Found Deceased UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #9

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I have been reading this tread all day without posting as I didn’t feel I had a valuable input. @LeopardLeotard has given some amazing insights into the developments.

it’s late, we’re all tired. Instead of arguing the toss about something that doesn’t even matter. How about we all have some cocoa and take a nap. Come back to this when we’re ready to focus on Sarah.

Love your name BTW :)
WC is a 'fan' on LinkedIn of Octopus Cars, which is a monthly-rental electric vehicle service.

Great spot. I haven’t seen his LinkedIn page but will take a look now. Is there anything to suggest he used it more recently than decades ago? His old job is still listed under his name, although perhaps that’s because he wouldn’t be encouraged to state ‘police officer’? Just wondering if the ‘like’ for the car company was more related to his garage job.
MOO Possibly absolutely nothing going on in his life, or nothing that would spark this. If there are triggers, then within a pretty complex brain/personality situation which crimonoligists can pull apart. I'm not an expert but I struggle to see how some difficult situation in anybody's life - be it last week or 25 years ago - would trigger anybody into this chain of events.
Me neither. If that were the case we'd all be evil killers
IMO, kidnap and murder are different crimes, both cause extreme harm to the victim, but in different ways.

Being kidnapped means SE suffered terror for a time, was unable to defend herself or try to get away, another person took complete control over her for an extended period. It emphasizes her being made helpless, rather than being physically harmed. A kidnapper can let the victim go, it doesn't imply assault or murder.

Murder means ending someone's life, it could be so quick the victim didn't suffer. Unfortunately, not in this case.

I don't think this is true. The legal definition of kidnapping is taking someone against their will, either by force or by fraud - both legally, and just on the actual dictionary definition of the word, there is no timescale for this, e.g. someone can be kidnapped and then murdered 2 minutes later, or someone can be kidnapped and murdered 3 years later. Either way, the person has been taken against their will.

Just because someone is kidnapped, then murdered, does not mean there was an extended period between those two things occurring <modsnip>
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To put it bluntly it looks the sort of place that if something hadn’t led police there wouldn’t be searched in a million years. Kent alone is 1,442 sq miles. In theory there are other counties around that could also be possible locations. There are 10’s of thousands of discreet rural locations

One of the most intriguing things is still what led police there. I thought ANPR or phone triangulating but don’t feel they did. ANPR would have stopped being useful way before the rural backlanes and not sure that far out triangulation will be that accurate to pinpoint even if he they tracked a phone.

It’s an enigma because they seemed to very quickly go to a specific area of a large site.

But without a lead to check there this could possibly be a very different case

Jmo and trying to tread very lightly here but I feel they may have had a tip off to check that area after someone reported something. As I say, just a guess and moo.
Just my thoughts....I think he is trying to kill himself.
He has no materials to use So imo he's charging into a wall to cause maximum injury, theo escape justice.
He successfully knocked himself out.
I think he will keep trying.
I said this afternoon to a family member they need to put him in a padded cell .

My Thoughts Too. They Need To Physically Stand In that Cell And Watch Him Tonight!
Quick question while trying to catch up so apologies if it’s already been asked.

he’s due to appear in court tomorrow I gather, so question for legal people or anyone else that knows, will this just be sort of routine to confirm charges or is this when he pleads guilty or not?
just to appear confirm name address and understand the charges. Then the judge will say this case is too serious for this court and commit to Crown Court on such a date.
R.I.P Sarah

Yet another case followed on here that ends up being some carrying out unthinkable evil to fulfil some sick need of theirs.
I’m sad for Sarah, and her family. I’m sad for the innocent kids of this monster, who will be confused and scarred for life. I’m sad for women who can’t simply walk down the road. Feels like an unwinnable battle, where we just wonder when the next tragedy will come. Depressing
Wow, I really thought that cctv image looked like WC but I see they already convicted someone else for this horrific attack.

I do think WC looks so different in some of his pictures that you’d literally not recognise he’s the same person at times. His face completely changes when he smiles and he goes from looking muscular to podgy in various pics. I know others have suggested he might have had steroid help there which to me looks possible. Just my opinion.

ETA: photo credit Kent Online & Daily Mail and placed side by side by me for comparison
Yes thats the photo of him that came to my mind when thinking of the similarities. Glad to hear the man was jailed.
I agree and in UK law, the person would have to be psychotic to have some sort of defence for murder, ie. they didn't know what was going on at the time and they lost touch with reality. I am 99.9% sure that he knew what he was doing, he's messed up to some degree but he knew what he was doing for his own selfish needs.

If he'd stabbed her in the street, carved into the road something about an allmighty power and then sat down and started praying until he was arrested - I'd give psychosis as a legit possibility. Fact is he's attempted to dispose the body and has carried on with his job.
The definition of 'by force or fraud' means that she could have gone 'willingly' if she was persuaded by fraudulent means.

They either have evidence he did it forcefully or fraudulently. I'm thinking either video of it being forceful, a confession from either him or his wife, or some other evidence he used fraudulent means.

Ah thanks for that. I was struggling to think how there could be evidence of being persuaded by fraud, but I was only thinking of visual evidence such as cctv footage and hadn't thought about the possibility of other evidence.
Does the charge of SE's kidnap and murder imply that LE didn't find evidence of other, historic crimes?
Also I really hope to god they monitor him 24/7. I hope he lives an extremely long life, so he has to live with his conscience and all the **** he will get in prison. Evil ****.
Sarah Everard: Met PC Wayne Couzens charged with murder

Paragraph in the middle of article on the BBC confirming the second hospital trip for head injuries-

“Before the charges were confirmed, Mr Couzens was taken to hospital for a second time in two days after being found with head injuries inside his cell.”

OMG so this happened twice? Wild. They must have ways of preventing this in custody (eg. restraints)?

This is purely speculation but I think sometimes certain men who go into a career like law enforcement do it not just because of the power it gives them, but also respect and validation. It seems he led a double life - respectable family man with wife and kids living on a nice street vs. acting on his nasty fantasies that no one knew about. For someone to be in that position, and then to be exposed to the public, I can see why they might be completely unable to face the consequences and therefore be intent on self harm. MOO
Great spot. I haven’t seen his LinkedIn page but will take a look now. Is there anything to suggest he used it more recently than decades ago? His old job is still listed under his name, although perhaps that’s because he wouldn’t be encouraged to state ‘police officer’? Just wondering if the ‘like’ for the car company was more related to his garage job.
Yeah he's moaning about customer service six months ago.
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