TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, Fnd Deceased, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Fnd Alive, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #11

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Thank you as I had forgotten about that. So there was at least one of the friends who did have some "spidey sense" about her.

Trying to catch up...again...LOL

After the fact. Evidently not enough so that she called LE once learning HB was missing.
ETA: to be fair, Tammy also spoke of misgivings about MF, after HB was discovered. Again, not enough prior to alert LE. I’m sure she kicks her own butt daily for not saying something. Not victim blaming at all, just sayin’ since Tammy didn’t care too much for MF, she probably wishes she had steered LE to Houston on day one. Moo
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Yes agree, I am thinking because this is a complex case that LE definitely wants all their i's dotted and t's crossed for sure for an airtight case. I read that LE has 90 days to file murder charges and they haven't ruled out capital murder charges, along with taking the evidence to a Grand Jury first. (I don't know from what day the 90 days starts - probably the date of her arrest?)

There is no statute of limitations for filing NEW murder charges. Murder is one of the crimes where LE can bring NEW charges on someone whenever they have enough evidence to do so.

I think the confusion is because she has already been charged with kidnapping type charges. So once someone is charged with any crime, then for that crime's charges, certain timing rules go into affect related to a speedy trial which the Defense can elect to "waive" the speedy trial limitation.

The timing rules for her current charges remain in effect but for NEW murder charges, those can come whenever LE is ready even if years from now.

Hope this helps.

ETA - Just wanted to add that it does get real confusing because I remember seeing that article that talked about having 90 days to file charges and I believe they were referring to another rule where once someone is ARRESTED for lets say Crime #2 (murder), then I think there may be another rule that LE has to then file official murder charges within that 90 day time frame or something like that.

But so long as she has not been arrested for Murder yet, then I dont think LE has any limits currently on how long they can wait to finally charge her with murder. There is no statute of limitations for murder so those can come years down the line if needed.

I hope I have this right and I probably should have let one of our lawyer posters answer as this does get real confusing doesnt it. LOL :)
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My daughter purchased the car seat system where the base stays in the vehicle. Her husband also has the same base in his truck. Infant carrier latches into the base rear-facing and at the appropriate age, weight of the child, the booster seat goes into the same base next.

Just maybe MF had a system like this and Heidi too. I also can't see Heidi willingly get into the car without her daughter's safety first. I know we don't know what actually transpired with Heidi getting into MF's vehicle, just hoping there was a convertible car seat base installed or a car seat in place. The baby was strapped in regardless of the car driving off.
Could be. Remember, years ago car seats were not required by law. Kids traveled in vehicles with mom holding them on the seat or in some type of booster seat, many free to climb from front to back, etc. idk if MF thought to have the mandatory car seat but it is MOO that if HB thought they were staying in the complex lot she wasn’t concerned. My neighbor does farm chores, driving around hundreds of acres with a 5 mo old not in a car seat, because he is stopping every few minutes & gets the baby out with him. Moo He has had the baby with him since he was 6weeks old. Obviously if he leaves his property the kid is in the back seat properly restrained. Moo
I noticed that the 'witness' only stated the vehicle as being 'light in color', and not specifically 'grey' or 'silver'.

Considering the witness seems to have great clarity on which way the vehicle was facing, which doors the women entered into, the woman carrying the baby, the baby having been wearing a 'knit' hat, how quickly the car sped away after the women entered the vehicle, and the witness being able to identify with a stated 60-70% accuracy from a series of photos that the person she saw was MF.. it surprises me that the witness did not state what color the vehicle was. Yet the vehicle was the largest thing to be seen.

It makes me wonder if it's possible that the witness's sighting may have been some other set of people. Police have this report from a witness which they can put into evidence, however it's not 100% that these were the same people. This witness was the only thing that witnessed HB getting into MF's vehicle (and willingly). Although a similar vehicle to MF's was caught on security footage, the actual pickup was not recorded.

To me, it doesn't make sense that MF got into the front passenger seat rather than the driver's seat. I suppose that had it been another set of people doing this pickup of mom-and-baby however, they would've come forward to say it was them that were seen... as long as they had been following the news, etc. Just bugs me that the witness did not elaborate as to color of vehicle, when other much much much smaller items were identified (saw enough to know that the cap was a knit cap the baby was wearing). jmo.
Fiance of woman killed in alleged baby-stealing plot says he’s still ‘waiting to hear her voice’

I want to look at her straight in the eyes and ask her why?” Carey said of Fieramusca. “That’s all I want to say. There’s no reason for any of this. I believe somebody talked her into it. I mean, from knowing Magen, I would never imagine it.”

“I don’t know what happened. … Heidi is way stronger than Magen. There has to be a second person. There is no way Magen was by herself,” he added.
It gives me goosebumps to read his words....especially those bbm.

I am sitting back and imagining how manipulative and how great of an actress MF must have been to pull this off. A pathological liar of the worst possible kind. What a toxic person she is!

Over the course of 9 plus months, she convinced her 'best friend', her 'best friend's' fiance and her ex-boyfriend (three people who have to be pretty darn close to her) and possibly countless others, that she was pregnant and gave birth. If she had a co-conspirator for the entire 9 months, then her electronic footprint will indicate this.

Just playing 'devils advocate' for a moment, I will say that anyone who is capable of the level of deception that MF demonstrated, is also very likely capable of committing this heinous act all on her own. Again, I think that there will be electronic evidence such as google searches and such that will end up providing the gist of what she did/used to trick Heidi and whether or not someone willingly participated in the abduction and murder.

I believe that CG will be filling in many blanks for LE in the upcoming weeks. His testimony will become very important if/when this goes to trial.
I would love to know if MF had told CG that she was pregnant prior to that dinner she had with HB and the other girlfriends back in March when HB announced her pregnancy. This will help point to just how pre-meditated this crime really was.

The fact that HB and SC reconciled after HB got pregnant likely gave MF the idea that she and CG could also reconcile if a new pregnancy was announced. Her plan may have been spontaneously hatched right then and there right after Heidi announced her news. (If I have the timing right, MF and CG's relationship ended first and then the 'pregnancy' was announced within weeks.)

Maybe in the beginning, it didn't involve taking MC, but as the course of time went on, MF may have become fixated on HB's pregnancy to the point of obsession. She may have wanted what HB had, and literally 'flipped a switch' and decided as the months went by that MC was going to be hers at any cost.

There are so many victims here. It is truly tragic. :(

I had wondered from the start if when MF picked up HB that morning, she simply said something like, 'hey let's go to Starbucks, I'll buy'. On further reflection however, if HB believed that MF had given birth to her own baby back 3 or 4 days earlier, she'd surely be wondering where that baby was. So maybe not something like Starbucks, and instead, perhaps something like.. I'm in town visiting my friend, so-and-so, and she's looking after Luna-Mae.. so come with me quickly and see my new baby!

I think for sure that MF did have an infant car-seat in her vehicle - remember 'Medic 10' was seen to have one of the workers enter the vehicle carrying an infant carrier?

So... if HB got into the rear seat of MF's vehicle, (it seems to me that it's a fairly small vehicle??), she could've just put Margo into it, strapped her in, etc., while MF got on her way. Wherever they went to, whichever ruse MF had used to lure HB into taking a quick drive, I'm picturing MF getting out, opening the door for HB, HB turns her back while she bends over to unlatch Margo from MF's carseat/carrier, and while she's facing the baby-seat in the opposite direction of MF holding the door open, MF strangles her with an item.. whether it was a belt, a rope, her string from her sweatshirt, whatever.. and just kept pulling it tightly until HB was gonner.

Maybe she had said she had another friend in the area who lived more 'off the beaten track', and that gave privacy so nobody would see or have cameras..

Then later, maybe in the privacy of her own back yard, MF takes Margo into her house with the whole carseat and carrier, brings out or otherwise puts the 'duffel bag' onto the back seat on the driver's side (or opposite side than the side HB is on), unzips it, rolls HB into it, zips it up. Stay with me here.. I looked up whether the Nissan Versa has fold-down seats.. I found this youtube which is about a 2014 Versa (assuming 2015 would be similar), but seems the one side of the rear seat is larger, both sides fold down and give direct access straight into the trunk. All MF would need to do at that point, would be to roll that duffel bag into the trunk portion, put the rear seat back in place, keep the vehicle hidden there, and voila. To me, this is how this scenario could have transpired with only MF and no other assistance. jmo.

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Hmm I thought he always worked with LE? This dispute came up in the Aniah Blanchard case too. Heck if I know. But since I missed when and where he was called in i’ll Take your word for it. Thanks!

You're correct. When they're doing search and recovery that's explicitly at the request of LE. In this case he was kind of on stand by because he was contacted by Ty Carey and LE didn't have a need for his services. Ty was being proactive and may not have known the protocol between Tim and LE. As a result, Tim got busy talking to Heidi's friends, though it never got to point of being called by LE to help in a search.
Forgive me if this has already been discussed but I am at work and can't read back through all the threads.

MF had a key to their apartment??! Is it possible she was waiting in the apartment after HB returned from the school? Has LE checked the apartment for blood clean up or anything weird?

ETA: Yes, I know someone reported seeing HB with the baby getting into MF's car but I wonder what happened before that. Did MF confront her in the apartment, threaten her other child, or do something to make HB go with her?
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It gives me goosebumps to read his words....especially those bbm.

I am sitting back and imagining how manipulative and how great of an actress MF must have been to pull this off. A pathological liar of the worst possible kind. What a toxic person she is!

Over the course of 9 plus months, she convinced her 'best friend', her 'best friend's' fiance and her ex-boyfriend (three people who have to be pretty darn close to her) and possibly countless others, that she was pregnant and gave birth. If she had a co-conspirator for the entire 9 months, then her electronic footprint will indicate this.

Just playing 'devils advocate' for a moment, I will say that anyone who is capable of the level of deception that MF demonstrated, is also very likely capable of committing this heinous act all on her own. Again, I think that there will be electronic evidence such as google searches and such that will end up providing the gist of what she did/used to trick Heidi and whether or not someone willingly participated in the abduction and murder.

I believe that CG will be filling in many blanks for LE in the upcoming weeks. His testimony will become very important if/when this goes to trial.
I would love to know if MF had told CG that she was pregnant prior to that dinner she had with HB and the other girlfriends back in March when HB announced her pregnancy. This will help point to just how pre-meditated this crime really was.

The fact that HB and SC reconciled after HB got pregnant likely gave MF the idea that she and CG could also reconcile if a new pregnancy was announced. Her plan may have been spontaneously hatched right then and there right after Heidi announced her news. (If I have the timing right, MF and CG's relationship ended first and then the 'pregnancy' was announced within weeks.)

Maybe in the beginning, it didn't involve taking MC, but as the course of time went on, MF may have become fixated on HB's pregnancy to the point of obsession. She may have wanted what HB had, and literally 'flipped a switch' and decided as the months went by that MC was going to be hers at any cost.

There are so many victims here. It is truly tragic. :(


if I’m not mistaken HB & MF both announced their pregnancies the same evening in May.
And I agree, HB might have said “Im getting back together with SC” & then & there MF decided she was also pregnant. Then, did she live it? Apparently, to the pint of attending doc appts with HB, the registry & advising CG he was soon to be a father. Like you, idk if she planned immediately to kill Heidi & kidnap her baby but as time wore on, she had to find a baby.

*slightly off topic, not sure if we have a thread, I caught a snippet of news about a Lubbock father charged with murder (iirc) for killing his beautiful 10 mo daughter by carrying her in a backpack. I immediately thought if MF wanted a baby, she could have found a legit way. Yeah, it would not have been CG’s, so a baby is not what she wanted. It was all about MF & her jobless, almost homeless state. Moo
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It gives me goosebumps to read his words....especially those bbm.

I am sitting back and imagining how manipulative and how great of an actress MF must have been to pull this off. A pathological liar of the worst possible kind. What a toxic person she is!

Over the course of 9 plus months, she convinced her 'best friend', her 'best friend's' fiance and her ex-boyfriend (three people who have to be pretty darn close to her) and possibly countless others, that she was pregnant and gave birth. If she had a co-conspirator for the entire 9 months, then her electronic footprint will indicate this.

Just playing 'devils advocate' for a moment, I will say that anyone who is capable of the level of deception that MF demonstrated, is also very likely capable of committing this heinous act all on her own. Again, I think that there will be electronic evidence such as google searches and such that will end up providing the gist of what she did/used to trick Heidi and whether or not someone willingly participated in the abduction and murder.

I believe that CG will be filling in many blanks for LE in the upcoming weeks. His testimony will become very important if/when this goes to trial.
I would love to know if MF had told CG that she was pregnant prior to that dinner she had with HB and the other girlfriends back in March when HB announced her pregnancy. This will help point to just how pre-meditated this crime really was.

The fact that HB and SC reconciled after HB got pregnant likely gave MF the idea that she and CG could also reconcile if a new pregnancy was announced. Her plan may have been spontaneously hatched right then and there right after Heidi announced her news. (If I have the timing right, MF and CG's relationship ended first and then the 'pregnancy' was announced within weeks.)

Maybe in the beginning, it didn't involve taking MC, but as the course of time went on, MF may have become fixated on HB's pregnancy to the point of obsession. She may have wanted what HB had, and literally 'flipped a switch' and decided as the months went by that MC was going to be hers at any cost.

There are so many victims here. It is truly tragic. :(


Very well said. I was literally nodding my head as I read.
Are my eyes playing tricks, but can you plainly see in the first part of the video it shows MF's car with the gate open. And can you see space on either side of the car going either into or out of the gate. Indicating it would fit thru the gate. I'm just asking for an opinion or clarification.

Thanks for your comments. I have seen all those reports, but I had never seen this particular video and it appears to me the gate was open and the car was in the opening. I was asking if it appeared that way to anyone else. Did you see what I was referring to when you watched the video? I'm just asking for my clarity. ty
In the video referenced ( Exclusive: Father on death of fiance killed in alleged baby theft plot ), at the 00:56 to 00:58 mark, you can still see the gate shut from each side. At the 1:01 mark, it is the car from the back yard backed up to the gate, but isn't showing the gate.

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Fiance of woman killed in alleged baby-stealing plot says he’s still ‘waiting to hear her voice’

“I want to look at her straight in the eyes and ask her why?” Carey said of Fieramusca. “That’s all I want to say. There’s no reason for any of this. I believe somebody talked her into it. I mean, from knowing Magen, I would never imagine it.”

“I don’t know what happened. … Heidi is way stronger than Magen. There has to be a second person. There is no way Magen was by herself,” he added.

Poor Shane. He can't wrap his head around this (understandably). He asks "why?" like we all do and I'm betting he's not familiar with psychology and personality disorders (most people aren't). It's there that you get the answers about "why" and it's so alien to normal people that it can take years to process the reality of the truth that there are these things who live among us and seem human but are something entirely different.


God bless them.
if I’m not mistaken HB & MF both announced their pregnancies the same evening in May.
And I agree, HB might have said “Im getting back together with SC” & then & there MF decided she was also pregnant. Then, did she live it? Apparently, to the pint of attending doc appts with HB, the registry & advising CG he was soon to be a father. Like you, idk if she planned immediately to kill Heidi & kidnap her baby but as time wore on, she had to find a baby.

*slightly off topic, not sure if we have a thread, I caught a snippet of news about a Lubbock father charged with murder (iirc) for killing his beautiful 10 mo daughter by carrying her in a backpack. I immediately thought if MF wanted a baby, she could have found a legit way. Yeah, it would not have been CG’s, so a baby is not what she wanted. It was all about MF & her jobless, almost home
Es State, imo.
Was it though?
Was she incapable of making a living?
Did she really care for CG?
Could it be something else entirely? Something that none of us have thought of yet?
She was capable of running a car, getting from A to B, hardly catatonic.
She was possible capable of killing Heidi and keeping her baby.
All CG had to do was a paternity test and that would have been over for her..

It is not inconceivable (no pun intended) that she had actually sustained a full pregnancy herself but had either lost tragically or otherwise disposed of her own baby? Or sold it.
Shane asks 'WHY???'
He doesn't even know and he knows her well.
She was in receipt of food stamps, many are. She was not 'alone-in-the-world' though. She had family, at least, she had run a couple of businesses, apparently successfully.
She reminds me so very much of Lisa Snyder, it's almost uncanny, down to her physical appearance...
This is one weird lady indeed.
I noticed that the 'witness' only stated the vehicle as being 'light in color', and not specifically 'grey' or 'silver'.

Considering the witness seems to have great clarity on which way the vehicle was facing, which doors the women entered into, the woman carrying the baby, the baby having been wearing a 'knit' hat, how quickly the car sped away after the women entered the vehicle, and the witness being able to identify with a stated 60-70% accuracy from a series of photos that the person she saw was MF.. it surprises me that the witness did not state what color the vehicle was. Yet the vehicle was the largest thing to be seen.

It makes me wonder if it's possible that the witness's sighting may have been some other set of people. Police have this report from a witness which they can put into evidence, however it's not 100% that these were the same people. This witness was the only thing that witnessed HB getting into MF's vehicle (and willingly). Although a similar vehicle to MF's was caught on security footage, the actual pickup was not recorded.

To me, it doesn't make sense that MF got into the front passenger seat rather than the driver's seat. I suppose that had it been another set of people doing this pickup of mom-and-baby however, they would've come forward to say it was them that were seen... as long as they had been following the news, etc. Just bugs me that the witness did not elaborate as to color of vehicle, when other much much much smaller items were identified (saw enough to know that the cap was a knit cap the baby was wearing). jmo.
Is the video cam in color? I don't have one, but I know they used to be black and white...
Just throwing out ideas... (total speculation)

MF is parked, stalking, waiting for HB to appear in parking lot. She sees HB, hops out of car. HB sees her, surprised, “Omg, what are you doing here?!” MF produces some lie such as, “I was trying to surprise you that I was in town today but Luna turned blue in the car and CG is with her at the ER now. She’s doing better but I need my best friend, I’m freaking out, it’s so scary. I forgot my phone can I borrow yours to call CG and check in?”
HB being the friend she is would hand over phone and hop in no questions asked.

yeah, it’s not perfect, just spitballing here
Was it though?
Was she incapable of making a living?
Did she really care for CG?
Could it be something else entirely? Something that none of us have thought of yet?
She was capable of running a car, getting from A to B, hardly catatonic.
She was possible capable of killing Heidi and keeping her baby.
All CG had to do was a paternity test and that would have been over for her..

it appears she has not worked for quite some time, idk with her existing record from the theft charges if she could find work. Where I live, a criminal can find jobs. She had no kids, she could have worked two jobs, if necessary. I have no idea if she cares for CG. I’m guessing she was comfie in his house & their relationship before it turned to landlord/squatter. Jmo. I think she took CG for all she could over the course of her faux pregnancy, got lazy & preferred to remain with him, hoping he would one day reunite with her. Like HB/SC. Break up & get back together. I do consider MF highly jealous of HB only because HB was in a relationship. Other than HB having kid/s idk why MF would have been jealous. MF was living in a house, didn’t work or have to get up early to drive kids to school, etc. so yeah, I def think MF wanted to be in a relationship. Moo

@Lillymac a friend that owns a biz can view his cam footage in color. I see more B/W personally. Moo
Hmmmmm. I'm wonder if there's connection between MF and the other guy claiming he could be Margo's dad. Seriously we have two non Bio people who claim parentage of Margo. Both have pointed fingers directly at Shane,and said horrible things about Shane. MOO

I have found it super interesting as well that there are two people in this brand new baby's life that wanted to claim her as their own. It's odd.

But (since paternity is established) would be the motive for someone claiming parentage to conspire with MF and murder Heidi? It doesn't make sense to me. All you have to do is wait for a paternity test everyone in America knew had been ordered. And his interests seem at odds with hurting Heidi IMO.

I went to a movie with a long time friend today - a friendship of just slightly longer than MF & HB. We agree on one thing - there would not need to be a ruse or trick for either of us to get into each other's cars under any circumstances. To me, that seems to be the easiest part of this insane plan.
There is no statute of limitations for filing NEW murder charges. Murder is one of the crimes where LE can bring NEW charges on someone whenever they have enough evidence to do so.

I think the confusion is because she has already been charged with kidnapping type charges. So once someone is charged with any crime, then for that crime's charges, certain timing rules go into affect related to a speedy trial which the Defense can elect to "waive" the speedy trial limitation.

The timing rules for her current charges remain in effect but for NEW murder charges, those can come whenever LE is ready even if years from now.

Hope this helps.

ETA - Just wanted to add that it does get real confusing because I remember seeing that article that talked about having 90 days to file charges and I believe they were referring to another rule where once someone is ARRESTED for lets say Crime #2 (murder), then I think there may be another rule that LE has to then file official murder charges within that 90 day time frame or something like that.

But so long as she has not been arrested for Murder yet, then I dont think LE has any limits currently on how long they can wait to finally charge her with murder. There is no statute of limitations for murder so those can come years down the line if needed.

I hope I have this right and I probably should have let one of our lawyer posters answer as this does get real confusing doesnt it. LOL :)
Thanks for the clarification Hatfield!
Ex-boyfriend of woman who 'killed best friend Heidi Broussard' is seen for the first time | Daily Mail Online

The boyfriend of Heidi Broussard's alleged kidnapper has left the home where the Austin mom's body was found and moved in with his mother, DailyMailTV can disclose.

Businessman Christopher Green, 33, ended a two-year relationship with Magen Fieramusca in March 2019 but continued to share a property with her in Jersey Village, just outside Houston.

He initially thought Heidi's month-old baby Margot was his child, after Fieramusca faked a pregnancy and told him she had given birth while he was away on a business trip.

But after law enforcement cornered him buying baby formula at a nearby Target and showed him a photo of Margot and Heidi, he identified her as the child at his home – telling cops: 'That's the baby at my house'.

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