TX - 22 killed, 26 injured at Walmart, Cielo Vista, El Paso, 3 Aug 2019 *ARREST*

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This says it all. Appears to be another loner, insult collector, that decided to hurt as many innocent souls as he could before stopped because of his own shortcomings.

Crusius wrote on his LinkedIn page in 2015 that he was not motivated to do anything other than enough to get by.

Crusius said on that page that he attended Plano High School. Plano is located near Crusius’ family home in Allen, Texas, and is about 650 miles away from El Paso. Collin County Community College confirmed he attended their school through the spring of 2019.

He wrote in the About section of the LinkedIn page, “I’m not really motivated to do anything more than what’s necessary to get by. Working in general sucks, but I guess a career in Software Development suits me well. I spend about 8 hours every day on the computer so that counts as technology experience I guess. Pretty much gonna see what technology careers present themselves; go with the wind.”

When writing about his life in high school, Crusius said that he did not participate in extracurricular activities because of “lack of freedom.” A Facebook page that shows the suspect’s face as the profile image shows no biographical information or recent postings. On that page, Crusius has three visible friends.

Leigh Ann Locascio, a former neighbor, told the Los Angeles Times Crusius spoke negatively about students who joined the school band or played sports. He often sat alone on the bus in junior high and high school. He was “very much a loner, very stand-offish” and “didn’t interact a whole lot with anyone.”

Her son, Tony Locascio, often walked to school with Crusius and his sister, but Crusius often walked ahead of them or behind them and rarely interacted.

“He wouldn’t talk to people. No one really knew him,” Tony Locascio told the Los Angeles Times.

Jacob Wilson, a former classmate, told the newspaper Crusius was “picked on” in school because of the way he spoke and because he often wore hand-me-down clothes. He described him as a “very strong minded” person who tried to “take charge in class.” He was “irritable and had a short temper,” so other students did not want to work with Crusius, he told the newspaper.

Classmates taunting Crusius seemed relentless, he said.

“Every time I looked up in class it was someone new speaking negatively to the kid, ‘Patrick that is dumb, stupid,’” Wilson said.

Patrick Crusius: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
The rest of the world have just as many “wronged” young men. We just don’t have guns. Mass shootings in the rest of the world this year:- 0

Other parts of the world have the losers using knives, cars, bombs, arson or pushing an innocent child onto train tracks like in Frankfurt, GER the other day.
Other parts of the world have the losers using knives, cars, bombs, arson or pushing an innocent child onto train tracks like in Frankfurt, GER the other day.

<modsnip - gun control discussion not allowed>

A 2 month old baby now will have to carry that burden for the rest of his life that his mother had to sacrifice her life to save his. What a horrible unnecessary burden to have to carry.
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I have a lot of catching up to do and will eventually read all overnight posts. I had to take a break from this shooting last night and was disheartened to learn this morning that there had been yet another mass shooting in Dayton, OH. Two in 24 hours, 3 in the span of one week. Shaking my head...
Right? So many of these strike me as envy murders. They can never enjoy what most people share...relationships, friendships, love... they hate people, they are so filled with rage, but they can't accept that they are the problem, so they find a "reason" to kill. Usually a movement they find online, and they join to experience belonging AND discharge all that (misdirected ) rage.

This I totally agree with. His “manifesto” means absolutely nothing. He could have picked any number of imagined causes for his crime yesterday. I doubt he really cared which one, it just gave his cowardly shooting an elevated purpose. Bottom line, from what it sounds like, for his whole life he he hated people, so he went out and killed a few.
So what did socially awkward, angry, marginalized, different misfit young men do in the 1950s? Or ‘60s or ‘70s or ‘80s? They certainly had easy access to guns. Probably easier then than now. What were they doing instead of planning and committing mass murder? What changed?

Reading a newspaper headline of a mass act of violence decades ago, didn’t inspire people like seeing wall to wall tv coverage today.

We are more connected and informed than we have ever been, and there is a downside to that.

My theory both aligns with and goes beyond this and some of the other theories articulated here.

I think it's a combination of three things:

Starting with the development of satellite uplinks in the 60s/70s, then to cable news in the 80s, then in the 90s and onward, to 24-hour online updates via social media, the ability for happenings in one location to be immediately and widely known outside the local area.

Over that same time span, a shift away from most people having a solid sense of purpose in their lives: this goes to everything from daily lives being less filled with survival-related self-reliance sort of tasks like cooking, cleaning, maintenance, repairs, and some skill to offer to their community, replaced with abstract, vague-purposed, often web-based activities, to the sense of hopelessness regarding the future, to the addicting nature of online entertainment.

Lastly I think there is a psychological pressure being applied to us all due to global overpopulation. Not direct or tangible, but something more underlying and deeper in our genetics. Maybe it connects to that lack of sense of purpose I mentioned above. I think as a whole the world had turned into a place where, while it still might be pleasant for many people, the infrastructure needed for populations (humans and otherwise) to stay truly healthy has been compromised and is crumbling. Some things, like climate change, are being talked about (though not clearly, with lots of politics added in). Other things are not spoken of at all, but are perceived by our deepest instincts. Individually, we don't know what is wrong, just that something is wrong. As an aside, I think this same situation is what triggers/allows many of the child killings we read about on WS.

Of course this is all MOO
MOO Italian-Iranian. ID'ed as white, though other white nationalists would classify him as "other."
I was referring to people blaming his "Iranian" and "radical islam" background.

I posted his grandpa's gravestone with clearly christian name and motif, and christian given names of his children and grandchildren. SWL was essentially white and christian.

It's hard to categorize mass shootings. I remember Fort Hood. Was it terrorism, a mass shooting, or workplace violence?

Despite the last 24 hours people getting gunned down by strangers in a mass shooting is still rare.

The walmart shooting in Mississippi was a disgruntled worker who targeted management - far different from El Paso.

If we just count gun violence with 3 or 4 casualties then the America leads the world in mass shooting narratives falls apart. In other parts of the world (Africa or Asia for example) mass shooting are far far more prevelant but are categorized differently.
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