UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #21

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What if the bin lorry weight was not calculated correctly by the weighing mechanism and although it may show as being a heavy load even in the raw data, it was actually much lighter? In the time between then and when SP inspected the lorry, it could have been re-calibrated and any fault rectified.

Something that is niggling in the back of my mind is that, in the early days, SP hadn't collected the private CCTV from a lady who iirc said that she heard some noise of more than one person and so she switched her cctv on to see what the noise was. Backing this up, was the bin lorry man who also heard the people and saw them in the car park at the rear of Cornhill shopping centre, but it turned out to be the teenagers that were caught on camera further along and the cctv from other cameras was put out to identify them, but we never saw the lady's cctv. I also recall, that that was the only cctv in the SB area as apparently, at that time, the cctv at the rear of the Cornhill shopping centre was not on because the place was empty or the owner had sold it or whatever and people living in SB backed that up too. Naturally, the local council would not want people to think that their cctv coverage was a bit hit and miss, having spent a lot of taxpayers money on it and so it was hushed up. Hence why, the bin lorry is known to be the first vehicle in the HS, but that doesn't mean that no others were there before or that there weren't any in SB already parked up in the loading bay there, or that some others had been and gone.

The searching of the LF was asked for a long time back, and when it didn't happen, a petition was got up and ended up in parliament somehow when it was then said by ministers that basically money was no object in finding C, and so then LF search was soon after announced.

This is what I recall, but I don't guarantee that it is 100% correct, as there has been so much nitty gritty constantly changing throughout this case and so many things that don't add up.

IMO C could have easily just walked out of the HS, coincidentally while the Greenwood's camera was facing the other way, and got a lift somewhere. If he went to a party or some kind of meet where he was enjoying himself in whatever way and then something happened to him unintentionally and he is deceased, then surely that is the best we could hope for. If it were circumstances where it was intentional, then that is a very different matter and I would hope whoever did it gets the full force of the law.

If, he intentionally, either at the time or later, disappeared of his own accord due to all the pressures upon him, then I can understand that and why after all the media circus, he may not wish to be found. Still nagging in my mind is the man who was found in Norfolk soon after C disappeared but did not wish for anyone to be told who or where he was.


The petition was rejected:

"Why was this petition rejected?
It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not responsible for.
This would be an operational decision for the police, not the UK Government or Parliament."
The petition was rejected:

"Why was this petition rejected?
It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not responsible for.
This would be an operational decision for the police, not the UK Government or Parliament."
Yes, but somehow it got the attention of parliament leading to more money being available.
This is awful:

I really don't see how making this public can possibly help.

Me neither Reallyodd. Thanks for that link. Dear, oh dear. I assume this statement comes from sheer frustration, and do understand both parents are going through the most horrendous time. C is their son, but so sad when such a trauma divides a family.

IMO Martin M has shown great dignity throughout, and has done his best to support SP as well. Us outsiders only really have statements by parents (occasional police updates of course) and I sometime feel as if we are almost being asked to take sides.:(
Me neither Reallyodd. Thanks for that link. Dear, oh dear. I assume this statement comes from sheer frustration, and do understand both parents are going through the most horrendous time. C is their son, but so sad when such a trauma divides a family.

IMO Martin M has shown great dignity throughout, and has done his best to support SP as well. Us outsiders only really have statements by parents (occasional police updates of course) and I sometime feel as if we are almost being asked to take sides.:(
Yes it does seem like that and at times it seems like were watching a tennis match, going from one to the other with counter shots. I can understand both of them in what they've said and done, but it is such a shame they can't work together for their son, even if they don't agree on everything.

To me, it appears that there is a general lack of evidence to support any theory, other than the bin lorry and even that seems rather flimsy and a last resort. However, I still don't think the answer lies with that.
This is awful:

I really don't see how making this public can possibly help.
I see this as though M is distancing himself from N and the whole crowd funding stuff etc etc. I wonder if M has found out something that makes him want to distance himself so very publicly. Maybe questions about the whole sm aspect of this case are now being asked?

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I see this as though M is distancing himself from N and the whole crowd funding stuff etc etc. I wonder if M has found out something that makes him want to distance himself so very publicly. Maybe questions about the whole sm aspect of this case are now being asked?

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IIRC Martin did criticise the crowd funding etc some time ago, he was obviously uncomfortable with it.
Just awful really that now the discussion becomes about the parents when it is Corrie that is missing - it changes the dynamics in the public eye imo.
IIRC Martin did criticise the crowd funding etc some time ago, he was obviously uncomfortable with it.
Just awful really that now the discussion becomes about the parents when it is Corrie that is missing - it changes the dynamics in the public eye imo.
Yeah this article is basically stuff he has said before, which I think is good in a way as his story hasn't changed. It is sad that focus is shifting to the parents. At least it keeps the sort in terms public eye I suppose x

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This is awful:

I really don't see how making this public can possibly help.
Most of this stuff has been put out previously in bits and pieces. The new stuff is that SP said there was no evidence for the searches N organized which is a mystery to me why or how those locations were chosen in that case. The fact C knew about the baby was withheld from MM and I wonder if it was withheld from SP as well? That would be serious as it could have been relevant to his state of mind. It does make me doubt the approach by N and the reason for the cover ups. As MM states, C was no saint and certainly was not single or happy, but was being treated for depression. N's actions and her anger and criticism of the police have been completely unwarranted IMO.
Most of this stuff has been put out previously in bits and pieces. The new stuff is that SP said there was no evidence for the searches N organized which is a mystery to me why or how those locations were chosen in that case. The fact C knew about the baby was withheld from MM and I wonder if it was withheld from SP as well? That would be serious as it could have been relevant to his state of mind. It does make me doubt the approach by N and the reason for the cover ups. As MM states, C was no saint and certainly was not single or happy, but was being treated for depression. N's actions and her anger and criticism of the police have been completely unwarranted IMO.
The locations of the searches appear to have been along the route that was probably taken to BM and that was when the BL was out of favour. I think there were also some searches in the other direction on routes he could have walked back to Honnington if given a lift part of the way. The police had already done some searches as had Sulsar and I guess N's searches may have been covering areas nearby to what SP had already done. Iirc, MM was told about the baby as soon as he had a meeting with N soon after it was made an offical misper case. MM was also out of the country at the time C went missing, so I guess that was the first proper opportunity for him to be told. I can understand why she has always wanted to do things, such as searches. When one of my sons went missing, I wanted to go out and look for him myself, but I couldn't as i had two young ones to look after. Fortunately, the police found him fairly quickly and brought him home.

I'm sitting here by the net in watching the tennis match between the two parents.
The locations of the searches appear to have been along the route that was probably taken to BM and that was when the BL was out of favour. I think there were also some searches in the other direction on routes he could have walked back to Honnington if given a lift part of the way. The police had already done some searches as had Sulsar and I guess N's searches may have been covering areas nearby to what SP had already done. Iirc, MM was told about the baby as soon as he had a meeting with N soon after it was made an offical misper case. MM was also out of the country at the time C went missing, so I guess that was the first proper opportunity for him to be told. I can understand why she has always wanted to do things, such as searches. When one of my sons went missing, I wanted to go out and look for him myself, but I couldn't as i had two young ones to look after. Fortunately, the police found him fairly quickly and brought him home.

I'm sitting here by the net in watching the tennis match between the two parents.
Sorry to here about your son x glad he is home safe x

I'm on the fence with N and M too. Different people handle things differently I suppose x

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Sorry to here about your son x glad he is home safe x

I'm on the fence with N and M too. Different people handle things differently I suppose x

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Of course but I have never understood N's constant criticism of SP. Especially with their early searching and the tracing and interviewing of witnesses and now the last three months of landfill preparations and search. I think the bad feeling between MM and NU was already there before C disappeared and now has just escalated due to the difficult situation and differing opinions. It's a dreadful situation that's for sure and cannot possibly help either of them.
How long til the "Team Nicola" / "Team Martin" t-shirts are on sale?

I think M did a bad thing with this interview. We knew his feelings and reiterating it won't help.
Of course but I have never understood N's constant criticism of SP. Especially with their early searching and the tracing and interviewing of witnesses and now the last three months of landfill preparations and search. I think the bad feeling between MM and NU was already there before C disappeared and now has just escalated due to the difficult situation and differing opinions. It's a dreadful situation that's for sure and cannot possibly help either of them.

i agree I have never understood N's constant criticism of sp, I think that martins statement is a good thing we now know that he was on antidepressants, how would they mix with drinking to much alcohol, the most interesting thing is that he knew about the baby only a few days before,
How long til the "Team Nicola" / "Team Martin" t-shirts are on sale?

I think M did a bad thing with this interview. We knew his feelings and reiterating it won't help.

If he feels it has harmed the investigation he has every right to speak out. Its a pity he didn't say it earlier like the 28th September when N told him that C's girlfriend was pregnant and that C knew about that the weekend before he disappeared. I just feel everyone including SP have been misled. It's not about MM and NU it's about a missing young man. By hiding these facts it has only hindered the early investigation IMO.
How long til the "Team Nicola" / "Team Martin" t-shirts are on sale?

I think M did a bad thing with this interview. We knew his feelings and reiterating it won't help.

The Dad has spoken the truth, so what's wrong with that? <modsnip>
I think it's very common for each parent to have different ideas as to how an investigation should proceed, and in many cases they're married and it can lead to future divorce.

We don't know all the details of why Sulsar decided to search in those places, but I don't think they were out there for fun or to provide 'tragic' images to get publicity for Nicola's ego.

We don't know if the police conference was quite ad hoc and there simply wasn't time to get Martin and Trisha down from Scotland to participate. And ever since then they've both had very different ideas about things like social media. Sure I think the wrist bands are 'silly'? But I can see that all that public support is helping Nicola, so I don't hate her for it, and it helped members of the public feel more for Corrie, and I do think the public interest has helped in getting newspaper stories written, TV interviews, and even getting Corrie's name brought up in parliament with politicians saying the police should spend whatever it takes to find Corrie...when funding is limited that can only be a good thing.

I think the Mail were adding in a lot of things from prior interviews and it probably wasn't Martin reiterating all his earlier criticisms, so the Mail have made the article look worse than it needed to. I dislike that Martin and Nicola and Martin and his sons are apparently not communicating and supporting each other effectively through this, but at the end of the day that is their problem and a side issue to the main issue: Corrie being missing and needing to be found and discover what actually happened.

We've been told Nicola didn't hold back the pregnancy or the dating/sex sites from the police, only from the public. It's the police that matter most for info like that.

I do wonder, though, the police had that press conference with Nicola, Mackeyan and Darroch, but never did another like that. Why not? Was it because the police started putting two and two together and realising Nicola was saying one thing to the police but something else to the public and that made it more difficult to have a useful press conference?

If Corrie did learn about the pregnancy the weekend before his disappearance, I think that explains the feeling that Darroch was holding back about the phone call that evening. Corrie's reasons for this excess happiness could have been that he was happy to become a father but Darroch had to hold back the reason to protect April's privacy, so his comments about that conversation at that conference seemed a bit odd. Without that openness it's hard to guess how that news was affecting Corrie and if he was happy or if he was confused and worried. But at the end of the day it is the police, not the public, who have to figure out things like that.
A big thank you to all of you for continuing to post in Corrie's thread and for caring about him. It's such a tragic case I wish the family drama could be avoided. It is awful a baby is well on the way and Corrie isn't here.
A big thank you to all of you for continuing to post in Corrie's thread and for caring about him. It's such a tragic case I wish the family drama could be avoided. It is awful a baby is well on the way and Corrie isn't here.
I think a lot of us want to see the end of the LF saga one way or another. The mystery is no nearer being solved ATM. Till then I will still check in, at least till that baby is born safe and well, anyway. Let's hope the baby can heal the family rift.
Thanks for your thanks, greg.
My responses in red

I think it's very common for each parent to have different ideas as to how an investigation should proceed, and in many cases they're married and it can lead to future divorce.

We don't know all the details of why Sulsar decided to search in those places, but I don't think they were out there for fun or to provide 'tragic' images to get publicity for Nicola's ego.

I don't for minute think it was for NU ego however I do think it was a good way to keep the story in the press alongside public interest.

We don't know if the police conference was quite ad hoc and there simply wasn't time to get Martin and Trisha down from Scotland to participate. And ever since then they've both had very different ideas about things like social media. Sure I think the wrist bands are 'silly'? But I can see that all that public support is helping Nicola, so I don't hate her for it, and it helped members of the public feel more for Corrie, and I do think the public interest has helped in getting newspaper stories written, TV interviews, and even getting Corrie's name brought up in parliament with politicians saying the police should spend whatever it takes to find Corrie...when funding is limited that can only be a good thing.

I think all of the above has happened to keep CM out there, so we don't forget and it just not go down as unsolved and forgotten.

I think the Mail were adding in a lot of things from prior interviews and it probably wasn't Martin reiterating all his earlier criticisms, so the Mail have made the article look worse than it needed to. I dislike that Martin and Nicola and Martin and his sons are apparently not communicating and supporting each other effectively through this, but at the end of the day that is their problem and a side issue to the main issue: Corrie being missing and needing to be found and discover what actually happened.

I totally and utterly agree with you but as my comment above and me being cynical. It is a different slant and keeps the story alive and the likes of you and I talking about it.

We've been told Nicola didn't hold back the pregnancy or the dating/sex sites from the police, only from the public. It's the police that matter most for info like that.


I do wonder, though, the police had that press conference with Nicola, Mackeyan and Darroch, but never did another like that. Why not? Was it because the police started putting two and two together and realising Nicola was saying one thing to the police but something else to the public and that made it more difficult to have a useful press conference?

I don't know how to answer that one and am grasping at straws however isn't it well known police do press conference with family to watch body language etc.

If Corrie did learn about the pregnancy the weekend before his disappearance, I think that explains the feeling that Darroch was holding back about the phone call that evening. Corrie's reasons for this excess happiness could have been that he was happy to become a father but Darroch had to hold back the reason to protect April's privacy, so his comments about that conversation at that conference seemed a bit odd.

Totally and utterly agree.

Without that openness it's hard to guess how that news was affecting Corrie and if he was happy or if he was confused and worried.


But at the end of the day it is the police, not the public, who have to figure out things like that.

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