TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #35

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He did say in the JVM interview he heard a stranger's voice outside. So, at least initially, he did not seem to know who it was or think it was Drew.

Thanks Carla--- The perp was said somewhere sized around 5'10- 6'0 ft 200lbs

It was said Clint thought it was the boyfriend . Is he built like this? Kind of stocky? Curious. Thanks for your thoughts
Didn't LE at some point refer to it as a "home invasion"? I wonder if they thought this guy had planned to stay at their home and assault Holly, then got spooked and ended up taking her elsewhere.
Didn't LE at some point refer to it as a "home invasion"? I wonder if they thought this guy had planned to stay at their home and assault Holly, then got spooked and ended up taking her elsewhere.
The first TBI press release about the case was entitled "Missing woman feared to be victim of home invasion kidnapping" and its text referred to "a possible home invasion and abduction." It was never made clear in subsequent press releases what actually happened.

TBI has a new site but the site allows no access to the press releases. They however are archived. For 2011:
Where can I go to get caught up? I have hardly followed this case at all but would love to start- I just don't want to read through 35 threads. :) TIA!
Where can I go to get caught up? I have hardly followed this case at all but would love to start- I just don't want to read through 35 threads. :) TIA!
We know very little about this case, at least from MSM sources; LE has released next to no information and some of what it released at the start was conflicting.

The three CNN transcripts are as good of place to start as any:

Nancy Grace 20 April 2011

Jane Velez-Mitchell 13 May 2011

Jane Velez-Mitchell 04 August 2011
I notice in the JVM interview that Dana says there was other stuff found besides the lunchbox. He is the one I would like to see interviewed alone. He tends to give information; Karen doesn't. She always says she is not sure but Dana tends to enlighten us.

Why hasn't a reporter interviewed him and get some leads on this case?
Where can I go to get caught up? I have hardly followed this case at all but would love to start- I just don't want to read through 35 threads. :) TIA!

For better or worse not much new substantive info has come to light since Holly first went missing. A few small details have cropped up, but nothing earth shattering or that would change my thoughts on what happened.

Its kind of like those slow moving TV soap operas where you can watch it, go away for two years, and come back and pick up the story line again within 10 minutes.
The first TBI press release about the case was entitled "Missing woman feared to be victim of home invasion kidnapping" and its text referred to "a possible home invasion and abduction." It was never made clear in subsequent press releases what actually happened.

TBI has a new site but the site allows no access to the press releases. They however are archived. For 2011:

See, I never actually got past the initial reports: home invasion. Why was that stated? Yes, yes, sometimes the media gets it wrong....but this went on for a couple days before the headline was changed.
I think LE is hiding something...and I don't like it.
In a couple statements Clint said he heard strange voices and assumed maybe it was a utility worker or something. So at least at first he did not think it was Drew or anyone else familiar. Oddly he did not mention hearing his sister's voice. And the voices were initially coming from the yard or property. I can only assume the suspect felt Holly may be alone so he was not in a hurry to leave with her. She could have been somewhat stunned or disoriented, too, if the suspect struck her or something like that. at any rate, the two of them were in and around the garage and back yard for some time from about 7:30 to 8. That is just too long to make a lot of sense unless the suspect was comfortable in thinking Holly was alone at the time.

I wonder what would have happened if Clint did not wake up (or was not home, or whatever) that morning. Would the suspect have left with Holly before the police arrived? Did Clint somehow spook him, forcing him to change his plans and take Holly away before 8? Would the cops have rolled up on the house while they were still in the yard or garage?

Thanks Carla, you got me thinking about the voices Clint heard -

He did say voices (is that correct?).

Perhaps just his way of describing an unfamiliar voice, so can't make anything much of that.

But what intrigues me is trying to image what kind of conversation or monolog the with Holly could have had such that it did not arouse suspicion?!

By that I mean, can you picture someone inexperienced who is in the process of abducting, all pumped up with adrenaline flowing, maybe even drugs... how does he stay around for all that time, talking?

I would think the violent, control-freak, mutant nature of one who abducts would result in speech that would be anything but polite; swearing and cursing, call her names most likely.

Okay, I read about some serial killers who are calm and collect, but they are rare and experienced.

On the other hand, if the taking Holly was a deranged nutcase who was fixated upon her, wanting her for his own; then perhaps he might have been telling her how much he needs her while he's forcing her to leave with him...
Well the thing is that a good many "deranged nutcases" are actually quite charming or at least normal seeming. No one believed Ed Gein could have done the things he did (was the real life influence for Silence of the Lambs, Psycho and Texas Chainsaw Massacre). Ted Bundy could be, by most accounts, very charming and unassuming. John Wayne Gacey worked with kids and was able to get his photo taken with the then US First Lady. Its not like they are drooling maniacs you could spot a mile away. Actually the guy that assaulted my sister and I, and who murdered her, was pretty normal seeming until you got to the point you realized he was the possessive, stalker type that you couldn't get rid of.
Hi all. I haven't followed Hollys case very closely but I thought I would share..I live up in Michigan and three times now I've seen a pick up truck with a magnetic missing poster for Holly on it. Just thought it would be nice to to share, and I'm glad someone is still putting out the word in MI! :)
I'm wondering and hoping if TN LE already has a suspect charged with another murder/abduction and is waiting for all proof to come in..

I still don't understand the panic 911, other phone calls the day of the abduction

The immediate panic reaction in Karen's calls make me believe there was prior knowledge of someone stalking little Holly

If they had prior know how and aware of someone stalking Holly, then was a description/sketch made of this person? Maybe Holly did'nt really describe how the stalker looked like?

Just guessing on Clint's staements that he thought it was Holly's boyfriend with her that day

Did Clint think this because of the voices he heard and recognized the voice? Or did Clint think the physical look of the guy in camo was the boyfriend? It would be important to me if the boyfriend and the perp had totally different build/physiques

One having a stocky physique and the other maybe taller, slim/skinny physique

The immediate panic reaction in Karen's calls make me believe there was prior knowledge of someone stalking little Holly

Karen reminds of exactly the way my mom would have reacted if something similar took place with my older sister, so the way Karen acted could be the way she was about somethings, and especially anything involving her daughter.

OT: My mom was normally a very clam, easy-going person; yet very protective of my older sister - certain things could set my mom off into a panic believing something evil/bad was going to take place.
Anyone interested in reading an old story of Holly's abduction, here's the link:

More clues have surfaced in the case of a missing western Tennessee nursing student who was abducted from her home by a man wearing camouflage, but there's still no sign of the 20-year-old woman as authorities continue to look for suspects.

Searchers found a lunchbox of her's, authorities said Friday, and revealed that her brother saw blood outside of the house, though they haven't confirmed yet whether it belonged to Holly Bobo, who disappeared as she was preparing to go to classes.

She was last seen by her brother, Clint, early Wednesday morning as she walked into the woods with an unknown man. Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Special Agent John Mehr said authorities do not believe she went willingly.

"We feel she was in fear of her life, so she was complying with his commands," Mehr said.

TBI officials have said Bobo's 25-year-old brother saw his sister outside the house with a man before she was kidnapped at around 7:30 a.m. But he only saw the man from the back, and he thought he was her boyfriend.

He did not become suspicious until he went outside and saw blood. Then he called 911.

"The boyfriend is not a suspect. The brother is not a suspect," Mehr said. "We are confident of that."

The father of Bobo said he thinks whoever dragged her away from their home knew the family's daily routine.

Bobo was last seen being dragged from her house by a man dressed in camouflage during a home invasion Wednesday.

The young woman's 25-year-old brother told investigators that he saw the suspect pulling his sister across the carport at her family home in the community of Darden in Decatur County and toward a wooded area, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said.

Holly's father, Dana Bobo, said Thursday he believes the man who snatched his daughter was familiar with the family's routine, Fox 17 reports.

"The way it looks to me, myself, it might have been somebody close -- somebody that kind of new the routine of when I left, when she left and when my daughter left to go to school," he told reporters.
Here's another news story that's interesting:

nvestigators have said they believe Bobo's abductor lives in or near the 20-year-old college student's town of Parsons, Tenn.,
and have asked her neighbors to report any unusual activity or a break in peoples' routine those noticed in recent days.

The reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever abducted Holly Bobo is up to $80,000, including $50,000 from the state, which was announced by Gov. Bill Haslam last week, and a reward offered by Bobo's community.

"The person responsible for Holly's disappearance lives in the area," said Mark Gwyn, director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. "Because of the terrain, you have to know where you're going, entrances and exits. We feel the person is in the community. We're asking the community if you know someone who has changed their routine, please let us know."

Some of that key evidence includes the 20-year-old nursing student's lunch box found miles from her home. The other evidence being analyzed was found in the woman's driveway and includes blood on the ground and duct tape with blond hair stuck to it ,her cell phone and purse. .

Gwyn said it is possible Bobo's abductor led the woman to a vehicle left on a road, accessible through the woods, and drove away.
Here's a good link showing some resistance from the TBI:

The only development has been the TBI claiming that an Ohio-based group called Tactical Search and Rescue is hindering their investigation with "false leads" and "incorrect" information.

The volunteer group insists they are not interfering and that they continue to receive three to four good leads a week that are not being taken seriously by officials.

"So far the TBI has basically shot us down and called us liars," said Tony Calabrese, 46, the group's founder.

Calabrese, who previously worked in the music recording industry, started the group's website because he could relate to the family's pain. He says his own two daughters were kidnapped by a family member in 1999, and safely recovered after three days.

Calabrese believes his group has been wrongly dismissed by the police. "I don't see how anybody helping search could hinder an investigation when they're providing leads," said Calabrese. "There's no shame to law enforcement admitting to or asking for outside help."

"We are not working in cooperation or conjunction with that investigation," said TBI spokesperson Helm. "They do not have firsthand knowledge of the case."

Calabrese said he has spoken to two of Bobo's family members, but has been asked not to disclose who those relatives are. He says that her family is "very appreciative of what we're doing" and says he has never been told by them to stop what he is doing.
Reading over some of the key statements in this case, I'm having a hard time understanding one thing in particular

Clint said in his interviews that he awoke from their family dog barking that morning his sister Holly went missing

At about the same time it was reported the Bobo's neighbor heard a woman's screams that were loud enough coming from the Bobo's and promptly called 911

How is it Clint can hear the dog barking close to their home, but somehow cannot hear a woman's loud screams at the Bobo's a neighbor heard several hundred feet away ?
Well the thing is that a good many "deranged nutcases" are actually quite charming or at least normal seeming. No one believed Ed Gein could have done the things he did (was the real life influence for Silence of the Lambs, Psycho and Texas Chainsaw Massacre). Ted Bundy could be, by most accounts, very charming and unassuming. John Wayne Gacey worked with kids and was able to get his photo taken with the then US First Lady. Its not like they are drooling maniacs you could spot a mile away. Actually the guy that assaulted my sister and I, and who murdered her, was pretty normal seeming until you got to the point you realized he was the possessive, stalker type that you couldn't get rid of.

(BBM) OMG, Carla! I had no idea this happened to you and your sister. I'm so very sorry. Is there someplace where I can learn more of your story?
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