Trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #86

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Did it feel like everything fell into a steady rhythm? It used to like come over me at odd times when I was tying shoelaces or doing some kind of normal day to day activity .. awful state. No idea what brought it on, but I can imagine a trauma like that having a HUGE effect!!
This state is the result of your brain waves switching from beta to delta (I think). It happens to me alot (I am a really truly narcoleptic). In this state the body carries on with what is called "automatic behaviors."

I think Jodi probably was in an altered state of consciousness. HOWEVER, this was all post murder. Nothing could convince me she left Yreka that way. She pre-meditated the murder, the effect it had on her afterward is what I believe is called a RED HERRING.
years back i worked for a lcsw as her assistant. she dealt in grief and multiple personalitys and satanic cult survivers. jodis team is not even smart enough to claim she splits off. dissociates, or multiple . she may have post stress now five years latter but she was crazy then and still is now. 3 faces of eve - jodi think fast- you can use this bs too:jail:
OK I want to know how many therapists they went through. Were there many of them visiting Jodi at the same time?
Has this expert witness published articles, books, statistics, etc. of his own? He seems to rely heavily on the publications of others.
It certainly is possible JA suffers from some form of PTSD - being charged with and facing the death penalty and being incarcerated might be the contributing factors here...
This guy is all over the map and is just using random tests and parameters as he pleases. Anything but scientific.
Wilmott's voice is as annoying to me as Nurmi's. She comes across like a bimbo, and she says OKAY as often as Nurmi does :banghead:.

She kind of reminds of the chick in High School who was an extreme snob...the one on the Cheerleading Squad who was snippy with all her teachers in school (and got away with it), and thought her chit didn't stink. You know, the one who was not like THE most popular girl in school, but who sucked up and glommed onto the most popular girl in school.
Wow. What a sleaze ball. Is there an article on this somewhere. If true Juan certainly needs this information.

We need to email it, post it on HLN (all tv personalities individual sites).... I don't know of any other way to get pertinent info to the right people...
Will you guys help me if I nod off?

Ok. Here... :poke:
I have to wonder if any of Jodi's experts tested her for malingering?

Malingering = Lying
Defense team should have had copies made of everything he was going to use for exhibits. Terrible just terrible!
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