UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #8

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They have also repeatedly entered into a property further down road towards that gated entrance I mentioned before, maybe they are using it for access to field but weirdly a neighbouring property would have sufficed, this is 10 or so doors up towards Mill hill
May I add there was a police car outside of this other property a couple of nights before arrest..
I was sexually assaulted in a SW London street about 18 months ago. No injuries, just massively shook up. I reported it online and I think it was well over a week before someone called me to follow up, if that's helpful to the IE scenario.

I was also the subject of an IE about a year before that, and didn't even report it.
Depends really, could have been “Previous Keeper only” which is what you see quite a lot where people won’t update the new keeper so you can spend a while chaser the old keeper to find out who bought it off them. Alternatively if it’s a hire car it may take a few days for the hire company to pass the details of who rented the vehicle from them.
Or a lease car, which is registered to the leasing company - same issue, take a few days to get details.
Re. the tunnels at the cliffs of Dover, let's hope bodies have not been disposed of at sea where they may never be found.

Fortunately, I don't think the likelihood of that is too high. From Western Heights, where these tunnels are located, the closest coastal stretch is a working port - the Port of Dover. So security is quite high.

The area around the actual tunnels is often quite active - very busy with walkers and history buffs by daylight, and urban explorers with torches by dark.

With regards to the disused garage, if there's an entry to the old gun battery through it, then it would indeed be the only access point I know of that you could "park up" by. However, that's also very close to the official viewing area for the port - so wouldn't necessarily be discrete.

I'm hoping this is just a case of the police being thorough, as opposed to acting upon any specific information. Regardless, I've contacted the Met Contact Center to indicate the presence of an additional - and often overlooked - structure nearby.

(I live in SE London myself, but have spent a lot of time mapping out the tunnels of Dover over a few years.)
I keep coming back to this CCTV footage which is really spooking me:

I have been watching the movements of the driver and passenger (car in the front left) on repeat: it doesn't look at all like normal movements from the driver stopped at a red light, and to me it appears as though the passenger in the back is trying to escape / lean out of the window.

As the WS said earlier, the timings do appear to fit... Absolutely horrible if this is SE trying to escape / get help from the passengers in the adjacent cars. Makes me want to cry at the thought of it.
Police search military tunnels near family garage of Sarah Everard murder suspect cop | Daily Mail Online
Interesting bit of background info on WC.

MailOnline can reveal that Couzens had his first armed police job protecting Dungeness Nuclear Power station as part of Britain's Strategic Escort Group. It saw him equipped with a Heckler & Koch G36 rifle as he accompanied nuclear material being transported around the country by road, rail or sea. But the prestige role came to an abrupt end when he suddenly failed his yearly fitness test. It meant he was effectively demoted to guarding the power station building with the travel halted.

If this is correct, then they will have to check if he is linked to cases UK wide.

What time is there the msm update everyone is mentioning?
New from Channel 4 News correspondent, Fatima Manji:

The Metropolitan Police confirmed to Channel 4 News that there were “two separate incidents” of indecent exposure at a fast food restaurant in south London on 28th February

I’d be interested to see if both separate incidents were by same perpetrator. Also if the speed of escalation from IE to more violent offences is usually so quick.
I keep coming back to this CCTV footage which is really spooking me:
I have been watching the movements of the driver and passenger (car in the front left) on repeat: it doesn't look at all like normal movements from the driver stopped at a red light, and to me it appears as though the passenger in the back is trying to escape / lean out of the window. As the WS said earlier, the timings do appear to fit... Absolutely horrible if this is SE trying to escape / get help from the passengers in the adjacent cars. Makes me want to cry at the thought of it.

In the DM today: "Yesterday a CCTV clip showing a woman passenger in a car was being examined." Police search military tunnels near family garage of Sarah Everard murder suspect cop | Daily Mail Online
They have also repeatedly entered into a property further down road towards that gated entrance I mentioned before, maybe they are using it for access to field but weirdly a neighbouring property would have sufficed, this is 10 or so doors up towards Mill hill
How strange
I was sexually assaulted in a SW London street about 18 months ago. No injuries, just massively shook up. I reported it online and I think it was well over a week before someone called me to follow up, if that's helpful to the IE scenario.

I was also the subject of an IE about a year before that, and didn't even report it.

I'm sorry you experienced both of these. I'm hoping more women come forward now as shown in the Libby Squire case these flashing incidents are known to escalate to higher sexual offending. The Police are going to have to have an overhaul of procedures for this type of reporting IMO JMO MOO.
Someone local to me reported a flasher not long ago. The police have told her they don't have the resources to investigate it (also Met police). I wonder if they'll start to find the resources after this?

I think if its proven that WC committed acts of IE before, Police forces across the country are going to have to take them more seriously, Like in the murder of Libby Squires, her murder could have been prevented if Pawel Relowicz had been caught and stopped sooner.
I know people are guessing that there could be multiple bodies, but is it possible that it is such a big and thorough investigation (all bases covered) because the met police are being judged by the whole world on this. They cannot miss anything, and they cannot overlook anything, because it will be scrutinized more than any other case at the moment. Also, there is a police officer involved and the ramifications for him, his family, his colleagues etc is so great if they get it even slightly wrong. JMO
Surely if there two incidents in the same place on the same night, that would warrant a more immediate response? I honestly think the Met's lack of investigation into crimes that are primarily against women, is going to result in a great deal of mistrust.
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