Found Safe TN - SLP, 14, Madisonville, Monroe County, 13 Jan 2019 #5 *ARRESTS*

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Thanks for that, I don't mind paying for it. I just wish it had what I wanted in there.

Ugh, I'm just depressed about all this.

The docs should be available in the morning. Also, should I post them here or am I supposed to put them in the media thread?
I know this whole thing has been devastating - I thought the 88 days of JC was awful but this shorter timespan has been equally awful personally for me - really for all of us who grew to care for this child IMO
I was saddened by the events of the day. This old heart of mine wanted soooo much for BDR to be her hero. When LE said she was "in good spirits" when found I thought for sure nothing bad had happend. SP is 14 and most girls that age are romantic and think of themselves as "practically grown up." Now we find that physical evidence shows sexual activity during the time she was with him. My fervent hope is that although we know it's rape, that perhaps he was kind and gentle with her ( to further groom her) and that she perceived it to be loving. Let her have her hero. Let her have her knight in shining armor that saved her. Let him be the light that shone in all the darkness she has known. Let her, for now believe the best of him. In time, with therapy she will come to understand it was none of that at all, but for now, let's let her have this bit of sunshine after all else she has endure. Bless you, SP. May your future be filled with love and light.
BBM - Did you guys miss this part?

Madison man heads to trial for production of child *advertiser censored* in missing Tennessee girl case
A Madison man is set to go to trial after a federal judge said Tuesday there is probable cause to charge him with production of child *advertiser censored* in connection to a missing Tennessee girl who was found in Wisconsin. The judge also ruled to detain the defendant until trial.

In court Tuesday, assistant U.S. attorney Julie Pfluger said this proves what the charges allege: Rogers asked the girl to make a video, and the video was transported across state lines. Pfluger also said she was present for a sexual assault exam in Madison, where the nurse said there was recent sexual activity and it was "not possible these are from the father."

However, Rogers’ attorney said the “intent is highly relevant.”
OMG Pommy, I am reading from the last page I read and just saw this........Oh dear Lord please tell me this isn't so??!!
One thing that struck me as odd in the document from the defense was the text from SP, "So what happens to us now, Brian?"
It made me feel that there was something going on more than a friendship. This poor girl was vulnerable, desperate, and he took advantage.
This may be why they really need to take their time in questioning her. She may be reluctant to tell all that really happened. Imo
Man charged in child exploitation case ordered to remain in jail, judge finds probable cause
Assistant U.S. Attorney Julie Pfluger said prosecutors will present the case to a grand jury on Feb. 20, and that they are considering adding another charge, taking a minor across state lines for sexual purposes. Assuming the grand jury indicts Rogers, he will be back in court for an arraignment on Feb. 21.

As she argued that Rogers should remain in custody until his trial, Pfluger said a sexual assault examination of the girl after she was found in Rogers' home noted evidence of recent sexual activity, estimated within three to five days of the exam, well within the time she was with Rogers.

Rogers' lawyer, Jonas Bednarek, hotly disputed that conclusion, saying it wasn't at all supported by the evidence.
I get absolutely NO JOY in ever being 'right' or having the very suspicions I suggested be proved by physical evidence. BR was always a predator, Occam's Razor, and if walks like duck and all.

Sadly, the point of all of this was that SP was revictimized ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!! I hope both RP and BR rot behind bars, there are no words for the depths of their depravity IMO :(

JMO <pass me some tissues, this just damn hurts>
After years of lurkdom I finally decided to sign-up. Reading your various comments and opinions is always thought provoking. As with many of you, my thoughts regarding BR and SP have been a roller coaster -- expecting the worst, hoping for the best, and now back again to expecting the worst.

One thing that seems amazing to me is how quickly SP took BR into her confidence. The e-mails released by BR's attorney were dated 12/27. In them, SP was pleading for BR's help and he was discussing her options (indicating that he was already aware of her situation.) To me they read as if they were correspondence between two people who are well acquainted -- however, it is said that SP & BR met on-line for the first time on Christmas Eve -- 12/24. It makes me wonder how he could have gained her confidence in a 3-day acquaintance -- which I suppose speaks to the level of her desperation -- but also makes me wonder how soon she first confided in him. That will probably come out in trial.

Hoping and praying for the best for SP, while knowing that it will be an uphill battle.
Welcome to WS @Unalienable Rights ! You're among friends here.

If the allegations by SP are true, she's has been controlled, and emotionally and sexually abused by her step dad, a person in position of trust, for nearly her entire life.

Based on statements by SP, and observing the televised interviews by her family, the female role model does not appear dominant or convincing - MOO.

I'm not surprised at all that SP chose an adult male to quickly befriend and confide her secret to, because she did exactly what she's been taught, groomed, and conditioned to do: Keep and share secrets with men that tell her they like her, care for her, and that she can trust them.

I believe the speed in connecting with BR was due to both the victims desperation, and the predator's approach-- BR clearly demonstrated he knew how to first befriend his prey on common ground (i.e., game room) , and second gain her trust.

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I believe CP knew RP was SA SP. What I'm not sure of is her feelings about it. Did she try to stop her husband? Did she feel he was cheating on her? Was she resentful of SP? I just can't understand keeping him in the home. Was she horrified but didn't know what to do about because he was the breadwinner? Was she abused herself?
Not trying to sleuth her, but I'm curious her reaction to all of this.
Perhaps they have so much more at the federal level they don’t need to try that charge ?
Similar to the Jayme Closs case. They have enough evidence against her perp that they decided not to charge him SA related charges for the sake of SP and her privacy. Could be the same here. IMO

ETA: Corrected SP my God I'm having actual chest pains.
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Emph. Mine

Re. the bolded bit : What if SLP does NOT want to 'be returned' to CP ? Will she be forced to ?
Is there anyone who will look out for her and the siblings ?

This just keeps getting worse for her.
I highly doubt she would be forced to if she does not want to return to her mom. They may not be in her custody for quite some time. In the mean time they should have plenty of support, including case workers, therapists, and hopefully loving foster parents. Imo
Similar to the Jayme Closs case. They have enough evidence against her perp that they decided not to charge him SA related charges for the sake of JC and her privacy. Could be the same here. IMO
I think they are going to charge him. In the JC case they have JP committing 2 murders and kidnapping. They don't need more to put him away for life.
In this case they need to show his intent for his crimes so he doesn't spin it to look like a hero instead.
According to this article (Judge finds probable cause in case of Madison man accused of child exploitation)

Pfluger also says medical testing on the girl found injuries related to sexual activity not involving her father. The prosecutor says Rogers may also be charged with transporting the girl across state lines for sex.

The bolded part - could this mean there was no semen to test? Could this be why no rape charges have been filed? They cant determine for sure who assaulted her the most recent time?
Found injuries relating to sexual activity....
This is very upsetting. Very.
As she argued that Rogers should remain in custody until his trial, Pfluger said a sexual assault examination of the girl after she was found in Rogers' home noted evidence of recent sexual activity, estimated within three to five days of the exam, well within the time she was with Rogers.
Rogers' lawyer, Jonas Bednarek, hotly disputed that conclusion, saying it wasn't at all supported by the evidence.

Man charged in child exploitation case ordered to remain in jail, judge finds probable cause

This is the first article that says the defense disputes the finding of sexual activity while held by BR. It can at least be hoped that it is an overzealous prosecution.

I tried Googling the topic of physical evidence of sexual activity and couldn't find anything directly related. I honestly don't know what they are looking for (and I really don't want to know). I assume that it means that every time a sexually active person has sexual relations, there is physical evidence that can be deduced 3-5 days later. I did not know this.
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