Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #7

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There is a reason that the times for the flight are not being communicated. IMO, its because it was later in the day....which ends the story line of sneaking in a child.
This would assume her friend was taking her directly to the airport and we don't know that. It could be the flight was 5 or 6 hours later and they were going to do other things beforehand. I will agree that much is being kept from the public for a reason, but we can only speculate on a lot of it. My opinion.
I think there is the possibility that Maleah was brought home for a reason. Part of "one of my theories" is she was going to stay with family for the trip and not DV. Maybe BB and DV are the only ones that are on the pick up card at the daycare so she was going to be dropped off by BB and the friend to family (grandma?) sometime before the flight. This not only makes sense, it's what I would do. This of course, implies that a lot of people are lying... My opinion.
Aren’t daycare teachers and staff mandatory reporters? If the saw signs of abuse they are required to report it. I’d also like to hear from the daycare staff and other people outside the family about what they observed. As you said, we’ll just have to wait until the truth comes out.

I also think it’s odd that there are no pictures of her with the helmet. Maybe she was required to wear it after the first surgery last August, but not after the second surgery this year?

Yes, they are mandated reporters. However, Texas is a mandated state, so everyone is supposed to report. But those in mandated reporting positions, teachers/daycare/doctors/etc the consequences of not reporting even a suspicion of abuse/neglect are much greater. From a fine all the way to loss of a license and/or confinement

IIRC the lady from the daycare that did the news interview, maybe the administrator, stated that Maleah wasn’t allowed to play outside bc of her head injury. IMO it was probably outside play with helmet or not at all if no helmet. My guess would be the helmet wasn’t at daycare (bc her parents obviously didn’t make her wear it) and the daycare staff wanted to follow doctors orders. Just pure speculation on my part, I feel like daycare was probably one of the only sources of consistency and nurturing Maleah had. Which absolutely breaks my heart to think about. Every child deserves a normal nurturing childhood, I know not all get that and that’s a shame. But most don’t get the that Maleah ended up with. :(
This would assume her friend was taking her directly to the airport and we don't know that. It could be the flight was 5 or 6 hours later and they were going to do other things beforehand. I will agree that much is being kept from the public for a reason, but we can only speculate on a lot of it. My opinion.

<modsnip: discussing social media not allowed> But I was about to post asking if anyone had seen anything in MMS about verified flight info. So, thanks.
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Perhaps the day care turned Maleah and DV away the morning of April 30 because she did not have her helmet. This would explain why he left one child there but returned home with Maleah. This would cause BB to become upset because Maleah being home might interfere with both BB's timing to leave for the airport, and for DV to go to work that day. IMO.
I don't know much either, other than what I have seen, but I'm assuming they rent since they live in a city, but I guess it's possible someone may own a home they could borrow against.
It just seems they are more the "blue collar" type.

Same here but there is one rich great uncle that I have never been close to I would run to and make nice with :) Just kidding. Yes, he is still in jail so it appears bail may be an issue.
Perhaps the day care turned Maleah and DV away the morning of April 30 because she did not have her helmet. This would explain why he left one child there but returned home with Maleah. This would cause BB to become upset because Maleah being home might interfere with both BB's timing to leave for the airport, and for DV to go to work that day. IMO.
She wasn't in daycare on the 29th either.
Yes, I was curious about statistics so I checked to see how many child abuse related deaths there have been lately in the US.

There were 1,720 in 2017.

In 2018, Texas reported 211 cases which was a 22.7% increase from the year before.

Texas and Indiana had the highest increase in child abuse related deaths.

Goodness, that’s heartbreaking. I can imagine a person panicking and trying to cover up a death caused in this manner, especially when there are other children in the family who they would risk losing.

MOO, of course.
QX is a PR person and uses words that are “impactful”, even if they aren’t literally correct. IMO he is saying that DV lied - he brought Maleah back to the apartment but told BB that he was dropping her at daycare. DV might of thought that BB had already left for the airport when he brought Maleah back, so he didn’t feel the need to physically hide her return and just casually walked to the door with her trailing behind.

This is not defending BB or QX, just noting that his words shouldn’t be taken so literally. Hopefully there will be more arrests soon and we’ll find out what really happened that day. I’m sure there are a lot more videos that we haven’t seen.

Praying that Maleah is found soon and justice will be served.
that’s exactly what makes me so angry. When you say it in court or on a police report you don’t get the luxury of not being taken literally. He needs to chose appropriate words. It’s not a joke or a PR tour. There’s a missing 4 year old and she’s likely no longer alive IMO. I understand exactly what he is and what he is doing and it’s disgraceful. JMO
At first I thought maybe she was sick and was not given medical attention. DV may have text BB and told her MD was ill. Still no medical attention. As a result she died in DV care.lMO.

It's possible. But with the things BB said via QX, and the past injuries, I think death by abuse is more likely than death from a neglected illness.

Surveillance shows Maleah walking upright into the home. She never emerged. I don't think she was sick at all.
Perhaps the day care turned Maleah and DV away the morning of April 30 because she did not have her helmet. This would explain why he left one child there but returned home with Maleah. This would cause BB to become upset because Maleah being home might interfere with both BB's timing to leave for the airport, and for DV to go to work that day. IMO.

IMO, I feel like that would be something the daycare employee would’ve said in the interview. Especially knowing that everyone is trying to confirm the last time she was seen alive. Maybe not.
It's possible. But with the things BB said via QX, and the past injuries, I think death by abuse is more likely than death from a neglected illness.

Surveillance shows Maleah walking upright into the home. She never emerged. I don't think she was sick at all.
I agree; I think the reference in the early reports about the so-called abduction that said Maleah "has been sick this week" are fiction based on a lie DV had been telling to CD when he wanted to see Maleah at the time he picked up his son and possibly also daycare when she did not attend that week. I think he just added it to what he told police as part of his narrative.
@gitana1. I would think that QX could be stopped from "investigating" :rolleyes:. Isn't he somewhat impeding or hampering an investigation? IMO, he is.

He can't be stopped. We have the first amendment protecting our rights to speech. People can choose whether they reveal info to him. Like BB.

I don't think he is hindering or impeding the investigation. He is helping to incriminate his client. But since he's not an attorney that's his right.

I'm betting LE is hanging on his every word. They probably aren't happy that certian info is coming out through this guy but they're probably very interested in other things he's revealed that apparently BB had not told investigators about.

I do expect her to be charged with somehing.
About the video... We know DV carried out the basket and we know cadaver dogs hit on the basket, so it would appear he is at minimum, guilty of what he has been charged with. The thing that gets me is many of us assume there is more video, and if BB is on video in a way that implicates her, would the media have her on their shows as a victim or a grieving mother? They have seen the video, it was them that released the clips.
What will be interesting is the video of DV leaving with TWO kids to go to daycare and not just one right? Knowing there is ample video of the entrance to the apartment, all of the unseen parts that paint the picture make me curiouser and curiouser.

Yeah, my question is - if BB was home when he took the brother to daycare, why did Maleah go with him at all??

ETA - That does lend to him "sneaking" Maleah back in but he's walking so far ahead of her it doesn't look like sneaking to me. I just don't understand any of this or how/why anyone would murder a quiet and innocent 4 year old
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