trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #152

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Who would have written that extra part on Samuels test sheet? I guess I'm not following.
Judge polls jurors on if they have seen/heard anything thru media. No hands
Recess til 9:30 Tuesday
I like these questions. I think this is a very inquisitive jury, they want to know as much information as possible. Good for them!

Agreed! If I were being asked as a juror to hand down a verdict in a case as serious as this, or any case, I'd want as much info. as possible!
Bear tiger question was stupid.

It should have asked bear verses two tigers dressed like clowns armed with a pic axe and water gun.

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Aside from the amount of questions from the jurors this time around, the biggest difference I am seeing, and please correct me if I'm mistaken, the biggest difference is Dr DM was questioned on what she actually testified to, most questions were mainly clarifications. None were directly about her relationship with the defendant. That impresses me more concerning who the jurors got more usable information from than anything else at this point.
I interpreted it differently, as if the juror was asking "isn't trauma, still trauma, no matter if it's a bear or a tiger?"

I will be much more comfortable if your interpretation is more correct.

The question is about PTSD not trauma. Triggers would be different for bear v tiger. You can't have PTSD when the bear or tiger never existed. Jodi Ann still cooling her jets at DT table while this final snide-bar is taking place?
So few questions! This is another great day for the Prosecution. Dr. D should be extremely proud of how she handled herself. She came across professional, knowledgeable and unbiased. Such a contrast from AVL.
I loved the Dr. Samuel question too.
There has been at least one "stabbed, shot, slit his throat" question from the jurors following the testimonies of JA, RS, ALV and Dr. D.
And my new favorite smart, professional expert leaves the stand, stops in front of JW, extends her hand and arm at waist level and simply drops the mike (KATHUNK)

(That is how I will be choosing to remember her exit anyway) ;)
Aside from the amount of questions from the jurors this time around, the biggest difference I am seeing, and please correct me if I'm mistaken, the biggest difference is Dr DM was questioned on what she actually testified to, most questions were mainly clarifications. None were directly about her relationship with the defendant. That impresses me more concerning who the jurors got more usable information from than anything else at this point.

and they weren't snarky questions!
Rats, I missed the juror questions. Were they good, bad or ugly???

Are the questions posted anyplace?
I went back and fixed my horrible spelling error . . you guys got me giggling though.

sorry - no offense meant . . . please forgive all spelling errors . . just trying to keep up.
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