wearing a regular watch. The clock in the vehicle (unless, say the vehicle is wired for satellite) is not going to change time zones for you- usually you have to manually do it. Your cell phone or GPS, however WILL, because they're using satellite.

I'm curious both because of the siting AND Gail and Matt's cell pings.

Does that make anymore sense or am I completely off base?

Thanks, Oriah. I never knew your cell phone would change time zones automatically. Re the siting and the phone pings---you aren't off-base at all! very astute!
You're exactly right. :) It's a state forest so it crosses boundary lines.

But my previous point is just that C. was probably on Central Time when she made the sighting because she is from Marion County.

We're really spending alot of time on this sighting and the timeline involved (which the police are surely aware of), and while the Jeep *might* have been Gail's, I'm starting to think this is a red herring. JMO

BBM: I'm tending to agree, ThoughtFox. However, I do think there are some interesting possibilities tied into the time zone change, in particular with the pings all around. Towers would be pinging in their timezone, although it's possible that one could be on one side of the 'official' time zone boundary change, and a phone or GPS might pull a signal from another time zone if they were closer to the tower in the other timezone, kwim?

Sorry to get O/T, I am kinda on a ping hunt!
Thanks, Oriah. I never knew your cell phone would change time zones automatically. Re the siting and the phone pings---you aren't off-base at all! very astute!

Yep, it sure will. Think of how one might get on a plane in New York and fly to LA. You turn off your phone for the flight...and when you land in LA and turn it back on...magic! Your time will now pop up as three hours earlier than it is in New York. :)
Great work! You may want to add Matt's parents moving up to TN from FL because of bankruptcy or foreclosure? ....I'll have to go back and listen, but it would be a major change in their lives I would think. Arlene said two years sometime in 2008/2009.

ETA: It was for bankruptcy.

That is incorrect. Because I am not verified, I can not give you details, but that is not the reason for the move. It was a by-product of the move. IMO
In a way, since Gail is now out of the picture and may not return, it does solve one problem for Matt, doesn't it? He can now be openly seen with his girlfriend and move on with her. Sorry to put it so harshly. Not that he apparently ever really cared who knew he was fooling around on his wife, but the tension at home, which he created by having this affair, is now gone. I'm assuming TH doesn't doesn't make an issue about his drinking, so he can drink as much as he wants and not catch any flak for it.

Gail wasn't bringing in any income, so her being gone doesn't affect his finances one way or another. I'm sure he'd like to get his mitts on those IRA accounts which appear to be hers (?).

The tension is gone, but Matt's job is gone too. No income for him and his financial needs are pretty big it seems. I don't know what he did with all that money (Drugs? Gambling? How can you spend such amount of money in such a short time and then need more and more?) but it seems he needs cash right now. And without Gail officially dead it would be difficult for him to lay his hands on her accounts, right?

And of course he wouldn't be able to control everything when she is missing, there will be always some legal issues, right? Control, that's the keyword in an abusive relationship.
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