UK - Nurse Lucy Letby Faces 22 Charges - 7 Murder/15 Attempted Murder of Babies #11

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I think if she is found guilty the exceptional seriousness of the offending, and associated premeditation, would qualify her for a whole life sentence in either a prison or a secure psychiatric unit, dependent on expert evaluations of her. The cases where the children who survived were brain damaged have been charged as attempted murder and the sentence for that would put it at the maximum end of the scale already. The judge considers the position of trust as an aggravating feature at sentencing. JMO
Do we know which babies have brain damage:(
10% BBC -


Dr Evans agreed with Ben Myers KC, defending, that he could not rule out infection "for sure".

However fellow expert witness, consultant paediatrician Dr Sandie Bohin, said she had excluded infection.

She told the court: "[Child J] was a well baby. She was ready to go home. Babies who are ready to go home do not have major desaturations which lead to prolonged resuscitation. [...]

Lucy Letby: Baby's seizures did not happen naturally, trial hears
10% BBC -


Dr Evans agreed with Ben Myers KC, defending, that he could not rule out infection "for sure".

However fellow expert witness, consultant paediatrician Dr Sandie Bohin, said she had excluded infection.

She told the court: "[Child J] was a well baby. She was ready to go home. Babies who are ready to go home do not have major desaturations which lead to prolonged resuscitation. [...]

Lucy Letby: Baby's seizures did not happen naturally, trial hears
Oh that’s interesting. It seems like it’s usually dr Evans with the firm opinions excluding other causes and dr Bohinx saying she couldn’t rule out another cause. In this case, it’s the other way round.
For the Special Babies on
Valentine Day :)

You are the ones who stole your parents' hearts for life when they first held you in their arms….

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Parents know you are
smiling and happy now.

They love you to Heaven
and back!!!
I really hope Chester Standard is there today, if they're moving on to Child K.

With two and a half months between Child J at the end of November and Child K in February, I'm interested to see if they will focus at all on what led Dr Jayaram to check up on LL with Child K.

Also I think Child K might be a relatively quick case to present, with her only being at the Countess for a matter of hours, so if Chester Standard misses that, evidence could be finished in a day and they could move on to Child L tomorrow.
I really hope Chester Standard is there today, if they're moving on to Child K.

With two and a half months between Child J at the end of November and Child K in February, I'm interested to see if they will focus at all on what led Dr Jayaram to check up on LL with Child K.

Also I think Child K might be a relatively quick case to present, with her only being at the Countess for a matter of hours, so if Chester Standard misses that, evidence could be finished in a day and they could move on to Child L tomorrow.
And I really hope we get to hear about the murder charge for child k which the prosecution offered no evidence for a couple months before the trial began, leading to a not guilty verdict being entered for this charge. I really want to hear all about why this was originally charged and then abandoned , particularly the medical evidence .

It will be interesting to see if the defence use it to really build on their suggestions that the medical experts are changing their opinions to fit the facts.
It will be interesting to see if the defence use it to really build on their suggestions that the medical experts are changing their opinions to fit the facts.
I'm unsure what you mean. Opinions are formed on facts, and we haven't heard what their opinions were, to be able to say they changed them.

I don't think I've heard the defence say this in more than one case, which was child C. Do you have more examples?
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The trial of Lucy Letby, who denies murdering seven babies at the Countess of Chester Hospital neonatal unit and attempting to murder 10 more, is expected to continue today (Wednesday, February 15).
We will be bringing you updates throughout the day.

I find this suggestion by dr bohin odd.

“Mr Myers says Dr Bohin had said there was no evidence it was in situ as Child I was bottle feeding, so the tube couldn't be in.

"Well, someone could've put one in," Dr Bohin replies.”

im wondering what grounds she has to suggest something like that. Seems to be suggested to fit a diagnosis made before the facts are looked at.
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